Guest Post: What to Wear to a Nude Beach & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #93

- Note from Shelbee: This post was written and contributed by my friend and avid blog reader, Susan Marinelli. Susan has very graciously offered to write some posts for me while I am still trying to figure out how to manage 3 part time jobs, 2 kids and a husband, and 1 blog. Plus, she has been considering starting her own blog (which I absolutely think she should) and wanted a little experience at writing in blog post form. I find Susan’s writing style an absolute joy to read and her sense of humor far surpasses any other human being I have ever met. She is hilariously witty and as left me in stitches on many occasions just in her comment threads on my blog posts. Let me introduce you all to Susan since she will most likely be contributing additional posts to Shelbee on the Edge. A true example of how one can #SpreadTheKindness. I cannot adequately express my gratitude for this generosity except to simply say, “Thank you, Susan.” Read on…I guarantee you will end with a smile on your face.
Hi, I am Susan Marinelli. I am an aged hippie from New Castle, Delaware, a very old town on the Delaware River. I live in my old, old house with my aged Scottie, Wally, and a most annoying cat named Gracie. My grandparents lived around the corner, where my father was born, and I am related to 99% of all the Italians in my town. I am inching toward retirement, and in the meantime, drive a school bus and a senior center bus so I don’t have to work in an office. I’ve done a lot of traveling, love to read, cook, garden, and am a fan of history and language. And of course, fashion. Here I am (and yes, I am holding an Italian flag).

What to Wear to a Nude Beach
“This morning, I shot six holes in my freezer,
I think I’ve got cabin fever” –Jimmy Buffett
Somebody sound the alarm!
Jimmy wrote about being stuck in the cold. Jimmy hates the cold.
I’ve applied his quote to being stuck in endless summer. I hate the heat.
Today, it is 84 degrees and 76% humidity in my neck of the woods.
I’ve got a great bunch of fall clothes and I CAN’T WEAR THEM!!!
My air conditioner is still running! My hair is frizzy!
It is mid-October. Hence, the whining.
Whining being done (for now) since I am sweating my butt off in this October weather, Imma write a summer post.
I have been naked on the beach on two oceans, one sea, and two continents. How many of you can say that?
The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea. Not simultaneously.
Catalina Island, the Florida Keys, Gaeta, Italy, and maybe on the beach just north of Ensenada, but I had tequila that night. I did NOT eat the worm. Oh, and Sandy Hook Beach in New Jersey, but technically it’s a Clothing Optional beach so you decide if that one counts. Oh, and Rehoboth Beach, but that was a wardrobe malfunction due to rough surf.
My family got over it after a decade or so…although it is still mentioned at holiday gatherings.
I am not a pervert nor an exhibitionist. I am fair skinned (dammit I am Italian!) and NOT a sun worshipper. I just came of age in the seventies. Nudity was more common then and more acceptable. At least it was to me, as I was much thinner and everything was where it was designed to be. If you wish to judge me, knock yourselves out.
I remember the first time I went to a nude beach. I was in agony: Where will I put my car keys? What if something bites me? Does this make me a pervert? Is everything shaved? Where is my Chapstick? Is everyone else there gonna be beautiful?
To shield you from agony, allow me to use my expertise in intercontinental nudity to your benefit. Here is what all the best nudists are wearing.
Or at least they were the last time I went.
Sunglasses: These should be large and wide and dark. If you can find a pair of those eye doctor sunglasses with the shields on the side, wear them. This will allow you to conceal your shock/envy/amazement (make sure to clamp your jaw shut) while also allowing you to check out everyone else with impunity.
Sunscreen: Duh!
Clothing: Wear a two piece suit in case you wish to swim.
Also, you have to wear something to the beach from the parking lot. Some of them have refreshment stands. And some of them have pervs sitting in the lot…many with binoculars.
Over the two piece suit, it is good to have a coverup, something floaty, so it can double as a sun/perv shield. All clothing articles should be easy to get on and off. I once watched a French Canadian FAMILY of five take off their Spandex on the beach. Mom, Pop, and kids. It is not something I ever want to see again. To digress for a moment, why is it that other countries are so much more relaxed about nudity? And what if my parents had been nudists, would I be normal today? Thanks Mom and Dad for being clothed at all times.
Jewelry is good only for having the sun glint off of. Wear it if you crave attention.
Sandals: Do not wear flip flops!!! I cannot stress this enough. I can assure you that on the flip or the flop, sand will come flying and land in horrible places, necessitating its removal. I, for one, don’t want anyone watching me remove sand from my armpit.
Or anywhere else.
But enough about that. You will figure it out.
Going naked in public was a learning experience. Clothes can be used to project many things as well as protect them.
You can hide behind them, use them as a defense mechanism, or you can make them work to your advantage, and show others how you feel about yourself. Clothes should be an enjoyable expression of your life.
Words should be that way as well but too often they are not. Clothes, like words, are tools to show others what you want them to see. Take away those tools and what you have left is yourself.
Judge Kindly.
And now for the link up fun and your favorites from last week.
Jacqui of Mummabstylish looks stunning in her magenta wedding guest outfit in her post, Michaela Louisa Worked for Me!

Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag shared a gorgeous fall look for a super humid climate in her post, Ageless Style October: Show Us Your Fall Colors.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups
All stock photo images c/o Unsplash.

Kellyann Rohr
Susan, I sure enjoyed reading your post! I say go for it and get your own blog, you seem like a natural! I also feel your pain, it’s hot and humid in FL and no sign of fall – all of my fall clothes are patiently waiting to come out and play. Yesterday with the heat index it was 102 and I can’t even begin to describe the humidity. I’ve never been to a nude beach but I enjoyed your post!
And it was sure nice to see my post was enjoyed by others!
Kellyann, thanks so much for reading and for inspiring us with your post! Susan really is a natural and I think she would quickly have lots of readers coming back for more…because who doesn’t want a good chuckle reading a blog? I have always been intrigued by nude beaches myself, but I really am afraid of sand getting in the wrong places…so I kind of stay away from beaches altogether…clothed or nude! And I am sympathetic to your humid existence…ugh…I hate heat and humidity. I hope it breaks for you all soon.
Susan Marinelli
Kellyann, I need those boots! It doesn’t matter if I can walk in them or not (I can’t), they are just CUTE! Thank you for reading my post.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
What a great post, Susan!
A friend here just went to a nudist beach for vacation and loved the body freedom!
Tamar, thanks for reading! I have a lot of nerve and a lot of confidence, but I haven’t yet been able to go nude on a beach! Good for your friend! And Susan. I adore bold women!
Susan Marinelli
Thanks Tamar! I am bold??? Thanks Shelbee!
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
Oh my gosh what a fun introduction to the nudist beach culture! I nearly choked on my coffee with laughter at the sunglasses advise! Susan, you would do great writing a blog! xx Maria
Maria, isn’t Susan an amazing writer?! She makes me laugh every time simply by keeping it real!
Susan Marinelli
Oh dear, it’s a culture now, is it?
That makes me a member of the nudist culture?
Screw convention, I am gonna embrace that.
I should go to France now.
Kathrine Eldridge
Thanks for sharing your experiences and advice Susan! One day I will get the guts to do this myself. Noted on not doing flip flips. Lol!
Kathrine, thanks for reading! The flip flops part totally cracked me up, too!
Susan Marinelli
Thanks Kathrine! Guts? A gut is not what you need on a nude beach.
Susan, you should absolutely write a blog. I would follow you for sure! This was a hilarious and informative post. I have been on a beach that had a nude part and a non-nude section. I stayed in the bathing suit-wearing section because I am a chicken. If I ever get up enough courage to go to the nude part, I will surely follow your advice. Thanks for posting!
Laurie, thanks for reading and commenting and sharing your experience with a part nude beach. I am too much of a chicken, too, plus I just hate sand! Maybe I would do a nude resort with a pool and no sand! Hahaha.
I too, hate sand. I detest sand, unless it is in it’s proper place, which is not my armpit.
Jonet Wooten
Oh this was a hilarious and delightful read, well done! I loved reading it and remembering my own nude beach experiences.
Sending much love your way, Shelbee. I now you will find your balance.
Xo, Jonet
Jonet, thanks so much for reading and commenting! Now I want to hear about your nude beach experience! Ha. I am much too afraid of sand in the wrong places to even attempt being nude on a beach!
Slowly, but surely, I am finding balance!
Thank you Janet, for being a fellow member of the nude culture. (See above)
Everything is a matter of balance, and timing.
Sand is relative.
jacqui berry
Thanks so much for the feature Shelbee, just love this dress and can’t wait to wear it again! Not sure when though – lol
Great piece and thanks for hosting too. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Jacqui, thanks so much for always linking up with me and inspiring us with your sartorial choices!
Robin LaMonte
Susan, (and Shelbee)
How fun to read your nude beach experiences and tips on being a nudist.
I am married to an Italian and he likes me dressed at the beach. I have had bikini tops malfunction when I was getting hit with the waves while body surfing in my 20’s and 30’s, but I tend to stay out of the ocean at the age of 61. (I’m a pool chic now.)
When we went to Aruba with the children when they were little there was a topless beach near the Marriott and every morning I would find my little men walking in that direction to see the topless bathers.
Thankfully they didn’t pack binoculars… LOL!
Robin, thanks so much for sharing your nude beach experience! I like to stayed dressed at the beach as well mostly because I am afraid of getting sand in the wrong places. Actually, I tend to stay away from the beach altogether because I despise sand just that much! I laughed out loud about your little men heading to look at the topless bathers! That would totally be my boys, too!
Why thank you Robin! I too, am 61, and believe me, nude beaches are not in my future.
Neither is swimming in the ocean any longer. Too much trash in it, alas!
And rip currents! I never met a rip current until last year, when I was chewed up and spat out by one.
Did we even have rip currents in the seventies?
Surpise! I don’t remember!
Your friend is a hoot and should write a blog! She has a great perspective on life!
Mitch, thanks for reading and commenting! She leaves me laughing with every single thing she writes!
Now, Mitch and Shelbee…
a great perspective? Thank you so much, Mitch!
laughing with every single thing?
Don’t encourage me. You may create/awaken the monster.
My head will swell up and I won’t be able to fit on a nude beach.
Nancy Baten
Susan, I enjoyed your post.You wore on a lovely humorous way! Shelbee, you picked the right guest writer!
Thanks so much, Nancy! Susan really is quite phenomenal!
Great guest post, Susan! I’m glad you’re getting a break Shelbee. Wonderful features this week, Jacqui is wearing my current favorite color and, well, Kellyann is a stylish sweetheart!
Kim, thanks so much for stopping by and commenting! Jacqui’s dress really is such a stunning color!
Fun post 🙂 I would actually love to run around naked on a beach with my kids lol! I love seeing their naked little bums running around the house hehehehe! They are 6 and 3.
Thanks for reading, Lindsay! Little kid naked bums really are the cutest things ever, aren’t they?!
Naked little bums are cute, but I prefer naked little knees. And feets!
When my nieces were babies, I used to put their whole foot in my mouth, to make them laugh.
jodie filogomo
Isn’t Susan hilarious? Wait until you see what she wrote about our Alaska trip…it’ll be on the blog next week!!
Oh I totally cannot wait! She is a hoot, for sure!
Oh noes!!!!!! What did I write???
I hope it was clean.
Unlike my laundry which I have ignored successfully for two full weeks…
Jessica A Jannenga
This post gave me a laugh! I enjoyed reading as I enjoy this kind of humour. It was interesting to read as well. Ive never been on a nude beach but you never know what will end up on my bucket list later in life.. 🙂
jess xx
Jess, I am glad you enjoyed it and got a good laugh! I am with you…I never tried it either, but you never do know what the future holds!
Patrick Weseman
LOL-What a wonderful post. I work in a city where I see nudists at least once or twice a day in town (San Francisco). It is an interesting thing and my question is why the nudists who are walking around town are old white guys in their 60’s and 70’s. Just me.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Ha, Patrick! I am so sorry that you have to see all the old white male nudists! You might need a pair of those sunglasses that Susan mentioned just to get to and from work! Thanks so much for reading and for giving me a chuckle!
Lauren Sparks
Hilarious. Love this guest post. laurensparks.net
Lauren, thanks so much! It is one of my favorite posts ever!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
When I went on my honeymoon (with my first husband), we went to Orient Beach I believe it was… it was a nude beach and I remember doing a little people watching, ha! But, we didn’t get naked. I think now that I’m older, I’d probably try it out. It’s not like I’m going to see anyone I know! 🙂
Carrie, that is a fantastic story! I am with you, I would have never even considered such a thing when I was younger, but I certainly am contemplating it now…especially since so many amazing women are commenting that they have tried it!
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
very interesting to read. Thank you very much.
XO Tina
Tina, thanks for reading!
Lol 🙂 Such a fun post! Great job Susan. Love your perspective on this topic and you hit right on the head!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thanks so much for stopping by! I am glad you enjoyed Susan’s post!
Cheryl Shops
Hi Susan! I first went topless on a beach in Spain 15 years ago and it was so incredibly liberating, I now REALLY look forward to going to the beach whenever I’m in Europe. Also, no annoying tan lines! Your comment about flip-flops really cracked me up, too.
Shelbee, hope you’re hanging in there with all the scheduling!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks so much for sharing your nude beach experience! You ladies are so fabulous. I am now considering taking a trip into this topless territory. Eek.
Elizabeth Ramsey
Welcome Susan! Delightful post! I too, am a child of the 70’s and haven’t gone Full Monty yet but have gone topless. I’ll get there one day – it just can’t be around anyone I know. With strangers I don’t seem to have the same nudity problems that I think I’d feel if I were exposed to friends. Is that strange? See you again soon! Second Shelbee on the blogging thing! If you think about it, try it! Have certainly met tons of great people that way (Shelbee included).
Betsy | https://nattygal.com
Betsy, you are so sweet! And I love that you have ventured into topless territory! I have not yet done such a thing, but y’all are making me reconsider! And I don’t think it’s strange that you’d be more comfortable around strangers. I think I would feel the same way…because they won’t see you again so you care a little less.
You are such a great writer. Thanks for sharing!
Susan really is fantastic! Thanks for stopping by, Stephanie!
Bettye L Rainwater
What a great post, Susan! I have never really felt a desire to be naked out in public…I don’t think so much out of shyness or prudeness (prudity?) as just plain comfort. As you said, sand gets places you’d rather it didn’t. And I’m afraid of skin that has Never Seen the Sun getting burned in spite of sunscreen. I’m not against the idea I just don’t think it’s for me. Though skinny dipping seems nice 🙂 If the right circumstances came along, THAT I think I would enjoy.
Hope you plan on writing more posts – maybe for your own blog!
Bettye, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the topic! The one thing that holds me back from trying to be nude on a beach is the sand in mysterious places! Skinny dipping in a nice clean pool is totally more my speed!
Very entertaining post Shelbee, I have experienced several nude beaches in Greece when I lived there. To us, it is a huge deal, but to other countries they aren’t at all fazed by it. Back when I did as the Grecians do, but today I prefer to be clothed on a beach, for many reasons! Thanks for the laugh. XOXO
Cherie, I am so glad you enjoyed Susan’s post! And thanks for sharing your Grecian experience. I think a little skinny dipping in a pool would be more my vibe that going nude on beach. But one never knows what opportunities may change one’s mind in the future.
Such an interesting post. I would have never guessed flip flops were a no no while being nude in the sand.
Thanks for reading, Lorena! Apparently, the flip and the flop can cause some serious issues!
This was such a fun read! Definitely noting the no-no on the flip flops lol!
Thanks for reading, Liz! I am glad you enjoyed it!
This was by far the most entertaining blog post I’ve read in quite some time! Thank you for that. All smiles here and welcome to blog world. I hope your guests posts will turn into a blog of your own! Shelbee, I hope all is well with you and how smart to get a guest blogger to assist in management. I’ve been working on a friend who is an amazing travel planner and great writer to guest post for me. Fingers crossed she will say yes!
Chrissy, thank you so much for all of these kind and lovely words! I have another post from Susan coming on Tuesday. It is such a relief to have the help! I hope your friend agrees to guest post for you. I love that I have a forum where I can share and showcase someone else’s talents as well!
Great article about what to wear to a nude beach. Its given us some ideas for an article on https://naturist.sx
I think our article will go something like this “If you are planning to visit a nude beach, you might be wondering what to wear. The answer is simple – you don’t need to wear anything at all!….. “
Very cute approach! Thanks so much for sharing it with me. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!