Inspired by Pinterest: Jeans and a Blazer

I have been riding the struggle bus this week. Actually, I feel less like I’m on a bus ride and more like I got run over by the struggle bus. No joke. This premenopausal stage of life is not for the weak. And I am feeling pretty damn weak. There is not enough caffeine in the world to battle the debilitating fatigue that hits me every month the week before the dreaded menstrual period arrives. Granted my period itself is not so terrible anymore, but the PMS symptoms are absolutely life altering. I simply cannot function. I want to curl up in my sweatpants, eat all the Doritos and ice cream, cry over romantic comedies, and go to bed by 6:30 p.m.

Getting dressed takes more effort than I have to give and writing becomes nearly impossible. In fact, I sat down earlier in the day to write this post and I fell asleep at my desk. Literally, head nodded down, drool spilled from the corner of my mouth, and I called it quits. I made my way to the couch where I effectively passed out until my ridiculously small bladder woke me up about 50 minutes later. If not for the severe urgency to pee, I may have slept the entire day away.

And now I am sitting at the boys’ karate practice, still lethargic and sleepy even after consuming an entire pot of coffee between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m., trying to type words that may have just the tiniest bit of interest in them. But I fear I am failing even at that. I apologize that I have lost my pizazz. Somebody make me some crybaby soup!

In any event, I did get dressed on Sunday because my sister was coming to visit us for the first time since we moved to Northern New York over 6 years ago. Since I actually put together an outfit that was inspired by something I saw on Pinterest, I used the opportunity to get some photos to share. And here it is.
I love the contrast of a structured blazer paired with casual denim and I am always drawn to outfits that possess these components. It is a little more conservative than I usually dress, but that is the beauty of wearing whatever we like. We are not locked into a style box of one specific genre. We can decide to be whatever we want to be each and every day when we are choosing what to wear.

On Sunday, I guess I was feeling a bit like a boss lady. So I grabbed my favorite gray cashmere sweater, some boyfriend jeans, and added a tailored black blazer, patent leather loafers, and a gray leopard print scarf. A burgundy clutch added just enough color to an otherwise drab palette.

That’s all I have for today…because the struggle bus is ready to pick me up for the next leg of my premenopausal journey. I hope I arrive the destination soon!

Have you entered the ribbon scarf giveaway yet? Just click the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the post. We will be accepting entries until October 16.
Also, have you followed Maureen’s new Facebook page for her blog Little Miss Casual? She is one of the most supportive bloggers out there, so let’s all show her some amazing support and help build her Facebook following! While you’re at it, won’t you follow my Facebook page, too!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Shop my look…

Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
That is such a sharp look!!
Thanks so much, Tamar! A little out of my norm but I was digging it.
Hope you feel better soon, that is not fun!
Thanks so much, Mireille! I am heading out soon to meet my ladies’ group for coffee. That usually boosts my mood and gets me motivated and inspired. I hope you have a fantastic day!
Cool inspiration 🙂
Thanks, Kinga! Have a great day!
I’m sorry pre-menopause is busy showing you who is boss. I remember that week before fatigue well. Sometime in my 40’s coffee began to do this weird thing: one or two cups would wake me up, and too much would put me right back to sleep. My cousin had told me that coffee affected her this way, and at the time, I thought that was pretty weird – then it happened to me.
Very cute outfit. And good for cool Fall weather.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I am starting to notice that about coffee as well. If I drink too much, it sort of does the opposite. But yet I keep drinking it when I am feeling sluggish. Will I never learn?!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very classic and nice.
Thank you, Patrick! Have a great weekend!
stephanie vainer
I hope you start feeling a bit better, I’m totally not looking forward to being pre-menopausal. I already struggle with horrible PMS and I can imagine how much worse it must be… But you are looking fabulous regardless. Hope you have a better week ahead.
Stephanie Vainer | a learning story blog
Stephanie, thanks so much for sharing your struggle with me. I always had bad PMS, too, but nothing like this! And I didn’t even talk about the rage I feel. Oh my poor kids and husband! I definitely notice a difference since I haven’t taken my soy protein in about 6-8 weeks. So I need to get back on that. It really helps! May we all find some resolution to these awful symptoms of being female!
Joyce Marie Nicholas
Hang in there! Menopause marks the beginning of a new phase of life. No more planning events around a very erratic biological time piece. It means someday being a grandmother and also not giving a damn what others think. My Hindu friends have a name for it, Sannyasa. To them it is a time of freedom, a opportunity for spiritual growth and to find one’s true self. Judgement of self and other is reduced and the importance of material things is diminished. Personal focus is on liberation. I am at Sannyasa now and I love it. The best is yet to come, Shelbee. Namaste! Joyce
P.S. Read about my trip to India last year in my bolg, The Autonomous Traveler. I learned so much from my time in that country and from its wonderful people.
Joyce, thank you so much for this! Other than the crazy hormonal side effects, I already have reached many of these places of Sannyasa. I don’t give a damn about what others think, I live my truth bravely and authentically, I embrace all things good and kind, I remain open at all times to what the Universe decides to put in my path, I accept it all gratefully, and I thank God every day for the blessings in my life. Now if I could not be so darn fatigued and cold all the time, I think it would be the perfect place t be! Although it is still pretty perfect even tired and cold.
I have always related very closely to Hindu beliefs, so I will definitely check out your post about your trip to India. I have much to learn still, as we all do, and I am so grateful to have met you on this journey! You are going to teach me lots.
Amy Christensen
Shelbee, I love this outfit and I also love your honesty with the struggle. Unfortunately, post menopause is no picnic either with dry vaginas and itchy privates due to thinning skin…ugg! I think our best life was in our early thirties and when I was that age, I had two little kids and didn’t realize, I should be relishing the moments rather than wishing them away. But, on a brighter note, it is nice to not have a period any more and there are things that can be done to help with some of the post menopause issues. Hang in there sweetie! It will get easier and don’t be afraid to take that nap, and pamper yourself. I’ve also heard that diet and exercise can help too…although with that it is getting past the brain fog and the fatigue to actually do anything. Ha, ha. Hugs! – Amy
Amy, thank you so much for keeping it real! It is nice to know other women who have been through it or are going through it. Knowing that it does get better at some point. Right now I do believe that poor diet and no exercise is much to my detriment. I haven’t taken my soy powder in about 6 weeks and that makes a hugely positive difference in my symptoms. I am back on that next week once my order arrives. I also am trying some new multivitamins. Fingers crossed! I need a nap now! I hope you are having a great weekend!
You nailed it Michelle – nicely done. I really like the loafers and socks 🙂
Thanks so much, Lorena!
jess jannenga
I understand where you are coming from! I beleive I am in Menopause, but I am on BC pills -long story short ,as my EDS combined with periods caused my pelivs to dislocate from the laxity during that time. The BC pills resolved that problem. Now, I understand as I have fatigue, night sweats, hot flashes, mood changes, the gamut. I hate feeling tired all of the time! I get it.. hope you get some ways for relief soon!
Love this look, its up my alley! I am a blazer girl and love neckscarves. This is a very stylish look and I love the rolled up jeans with the grey socks. Looks great!
Jess, thanks so much! I remember having some of this menopause talk with you over lunch and your poor husband had to sit there and bear it! Hahaha! He is such a good sport! I haven’t taken my soy protein in like 6 weeks, but I just ordered some and it should be here in a few days. I definitely notice an improvement in symptoms when I have the soy in my diet. I also have ordered some new vitamins with B complex which I am hoping will make a difference, too. I am sure I will post updates as I find things that help with symptoms. It is important to share our knowledge and experiences with each other as we navigate through this time of life. Thanks for being awesome!
Such a great outfit! Love it!
Thanks so much, Leelo!
Such a fun take on your outfit inspiration! Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling under the weather though! Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp 🙂
Thank you, Mica! Things are looking up now! Have a great week, my friend!