How to Rediscover Yourself This Summer

Whether you are hopeful for a promotion at work or navigating problems in your personal life, it is easy to lose yourself in the chaos of daily life. However, self-discovery is always a journey worth embarking on especially when the overwhelm of life feels like it’s starting to crack you. After all, self-discovery can:
- Help you to figure out what you truly want from life.
- Allow you to see your true worth which in turn will boost your self-confidence.
- Improve your mental health and wellbeing by reducing stress, anxiety, and other negative thought patterns.
With that in mind, here are four tips to help you rediscover yourself before the summer ends.
1. Find new ways to express yourself.
Self-expression and self-discovery often go hand in hand. As a result, you should always be on the lookout for ways in which you can better express yourself. For example, many people find that they can express themselves more accurately by exploring their personal style as this will allow them to show off facets of their personality they may have previously hidden. If you are searching for new ways of self-expression, you might consider a wardrobe makeover.
When curating a wardrobe that will adequately express your true self and style, consider adding a mixture of bright, bold items to a reliable combination of staples such as basic tees and women’s fishing shirts. Your perfect wardrobe will allow you to create a mixture of eye-catching and functional outfits for any occasion.
2. Re-engage with your hobbies.
Another way in which you can rediscover yourself is by making the time to explore your hobbies and interests instead of filling your time with work and other outside commitments. Ideally, we should dedicate a few hours every week to pursuing our hobbies and other creative interests. Whether you want to return to a former hobby that you have abandoned or explore a new one, now is the time to do it. You will never be any younger than you are today and you will never be too old to try new things.
3. Practice self-care.
Self-care is often described as the key to self-discovery because it encourages us to address our deepest, purest needs, the ones we tend to ignore too often. As a result, by implementing daily self-care activities, you afford yourself new opportunities for learning more about yourself and your needs. Self-care comes in many forms from spa treatments to exercise to meditation practices. But do not worry if these specific self-care activities do not appeal to you. Self-care is highly personal so it is important that you find what works best for your needs.
Perhaps you prefer escaping into a good book, hiking in nature, or dancing naked in your living room. You can also try giving some new things a try like CBD gummies for energy. These supplements can both relax your mind while simultaneously energizing your body, making them perfect for releasing stress while motivating yourself to be productive or participate in your favorite hobbies. You should engage in the self-care activities that appeal to you and will help you find balance and harmony in your life. And always remember that self-care is never selfish. You cannot properly care for others if you are not caring for yourself.
4. Step outside your comfort zone.
Rediscovering who you are does not mean returning to old patterns or habits, especially if those old patterns have brought about negative results in the past. In fact, self-discovery is about learning from our mistakes and our struggles and making positive changes accordingly. Sometimes we have to step outside our comfort zones in order to make meaningful changes happen because “stepping outside of your comfort zone can help you build your creativity, focus on your self-confidence, and learn more about yourself.” When we step outside of what we are used to, we prove to ourselves that we are capable of just about anything that we set our minds to. You see, comfort zones are limitations that we have put upon ourselves out of fear of change. But change is good and growth does not always happen without some growing pains.

Have you been stuck too long in a life that is stressful and unfulfilling? Perhaps this is the summer, your summer, to become the very best possible version of yourself. But first, you need to discover who that is! I hope you all blossom in the most beautiful ways!
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Dress-Old Navy / Kimono-Target / Bralette-Torrid / Sandals-Nomadic State of Mind / Mala Beads-Zen Spirit Malas / Horn Necklace-Traveling Chic Boutique / Earrings-Good Life Gift Shop / Eyeglass Necklace-La Loop

My Life in Our Father's World
I do love a lightweight summer dress on a steamy day!
Me, too! Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you have a lovely day!
Your blog always seems to speak to me! You always look so cute and I love your style. Laid back boho. I have a child going to college in a week and another engaged. Seems like a season for change. 🍂 🍁
Thanks so much, Trish! That really means a lot to me! Oh, I imagine having an empty nest would definitely be a season for all sorts of interesting changes!
Great advice here for any time of year!
Thanks so much, Jan! I really appreciate that. I agree these tips are helpful any time of year!
You look so cool in your maxi dress with kimono and boho accessories! It’s a great look on you. Sometimes, a new season can spark a refresh in your outlook and self-identity. Great tips for re-discovering yourself.
Thanks so much, Carol! I definitely feel like each new season triggers me to refresh something in my life. I don’t tolerate stagnancy very well so I am constantly searching for ways to improve myself and the world around me.
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Such great tips!!
Thanks, Tamar!
I do love a bit of self care. It’s necessary sometimes and does help!!
Oh, is it ever necessary?! If not for my self care practices, I would have lost all sanity years ago!
Marsha Banks
It seems I often go through periods where I don’t recognize myself anymore. It takes a conscious effort on my part to reset! I am such an introvert that I force myself into more social situations where my extroverted self comes out to play. I think it’s when I do those types of things, I become my genuine self all over again. I love all of these ideas, though, and will try some of them out! Thanks for sharing, Shelbee!
Marsha, thanks for this beautiful comment. I honestly feel like I go through some deep metamorphosis every few months the older I get. I have experienced more growth and change just in my 40s than I did in my first 40 years. I also force myself into social situations to let the little bit of extrovert come out out play. But my recovery time seems to get longer and longer these days, too! We are all always in progress…there is no settling into just one thing. That would be boring!
Kellyann Rohr
This is such a beautiful look on you Shelbee- you look so lovely and ethereal! That flowy fabric is perfect for summer. Great tips too, I think we forget about our hobbies when we become moms. It’s good to reconnect with that pat of ourselves!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! I feel very much myself in my easy boho styles these days. It is making it easier to clean out my closet and hone in my midlife style more! I am trying to find new hobbies that are more suitable to who I am now as well. It is a journey, that’s for sure.
Hello, again!
Thanks for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 29.
Thanks, Carol!
Great topic! Self-discovery is tough for most people because of fear. Fear of failure, fear of looking silly, fear of the unknown. And yet overcoming these fears and trying new things is so cathartic. So what if you don’t pain that perfect picture, discover that you don’t like Pilates, or hated that vacation that seemed like such a good idea. It’s all experience and we gain much from the new perspective.
I agree! I wrote a post years ago about what happens if you step outside of your comfort zone and find yourself still uncomfortable. Nothing at all happens! You just tried something new and uncomfortable and discovered that you don’t like it. So if that’s the worst that can happen outside of your comfort zone, why not take the chance every now and then?! Great comment, my friend! Thanks for sharing it.
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice and I was able to somewhat rediscover myself this summer.
Thank you, Patrick! I hope you had some beautiful discoveries about your wonderful self, my friend!
Since I stopped working a couple of months ago I’ve been forced to look at myself and what I want, rather than rushing around in a blur of activity trying to please everyone. It’s been a bit of an eye opener. Your post speaks to me. Thanks for linking.
Oh wow, Gail, I am sure this transition is a very powerful one for you. I am glad that you don’t have to rush around in a blur pleasing other people anymore! Now it’s Gail time!