If Yesterday Were a Fish…& #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #648

If yesterday were a fish, I would have definitely thrown it right back into the waters from whence it came. Not because I felt bad for the fish. Rather because the fish was super stinky. Not the kind of fish anyone would want to keep.
It was one of those days that began in a melancholic way from recently received sad news. And then it seemed to spiral from there. Nothing terrible. Just a series of tiny little annoyances all throughout the day. The sad news delayed my post for yesterday’s Your Own Twist All Zipped Up post. When I finally sat down in my fabulous new living room to write it, I was quickly startled by the sound of my cats wrestling upstairs. We call this kind of feline play The A**hole Olympics because they usually kick off the main event around 2:30 in the morning which causes us to call them effing a**holes. If you have multiple cats, you know how loud and startling the sound of The A**hole Olympics can be.
But I was even more startled when I looked up and saw one of my cats sitting in the living room with me. I thought there is no way that just one cat could be making all that noise. So I gingerly ascended my stairs to find my other cat sitting in the game room staring confusedly at a wall. This left me equally confused.
The noise stopped and I settled back onto my couch to get back to writing when I heard a loud clamoring sound in my neighbor’s driveway which is right on the other side of my chimney wall. It sounded like someone was pulling a very large ladder out of a truck. Knowing my neighbor’s general schedule, I knew that no one was home at that time of day and the noise was loud enough that it prompted me to look out the window. What I saw…an empty driveway. No truck. No ladder. No people. So I walked outside into the driveway and I could hear the rattling from the outside of my house just as loud as from the inside. Something was running around in the chimney or the wall but I had never heard is so loud before.
Well, it scared me enough by this point, that I texted our critter control guy right away. He is on my most frequently dialed number list these days. In fact, he was just here last week because we had a bird that got in through a crack in the chimney and was building her nest in there. He removed the nest and sealed the crack and said, “Keep me posted if you hear any other noises.” I heard more noises, so I kept him posted. It turns out that we are missing a chimney cap and so now the squirrels have added their own event to The A**hole Olympics. It’s called the Vertical Chimney Dash. The goal is to be as fast and as loud as possible.
My chimney is getting capped at 9:00 a.m. today, by the way. So hopefully this will finally keep the critters out. They seem to really like our house and are adamant about getting inside. I have always wanted to be that house where everyone feels welcome and wants to hang out. But this is taking it a bit too far!
So while I was dealing with the critter situation, I received an email notification from Amazon that my recent order was unable to be delivered. My recent order contains 2 full size memory foam mattresses for the boys’ new bunk beds that we are assembling tomorrow. The email notification said they were unable to deliver the mattresses because…wait for this…the mailbox was full. This left me scratching my head wondering if they were actually trying to stuff 2 full size memory foam mattresses into my rather regular sized mailbox.

Then I went outside to see just how full my mailbox really was. It was not very full at all. But it did contain a delivery failure slip from the post office. The slip indicated that they could not deliver the packages because…wait for this…they are too heavy. This also left me scratching my head. Don’t they know the weight of a delivery upon accepting the delivery? So if it is too heavy at that point, then why accept the delivery? Or was it not too heavy when it was shipped but it gained weight during transit so it was too heavy to deliver? I am so confused! This is not a terrible problem, however. We just have to go to the post office today and pick the mattresses up ourselves.
You see, a day filled with unfortunate and tedious events, the kind of day that if it were a fish, I would toss it right back. Have you ever had one of those stinky fish days?

A quick bit about my casual weekend at home outfit. These are the same shorts I wore in yesterday’s post with my Bob Weir hoodie. That day it got really warm and I had to trade Bobby for this preloved lightweight sweater hoodie. And I switched out my boots for my signature Furkenstocks with Birkensocks. You can judge my ‘stocks with socks but I don’t care, this is how my feet are most comfortable so it is what I will wear. And I will wear it with confidence, too.
Again, I took advantage of my empty rooms for some indoor photo backdrops. You can read more details about our Blue Nebula Photowall in my game room makeover post.
I hope y’all have the most wonderful weekend filled with light, love, and laughter. And hopefully you don’t catch any stinky fish!
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite: Michelle of Funky Fashion Style
Fashion Favorite: Claire of Claire Justine

Other Favorite: Joanne of Slices of Life
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Sweater-Thrifted / Shorts-Old Navy / Belt-Rainbow Zen / Shoes-Birkenstocks / Socks-Columbia / Earrings-Big Earrings

Suzy Turner
Oh no, Shelbee! What a day! I had to laugh when you said you wanted your house to be really welcoming but now THAT welcoming…!! That’s brilliant! LOL. And OMG about Amazon…I was surprised, I thought that kind of thing didn’t happen in the States lol 😉
Big hugs
Suzy xx
Oh my goodness, Suzy, I am so glad that I am a person who relies on my sense of humor in times like these because this cyclone of unfortunate events could really push someone over the edge. And you know, I am already on the edge so it only takes a nudge to push me over!
Mica - Away From The Blue
Sorry you had such a bad day Shelbee! I hope that it was a one off and the rest of the week and your weekend is awesome! Thank you for the link up 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! I hope so, too! Things should be better now. The chimney is capped to keep the critters out and Jeff picked up the mattresses yesterday. I just hope assembling the bunk beds goes smoothly! Have a lovely weekend, my friend.
And they didn’t even knocked on your door to tell you that they couldn’t deliver? What a weird thing. We have dhl here and they sometimes just leave a package at the front door without ringing the bell. But you did have a awful day. Now, enjoy the weekend abs make some fun!
Thanks, Nancy! I am not sure if they knocked on the door or not. They came at 8:13 a.m. during the 15 minutes that I was out of the house to take my kids to school. The only time I was out of the house all day was between 8:05-8:20! But I’m not sure the mattresses were even on the mail truck. I think the delivery was transferred from UPS to the post office and then they just deliver a slip that says you have to pick up your package. Anyway, no big deal, Jeff picked up the mattresses yesterday and they are airing out in the middle of my bedroom floor right now! I hope these bunk beds are not a beast to assemble! Have a lovely weekend, my friend.
Amy Johnson
I can totally relate to animals constantly want to get inside your house and live with you. I live in late 1800’s stone house in the country, and let me tell you, it’s a constant battle between me and the animals. In the 25 years I’ve lived here we’ve had squirrels, mice, voles, bats, and even snakes in our house…one was 6 feet long!
You must have a really welcoming home, Amy! They all want to come visit including the snakes! Eeeeek. I don’t know how I would deal with a snake! But I think we have had all the other critters set up house in our house…mice, bats, squirrels, stinging insects, ladybugs, ants, but thankfully never a snake! I don’t even live in the country…I am right in the middle of town! So I guess I have more critters to look forward to when I finally do move into a quiet mountain home! I hope you are enjoying a pest-free weekend, my friend!
Sim's Life
What a day! I am totally with you on being welcoming – we forever have birds nesting etc but the worst was a bees nest right above my bedroom window – I will never forget the sound, it was so eerie, especially when trying to get to sleep. Your pest control guy sounds ace though and totally on it!
As for Amazon – what on earth were they playing at? Hope the beds are sorted now though!
Thank you for hosting and hope you have a lovely weekend! Sim x
Sim, thanks so much! It always amazes me how much noise such little critters can make. It really is intimidating sometimes! I guess maybe that’s the point. It keeps them safe if they sound bigger than they are! I was getting really freaked out because there is a small gap under the attic door which leads right into the game room where any small rodent could easily access my living space if it were to get inside the attic. And we had a bird inside the attic last week so now I keep bracing myself thinking some little creature is going to come flying through the door crack into my house! Then if they do get into the house, they are so small and fast, my slow paced middle age butt can’t catch them! Haha.
The beds are all sorted out, too. My husband picked up the mattresses Friday and he built the bunk beds yesterday. I will share photos soon. The beds look amazing! I hope you are enjoying the weekend!
Claire Justine
Oh no, I hope you’re having a good day today, Shelbee. Just stopping by as the link was only open on the InLinkz website yesterday and I wanted to hop back and visit. Thank you so much for the feature too. Such a lovely surprise 🙂 Thanks so much for hosting.
Thanks so much, Claire! We got the chimney capped so hopefully the critter problem is finally solved! I had set up the inlinkz party then got delayed in writing my post so that’s why the party was open but there was no post. I really appreciate that you circled back around though! I hope you are enjoying the weekend!
Patrick Weseman
Sorry that you had a bad day. Wishing you better days ahead. I like the look. Very nice.
And to answer your question, most everyday is not great in my world these days. I guess it is making me stronger as a person.
Thanks for hosting this great party.
Thanks, Patrick. I am so sorry to hear that your days have not been great recently. It’s hard to stay positive in this world sometimes. I will send some Reiki your way, my friend. Hopefully, things will turn around soon.
OMG! That is a decidedly stinky fish day! The A**hole Olympics does have me giggling a bit, especially with the cats, but yeah, the squirrels are over the top. As for the mattress shipping…really? That’s insane.
Thanks so much for the feature! Such a lovely surprise on a day my body is being a whiny, little b*tch.
Thanks, Michelle! Ugh, I am so sorry that you have a whiny bitch body right now! Does the weather effect your pain levels?
My stinky fish day really has turned into a whole week of stink. Yesterday morning, our beloved bunny George died suddenly. We are all so sad and missing his little bunny face so much this morning. But the squirrels have been officially evicted and locked out and the mattresses are on the beds! Here’s looking to brighter days ahead, my friend!