Introducing The Sunday Showcase…

Happy Sunday, dear readers! Today I am sharing something a little different with you and introducing a new monthly blogger link up that will go live the first Sunday of every month. This link party is hosted by three of my very good blogging friends, Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood, Chrissy of Granola and Grace, and Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag. I was so honored when they reached out to me to be the very first co-host for this new link up.

*This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.

This new link up is being introduced at the perfect time as I just shared with you all the benefits of link parties and how they can help you reach larger and different audiences as well as discover new blogs to follow and make some fabulous blogging friends along the way. In fact, I’m pretty sure that I met Ada, Chrissy, and Kellyann through blog link ups. Whether it was a link up hosted by them, by me, or by someone else, I don’t quite remember. But link ups are such a great way to network and navigate your way through the hundreds of millions of blogs that exist on the internet today.

Ada, Chrissy, and Kellyann have a taken a different approach to this link up in a few ways. It will be published only once a month, on the first of the month, and will remain open for 2 weeks. Most link parties are weekly events. There are three constant co-hosts with an invited co-host every month which gives the opportunity to meet someone new each month. The link up will go live on Sunday which is generally a neglected day of the week in blogland. There’s never too much going on as people generally are spending time with family and preparing for the upcoming week, etc. I am one, however, who finds Sundays a great day to catch up on blog work that was pushed aside on Friday and Saturday so I welcome a new link party on a Sunday! These fabulous ladies have decided to name this link party The Sunday Showcase with an open theme for you to showcase anything you desire.

For my post today, I am showcasing a Winter outfit that is starting to feel like Spring. Let’s face it, we are still in Winter..for at least a few more weeks. Probably longer for me. I am wanting to feel the Spring vibes, but I also am just too cold. This is the time of year I start reaching for wardrobe pieces in lighter and brighter colors, but I still need adequate coverage so as not to suffer from hypothermia. I recently found this long sleeve boho dress on the clearance rack at Target and it is perfectly suited for this time of year. I can still pair it with some Winter pieces like over the knee boots and velvet. My favorite ivory fur collared coat is also perfect for this transitional time.

*Boots: Charlotte Russe Metallic Heel Over the Knee Boots. (Currently, on sale for $19.99).

*Coat: Target (from a few years ago).

*Gloves: Torrid. No longer available.

You can see in some of these photos how the wind was whipping around like crazy, showing off my shape wear shorts and the tag on my dress and apparently turning my coat pocket flaps all wonky (actually that one was probably not the fault of the wind and just my own lack of attention to detail…I was freezing, after all). I wore this outfit for my weekly Wednesday morning ladies’ coffee date. Every Wednesday, an amazing group of women meet up at our local Panera for coffee, breakfast, and super fulfilling conversation. It is a nice way to break up the week and I look forward to this standing date to be able to just relax for a bit and forget the mundane every day routine that sometimes gets me in a funk. And it is the perfect reason to get all dressed up! Because why the heck not? Life is short and girlfriends are awesome and I am firm believer that every day is an occasion so I will dress for it!

*Dress: Knox Rose for Target. No longer available. Similar here

*Scarf: Cato Fashions (from a few years ago).

Now if I could get a girls’ coffee date on the books with Ada, Chrissy, and Kellyann, I would be a seriously happy girl! Perhaps one day we will schedule a virtual coffee date of sorts. That might be fun!

So now, without further adieu, I present to you…The Sunday Showcase! A multi-blogger hosted link up where you can showcase your favorite posts and network with some amazing folks in the world of blogging. Have fun, enjoy the party, and spread the word!

Be sure to check out what the hosts are showcasing on their blogs today, too! Just click the photo and it will direct you right there.

Welcome to a brand-new linkup called "The Sunday Showcase". This is a Sunday linkup party held on the first Sunday of each month and it is your time to 'Shine' and 'Showcase' anything you like!!

This is a collaboration among Elegance and Mommyhood (Ada), Granola and Grace (Chrissy) and This Blonde's Shopping Bag (Kellyann) and this week we have a co-host, the lovely Shelbee on the Edge (Shelbee), so please kindly follow ALL of your hosts today and include a link to our linkup. We also have a cute button for you to grab if you like.

Blog-hop around, link up anything you are showcasing in your blogs lately, be inspired and have a lot of fun!!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.



      Thanks for stopping by, Nancy! I cannot take credit as I am just the guest host, but I am super excited for my fab blogging friends and their new link party! Spread the word! And have a wonderful Sunday as well!


  • Kellyann

    Sweet, sweet Shelbee! I am so happy you joined us. I so wish we could all get together for coffee or alcohol – ha! After the coffee date I would beg you to bring me to your house so I could try on all of your boots and booties because dang gurl you have so many fabulous pairs! All styled beautifully!!!! This outfit is amazing – those boots are doing all the talkin’ and I love them!
    I figured out that yes, it was a link up that helped me find you last year. I had just styled a blue and white gingham dress from Target and I say you had too! Incredible, I think you and I are like minded and that just gives me all the good feels.
    Happy Sunday sweet friend and I am so happy you joined us today!


      Aw, Kellyann! We are very much like-minded, I believe! And if I had my choice of kitchens, it would absolutely be just like your remodeled one! The kitchen is the heart of the home, in my opinion. And I would totally let you play dress up in my closet! There are a lot of boots in there, for sure. Thanks again for inviting me to join as your guest. I will be linking up with you all every month! And if we do ever cross paths in real life, the first round of drinks is on me!


  • ADA

    You are the best person to have as the very first co-host of this fabulous new linkup. You spread kindness and sparkle to everyone and our friendship over the last couple of years hasn’t gone unnoticed. Thank you for everything!!

    This outfit is wonderful. I see full on Bohemian with a very elegant coat over it. I mentioned on my blog too how fun those super awesome OTKs are.


      Ada, thank you so much, my dear friend! I am just doing my little part in this giant world to keep a sparkle alive! I appreciate you and your friendship very much and am so honored to be your very first guest co-host!



      Jodie, you always amaze me with your fabulous comments! By the way, I am planning to come to LA for the Forever Fierce meet up in the Fall (if that happens), so hopefully I will get to meet you in real life! I know for certain I will be screaming and jumping up and down like a school girl if that happens! xoxo

  • Nicole at High Latitude Style

    This outfit so screams spring! The boots are head turner. Great team for the linkup. I know Chrissy 3D and in color. She is so fun to be with. I can’t wait for her to visit Fairbanks in summer. Thanks for inviting me to the party. My Top of the World Style party will be back in mid March. Have a great week.


      Thanks so much, Nicole! I do hope some day that I get to meet Chrissy in person! She is seriously the coolest gal ever. And man, would I love a trip to Fairbanks! However, I don’t think I can swing that trip in the near future. Maybe some day! I look forward to your link up getting back in the swing for Spring! I hope your weekend was amazing.


  • Rena

    Shelbee, you have a marvelous way of spinning boho into a fun and flirty look that’s not too sweet or something that looks like a Renaissance Faire costume. Those boots are fantastic and the color combo is fabulous. Congratulations on your co-hosting gig with this new linkup collaboration. I hope that you’ve had a wonderful weekend and there’s an awesome week ahead coming your way.



      Rena, thank you so much! I definitely was feeling the flirty vibes in this outfit! Soft blushes and pinks were always a little too sweet and girly for my taste, but I have been embracing that bit of femininity lately. My weekend has been great so far. I hope yours has as well!



      Michele, thank you so much! I am not sure how I do it all either…I call it fumbling forward! That pretty much sums it up! I hope you had a wonderful weekend, my friend. And thanks for joining the party.


  • Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom

    I just LOVE the colors in this outfit. So pretty together and on you! I love the boots, too and that coat!! I am always catching up on blog stuff on Sundays, such a perfect day for a party!


  • Marilee Gramith

    This little blush colored, patchwork dress is really cute on you Shelbee. You’ve also made it very wearable with the tights and OTK boots! Are those boots fairly easy to clean up? White boots are beautifully risky if there not …?
    I’m really hoping that you didn’t get hit by this recent round of unseasonably nasty weather. You look like you’ve adopted a Spring attitude regardless of what Mother Nature doles out.


      Jude, thank you so much! I was definitely feeling girly the day I wore this dress (actually, I think it was Valentine’s Day when I donned all this pink and blush). I do have a few pairs of light colored sueded boots and so far I haven’t too much trouble keeping them clean. But only time will tell, I suppose! And yes, unfortunately, we did get the winter storm that swept the northeast…and more snow in the forecast almost every day this week. But I still have lots of velvet and cozy sweaters to style, so I will just embrace the winter weather a bit longer. Have a wonderful day, my friend.


  • Chrissy

    Well Shelbee. I hope I don’t sound repetitive, but you did it again. You styled a fabulous boho get up with all the great trends and mixed in sweet reviews and plugs for your blogger friends! Thank you! And I love that dress with those OTK boots. I mean – those boots are pink!!!!


      Thanks, Chrissy! You are so amazing with all of your beautiful comments and your even more beautiful soul! It seems I really have a thing for pink lately, too! I was never the girly type to love pink, but something has changed in me during these midlife years! I hope you have a fantastic week, my friend.


  • Maureen

    Yay! So happy for another link up opportunity. There are so many blogs out there and while I would like to visit each one the numbers are just overwhelming. But link ups has made it easier and therefore, yay! Lol 😀 Love your OTK boots with the golden heel such a fun shoe to have and it pairs perfectly with your boho dress. I know Spring is just around the corner so let’s hope that Winter slows down a bit with the cold weather tantrums!

    Maureen |


      Maureen, thanks so much! I am so glad that link ups have helped you to find your way around the many blogs out there. And I do hope the color weather tantrums stop soon. I was out taking photos today and nearly froze to death! Have a fantastic week!


  • Lorena

    Congrats on the initiative Michelle ! and I am all for thank pink and burgundy look. In fact I am wearing the same combo, summer version – on today’s post.


      Aw, thanks so much, Alicia! I was definitely laughing a lot because the wind was really giving me a hard time! And yeah, the big statement sleeves may look cute but they are so impractical! Actually, the day I wore this I had to make a cheese and fruit tray for my son’s class and I had to take the dress off completely because the sleeves kept getting in the way. My husband found it to be a hilarious sight of me standing in the kitchen in tights, shape wear, and over the knee boots, arranging slices of cheese on a tray!


  • Kristin

    Those are some killer boots, lady! I have been wanting to wear my faux suede OTK boots but honestly it has been too cold for them…now that it’s warming up I think I’ll be able to wear them a bit before spring really hits. And that bow detail on your gloves is adorable! I love dressing up warm weather clothes with adorable hats, scarves, and gloves.


      Kristin, thanks so much! My feet definitely cold in these thin suede boots, but I tough it out and don’t stay outside too long! It is a small window though where we have mild enough weather that is not too hot or too cold for this type of boot.


  • Claire

    Such a great look Shelbee. Your boots are great and your dress is so pretty 🙂 Love this look. Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at Creative Mondays. Have a great week and we hope to see you soon!

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Shelbee on the Edge