Inspired by Gwen Stefani: The Power of Clothing

Just last week, the Fab 40’s and I brought you some outfit stylings inspired by our favorite fashion icons. If you read that post, then you know that my outfit was inspired by the spectacular Gwen Stefani and that I photographed two separate outfits. I ended up not featuring this particular one for two reasons. The first reason is that I photographed the other outfit in front of murals of rock icons and that seemed to be the perfect setting for the Fab 40’s theme. The second reason being that once I created this look, I realized that it is absolutely something I would have fashioned on my own without inspiration from someone else.

When I spotted this outfit of Ms. Stefani’s though, I let out a little gasp of delight and was like, “Ooh, that is so my jam!” I love the tights and shorts trend, but I have never quite had the nerve to pair stilettos with this combination. I wasn’t all that certain that I could pull off that level of outstanding badass sassiness.

But I figured what the hell, why not give it a shot? With a tiny little sliver of extra confidence, I can strut my stuff with the best of them, can’t I? Maybe. That’s what I told myself anyway. Unfortunately, I had literally no where to go the day we shot these photos, so I changed my clothing right after the shoot. But I must admit, I was feeling all sorts of body confidence and a big ole spike in self esteem…due to the clothes. Whether you believe it or not, clothing has power. And lots of it.

There is a power in how our clothing makes us feel about ourselves. There is a power in the reactions we receive from others in response to the way in which we present ourselves to the world. There is a power that comes from how we adorn ourselves that reflects inwardly and boosts us up on so many different levels. When we dress in the manner in which we want to be perceived, we create that exact persona and it is who we become. Right in that very moment when we get dressed.

But I think there are too many people who are afraid to make those style choices that feel great to them for fear that they will be judged. I hear it all the time in my line of work. I am too fat for that. I am too old for that. I am too young for that. I am too short, too tall, too curvy, not the right shape for that. The people I work with are way too conservative for me wear that. That’s just not me. I would be out of my comfort zone. That is not socially acceptable. People would look at me funny. I just want to blend in.

I used to get teased all the time for my style choices. From elementary school through my college years. People would ask why I was trying to draw attention to myself. They would ask that question as if it were a bad thing. Naughty and forbidden. How dare I make a spectacle of myself. And I would slump down and hide my face and try to be inconspicuous and unnoticeable. When I should have been responding with, “Why are you trying to blend in and be invisible in the crowd, just like everyone else?” Then one day, I grew up and I became proud of who I am and I learned to simply not give a shit anymore. I wear what makes me feel amazing. Every single day.

So to all of those excuses any of you may make about not wearing what makes you feel fabulous…to all of it, I say, hogwash! A big, giant, resounding, bullshit! Wear whatever the hell you want to wear. Be loud. Be bold. Be obnoxious. Be confident. Be different. Be unique. Stand out in the crowd. It is what you were meant to do!

So now I leave you with some powerful words from Gwen Stefani, who is not only my fashion icon, by she is also a very wise woman, indeed.
“Act as young as you feel. You’re not getting older; you’re getting more entitled to be your fabulous self.”
Gwen Stefani
“I have to be creative to be happy.”
Gwen Stefani

“After you make a fool of yourself a few hundred times, you learn what works.”
Gwen Stefani
“If I wasn’t even famous or had any success, I would still wake up and put tons of make-up on, and put on a cool outfit. That’s always been who I’ve been my whole life, so that’s never gonna change. I love fashion. I love getting dressed up. I love Halloween, too.”
Gwen Stefani

“People might think you can turn creativity on and off, but it’s not like that. It just kind of comes out. A mash up of all these things you collect in your mind. You never know when it’s gonna happen, but when it does…it’s like magic.
Gwen Stefani
It’s just that simple and it’s just that hard.”

“Sometimes you have to sacrifice your performance for high heels.”
Gwen Stefani
“Fashion is an extension of your personality, and I’ve always been obsessed. I always want to have something different than everybody else.”
Gwen Stefani

“I think I’ve been able to fool a lot of people because I know I’m a dork. I’m a geek.”
Gwen Stefani
“I have people that are affected by what I do, what I say, and that would be the one place where it gets complicated. But being honest and truthful – I just believe that’s the best way to be.”
Gwen Stefani

“I’ve always been a girl who loves to dress up.”
Gwen Stefani
Have you found clothing that makes you feel powerful and unstoppable? Do you wear it often?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Have you entered the Country Outfitter $500 sweepstakes giveaway yet? Entries will be accepted until July 7, 2019.

Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Oh my gosh, that look is FAB!!
Thanks so much, Tamar! You just made me smile so big! Have a great day, my friend.
This is a quote for you: Why be good, I love being naughty!
You look fab!
Ha, I love that quote, Nancy! Being naughty can be so much fun! Thanks so much, my friend.
Great style choices on this look ,beautiful ,powerful and sexy
Paul, thank you so very much!
You look amazing in that out, well done of having the confidence to wear it. Those shoes are the final classy touch.
Stu, thank you so much! I was definitely feeling sassy because of the shoes!
jodie filogomo
It is hogwash….we need to have fun and enjoy this part of life.
Great job, Shelbee!!
Thanks so much, Jodie! Yay for wearing whatever the heck we want and having fun doing it! Love you, my friend!
Julie | This Main Line Life
You look great! This is a fun theme.
Thanks so much, Julie!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very hot (with all due respect) I love the look and I love the quotes. Great setting for photos.
Thank you so very much, Patrick! I felt pretty darn fabulous, too!
Gwen Stefani is such a fashion icon, and i love how you channeled her style!! Beautiful look!
xx, Elise
Thank you so much, Elise! And I agree with you completely about Gwen’s iconic status!
What a cool outfit!! I love that you even did a high ponytail
Thanks so much, Michelle! I love that you picked up on the high ponytail! Ha.
Kellyann Rohr
My computer is literally melting, dang girl you look so hot!!!! Love this!
Oh my goodness, Kellyann! You are too funny. Thanks so much for that wonderful compliment. You just made my day!
Jacqui Berry
Great job Shelbee, I love the whole outfit. Well done for sharing this. Have a super week Hun. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Marilee J. Gramith
Even for those of us who love fashion, our negative self talk can squelch our creativity, freedom and fun. I takes guts and attitude to push our own envelope.
I think fear of being noticed is particularly unfortunate.
How about wearing this look to a concert? date night? OR with a tulle skirt overlay!!
Rock on Shelbee!!
Jude, you always have the most wonderful insight! I wish I could get out at night more often because I would totally wear this for a night out anywhere really! But life’s obligations and kids are what squelch my creativity sometimes…not so much from a fashion standpoint, but more so that I am just too darn tired to do much of anything past 6:00 p.m. Haha. But I will find somewhere to wear this outfit…because I felt fabulous in it! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your ideas!
Karren Haller
Shelbee you look fantastic, I love the top with the ruffle sleeve they are so popular right now. I just saw so many options when I was out shopping last week. Thank you for sharing on#omhgff
Hope you have a great week!
Karren, thank you so much! U have had this top for about 6 months and this is the first time I am wearing it. I couldn’t quite figure out how to style it before with the sheer fabric. But now I love it!
Anna Marcus
Love your attitude, you look hot.
Thanks so much, Anna! Have a great weekend!
Claire Justine
Great look Shelbee. Love Gwen Stefani style and yours too 🙂
Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. Hope you are having a lovely weekend.
Thanks so much, Claire! Gwen is definitely a style icon that I think most of us can appreciate!
street style city
Beautiful look!!
Aw, thank you!
Helen C.
I may not find the courage to wear whatever I want but I will NEVER judge another person for wearing what she/he wants! Having said that, you look great!!! The 90s are such an insipiration! And they are back in fashion so the ones that are ¨hoarding¨ their clothes, well, we are lucky because there is always a come-back! 🙂
Helen, I love your approach and attitude towards fashion…and I think eventually you will get the courage to wear whatever you want! Just take little steps and start by wearing the daring things at home! I wish I had still had some of my 90’s pieces hoarded away (although I don’t think they would fit me now). And if you still have 90’s pieces hoarded away, I am a little bit envious! Rock it, girl!