Inspired by I Do deClaire: Leggings Outfit & Link Up On the Edge #130

I wanted to share my inspired look yesterday on the blog, but life just seemed to get away from me. We are snowed in. Again. And while my intention was to take advantage of the unexpected free time at home and catch up on some writing, I decided instead to take a nap, drink some wine, and make homemade pirogies with my neighbor. As it turns out, that was much better for my soul than writing at that moment. A mere 24 hours later, I find myself snowed in. Again. As the second wave of blizzardy conditions is pummeling us into oblivion. Since I have nothing else to write about, except the snow, I figured now was the perfect time to share my super casual leggings outfit inspired by Laura of I Do deClaire.

This outfit is not the kind of “inspired by” look that one would normally expect as it barely resembles Laura’s outfit at all. It is inspired, however, by the fact that I had no idea what to wear on Tuesday and I was getting bored with my daily combination of skinny jeans, oversized sweater, blanket scarf, and tall boots, and Laura shared the most adorable leggings outfits on her blog that day.

I realized that I had jumped off the leggings bandwagon a few years ago, but still have quite a large pile of printed leggings tucked in a remote corner of my closet room. While I knew I did not have any quite as darling as Laura’s plum and black paisley print leggings (be still my paisley-loving heart), I knew that I did have something hiding in there to serve as the basis for something different from my new normal. So a-digging I went. I almost died under the piles of apparel that fell on my head during my leggings excavation, but I found a pair that was bold enough to grab my attention as printed pants went flying everywhere.

I really wanted to copy Laura’s combination with that fantastic chunky knit gray turtleneck sweater, but I could find nothing similar in my mountains of clothing, so I opted instead for a black turtleneck tunic layered under an oversized cardigan and added a blanket scarf per my norm. It’s cold here, my friends, and I simply cannot survive without my blanket scarves.

Normally, I would have chosen tall boots to wear over my leggings. But I was really digging Laura’s pairing of short booties with hers. I do have a pair of flat black booties with gold studs that would have resembled Laura’s much more closely, however, they are very thin and you can see how they would not fair well in this weather. So I went for a heavier pair with a bit more substance and warmth for traipsing through snow mounds.

And there you have it…the story of my outfit perfect for a snowy day, inspired by Laura of I Do deClaire. If you don’t know Laura, do go check her out. She also hosts a fashion link up every Tuesday called Confident Twosday. She shares all sorts of style inspiration as well as lifestyle articles that cover a variety of topics for any mommy on the go. And she is about as kind and supportive as can be! I hope to see you at her link up next Tuesday!

Do share with me some of you favorite style tips for this crazy winter weather. And until next time, please send some sunshine and warmer weather my way. I am freezing. I am buried in snow. I almost blew away during these photos. And I am ruining all of my cute shoes!

And now the featured favorites from last week.
Karen of Lady in Violet shared her post, A Year Round Must for Work: The Gray Flippy Skirt. How perfect is this outfit for work or play? I do love a short flippy skirt paired with tall boots. Super sassy!

Caitlin of Confessions of a Northern Belle shared her post, Why Do I Have to Wear Heels to Look Powerful? This post definitely provides some interesting food for thought. Do give it a read. I would love to hear your opinions on the topic. For me, I do feel powerful in a pair of killer heels, but I also feel equally powerful (and much more comfortable) rocking my favorite flat combat boots.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
Your leggings are so fabulous Shelbee. It really looks cold there – get inside and put the kettle on!! It snowed here all night long and everything looks so beautiful. I have no intention of stepping out in it however haha. Stay warm lovely xx
Thank you, Maria! I haven’t been spending more than a few minutes outdoors if I can help it. And once I am inside for the day, I get right into my coziest loungewear and make hot toddies! Enjoy your picturesque snow and stay warm!
You are always so supportive! Big kisses for you!
Thank you so much, Nancy! Big kisses right back at you, my friend. Have a great weekend.
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Super cute pattern!
Thanks, Tamar! Have a great weekend!
Deborah Stinedurf
I’ve been wearing leggings a lot more lately too although I typically stick to black. This is such a cute look and it’s nice to change things up once in awhile isn’t it? Have a fabulous weekend my friend!
Thanks, Debbie! It is nice to get more creative with my wardrobe. I am getting tired of the same old jeans and sweaters routine. But there is just so much snow and it has been so darn cold, making it difficult to get dressed with any sort of style! I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.
jacqui berry
Laura has inspired you well Shelbee. Stay warm in all that snow – we literally had a pattering overnight – which has now gone! Thanks for sharing your copy today. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thank you, Jacqui! The temperatures are supposed to warm up a bit now for the next few days which will help melt some of the snow. I just hope it doesn’t now cause flooding! Have a great weekend.
Kathrine Eldridge
I loved Laura’s leggings too! You did an amazing job with your look. Great layering! Thanks for the link up.
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Have a wonderful weekend.
Shugunna Alexander
Hi Shelbe, I really like the LOOK in your photos, so fun, look like you are enjoying yourself; which is what it’s all about right. I joined the link up, my second attempt on another blog to put myself out here BUT I didn’t follow your rules, I some how linked the entire blog instead of just post. I know its simple but this 46 year old needs assistance. Could you please tell me how to do it correctly? Thank you!!
Hi Shugunna! I am so glad that you have popped by. Thanks so much! I sent you an email with details for linking up. You probably entered the url for your main blog page. Just click to the post you want to link and copy that url and add it. Joining link parties is such great way to get your blog out there and network with this amazing community of bloggers! Check out my Fabulous Link Ups page for all the parties that I join and meet all the wonderful people! Let me know if you continue to have trouble joining the link parties (there are a few different programs that people use so they may look different) and I will be happy to help you! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance and I look forward to getting to you know you through your blog. Have a wonderful weekend!
Shugunna Alexander
Thank you Shelbee!!
You are very welcome!
When are we going to get a break from the weather? It’s warmer here today but we got more snow overnight. You nailed this recreation! Your leggings are fabulous and you look cozy chic!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! This weather is insane! My kids have had school 5 days out of the last 2 weeks! They are going to be in school straight through the summer if this keeps up. We are expecting warmer weather next week but it may then cause flooding if all the snow melts! You stay warm as well and have a great weekend!
Kimberly Malkiewicz
Gosh, Shelbee, you really put a funny spin even on your horrid climate outfit–haha! I’m glad you survived the clothing avalanche! This is a darling outfit, I completely “get” how it’s inspired, but doesn’t look the same. Stay warm, my friend! How did the pierogis turn out? My husband and daughters made some for Christmas and they are labor in-ten-sive.
Kim, thanks so much! If you lose your sense of humor in the crazy of the daily mundanities, you pretty much lose all the joy, don’t you think? Ha. The pirogies were amazing! We made traditional potato and onion ones and then we made some dessert ones…cinnamon apples, strawberries, and ricotta and blueberry. Those were phenomenal but really difficult to get the filling inside! Definitely labor intensive but there were 5 of us making them in assembly line fashion so it went pretty quickly!
jodie filogomo
This is exactly why it’s inspiration…it doesn’t have to look the same at all, but you got a great idea from Laura.
Let me send some of our warmer temperatures to you, Shelbee..it looks like you could use them!!
Thank you so much, Jodie! I always find such great inspiration from the blogging community when I am running clean out of ideas! And please do send me some kind of weather other than snow! The snow banks are now literally taller than me! And I am cold, oh so cold! Have a great weekend, my friend!
You always get so much snow in the winter! I’m kind of jealous on one hand. I know that I definitely could use a snow day or two. Those leggings look absolutely comfortable!
Nina, thanks you so much for stopping by! We really do get slammed with snow every winter. We live in snow belt off of Lake Ontario so it just a common occurrence here to get feet upon feet of snow. But we like it here. It builds character, I think! Have a great weekend, my friend.
Lisa Richardson
SHELBY! I have that same sweater!!! Great inspo reproduction. Sorry you’re snowed in again. It’s beautiful, but I remember how you just get sick of it! Happy Friday! XO
Thanks, Lisa! Great minds share great style, don’t we? I love how easy this sweater is to mix with other patterns. You can’t see it in these photos, but the print on the leggings has all the same colors as the stripes in the sweater. I also have the same sweater in solid gray. Super cozy to wrap up in on these cold winter days. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend! Enjoy your warm weather…I’ll just be up here shivering. Ha.
Patrick Weseman
Those leggings look nice on you. I hope that the snow breaks for you. Hopefully soon. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you, Patrick! Well, it finally stopped snowing. For now. It will be warmer the next few days so hopefully some snow melts without causing flooding. Have a great weekend!
You are sure rocking that winter style! I like your get up and go, and perseverance in shooting in the cold weather! You have inspired me!
Thank you, Angela! I try to keep it fun and light hearted during these cold winter months, otherwise, I may go crazy! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Cheryl Shops
SNOW-M-G, Shelbee! Hope you are surviving the polar vortex! I, too, have been living in leggings and layered sweaters—I think it’s just the thing to do in winter. Love your take on I Do De Claire’s style—you nailed it!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thank you so much, Cheryl! It seriously does become quite challenging to keep one’s wardrobe interesting in this kind of winter weather. But I am trying my best! I think I may incorporate more leggings into my daily wear now. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
I saw her leggings and loved how she styled them. Now I come over to you blog and LOVE the way you styled yours too. I gotta add some leggings to my wardrobe. 🙂
Xx, Nailil
Thanks, Nailil! It was nice that I had a small collection of leggings to reach for when I got inspired to do us! So I say, yes, definitely add a few pairs to your closet! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Amy Christensen
You look amazing. I have never been much of a leggings wearer, but i do envy gals who pull it off. There are so many cute styles available. So much snow and cold!!! Brrrr. I agree with you, while heels are very empowering, I do prefer my combat boots and a good old fashioned moto jacket! Have a great weekend. – Amy
Thanks so much, Amy! I may be venturing back into leggings-wearing a bit more often now. I just need a little diversity in my outfits these days with all the crazy weather. It can be difficult creating new and interesting outfits when one is freezing. I have been wearing combat boots quite often as well since they are pretty great for the snow…much more so than a pair of heels! I hope you have a lovely weekend.
I love your look Shelbee. It is perfect for this time of the year
Thank you, Rama! I definitely need to be warm and comfortable in this very cold and snowy place where I live! But I do still want to look put together and stylish. Finding new ways to do that can sometimes be challenging. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Hi, Shelbee,
Well, both you and Laura look adorable in your patterned leggings! I’m guessing she doesn’t have QUITE the piles of snow that you do, however!! Lol! Stay warm; judging from that cute coat, it looks like you know how to do that!
xx Darlene
Thank you so much, Darlene! I don’t know if there are too many places that have as much snow as we do here! While we only got 26 inches of snow in this last storm, just 10-15 miles south of us received nearly 7 feet, I think! It is absolutely awe-striking the amount of snow that fell in such a short period of time. I hope you have a lovely weekend. We will be digging ourselves out!
Love your snowy day outfit. Wish we could have a snow day but it’s not looking likely here in Texas! laurensparks.net
Thank you, Lauren! I wish I could send you some snow! The snow banks are officially taller than me! And we still have a lot of winter left where I live. Have a wonderful weekend!
You are so sweet Shelbee! You’ve just made my whole February with this post! Honestly I absolutely love how you made it your own with shopping your closet. You have shown that sometimes it is just a piece or a color that can inspire a whole outfit. And that is what I LOVE about blogging and clothes! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
Laura, thank you so much for the inspiration, for your blogging friendship, and for all of the support that you give me and so many other bloggers! I literally had given up on leggings as regular out of the house clothes until I saw your adorable outfit. Then I decided to give them a second chance. I am so glad that I did. I definitely look to the blogging community for all sorts of inspiration when I am having trouble getting inspired myself! And I am so grateful for all of you. Have a lovely weekend, my friend!
Anna Shirley
Beuatiful snowy pictures. I love your leggings. Perfect comfy look.
Thanks so much, Anna! The snow is very pretty but I do tire of it after months and months of it! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Cheryl Tucker
Loving your leggings! I have missed your posts they are always so great! I have just been totally burned out on blogging and not sure if it is going to pass. Hope you have a great weekend!
Thank you, Cheryl! And I am so sorry to hear that you are burning out. I am still loving the whole blogging thing but I do wonder where it all will lead. It is easy to lose interest and I think it happens to us all from time to time. I am working on some other writing projects though outside of blogging which are keeping me more interested. I will be sure to check in with you more often and see where your road may lead you. I do hope you stick around because you do inspire many! Have a lovely weekend.
Only you Shelbee could make all of that snow and cold look chic and fun! I mean heck, you are totally accessorized! What a super fun cold weather look and I adore your poncho my friend!
Stay warm and keep smiling.
Thanks so much, Suzanne! What else is a girl to do really? Get up, get dressed, get accessorized, and rock on in the freezing cold tundra! Plus my face might possibly be frozen in a smile, so there’s that. Maybe once I thaw out, there’s a frown under there. Hahaha. Have a great weekend!
Great post Shelbee! Funny, but I had tucked my leggings away for a bit and drug them out last week. You know what? We had a “cold” front (40s to 50s – ha!) and I wore a pair of black leggings under a sweater, slept in them and then wore them the next day under a dress. I might have slept in them again that night. I don’t know. Don’t care. lol. Anyway, I like the fun print of yours, as well as looking at the crazy amount of snow you had to trounce through for these pics.! Glad you chose the perogis by the way. have a fab weekend my friend!
Chrissy, you crack me up! So we have a warm front moving in this week (30’s to 40’s-Hahahahaha) so I might be able to wear some dresses and not freeze to death. I cannot even tell you how often I sleep in the clothes I wore during the day and then continue wearing them through the next day. Some of my clothes are more comfy and cozy than my pjs anyway. There is so much more snow on the ground now than when I took these photos, too. But some should melt away in this warm snap coming in! Have a great weekend, my friend.
Emma Peach
I love the leggings and layered knitwear Shelbee! Hats off to you for braving the freezing cold weather!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! I have no choice where I live but to brave the cold weather or stay locked inside for 6-8 months! But we do have some warmer weather in the forecast next week. Have a great weekend!
Susan Marinelli
Hi, Shelbee. You look fabulous! Leggings and a long sweater are my winter uniform, as nothing else keeps me so cozy as that duo. Even jeans. I have a couple pairs of (fake) Uggs, and wear them to avoid ruining my really cute footwear in the snow and muck. They don’t look as good, but no one can see well in a blizzard anyhow! Stay warm and dry.
Thanks, Susan! I agree that this duo is best for the winter months. I also generally wear practical shoes when traipsing about in the snow! But a blogger has to do what she has to do to get adequate photos, too. And that sometimes includes wearing very impractical shoes in the snow! Ha. Have a great week!
Suzy Turner
We’ve got the most beautiful sunshine here at the moment, Shelbee so I’m going to try and send you some pronto! I hope it arrives soon 😉
You look fabulous in those leggings – you really do have lovely legs! I’ve got quite a few pairs of leggings that I usually wear for yoga. I’d never dare wear them where you live because I’d be WAY TOO COLD LOL!! I’d have to wear thermal tights underneath them!!!!
I hope it warms up for you soon, my friend.
Suzy xx
Thanks so much, Suzy! The warmer weather arrived yesterday…we actually had record high temperatures and now it looks like it will be quite mild at least for a few days. I will bask in the glory of it all…except it is raining. Oh well, at least it will wash away some of the snow. Have a fabulous day!
Suzy Turner
YAY for the warmer weather. Bummer on the rain!! Stay dry lol
Suzy xx
I just went out into the warm drizzle to get some photos done! I sort of had to because I have no photos for posts.
Claire Justine
Oh wow, you do have some snow! I have not seen it this deep in year. We always use to get deep snow but rarely see any now. You look lovely and stylish in your layers. Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. I hope you’re having a lovely week 🙂
Thanks so much, Claire! We do get a lot of snow where I live. This year has been particularly consistent with huge amounts of snow fall. Now it is all rainy and icy and I must say I prefer the snow! Have a great week.
You look great in leggings, and they look very cool and contemporary! We have had hardly any snow yet (in London – some parts of the UK have had a lot) so I’m a little envious of your winter wonderland! Thankls for joining #WowOnWednesday Shelbee.
Thank you so much, Gail! The snow definitely makes for a great photo background, but now it is all sludgy and gray with all the rain that we have been having. So not so pretty anymore.