Highlights from My North Carolina Road Trip & Link Up On the Edge #287
Finally, I am getting around to sharing some photos from my recent road trip to North Carolina. I arrived home on March 1 and slept for about a week which set me even further behind on everything. Then I spent a week catching up only to find myself behind again. I guess that is just the way life goes.
Anyway, let’s get to it. I arrived at my friend Becca’s house in Tuckasegee, North Carolina, on Wednesday evening after dropping my kids off in Pennsylvania. I shared that part of my trip a few weeks ago. Knowing that I would be pooped from 12 hours of driving, Becca picked up a pizza on her way home from work and we spent a quiet evening relaxing, smoking weed, and cuddling with her fur babies. This first night was also the night that Becca asked me to watch The Vow with her. I got hooked and we managed to watch all 9 hours of it over the few days I was there. Now I am anxiously awaiting season 2.
Initially, I wasn’t supposed to arrive at Becca’s until Thursday evening so she didn’t schedule the day off from work. This ended up working out because the most terrible cramps came on and I spent the day on a diet of ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and marijuana getting very intimate with Becca’s heating pad. I also managed to do some blogging work while I enjoyed the quiet of Becca’s mountain haven. We spent another quiet evening at home and Becca made some delicious jambalaya for dinner. She was born and raised in Louisiana before moving to Pennsylvania, which is where I met her just a few weeks before she moved to North Carolina.
Friday was the day that we began our fun outside of Becca’s Barefoot Hill Homestead. We headed into Sylva, which is a tiny town about 30 minutes from Becca’s home. The population is approximately 2,500 residents but with West Carolina University just 6 miles away in Cullowhee, the town caters to a young, artistic, collegiate demographic. The village streets are lined with great eateries and unique gift and antique shops.
Our first stop was lunch once we got moving and drove into town. At this point, I have no recollection of where we had lunch but I do recall Becca had wings and I had a veggie burger and we ate outside and took this photo.

Our next stop was the Jackson County Courthouse which is a historic courthouse designed by Smith & Carrier in 1913. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1979 and has 107 steps that lead up the front portico from the fountain and plaza at street level. We climbed all 107 steps and I was winded by the time we reached the top!

Next we went shopping. There were so many really fun and funky antique shops. I am pretty sure we browsed through every single one of them. I had been wanting to get Becca a cool housewarming gift for her new home but I had no idea what to get her. Then I spotted a really awesome orange/red marble vintage ashtray in one of the antique shops. I noticed that Becca had been using a saucer as an ashtray so I thought this unique vintage ashtray would make the perfect little housewarming gift. Of course, I forgot to photograph the darn ashtray but when we got home that night we got curious about red marble and started doing some online research. We did learn lots about the different minerals that cause the different colors of marble, but more importantly we found the same ashtray on a vintage website for $220. By the way, I paid $18.

This same shop also had this amazing dish set that we had when I was a young girl. It made me so nostalgic and happy that I had to at least take a picture. Now that I am looking at the photo, I kind of wish I had just bought it. But I am cleaning things out not adding more!

They also had a whole team of original 1980’s E.T. plushies. Becca is as passionate about aliens as I am about shoes so she started snapping photos of these cuties and sending them out to her boyfriend.

We visited another really unique antique/gift shop where Becca and I bought matching feather earrings and I also found the cutest little green mushroom necklace. I don’t have photos of those either. But I did take some photos of the most amazing souvenirs that I found for my boys in this shop. But before I show you I have to explain. Both of my boys have always been interested in polished stones and healing gemstones and all that stuff. They are also both at this age where penis jokes are the funniest thing ever. I don’t get it, but still I indulge the humor especially when I bring them souvenirs like this…

After shopping, we met up with Becca’s boyfriend A.J. to go waterfall hunting. We drove all through the mountains stopping at various places to take a photos. I wish I had written down the names of all the stops but I was definitely too stoned to be bothered with all that. One really great thing about vacationing with Becca is that she prefers to do all the driving so I can just smoke pot all day long! We took some photos by a lake where there was also a bridal party taking photos. And one of the falls we visited was called Bridal Falls but I can’t remember which one.

I think this waterfall that flowed onto the road is the one called Bridal Falls. It was really neat. You could walk right behind it and watch the cars drive by!

The second waterfall had a lot of stairs leading down to it. At one point you could a walk behind this one as well except there were falling rock warning signs all around it now and the walkway behind it was closed. But it was still really cool to just stand in front of it and watch.

Unfortunately after all the mountain driving, I started feeling a little car sick after the second waterfall so we started making our way back home. We spent Friday night at the homestead with A.J. and Becca’s friend Tawny just hanging out and laughing and having a grand ole time. We were laughing so hard at one point that Becca accused me of waking the people on the other side of the mountain. The sound really does carry far out there! And the stargazing is magical!
On Saturday, Becca and I headed into Asheville which is about an hour and half drive from her house. We parked right next to this vehicle that I had a bumper sticker that would make my kids laugh…

After inconspicuously photographing someone else’s car, we met up with Michelle and Jenny for some shopping while we waited for a table at Tupelo Honey. Michelle brought along a whole bag of her handmade jewelry for us to choose whatever we wanted! It was so kind and generous of her and I came home with some fabulous new pieces. I just photographed one of the necklaces for my post on Monday so do stop by and see that one. I had Eggs Benedict for lunch which was amazing despite the fact that my stomach was not right during my entire trip.

After lunch, Michelle headed home and Jenny, Becca, and I did some more shopping. That’s when I found my awesome new granny square cardigan! We took a bunch more photos on Jenny’s camera that she will be sending me soon.
After shopping, we said good-bye to Jenny and headed to our hotel which I thought was at the Biltmore estate but it was actually the cheaper hotel that his affiliated with the Biltmore but is 12 miles away from the actual estate. I felt a little misled by their website, but it’s okay. It was a lovely hotel and actually closer to where we needed to be anyway. We decided at the last minute to attend the Umphrey’s McGee show at the Harrah’s Cherokee Center in Asheville. We saw them the last time I was in Asheville in 2020 and it was such a great show. I think this second time was even better. I ended up buying two hoodies from the merch table because I couldn’t decide which I liked better. I have been wearing both on repeat since I got them!

We missed the opening band Le Special because I was struggling with some stomach issues before the show. But I ended up meeting their bass player when I randomly purchased one of their tee shirts for a lovely young lady that I met during the show. She was so full of light and love and energy and was crushing hard on the bass player. And I know at 21 years old that she likely spent all of her money on the show tickets and had none left to buy things like tee shirts. So I bought her one. He stood there in disbelief of my gesture and then he gifted me a lighter which I happily accepted. Now I definitely need to see this band perform!

I was also very generously invited to attend the “after party”. But the only thing I want to do after any party is sleep. So I graciously declined and Becca and I headed out for some midnight waffles before hitting the hay and heading back to the homestead in the morning. When we arrived home, Becca found this cutie waiting on her bed! A.J. had gone back to the store after she sent him photos and bought her the E.T. This guy is amazing! He also cooked and cleaned for us and stayed with the fur babies overnight so we could stay in Asheville.

Sunday consisted of packing and resting up for my long drive home. I was on the road back before 6:00 a.m. on Monday. I spent an uneventful night at a hotel in Bethlehem and finished the final four hours of my trip on Tuesday.
I had the most wonderful time catching up with all of my friends and I am so grateful to everyone who made my trip possible! Until next year, North Carolina!

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Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

What a great catch-up with friends old and new, so worth the long long drive!
Thanks so much, Pamela! It is absolutely worth the long drive and I plan to make it an annual trip until we relocate to that area in a decade!
Kathrine Eldridge
What a wondeful trip! I would love to see the stars at your friends house. That ashtray is so cool and a wonderful gift. Those waterfalls look so amazing too. Thanks for sharing these special moments and for the feature as well.
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Oh my gosh, the sky was super clear that night and she has an Adirondack chair sitting at the top of this little hill at the front of her yard with a perfectly tree-free view of the sky. I just sat there and got lost in space! I tried to snap a photo of the stars but I had none of my settings correct and ended up with the most ridiculous and funniest selfie ever! I hope you have the most wonderful weekend, my friend!
Mica - Away From The Blue
It’s great you had so much fun with your friend and you managed to fit a lot into your trip! 🙂
Hope that you are having a good week 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! It was a really great trip for the soul! We are having Ralphie’s birthday party tomorrow so a full and exciting weekend ahead for us! I hope you enjoy yours!
We went on a similar trip and had a blast! But without the physical issues except maybe tummy aches from eating too much! That’s the worst when you don’t feel well on vacay! Regardless you managed to have quite a fab trip. Great memories made for sure!
Thanks so much, Gwen! All of my physical issues had to do with darn menopause, too. So there is no avoiding it and I never really know when it will strike. But I did have a great time despite the hormonal rebellion!
Looks like you had so much fun!!!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks, Jennifer! I had a blast! I am looking forward to next my road trip already!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
What a fun trip!! The court house is stunning and those little ETs adorable!
Thanks so much, Tamar! The courthouse is definitely a super cool landmark. I kind of wish we could have gone inside. I don’t think we even considered that as an option!
Amy Johnson
Looks like you had a lot fun. Glad you got to meet up with other bloggers. I love Asheville and the Biltmore Estate. My husband and I call it “Waterfall Hunting” too.
Thanks so much, Amy! I still need to visit the actual Biltmore! Maybe on my next trip! Waterfall hunting is the perfect term for it, isn’t it?
Anne M Bray
Wow! I’m exhausted just reading this! No wonder you needed a week to recouperate!
Meeting up with friends is so magical. Especially as we emerge from these social distance days.
Ha, I didn’t feel like we did all that much! But my body said otherwise. I sometimes forget that Becca and Carson and that whole crew of my North Carolina pals are all a decade younger than me and that decade might make a big difference. None of them have children either. And deez kidz…well you know. God bless ‘em!
Anne M Bray
Haha, doz kidz. How did they like the, um, rocks?
There is a use for them that came to mind that is not suitable for children. Hahahaha. Yes, my mind went THERE.
Hehe, my kids were not all that impressed with my sense of humor! They actually thought that Becca’s Slap Ya Mama! cajun spice mix was funnier. When I showed them a picture of that, they laughed and laughed. They just rolled their eyes at the stones. Until I referred to them as mini cock rocks. Then they laughed. Because apparently rhyming is funnier than actual cock rocks. Ha. None of this is suitable for children! Yet my children keep coming home from school with all sorts of new sexual terms sneaking out of their tiny little babe faces. Oh it makes me cringe. But here we are…the world we live in and my kids are growing up in it whether I want them to or not!
Glad you had such a great time on your road trip-it sounds like lots of great memories were made! The waterfalls are just amazing! Hope you enjoy your weekend and thanks for sharing yourfun vacation photos!
Thanks so much, Di! It was a really wonderful time. I am looking forward to going again next year! We will be celebrating Ralphie’s 9th birthday this weekend. I hope to share about that on Tuesday. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Donna B Reidland
Thanks for sharing the highlights of your trip with us. It looks like it was a special time. I remember those years with boys and their humor. LOL
Thanks so much, Donna! Oh these boys of mine and their sense of humor…they really are something else! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Cheryl Shops
Looks like you had a fun road trip, and the Deez Nuts bumper sticker made me literally LOL. Fun fact: my mom’s friend’s son is in Umphrey’s McGee—his name is Joel and he plays the keyboard!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Hahaha, Cheryl, I am glad I got you to LOL! I had so much fun and UM is so freaking amazing! I am really digging that they were playing in Asheville both times that I was there. I think I recall you mentioning about Joel when I shared about seeing them 2 years ago! That is super cool! Have you seen them perform?
What a great trip! And you wrote it in such way that it almost felt I was there too. Those waterfalls are amazing. And that ashtray!!! We had such one at home when I was a kid. I’m glad you had a fabulous time dispite your stomach problems.
Thanks so much, Nancy! I am glad that you felt like you were traveling with me, my friend. The waterfalls were amazing. I need to move there so I have a lifetime to go find all the falls!
Laura Bambrick
It looks like you had so much fun! The falls are beautiful! I’m not a smoker, but the marble ashtray is really pretty! Great find!
Thanks, Laura! I had a blast! I am hoping to make this an annual trip. I want to take the kids with me soon, too, but I do love my kid-free time as well. Haha. That antique shop had some really funky vintage ashtrays and ashtray tables that were cool just from the vintage viewpoint. They made me kind of cringey though. Even though I smoke pot in my basement, it is nothing like the atrocious smell of growing up in a cigarette smoking home. The ashtray tables in particular grossed me out. But they were still fun to look at! Have a great weekend, my friend!
Your True Self
Hi, Shelbee – I’m so sorry you had to be sick so much on your vacation. But it was a pleasure to see this trip through the eyes of a stoned girl having fun with life. So I’m sure that overall you managed to enjoy your visit to the max. I love your feather earrings and cardigan. I got a cardigan just like it that I am going to give to a friend because I am not high contrast like you so I think the print is too big and contrasted for me. Love the style though; that’s why I ordered it! Thanks for sharing your trip – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Aw, Angie, thanks so much. Yeah, I try to just focus on the good parts and forget about the feeling icky! This premenopause business though! It seriously messes me with my life on a daily basis. I can’t wait for it to be over! I think that is so cool that you gifted your awesome cardigan to a friend! I know there are certain things I love that just don’t work on me either and so I have to move on and appreciate the fabulousness of it on someone else I hope you have a fantastic weekend, my friend!
It sounds like you had a great trip (well aside from feeling icky anyway). We used to have a few stuffed ET’s around our house. My youngest sister was obsessed with ET when she was in kindergarten and used to watch our VHS tape nearly every day and then would cry when ET died every single time. It was so cute and so sad. But we ended up buying her lots of ET merch…. I should try to find her a stuffed one now!
Those waterfalls are fabulous! My girlfriend and I were just talking about trying to find a hike or two near waterfalls up here. We don’t have many in the tri-state area though but I am determined to find a few.
Thanks, Joanne! This trip is exactly what my soul was in need of! After the long North Country winters, I always feel so revived and ready to exit hibernation beginning with my annual winter break North Carolina road trip. I absolutely love that little story about your sister and E.T.! It really is so cute and so sad that she cried every single time! And you definitely should get her an E.T. plushie now! I hope you find some waterfalls in your area, too!
So glad you had a fun vacation in NC. I’m from Virginia but now live in Georgia, and we have a granddaughter who is a senior at Western Carolina in Cullowhee. So, we’re familiar with that area. We love the mountains of NC — beautiful scenery and talentend artists/artisans who use time-honored, authentic techniques to create their crafts. Thanks for hosting the link-up!
Oh wow, Carol, that is so awesome that your granddaughter is at Western Carolina! It is such a great little area of the world, isn’t it? The handmade wares that I have seen all throughout North Carolina have all been so beautiful. There is so much genuine talent there. It really is the place that calls to my heart the loudest and I look forward to spending my retirement years there!
Deborah Stinedurf
Looks like a truly amazing trip my friend! So happy that you took some time for yourself to just enjoy life! xo
Thanks so much, Debbie! It was so good for my soul! Both times that I have returned from Asheville, I have felt a new sense of purpose and self and it always feels so good! I love taking this trip annually during winter break. It is exactly what I need after the long North Country winters!
It’s so cool to hear more about the rest of your trip! The ashtray you got for Becca is beautiful. And it looks like you got to see so many fun and quirky things in those shops. I am amazed at the waterfalls here. I belong to a Blue Ridge Mountain FB group and it is filled with so many waterfalls and gorgeous scenery. You got some great shots! I bet the girl you purchased the t-shirt for was amazed. Random acts of kindness – it just never gets old.
So how did your boys like their penis gifts?
Already excited about your return trip!
Thanks, Michelle! First I have to tell you this because I just mentioned in it a comment to Marsha. You freaking rocked those skinny jeans you had on in Asheville! Your whole outfit was fabulous and you looked amazing! And I think that I forgot to tell you that in person so I am telling you now!
The shops were so fun. We have some really cute and quirky gift shops in my town, but there’s like 5 and it gets old. Ha. It was nice to see such a wonderful eclectic variety of wares! Next time I visit maybe we do some waterfall hunting instead of shopping! I need to stop shopping and start minimizing. “But I love shopping so much!” is what I am screaming inside my head as I typed those words!
The boys were not very impressed with their souvenirs. I had built it up to Ralph that I had found really interesting stones in the mountains unlike anything I had ever seen before. He immediately thought I brought him a chunk of gold! So imagine the let down when he expected gold and got a tiny cock rock! I just laughed out loud typing that part! Hahahahaha The rhyme made them laugh more than the stones did though! Although they do have them displayed on their bedroom knick knack shelves so they must secretly think they’re funny but can’t admit that to me!
Marsha Banks
Oh, to live in the mountains of North Carolina!!! What a dream come true! I love Asheville and the funky vibe it has. It was so cool to see Jennie in your photos. I always loved her blog…her hair is fabulous!!! And, of course, Michelle looks pretty doggone fabulous, too! What a wonderful time you had. Please tell me you had some fried green tomatoes at Tupelo Honey!! They are so goooooood!!! I’m hoping to make it to Asheville sometime this year, but you never know…
Thanks for the link up!!
Marsha, it is the place that my heart is set on for retirement! It is like a dream haven of peaceful quietude!
OMG, isn’t Jennie’s hair so fabulous! She was still wearing her red pixie cut the last time we met for lunch in Asheville. She walked right past me in front of the restaurant and I didn’t even recognize her. Then when I realized it was her, I’m pretty sure I squealed fairly loudly about how fabulous her hair is! Michelle looked so wonderful, too. She rocks her skinny jeans in the best way ever and I totally forgot to tell her that so hopefully she reads my comments. Haha.
Unfortunately, I did not have fried green tomatoes! I will definitely keep that in mind for my next visit though. Who knows, maybe I will be meeting you for lunch at Tupelo Honey! Wouldn’t that be fun!?
jess jannenga
HI Shelbee!
It sounded like you had a great time! I like the sound of Beccas mountain house. Sounds like you got to see alot too- the little shops, those beautiful waterfalls and Ashville. Glad you had a great time with the ladies too! I am sure will meet them next time! I love Jennie’s hair! Sorry you were a bit sick , but you made the best of it!
I enjoyed reading!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! This trip was so good for my soul! It always is. I hope to be back next year so we will definitely try again to get together! Isn’t Jennie’s hair so so good! I didn’t even recognize her at first. She walked right past me! Haha. Have a fabulous week ahead, my friend.
Lauren Renee Sparks
I have never been to the Carolinas, but they are on my wish list!
Oh, it really such a beautiful part of our country, Lauren! I hope you get there soon! I really want to go in the fall to see the leaves turning in the mountains!
Patrick Weseman
Looks like just a fun trip. Happy for you. Very nice.
Thanks, Patrick! I can’t wait to do it again!
I’m surprised you can remember much of the road trip, but what a fabulous road trip and great mate to take you around everywhere. Love the polished stones for the boys, hope it did make them laugh. Those waterfalls like simply amazing.
Thanks for joining in with #pocolo hope to see you back soon
Thanks so much, Suzanne! It was a wonderful time and I do have some really great friends! The boys did laugh at my souvenir choice. I can’t wait to take them waterfall hunting in the North Carolina mountains one day. They would like that way more than silly souvenirs!