How to Look Great Through Cosmetic Dentistry
If you talk, laugh, and smile, people will notice your teeth and if your teeth have become something that you don’t like to show off, cosmetic dentistry may be the solution for curing your shyness. It can help boost the confidence you once had, making cosmetic dental surgery a worthwhile consideration at any age.
This article will discuss a few different dental treatments that can help to improve the appearance of your teeth and smile so you will never lack confidence when you step out into the world. You will want to show off your incredible smile and will walk out into the world glowing brighter than ever.

1. Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is the process of lightening the shade of human teeth. We all desire to have clean, bright, white teeth for a pearly smile that shines. After all, yellowed teeth can be a sign of aging, poor hygiene, or declining health. And that is not the message that most of want to send when we smile! Most of us want to maintain a youthful look with a bright, healthy smile. While we cannot entirely prevent the yellowing of our teeth over time, teeth whitening products definitely help to maintain a glowing smile for longer.
Teeth whitening is considered a safe treatment. But it does come with some side effects as most treatments do which your dentist will discuss with you if you inquire about this procedure. The most common side effect is sensitivity of your teeth during and immediately following the whitening process. After the first treatment or two, however, the sensitivity begins to diminish and suddenly it feels like a very small sacrifice to have that million dollar smile you have always desired.
When considering any type of cosmetic treatment, it is important to weigh all the factors before making your decision. We all want to look good and that is not a thing of vanity. Looking good helps us to feel good which builds self-confidence which in turn has a very positive impact on our overall mental health. So an improved smile can lead to better mental health! Sometimes the benefits far outweigh the discomfort of a few minor side effects.
The process of teeth whitening is a simple one. Whitening products generally contain one or two bleaches which are hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. The bleach will effectively break down the stains on your teeth into smaller pieces which will make the yellowing less concentrated, thereby making your teeth look whiter and brighter.

2. Teeth Bonding
Dental bonding will deal with chips or fractures, gaps, and misshapen teeth as well as helping to correct stains. This can all be achieved in a single visit to your cosmetic dentist.
While teeth bonding is considered a purely cosmetic procedure, it does still positively contribute to good dental health. If you are feeling anxious about or discontent with your personal appearance, it is important to make the changes necessary to ease those negative feelings about yourself. When you can smile with confidence, your overall happiness will be improved. And it is okay to gain that confident smile through dental procedures.
The origin of your smile is not important. The main thing is that your smile has become something of beauty once more and you can be proud to show off your pearly whites. We should be proud of our smiles. It is our smiles that draw people to us. It is our smiles that provide a contagious way of spreading hope and joy. Other people want us to smile because it helps them to smile in return. Walking around with a miserable sour puss on all day leaves you feeling less than joyful and unable to live your best life. Everybody likes to see abundant smiles around them.
3. Dental Veneers
Dental veneers can alter the look of the surface of the tooth by adding a thin porcelain coating. The coating is secured and firmly cemented to the front of your teeth giving you a bight white smile.
Veneers offer a quick solution for a single damaged tooth so that one problem doesn’t negatively alter your entire smile. One damaged tooth is enough to shatter someone’s self confidence, so the quicker the fix, the better for dental issues of this sort. If you have suffered damage to a single tooth, be sure to consult your dentist for solutions. You do not have to wait until your next scheduled cleaning visit.

4. Straightening Teeth
Crooked teeth can often be a source of negative self image and declining self confidence. Teeth straightening procedures such as braces are the best solution to gaining your most perfect smile. There are different options available in braces from metal ones to clear ones. Most people, especially adults who have decided to straighten their teeth later in life, opt for clear aligner systems like Invisalign which is offered by most orthodontic practitioners such as Dr. Peter Brawn.
With so many cosmetic dental treatments available for improving the look of our smiles, there is nothing stopping us from feeling more beautiful. If you have considered making improvements to your own smile, it is just a matter of contacting your dental office for information or you can seek out cosmetic dental practices online.
You can read about my teeth whitening journey here.
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I have whitened my teeth at the dentist over 10 years ago and was very happy with it.8 years ago I had my 8 front theeth straightened and that was really good! I am still very happy with it! You have perfect teeth!
Thanks, Nancy! I think it is important to feel confident in our smiles so good for you doing the things to bring yourself that confidence. My teeth actually were straighter when I was younger and they shifted forward a little bit and got a bit crooked from my wisdom teeth pushing them. It was own fault for waiting 20 years too long to have them removed!
Your smile looks great!
Curated by Jennifer
Thank you so much, my friend! Also, thanks for the Christmas card! It was the first one of the season. I am not a card sender so I admire your dedication to spreading joy into the world!
You do have a great smile and great teeth! I whitened my teeth once and really liked the way they looked! Getting a chip fixed next week.
Thanks so much, Lizzie! I really liked the result of the teeth whitening process, but I almost couldn’t stand the sensitivity that it caused. Good luck with your appointment net week!
Marsha Banks
Your smile is gorgeous! I am dealing with some dental issues right now (I have a dentist appointment next week and am already dreading it). I had braces in my thirties and, as a result, the roots of my front teeth are blocks rather than the normal rooty looking things! I also have substantial bone loss in my lower jaw…why no one ever told me is beyond me! So, every time I bite into something, I’m scared to death I’ll be like one of my fourth graders and pull out a tooth! I’m just about ready to say pull the damn things and give me a bridge! We’ll see what happens next week! Sorry for the rant…I’m just a little worried and scared and wish I’d never gotten braces! See what vanity does!!!
Thanks for all of the info, though, Shelbee!
Oh my goodness, Marsha, I hope everything goes well for you next week. I used to have terrible dentist anxiety and didn’t go for over 20 years. Not one single visit. I started going again when my wisdom teeth got massively infected when I was 40. Fortunately, I found providers that don’t scare the hell out of me and now I don’t mind going. But I also have been blessed with strong healthy teeth and I have never worn braces either. If I had to have major dental work, I might have a panic attack! Sending you lots of positive energy, my friend.
Kathrine Eldridge
Your teeth look amazing which! I tried whitening once and didn’t have a great experinece. Might have to give it a go again!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I really liked the results of the whitening process, but I couldn’t even complete the whole series of it because the sensitivity became too much to tolerate for me. I have to find some better whitening toothpastes, I think. I drink a lot of coffee which definitely adds to tooth discoloration. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Karen, the next best thing to mummy
great post#anythinggoes@_karendennis
Thanks so much, Karen! Have a fabulous week ahead!
Michele Morin
You definitely have a fabulous smile!
Aw, thanks so much, Michele! You are so kind!
jess jannenga
Hi Shelbee,
You look great and have a great smile! I say if I had enough $$ to do veneers it would be something I would do. FOr now, I do teeth whitenening every so often due to wine and cofee drinking.
Thanks for linkinig friend!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I really liked the teeth whitening because of all the coffee I drink. But the sensitivity was so hard for me to tolerate. I feel like I could use some whitening again but I think I have to find another method.
Anything dealing with the mouth is definitely a sensitive subject, but you’re so right – with some minor improvements, it can make a world of a difference just in the way we feel ourselves. I have been thinking about teeth whitening myself.
Thanks, Alexandra! It definitely can be a sensitive topic especially when a lot of cosmetic dentistry is not covered by insurance. The only thing cosmetic I have done to my teeth was whitening. But I couldn’t tolerate the increased sensitivity so I don’t think I will ever do it again!
StephanIe 139a
A fabulous reminder for me – I need to book an appointment!
Thanks, Stephanie!
I had dental surgery 2 years ago and had implants, I spent weeks with a couple of front teeth missing and had to wear a very uncomfortable plate, but worth every penny and I’m saving up for future surgery. Thanks for linking with #pocolo
Oh wow, Suzanne, thanks for sharing your dental experience. I imagine that was very uncomfortable but totally worth it in the end.