How to Motivate Yourself for Success

Self-motivation can sometimes be really challenging. We all have those days when we don’t want to get dressed and we would rather sit on the couch and endlessly binge watch Netflix. The struggle is real when you find yourself having the internal debate between continuing your Netflix binge or engaging in a more productive task. I know this struggle well as I fight it almost daily.
But most of us do have a desire to be productive in our daily lives even when the draw of Netflix is strong and so we have to find ways to get motivated. While it might be really nice to have a personal cheering squad on your sidelines at all times, it is a totally unrealistic expectation. Life in general demands that we find ways to motivate ourselves. Once you learn some techniques that work for your own self-motivation, you will quickly notice an increase in your productivity which will lead to greater personal successes in your life.
To most efficiently fuel your daily motivation, start your morning with healthy habits. For example, if you find that are rushed and anxious in the mornings, consider waking up a bit earlier so you can comfortably ease into your daily routine. Another way to start the day in motivated mode is to make the bed as soon as you get up. It signifies to your brain that sleep time is over and you are entering the hours of productivity. An unmade bed can be very tempting midday when your energy levels start to dip. Try to avoid that temptation by making your bed.
A healthy breakfast loaded with nutrients to kick off the day is also a great way to feel motivated early in the morning. Hot water with lemon is a great alternative to coffee to kick start your body and mind into action. Keep healthy snacks on hand as well for those late morning or late afternoon crashes that can make you want to crawl straight back into bed. Supplements can also be beneficial for getting all the necessary nutrients that our bodies require to perform at maximum capacity. Buy Morning Complete as a convenient solution to your supplemental needs for maintaining or improving your overall health.
Another morning routine that can offer a great boost to your motivation levels is taking a few moments to focus on your growth and gratitude. You may want to keep a gratitude journal or perhaps silent reflection is all you need. However, when you write down the things that you are grateful for, you will always have those reflections as a resource to further boost your motivation in times of need.
Self-help books or other educational reading also serves great benefit in helping us to motivate ourselves. If there is one area of your life that you are focused on improving, dedicate a few minutes every morning to read and research that topic. Or maybe you are currently working on a challenging project. Use your morning reading time to learn a bit more. You can even learn a new language just by taking a few minutes every morning using an online app or foreign language program. Regardless of how you use this morning motivation time, you will be taking active steps to self improvement and growth and that is the most important thing.
Sometimes when we are really struggling to get motivated, we may need to seek inspiration outside of ourselves. Fortunately we live in a world that surrounds us with inspiring things and people. You can find all sorts of inspiration on social media and other online websites. Inspirational speakers like Laura Kaeppeler will help you get motivated and start feeling productive as you forge ahead in the direction of your goals. Inspirational speakers exist in a variety of sectors so you can narrow your online searches to exactly the area where you need motivation.
While it would be a wonderfully productive life if we could maintain peak levels of motivation all of the time, that is just not realistic. Our bodies and our minds need rest and often when our motivation seems to be dwindling away to nothing, it is the way that our bodies let us know it is time for rest. So be sure to also embrace those lazy days so you can get the adequate rest needed for your motivation to return. And when the motivation returns, run with it.
Remember that a rested horse is a happy horse and a happy horse is a fast horse. Rest, motivation, and productivity all go hand in hand to making our lives successful and happy.
How do you get yourself motivated?
Keeping it on the edge,
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Kathrine Eldridge
These are great suggestions for motivation. I always art journal in the morning which really grounds me.
Thanks, Kathrine! Art journaling is a great way to start the day and get motivated!
Shami Immanuel
A very good article. When I get up early I feel motivated for that day.
Thanks so much, Shami! Waking early is one of my best motivators as well. I hope you have a fantastic week ahead!
Well spoken, my friend!
Thanks so much, Barbara! I hope you have a wonderful week!
These are good tips! For me I’m lucky – with the kids so little I don’t have time for watching nextflix and when they are eventually in bed I’m rushing around trying to finish all the things I didn’t get during the day when i was with them, haha! the lack of time is an instant motivator to try get everything done!
Hope you had a great weekend 🙂
Thanks, Mica! I can totally relate to the lack time keeping us motivated to get all the things done! Parenting young children really is great motivation! And you are like a superstar mom getting it all done! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead, my friend.
Michele Morin
What a great post! We all have things we want to accomplish and need to get out of our own way.
Thanks, Michele! Oh goodness, that is so true. I am always in my own way!
I really need to motivate myself more. Great tips 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Mondays. I hope you can join us again tomorrow, Friday or next week for our next parties 🙂 #CreativeMondays
Thanks so much, Claire! I have been struggling with self motivation a bit recently as well. Actually, I am fairly motivated first thing in the morning. My problem is that I lose all motivation by afternoon so I feel like I am constantly scrambling all morning long to get everything done before the crash comes!
Linda Johnston
I make lists. If I can keep my morning routine, chances are better for me to stay one track. I do need a refresh day out or with grandkids too. Over from Wonderful Wednesday.
Linda, thanks so much for stopping by and sharing what motivates you. I am also a list maker! My lists definitely get me started and keep me focused. I hope you are having a wonderful week!