I Literally Have Nothing to Say
I have nothing to say…for real. I have been struggling for the past week for unique and interesting content and I think I have run out of ideas. Blank. Vacant. Writer’s block. Blogger’s block. Whatever you want to call…it’s gone. So today, I am just going to present with you a little something silly.
If you have read previous posts of mine, you already know how uncomfortable I am posing for pictures…even when I am alone, taking the photos with my iPhone, a remote, and a tripod. You also will know that technology can piss me off like the dickens.
Side note: That phrase “like the dickens” just gave me a chuckle. And I did have to look up the exact meaning to make sure I was using the phrase correctly. Dickens is a euphemism for the word devil and it means basically “a lot”. So, now I am content that my post about nothing may have taught you something. It did me!
But now for the real meat of the silliness. This selfie photo session from a few weeks back caught me screaming at my phone! Normally, I would just delete these photos, but they were kind of funny. And if I can’t laugh at myself, then really what I have got in this world? The story: Sometimes, when I hit the remote button to snap the picture, it will kick into this crazy automatic mode where it just keeps going and takes about 4,758 pictures until I can actually reach the phone itself to make it stop. These next four pictures are just a sample of those 4,758 pictures which captured me walking towards the phone and cursing like a drunk sailor. All alone in my backyard. Screaming like a lunatic.
Well, I hope you all got a little chuckle from this tiny, little moment of lunacy from my life. Maybe next time, I will have something to say!
Outfit details:
Jeans: Old Navy Cropped Hi-Rise Wide-Leg Jeans.
Navy and White Striped Tank Top: Old Navy (from a year or two ago). (I was going to link similar options, but as I type this post the Old Navy website is refusing to respond. Yet another example of my issues with technology!)
Sweater: Fort Drum Exchange.
Sneakers: Converse Shoreline Slip On Sneaker in White Eyelet. These appear to be very difficult to find. I bought mine last year at Burlington Coat Factory.
Necklace: Target 35″ Blue Tassel Necklace in Silver.
How do you all beat writer’s block or blogger’s block? Where do you look to find inspiration when feeling uninspired? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated to get me out this dull place!
Sitting on the edge with nothing to say,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups Where I Link Up.
*This post may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you click on these links and make purchases. It costs you nothing and supports my website. All opinions expressed are my own and are in no way influenced by any compensation that may be received. Thank you for your support.

Super cute. Is there a chance your kids are stealing your brain cells while you sleep? Pretty sure mine are. Maybe try writing a post out and about somewhere. Like sit in the airport or Panera and see what comes to you 😉 I like how you keep it real 🙂
This is a very good possibility, Aimee! Children do have a tendency to suck the life and soul out of us, don’t they? I could never concentrate on writing in a public place…I would get too into people watching! But that may give me fodder for something interesting. Hmmmm….
Ha ha ha , I am lying in my swimming pool, talking to myself about the clouds that come up and will end up in heavy rain and thunder, when I got your mail. It’s such a funny post! 🙂 you haven’t got a bloggers block! Don’t worry, I believe you will always have something to talk about!
Ha! Thanks, Nancy! I really do feel blocked! And when that happens, I start to spew nonsense! I am totally envious of you cloud-gazing while floating in your pool. I am still sitting here in my jammies trying to get motivated to start the day!
Shannon Anderson
Of course the white chucks are out of stock! But the other colors are currently one sale!😉😘
They are so cute, too, Shannon! I am loving the Shoreline Slip On style. So easy for summer! How the heck are you, gorgeous lady?! I miss you!
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Oh Shelbee :)) I like this post. So funny! I’m dreaming about a star photograph, but in reality there is my daughter and my husband.
My Husband often cut my shoes on pictures for my blog.
I am so glad that I’m not alone in finding this silly! Thanks so much for sharing the laughs with me, Tina!
Chrissy Rowden
This totally made me laugh out loud. I love it. Keep it up!! Oh and the outfit is cute too. 😉 P.S. what tripod and remote are you using?? This would help me when my little photographers aren’t around.
Chrissy, I am so glad I am not alone laughing at the ridiculousness of this all! This is the link to the exact tripod and remote that I have. I ordered it from Amazon for $9.95. The tripod is tiny (only extends to about 8 inches tall so I always have to prop it up on something. Kind of a pain. I would like to get a full size tripod at some point, but I’m not ready to spend the money!
Debbie Stinedurf
Lol! Last year I was taking photos and my hated neighbor started singing at the top of her lungs (which is NOT a good thing) right by the fence for no other reason than to irritate my dogs. When she did I looked toward the fence with this heinous look on my face while saying out loud, “Are you f-ing kidding me with this?!” Just then the camera snapped…it was awesome…I laughed my butt off when I saw it! I didn’t post it, but my family loved it! Don’t you hate when you can’t come up with anything to write? That happens to me from time to time and I get so irritated because I have like a thousand things to say about a thousand different topics. I don’t plan ahead, I write about what I’m thinking or feeling at the moment, or something I have recently witnessed. Sometimes though….nothing. So I just post the outfit and go from there. Converse Shorelines??? The only kind I own because I am THAT lazy…I don’t wanna have to be bothered with shoe tying. I have 4 colors and in my opinion they need to make them in a whole bunch more.
Debbie, that is a great story! Oh how can you deal with a neighbor like that? I guess you really have no choice but to make the best of it! I would love to see that photo! I am fortunate to have some pretty decent neighbors. The house to the right is a minister and his wife and they usually have about 5-10 single soldiers who live with them. The house to the left was a very nice couple, but now it’s vacant as they prepare to sell. The house across the street is one of my closest friends. Then a few doors down from her is a local cop. So I feel super safe and not really annoyed much by neighbors!
And I definitely need to get more Converse Shorelines. I have the white eyelet and these funky black swirly ones. Regular Converse are just a pain to get the back over my heel! I need a freaking shoe horn like it’s 1850!
Like you, I definitely don’t write posts ahead of time unless I am having a wonderful streak of fabulous ideas, then I will get some written ahead of time. But my creative well has run dry. Perhaps a little rain (we need it here) will replenish my stash!
Andrea Nine
You’re so cute and this list did make me smile! Plus, red is YOUR color!!
Thanks so much, Andrea! Coming up with creative content is really hard! I guess sometimes we bloggers just need to rely on the silly sometimes! And I have only just discovered (since I started blogging) how much I really do like red on me…and I have been adding more and more of it to closet.
Mary Murnane
This post made me smile! Ha! I totally understand the bloggers-block, it’s real!
Thanks, Mary! I figured it had to be a real thing. It couldn’t possibly just be me. Thanks for reading. And I’m glad I could make you smile!
I love this post!! ‘Like the Dickens’ is one of my favorite sayings, so thank you for clearing up the meaning. I have googled quite a few times. As far as your look, I love it!! Nothing more adorable than stripes with a pop of red!! Beautiful!
xx, Elise
Thanks so much, Elise! I am a total sucker for old time phrases and sayings. I think it comes from my passion for 18th and 19th century literature. And majoring in English Literature in college probably contributed as well. Another favorite saying of mine is “I’m going to knock you into a cocked hat!” Meaning essentially to beat up. Not that I am a violent person. I am actually quite passive and peaceful. But I still love to use this phrase! I was going to elaborate on the origin and meaning of this phrase right here, but now I have just been inspired that perhaps this would make for a fun post! Maybe my block has been dislodged! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Elise!
Anna Marcus
Shellbee, you are hilarious, I was laughing all along looking at the images of you running towards your phone. I have to tell you woman, I love the way you share your day to day life with us, no posing, no picture editing, no styling – just honest you. Thank you
Anna, thank you so much for that compliment! I would probably edit my poor quality photos if I knew how. But alas, I have no idea how to do that, so I work with what I’ve got…and that’s plain, old, silly, real, unedited me! I am glad you appreciate that!
I love your humour Shelbee! This post has my name all over it. What to say and having to take a thousand photos to get one maybe good enough to post! I am alway’s screaming at myself,even in the local park trying to get a photo. X
It is so ridiculous, Laurie, the things that we do! I have yet to take photos with my tripod in public! I will only do photos in public if I have someone to take the photos for me…because I am always yelling at my phone or tripod! Thanks for stopping by and letting me know that I am not alone in this silliness!
Loved the ‘silly’ photos at the end! It’s nice to share a little slice of realness – after all, we all have been frustrated by technology (this coming from someone who works in the IT industry!) I like your red kimono too 🙂
I often get stuck for what to say in posts so sometimes I don’t write much. It’s your blog so write as much or as little as you want 🙂
Away From The Blue Blog
Thank you, Mica! So true, it is my little space to do what I please! But I like to have something of substance to say, but that doesn’t always work out. So I work with what I’ve got! And technology definitely inhibits me often! Ha.
Anne Birdsong
Hi I’m Anne, and I’m visiting from the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. It’s my first time at this hop, and I was scanning the other links to see who I would go check out, and your title made me laugh, so here I am! I really like your style. You’re funny and don’t seem to take yourself too seriously. Love it! Anyway, have a wonderful day, and I hope you can pop over to my blog (https://birdsongbitsandpieces.blogspot.com) sometime to say hi!
Thanks for stopping by, Anne! I am so glad that I can make people laugh! I am only serious when I have to be…otherwise, I just live in my own goofy little universe. It definitely keeps things interesting around here!
I always love reading your posts, Shelbee. Sometimes there very thought provoking, and others…like today…they crack me up! Thanks so much for sharing the the pics – that I’m sure many of us can relate to!! I’ve always loved writing, but I get writer’s block too – where I’ll be itching to write something, but the words just won’t come.
Thanks so much, Jane! I guess I can’t be all deep and introspective all of the time. That would get exhausting anyway. But I am still all blocked up! It’s like bad constipation. I can’t get anything moving along. HAHAHA! Hopefully, the weekend will bring me some more inspiration. Tonight’s post is just a link up post, so I didn’t get too worried about having earth-shattering, world-changing content! That definitely took some pressure off.
Writer’s block happens to the best of us! 🙂 Love the red + stripes!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thanks so much, Ashley! I’m still all blocked up, too! At least today is my day to post a link up, so I don’t get too stressed out about content!
Haha! I can totally relate! I’m always screaming at my camera and my neighbors probably think I’m crazy!
Doused In Pink
It is so funny, the things we do, Jill! Thanks for making me feel less crazy!
Writer’s block. Blogger’s block! Darn it. I know the frustration. I also know how odd it is to take outfit photos; it’s something I consistently work at. I love your cool red cardigan. :]
// ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲
It is so irritating, isn’t it, Carmen? I guess the best way to deal with it was to write about! Ha! Thanks for stopping by and for the kind compliment. Have a wonderful weekend.
Tiina L
We all curse at things (phones, camera, the odd household item, or anything that gets in the way or is in the wrong place), I’m sure if that. And these are fun photos.
So true, Tiina! I even occasionally curse at my children (insert ashamed emoji). Grrr…but catching how silly I look when cursing angrily just shows there is humor in all things! And if we don’t have a sense of humor, then we are kind of doomed, I think. Have a fabulous weekend!
Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.
Thanks for hosting, Nicole! Have a fabulous weekend.
Jamie @ Medium Sized Family
I always thought “like the Dickens” had something to do with Charles. This cracks me up! I yell at technology every day. At least one text to my Hubby says something like “I’m throwing this computer out the window today.” He just responds “Yes, dear.” at this point. haha!
Jamie, I thought it had to do with Charles Dickens, too! That’s part of why I looked it up to make sure before I said anything that was incorrect. I am always threatening to throw things out the window. Sometimes I even threaten to throw my kids out the window! My husband responds to that threat with, “Now, you can do that, hon.” Thanks so much for reading! Have a wonderful week.
Blogger’s block is never fun. I can totally relate to the “taking photos of yourself struggle.” It takes me at least 20-30 minutes and about 1,000 shots to get a decent photo. #bloggerprobs 😉
Edye | http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com
Haha, Edye! #bloggerprobs! That’s funny. I need to start using that hashtag, for sure! The struggle really is real. Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous weekend!
Hi Shelbee, When you find out where to get new ideas and overcome writers block, let me know!! Your post made me smile and smiling is important! Teresa
Thanks so much, Teresa! That is a lovely comment! I actually got unblocked from reading and responding to comments, believe it not! So a great big thanks to all of you lovely people who take the time to post thoughtful and thought-provoking comments on my blog! Have a wonderful weekend!
Jess Powell (Babi a Fi)
Hehe, I can totally relate to this! I’m always at war with my laptop for one reason or another – if it wouldn’t cost so much to replace I think it would have gone through a window a few times by now. 🙂
Thanks so much for linking up with #FridayFrivolity!
My sentiments exactly, Jess! I often threaten that I want to throw the whole darn thing right out the window! But then what would we do? Ha! Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous weekend!
Dawn Lucy
Haha … sooo cute! I do my own pictures too, with a timer. I know how frustrating it can be. But believe it or not, trying to get my hubby to take pictures of me is way more frustrating!! 😉
Cute look too!
Thanks so much for linking up with Fun Fashion Friday!
Dawn Lucy
Haha, Dawn Lucy, the husband-photographer is an entirely different story, isn’t it?! My husband does pretty well when he takes my photos but he thinks I am ridiculous which definitely adds another, weirder vibe to the entire experience, for sure! Thank you for stopping by and for the lovely compliment!
HA HA HA my iPhone does that at times, it just snaps pics that I didn’t want. It drives me crazy because it will take a long to delete and then it pisses me off that it happened in the first place. I love technology but there are days when it does make curse like sailor too. Love this post and I did get a chuckle from the last few pictures. Thanks for sharing 🙂
I am so glad to know that I am not alone in this very real blogger struggle, Veronica! Thanks for sharing your personal annoying experiences with technology and I’m glad I could provide a chuckle! Have a fabulous week.
Totally made me laugh 🙂 I have been there, were I open my laptop and all of sudden there’s nothing in my brain!
Love how you kept the silly pics!
Thank you for linking up with Weekend Wear,
Thank you, Melissa! Sometimes I do have to laugh at the entire blogging process! The struggle is real, for sure!
Sheela Goh
You make me laugh. I love you, Shelbee.
Sheela, you are too kind! And I love you also, you are my blogger idol!
Sheela Goh
On a more serious note, I too have been in a writer’s funk, of late. I realise my productivity (as a wordsmith) coincides with my emotional wellbeing. The happier and more contented I am, I seem to have nothing to write or say, so I suppose the dearth of posts is a good sign. Ish. I need to find a balance, clearly 😀
Oh, this is so true, Sheela, I think, for many creative minds. I remember my most creative times were in the darkest and deepest depths of my bipolar disorder. I also remember as I was fighting my way back becoming very fearful that good mental health would ultimately mean the demise of my creativity. And it didn’t help when I read that this was true for so many others. So the cycle continued within myself…do I allow 100% healing to occur with this threat of losing something that defined my entire personality or do I allow myself to spiral out of control forever just to hold onto one aspect of my personality? I chose healing and have found that my creativity has just veered down a brighter path. But the struggle is real, for sure. Because creativity that fascinates and intrigues audiences definitely comes from very dark places. But I just don’t want to live in that place ever again. And so here I am writing silliness about writer’s block! I guess that is my balance!
Sarah Eliza @devastateboredom
Ahhhhhh too hysterical! I LOVE that you were comfortable laughing at yourself, and you also happen to look amazing in that outfit. LOVE the color combo!
Thanks so much, Sarah! I seriously wear a combination of red, white, and/or blue about 4 times a week! I have to always laugh at myself, too, because well…I can just be ridiculous! And if we don’t have a sense of humor, I guess we don’t have much! Thanks for reading.