Inspired by a Favorite Fictional Character: Regina Mills
Are there any Once Upon A Time fans out there? My husband and I have been watching this series since its inception and it is now in the 7th season. Actress Lana Parilla has played the Wicked Witch for the duration of the series and has been one of my favorite characters throughout as we watched her transition from evil to good. After seven years of character development, she now represents the ability of all people to change their ways as she battles the inherent dichotomy of good and evil that exists within each of us.
*This is not a sponsored post.
While I have adored the costumes that she has donned as the Wicked Witch and as Regina Mills, the Mayor of Storybrooke, it is the style of Roni, the bar owner in the current season, that really has me swooning. I have been telling my husband for weeks that I wanted to create an outfit inspired by Roni’s current fashion choices. And I finally did it. (All items were in my closet so nothing to new to link.)
It is fun to find outfit inspiration from characters on television or in movies. It keeps the daily chore of getting dressed somewhat interesting. You can play a role for the day by dressing like your favorite fictional character. After all, isn’t that what style is about? Exploring different ideas, trying them on to see how they feel, acting the part, and having fun?
In case you were wondering, I did wear this outfit all day. My husband and I went out for a breakfast date after dropping the kids off at school. We went to the amazing Gram’s Diner in Adams, New York, where I enjoyed Eggs Benedict and a Bloody Mary that left me with a killer buzz for the rest of the morning! You can read more about Gram’s Diner in this post that I shared back in the Fall.
Have you ever created an outfit that was inspired by a favorite fictional character? If you haven’t, you should. It really is kind of fun! And in the words of Dawn Lucy, fashion should be fun… at any age.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Is there anything you don’t look good in Shelbee? I love your interpretation of this style, you sure are rocking it! I do hope you can join me on the #chicandstylish #linkup today. x Jacqui Mummabstylish
Aw, Jacqui, thanks so much! This was a fun outfit to create, for sure. And I was feeling all sorts of sassy! I just linked up with you!
Codrut Turcanu
hey Shelbee
I have 3 cats myself… they stay with my parents actually
Keep rocking! 😉
Thanks! Cats rock!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Rock it!! I loved that show at the start, haven’t watched since Elsa showed up!
Thanks, Tamar! It actually hasn’t gotten really confusing and I don’t love it nearly as much as I used to, but I will watch it until the end!
jodie filogomo
We haven’t seen this series, Shelbee, but you embody her perfectly –at least with these photos you’ve shown!!
But I have to ask, how the heck do you get a blog post out every day?? I’m having trouble with 3X a week? LOL!!
Thanks so much, Jodie! I love finding outfit inspiration in different places! And you ask a very good question about my getting out a blog post every day! Ha. So twice a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays, I just do wish list posts which only take 20-30 minutes to put together. Then I usually do one straight outfit post that doesn’t require much deep thinking, just putting some photos up with a little bit of writing. My Sunday Shelbee Says…series and my two link up posts take the most time and effort. And basically I work nonstop Monday through Friday while my kids are at school. And on the weekends, too. I love it so I don’t mind putting in the work. But I do let my commenting on other blogs fall to the bottom of my list of things to do and am not very active on my social media other than some IG posts. So it is sort of a tradeoff, I suppose. I need to find ways to be more efficient! And your 3 weekly posts are heavy in content probably equal to my 6-7 posts!
Lisa Richardson
Shelbee, I’ve got to tell you that before I started reading after the title I really thought you were doing Sandy from Grease. Did you know they were re-releasing it in theaters for a few showings next week? LOL. Anyway, I was just about chuckling at all your pictures where you’re being “evil” because you’ll never convince me there is evil in there, my friend. You look like a hot rockin’ mama!!!!!
Lisa, there is definitely a Sandy aspect to my outfit, for sure! And Grease is one of my favorite movies/shows ever! So I will definitely need top check out this re-release. And I hate to burst your bubble, but there is a little bit of evil within me! Ha! But I am glad that you think otherwise and that I gave you a chuckle. Thanks for the wonderful comment, my friend.
Patrick weseman
Never seen the show but the outfit looks great on you.
Thanks so much, Patrick!
Amy Christensen
I love that show and her character! You nailed it! I especially love the Wonder Woman tee. So many strong women role models. Thanks for sharing your fun idea! – Amy
Amy, thanks so much! We were just catching up on some recorded episodes last night and she was wearing black skinny jeans, a white tee, and a black skinny scarf…I think I need to try that outfit next!
Helen C.
I have no idea what this show is but from what I can tell from the photos, you nailed the look! This is a style that you rarely do (total black, I mean), it suits you so well! It´s so much dressing up!
Helen, thanks so much! I do like an all black look every now and then. It has all the sass and edge that I need!
Melissa @ Loving Life Moore
I just love OUAT, and this outfit TOTALLY brings out the Roni in you! There’s nothing like an all-black ensemble, and this one is definitely kicked up a notch and so fun! Great look!
Melissa, thanks so much! It is such a great show and Regina/Roni is one of my favorite television characters ever. I wish you a wonderful weekend!
That style of shoe seems to be everywhere! I really need to get myself a pair! I love this look! It’s a little different than what you normally do, which is great! Thanks for linking up with Nicole and I for the Top of the World Style link up!
Nina, thanks so much for stopping by! I am really digging this style of shoe right now and even sometimes wear socks with them for an edgier look that keeps my toes warm! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Marilee Gramith
Looking this hot for a breakfast date with your husband had to just add to the fun for both of you! You definitely nailed this actress inspired look Shelbee!
Aw, Jude, thank you so much! It definitely did add to the fun at breakfast!
Claire Justine
Great look Shelbee, love your t-shirt. Great photos. Also loved reading your unicorn post that you shared 🙂
Thanks so much, Claire! I am glad you enjoyed both posts. Have a great day!
Loving your style! You are so chic. Would you like to follow for follow on Bloglovin? 🙂
Thanks so much, Bea! I am already following you on Bloglovin’, but just followed you on IG as well! You have amazing style as well. Have a fabulous day!
You are capturing the essence of your muse wonderfully! I love all of the little elements to this look, as well as the background scenery. It’s been awhile since I have watched Once Upon A Time – may have to check it out again. It is fun to try out a new character every once in awhile. 😉 Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday!
Jennie – A Pocketful of Polka Dots
Jennie, thanks so much! It is always fun to channel a new character and find inspiration in the fun of fiction! This last season of the show is not so great but the earlier seasons definitely were! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.