I Get by With a Little Help from My Friends & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #160

I get by with a little help from my friends. Sometimes I need more help than other times. Sometimes I need less. Sometimes I don’t want any help at all. And sometimes I may not survive without the help.
Sometimes I am strong enough to ask for help. Other times, I am too weak to admit that I might need help. I have the ability to reach out, isolate, hide away, seek assistance, talk it through, deny it all, help myself, and wake up the next day with a new found perspective.
Sometimes I can get caught in a vortex of negativity while other times I can sit on the outside of a cyclone and merely bear witness. There are times when I can stand far enough away from the impending storm to remain unharmed. Yet there are other times when the hurricane sneaks up silently in my blind spot and knocks me on my ass.
I have learned escape methods to find my way to safety, but there are times when those methods are either unavailable or I have had a lapse in memory and cannot access them. There are also times when my emergency escape is so well rehearsed that I find my way to safety with ease and confidence.

I have a lifeboat that I sit comfortably upon surrounded by the luxuries and comforts of a healthy and stable life that I have built. But every now and then, a rogue wave materializes and sends me plummeting beneath the surface getting tossed all about struggling to make my way to the surface and gasp for air, that one breath that will essentially save my life.
It is inside those moments, the ones when you are nearly drowning and have lost all perspective of everything except how you can get some air, when you catch glimpses above the water’s surface of the kind and loving faces of your friends. You might see panic on their faces, but often you just see undying love as their hands plunge into the depth of the roaring waves to pull you out.
Those faces that you see in those moments, the hands that grasp for yours, the ones that are calm and steady as they toss out the life preserver that will save you once again, those are the people for whom this post is dedicated.
And if by chance, you lose grip of their hands or the life preserver doesn’t reach you and gets ripped out to sea, these are the friends who willingly and without hesitation risk their own safety and security to dive head first into a wicked undertow to search for you. These are the friends who may even be afraid of water and unable to swim, but they find the courage somewhere to just go because you need help.

I have relied on these friends a million times and I have been this friend on more occasions than I can count. I am grateful for all the times my friends have saved me and I am blessed to carry that kind of strength within myself in order to be a safety net for them. But sometimes, the safety net tears and needs to be sent out for repairs. These things are quite unavoidable as everything in this world can only withstand so much.
I am feeling right now that my safety net, while not yet destroyed, is inching closer and closer to a point beyond repair. Like I kind of need an entirely new replacement. But in the midst of this need, I also feel like I have been tossed out to sea in a raging storm. My net is broken, my lifeboat is capsized, and I am being pulled further and further from the shore where the hands of my friends are grasping to reach me.
While I am just beyond arm’s length, I remember that I am quite a skilled swimmer. The struggle is real and the waves are strong, but I am stronger. I can hear the voices of those friends who cannot physically reach me cheering as loudly as possible. They are offering me words of support and encouragement as they coax me closer to the shore. If I can just make it there, I know that I will find respite as they wrap me in blankets and unconditional love.
Once I am dried off and rested and can take my own survival equipment in for the necessary repairs, then I will be ready once again to be that friend for others. But for now, right now, I need a little help from my friends.

Do you have friends like these? Do you appreciate them as they should be appreciated? Maybe today is the perfect day to give them thanks. For none of us can survive without them.

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Ratnamurti of You Are Unique shared a heartwarming and nostalgic post, Moving in Different Worlds, where she reflects upon her childhood experiences that have impacted her life and how she interacts with people from all different walks of life. I was moved by the post and the sentiment she delivers in the beautiful imagery that she has created of years gone by from her own life. Definitely worth reading!
My Favorite Fashion Post
Cheryl of Cheryl Shops shared the prettiest dress in her post, What to Wear on Valentine’s Day. I absolutely adore this red floral print with the ivory moto jacket and red booties. It is the perfect outfit not just for Valentine’s Day.

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Catherine of Not Dressed as Lamb shared a profound post about the effects that our words can have on other people, “Yes, Your Bum Looks Big in that”-My Thoughts on Brutal Honesty. I think all too often we don’t realize the impact that our words carry and if we are not careful, we can be quite destructive. So it is important to be mindful and to be kind while still maintaining honesty but in a less than brutal manner.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…

Outfit Details: Sweater-Kohl’s (Exact) / Skirt (Loft) and Coat-Thrifted / Tights-Torrid / Shoes-Old Navy (Exact) / Gloves-Isotoner / Earrings-Michal Golan

Kathrine Eldridge
Thanks for the reminder that we need to be grateful for our friends during the rough times. So sorry that you are struggling but glad you have people to turn to. Your words in this post are very moving. Love this chic winter look and thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I am not really struggling much, just had a bad day yesterday when those words fell out of me! All is good here as I gear up for my 10 day road trip beginning on Thursday!
This is beautifully written Shelbee! Our friends are our safety nets and this is a good reminder that we need to let them know how much we appreciate them! Loving this combo! Your sweater is so cute!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I was getting all the friend feelings yesterday and these words just sort of fell out of me! Valentine’s Day is a great time to show our friends how we love and appreciate them as well!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
So sorry you feel like your net is worn. You are such a gifted writer.
Love the colors in your outfit, too!
Thank you, Tamar! Eh, it happens sometimes that our nets wear out! I was just having a bad day yesterday and these words poured out of me! All is good after a decent night’s sleep and a fresh pot of coffee!
Take care of yourself, Shelbee! And very glad that you are about to head on your roadtrip and hope you get some great friends time during it. Friends that stick through it all are worth their weight in gold!
Thanks so much, Mireille! I am so excited to go on my trip! I leave on Thursday and I haven’t even begun to think about packing. My least favorite thing in the world! Ha. I have lots of wonderful friend time planned!
Chrissy Rowden
Yes! We were created for fellowship. We were created to love, support and lift up each other. Soooo, one: you look adorable and your creative use of colors and textures is so fun in this outfit. The shoes are a fabulous fashion surprise! Two: message me anytime you need prayer, I’ll pray. Anytime. Hugs my friend. You are loved, cherished, valuable, worthy, fearfully and wonderfully created. Not because I said so. Because HE did.
Chrissy, you seriously always make me feel so wonderful with your words! You have a beautiful gift as well, my friend! And I cherish you so very much. Thank you!
Ruth Josey
I’m so sorry you were feeling all of the feelings when you wrote this Shelbee. We have days and hopefully that’s all it was….just a day. Or 5 minutes that seemed to bring a whole day down. I have an emotional barrier so I tend not to ask for help but I play things out in my head a lot to get me back into a good place. But I’ve been the rescuer quite a bit and there are a few times I’ve felt like distancing myself a bit to save myself but then decided I’d feel worse if I did that than if I went down with the ship for a bit. What you’re doing in writing it down is probably one of the most therapeutic things you can do, though. Write it down, get it out, then go back and read it the next day and see if it really is as bad now as it felt then. If it is, then I don’t know what to tell you because you know all of this much better than I do. Have you thought about writing a book from a fictitious standpoint – your writing and descriptions are so vivid and they reach out and grab and hold onto the reader. I think you’d be awesome at it. And how gorgeous you look! Red and turquoise – I’m going to try it – and I love that pop of yellow in your sandals (and that you’re wearing tights with sandals. That’s so 60’s and I love it!). Oh, and the rocks of the walls in your backdrop remind me of Rice Krispies – such wonderful texture! Thank you so much for the link-up!
Ruth, thank you so very much for this wonderful comment. I actually am feeling great today. I wrote this yesterday more because I was feeling like I was the savior friend in too many situations and it was quite literally sucking the life out of me. In an effort to not make anyone who may read it automatically think I was speaking about them, I sort of shifted it onto myself. If that makes sense. I needed to get it all out in order to process it and I also needed to hear the message myself. In fact, once I started writing it, I kind of lost all control over it like the words were coming from outside of me. That happens to me often when I write. I do have big ambitions to write a book sharing all of these things, but the idea overwhelms and scares me to the point that I shove back into the back of my head so I don’t panic about it.
I was really happy with how these colors played together. And I love tights with sandals! Maybe it is the 60’s girl that lives within me!
Wise and inspiring words – thanks Shelbee. And what a gorgeous palate of colours you are sporting. Who’d have thought they would all work together, but they do, grounded and connected by the black, I think. X
Karen, thank you so very much! These words sort of just poured out of me without my control! I think I needed to hear them as well. And I very haphazardly paired these colors together. I was unsure at first as I was just experimenting and I ended up really loving it, too. I was shocked at how well they worked together. And I agree that the black grounded the colors perfectly.
Love the 3 colours together!!!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Thank you, Jennifer! I felt like the combination was a little risky, but I loved it!
Barbara Chapman
Love your outfit! And this place is incredible with the rocks built into the walls and arches… Beautiful!!! Thank you for hosting the party, too. <3
Many hugs,
Barb 🙂
Barb, thank you so much! The location is the pavilion at my local park. I take lots of my photos at various places in this park. It has so many really beautiful spots!
A great written article, Shelbee. And really loving how well the colors coordinate in this outfit. I wouldn’t have thought to put the teal with the red but it looks gorgeous, and really loving the style of that sweater! Vacation time sounds like fun, especially this time of the year!
Thanks for hosting the linkup!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellie, thank you so much! You know, this outfit sort of happened by accident. I was just feeling a little crazy and started adding unlikely colors together. The result was that I loved it! I have worn this same outfit multiple times already. Vacation time begins in less than 48 hours! I am so excited.
Friends are just everything — I treasure my friendships
Those yellow shoes are so fun…
Also, honesty doesn’t have to be brutal— It’s usually possible to relay the same message, integrity intact and true, minus the cruelty
I agree with all of this, Becky! By the way, tomorrow is packing day! I will be in Asheville so soon!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with MY VALENTINE’S DAY MIRROR (LOOKING-GLASS PROMPT) and my UNLIMITED MONTHLY LINK PARTY 9 where all entries are shared on social media if share option is available, open February 1 to 26.
Thank you, Dee! I think I might be missing your link parties on my linky page…I am going to add them now!
Such a cute outfit, you look lovely! I love leopard print, so I’m all about that top the teal is such a fun pop of colour! I hope you’re having a great week so far xo
Makeup Muddle
Aw, thank you so much! I couldn’t resist this pretty color with the leopard print!
jodie filogomo
You have such a wonderful way of expressing your thoughts Shelbee. Where would we be without our friends…even on the good days!!
I have gotten SO much better about asking for help now that I’m older…and it’s a blessing.
Jodie, thank you so very much! I am trying to get better myself! And I most certainly cherish the good days with friends. In fact, I had an impromptu get together with a friend this morning and I felt so rejuvenated after it! When friends share their good energy with each other, what an amazing thing that can be!
Patrick Weseman
So very beautiful. I need this reminder at times. I have been feeling like that lately but I look at every day as a gift and try to ride the waves of life. Learning things and doing things that I didn’t think I could do or survive situations I never thought I could. Everything is always a learning experience.
Looking so very wonderful. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Patrick, thank you so much! I think I needed the reminder as well. That seems to be the way my writing goes…when I need a reminder or to process something, it seems to pour out of me with ease like it is coming from somewhere else because I need to see it. Lots of times, I stubbornly stand on my own. But there are times when we do need our friends.
You are so right–words matter. We can be kind and still be honest. This piece of writing should go into that book we all keep encouraging you to do, my friend. Heartfelt, touching, and honest. Love it. And your turtleneck is SOOOO cute!! You look amazing.
xx Darlene
Darlene, thank you so much! I know, I know…this book! The idea is reeling through my head daily! I am heading out for a 10 day road trip on Thursday and when I return home, I must get to work on this! I so appreciate all of your support and encouragement.
Shelbee, you run close to and from the heart. I have some friends who, when they ask if I’ve got time to catch up for a coffee, then I know that something big is going down, and they need someone to talk at. For hours. I am there asap. And I have a couple of friends whom I can do that to, also. So hope that things turn soon for you. And, wow, you featured one of my posts! I was so feeling for you that I almost missed it! Oh happy day, for moi. Thank you xxxx
Ratnamurti, thank you so much for your kind words. I am feeling much better today. I was just getting a little weighed down yesterday but then I had a lovely coffee date with friends this morning that completely uplifted me. We all have our times when we are the helpers and when we need the help. Finding that balance is crucial! And it was my pleasure to feature your post! I wanted to use the cover photo but it wouldn’t load correctly, so I had to use the only other photo from your post!
Cheryl Tucker
Shelbee, you take my breath away with your writing talent. You should write lots of books. I’m reaching for you babe along with your other dear friends and I know you are a strong swimmer so together you will reach a better place soon. I understand your feeling though.
Cheryl, thank you so much! That is such an amazing compliment! I am so flattered. I am in a great place today, I just had to get that all off my chest yesterday!
Vaishali Verma
Beautiful color of the sweater and lovely print.
Thank you so much, Vaishali! Have a wonderful day!
Rosemary Davis
I am loving your mix of colors today!
Thanks for hosting the link-up.
Thanks so much, Rosemary! I was really happy with how these colors worked together. It seemed a little crazy at first!
Lauren Renee Sparks
This is such a beautiful tribute to authentic friendships – which seem harder and harder to find these days. A true friend is a rare find and beautiful treasure.
Thank you so much, Lauren. I am definitely finding that authentic friendships are very hard to find these days. It makes me sad sometimes, but I guess I just need to embrace the reality of it and nurture the friendships that are worth nurturing.
Laura Bambrick
Isn’t there a saying that like attracts like? As in clearly you are an amazing friend to attract wonderful people in your circle. It’s really nice to have people to help you when you are feeling down. I am glad to see from your comments today is a good day for you!
Thanks so much, Laura! I do believe that like attracts like except sometimes I do attract some pretty crappy people, too! I wonder what that says about me! Haha.
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 9, open February 1 to 26.
Thank you for hosting! Have a great day, Dee!
Cheryl Shops
Yes to leaning on your friends for support when you need them, yes to returning the favor whenever they need it, yes to how amazing your legs look in this post, and yes (or, rather, thank you) to featuring me in this post—I am honored!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Aw, Cheryl, thank you so much! That was a wonderful comment and it made me smile from ear to ear!
I love this color blocking!! What a gorgeous sweater too, the color is amazing!
xx, Elise
Thanks so much, Elise! I was unsure of this combination at first but I really love the end result!
Jean | Delightful Repast
Shelbee, I hope your road trip refreshes you and helps you mend your “net.” Whatever you packed for it, you’ll be gorgeous! Thank you for hosting.
Thanks so much, Jean! I have been in North Carolina for 3 days and I feel rejuvenated and mended already and I still have 6 more days here to enjoy and relax.
I am so sorry you have been feeling so lost. Does winter make things worse in that regard? While I am fortunate to be blessed with very stable brain chemistry, I notice that winter brings more feelings of needing to hibernate, of avoidance, of a bit of sadness. And you’re right, those friends we can count on to hold out a hand, give encouragement, let us know we are loved are so special and deserve recognition.
Love the teal cheetah sweater!
Michelle, thank you so much! Winter definitely does affect mood swings and feeling more down. Especially where I live. It seems like everyone suffers from a Vitamin D deficiency in the winter here. But I am in North Carolina now feeling very much rejuvenated already! Hopefully that feeling will last until winter ends.
I think we all have those times when we need our friends and vice versa.That’s definitely one of the many beauties of friendship. You look so cute in this outfit! Hope you have fun on your road trip xx
Thanks so much, Tianna! I am having so much fun with my North Carolina friends! I don’t know if I want to go back home. Haha. But I will miss my kids in a few days!