Inspired by Pinterest: Pink Tights & Denim Shorts

With every day feeling nearly the same as the day before and the day before and the day before, I am seriously struggling with creating content for you all. But I am trying my very best to keep things light hearted and fun, interesting and positive. Sometimes the fun is just in wearing bright colors and crazy clothes because in all honesty I don’t do much these days except homeschool my kids, work on my blog, read when I can, and watch movies and television series when my brain is too exhausted for anything else. Overall, these weeks spent in lockdown have made me lazier than I have ever been. I do the bare minimum and usually by 3:00 p.m. (sometimes as early as 10:00 a.m.), I reach for the pipe and officially begin my chill time. I am not necessarily proud of my lack of motivation or using the excuse of self-care for spending a large chunk of my time flitting around my house in stoned bliss. But I am proud of the fact that I can exist in this time of seeming turmoil in a mostly relaxed and anxiety-free state. I feel like the longer I can allow myself to remain at peace, the easier it will be to make inner peace a habit with some staying power. So I guess I will just continue flitting around here, enjoying the comforts of my home, the crazy of my children, and the benefits of my weed.
pink tights, denim shorts, plaid top, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
pink tights, denim shorts, plaid top, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
pink tights, denim shorts, plaid top, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
pink tights, denim shorts, plaid top, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Over the past two months, I have become more and more frustrated with most social media platforms and so I hang around those places as little as possible. But Pinterest, it does not annoy me. It has all the pretty pictures of fun fashion and anything else that might possibly intrigue me and so I can scroll through that platform anxiety-free. And then I find super cute outfits, like this one from DeviantArt, that inspired me to actually put on real clothes and take some photos.
DeviantArt on Pinterest
I loved the angle of this shot and so we figured we would give it a try. I really kind of like it!  
I wore this outfit to out for ice cream on Sunday. So I changed my shoes from black stilettos to white loafers instead so I could comfortably walk from the car to the harbor to the ice cream stand and back to the car. And I even got Radical Ralphie to stop for some photos. I will have a post on Monday featuring his favorite patriotic summer time outfit. Sunday was a beautiful day to talk a short walk around Sackets Harbor, New York. It wasn’t crowded but there was enough human (and dog) activity to keep it interesting. We must have been quite the sight to passers by though…me in my bright pink tights and stilettos posing for pictures in the most unnatural ways, Ralphie in all red, and Archie and Jeff in gray sweatpants and tee shirts. A motley crew to say the least.
pink tights, denim shorts, plaid top, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
pink tights, denim shorts, plaid top, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
I really like the black stilettos with this outfit because they make my legs look super long. But I kind of liked the white loafers as well. They have the same amount of drama but in a different way and they obviously are much more comfortable. Which shoes do you like better?
Before I end, I do want to pose one last question to you all. Since I am struggling so much with creating content, is there anything specific that you would like to see here? I am open to any suggestions from fashion to mental health to general lifestyle topics. Any input you can give would be greatly appreciated! Plus I want you to enjoy this little space as much as I do, so I want to provide topics that interest you. Thanks so much for all of your support! Keeping it on the edge, Shelbee Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties. Shop my outfit… Outfit Details: Shirt and jacket-Old Navy / Shorts-Old Navy / Tights-Sock Dreams / Stilettos-Payless / Loafers-Steve Madden from DSW / Hat-Kohl’s / Belt-BedStu / Necklace-c/o Happiness Boutique / Earrings-Old

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Michelle

    Shelbee, I think staying chill through all of this is a major accomplishment. Don’t sell yourself short.

    I adore those shocking pink tights! What a fabulous style steal! I like the black stilettos because they seem incongruous with the shorts. But for actually wearing out and about the white loafers look awesome too. I’m sure everyone who saw you got a little thrill in their day. “Why was she wearing stilettos with shorts?” “Look at those shocking pink tights!” “What are they doing?” And for a moment, maybe they were able to escape the pandemic.

    You know what I think would be interesting a series on your favorite outfits and why. You could break it up by seasons, by styles, or whatever other categories make sense.



      Michelle, thank you so much! I am really struggling today emotionally but after a few phone calls with my support network, I am starting to feel better. I am also wearing a bright pink sweater right now because the color cheers me up! I like that idea for a series. In fact, Nancy and I have been trying to come up with a new idea for a series. I will have to pitch this to her. I hope you are staying well, my friend.


  • Anne M Bray

    TBH, I was digging the outfit until I scrolled down to the pumps and then, NOPE. Maybe the pumps are the wrong kind of slutty? They look too much like business power boss shoes from the 90s. You need proper hooker heels (you know, those awful platforms all the fashion bloggers were wearing in the 2012s. But damn, those things are hard to walk in!) or something else entirely.
    LOVE the pink tights with the cut-offs, the flannel shirt, the fedora. The loafers are OK, but. Even better — how about a pair of your sassy cowboy boots? Thigh high boots? Converse?
    THOSE tights! I must have a pair of Barbie pink tights! Except that it turned Summer here and I’m not wearing tights to swan around in during work-at-home. I’ll postpone that expenditure until next fall.


      Anne, my friend, thank you for being honest! But I had to do the pumps because the Pinterest girl was wearing the pumps! I don’t think I could comfortably even attempt the proper hooker heels that you are referring to though! However, Converse would be super cute. Now if I had thought of that, I might have worn them instead of the white loafers! But alas, all of my Converse are in a bin that is underneath another bin that is filled with sweaters that is underneath a giant heaping pile of clothing that have no hangers and I was just too darn lazy to start moving all that crap around to find a pair of Converse. I do like thigh high boots with shorts and tights but I don’t think I would like them with the plaid shirt, for some reason. Lots of ideas flying around though! And yes, you need some bright pink tights! These are from Sock Dreams. And I suppose this snowstorm that is about to hit the Northeast is not going to cool things off for you in California!


      • Anne M Bray

        A snow storm? Oh no. Just in time for Mother’s Day! So you can spend it indoors with the hellions! Woohoo!
        My mom, down in Oneida County, is on day 12/14 of self-isolation after driving home from South Carolina. She’s going nuts! She has fed the birds 25 pounds of birdseed! (Is she fattening them up for, um, bird stew? Haha).

        As for the shoe issue, OK, your Converse location description is both funny and relatable. As you know, I moved the location of my computer desk, which helps me stay chained to it the requisite 32 work-at-home hours per week. In doing so, I had to move an antique bureau (with a marbe top that’s friggin HEAVY) that held random old computer gear and a bunch of those plastic drawer storage units that have all my clothing not on hangers. The drawers are shifting around the room like shifting sands. I have moments like “WHERE ARE MY [GD] PANTS?” Hahahaha.


          Oh no! I feel for your mom! But I am a little jealous that she was in South Carolina. I so desperately want to visit North Carolina, my favorite place on earth! If she does make bird stew, I wanna hear about it! Our bunny was not doing well the past few days and I was afraid rabbit stew was in our near future. But he is good now, thankfully. I really don’t have it in me to deal with a dead bunny right now! Or a snowstorm in the middle of May for that matter. I am not really feeling up for all that. But I did get a good laugh out of your rearranging predicament. I can totally see it! Just as I am certain you could envision my Converse dilemma! Now go find yourself some pants! HAHAHAHAHA

  • Melissa Cuentas

    Loved this! At first I was not sure about the shoes but then as I kept on scrolling down saw the girl from the inspo and I got the idea on what you were aiming for! It turned out better than expected, I love the extra accessories you’ve added, you nailed it! Not something I would wear but you did it great! 🙂

    Have a lovely day!
    XO, Melissa


      Thanks so much, Melissa! It was fun to recreate this look. I have worn stilettos with shorts before but in a dressier way and I loved the look. This was a little bit out of my comfort zone but I definitely had a good time playing around with crazy styles! And the bright pink added a little extra bounce to my step.


  • Patrick Weseman

    You nailed the outfit perfectly. Very nice. Love it with or without the heels.

    I am having trouble creating content also. I am an event person and everything has been canceled, so I am trying my best and that is all we can do.

    I think that you are doing a wonderful job and keep it up.

    When I break out highlighting my autographs, then you know I am desperate for content.

  • Kellyann Rohr

    The black stilettos all the way, baby! Your legs are gorgeous and nothing showcases great gams like a heel. You did a great job re-creating this look my friend, I am so glad you shared it with us on the Style Six – I think this is my FAVORITE look!

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Shelbee on the Edge