Friday Favorites #7 & Link Up On the Edge #208

I am not certain why I started calling these random Friday posts Friday Favorites when I rarely share actual favorite things. I usually focus these posts on things I have watched or read. Sometimes I include things that we have eaten or recent purchases as well. But since I haven’t eaten much that is out of the ordinary and I haven’t purchased very many things either, I guess I will stick with the Friday Favorites theme and share whatever the heck I feel like sharing.
So let’s get to it.
I finally finished A Brief History of Everything by Ken Wilber that I mentioned in my last Friday Favorites post. While I was really taken in by Mr. Wilber’s ideas on the evolution of everything, I struggled to finish this book as I got nearer to the end. It was rather anti-climactic by the conclusion but I did still gain some valuable insights and worthwhile perspectives.
I abandoned Book 5 of Stephen King’s Dark Tower Series, The Dark Tower V: The Wolves of Calla. I needed to shift from the darkness that is Mr. King’s work and read something a little lighter. I will return to finish the final 3 books of this series at a later time.
Canoe Country: The Making of Canada by Roy MacGregor. I took this book with me for our weekend getaway to the Finger Lakes and finished it in less than a week. Mr. MacGregor shares beautiful and inspiring accounts of how the canoe was so instrumental in the discovery of the vast wilderness that is Canada. Living less than 30 miles away from that gorgeous country, I am passionate about learning more of Canadian history and culture. Hopefully I will get to travel there one day soon once the border is open again. If you are an outdoors enthusiast or a history buff, I highly recommend this book. It was an easy book to read with breathtaking imagery created in a story teller’s voice that keeps you interested and wanting more.
Blog posts. Lots and lots of blog posts! I have been making an effort to read and comment on every post that links up with my parties. I am also trying to make my rounds to other posts not linked up with me. There are so many amazing bloggers and writers out there who have brilliant, inspiring things to share. I wish I had more hours in the day to see it all! Honestly, blogs are where I am getting most of my information on current events. So thank you all for keeping it real and for keeping me up to date on things.

The Runaways (2010): ($3.99 to rent on Amazon Prime or Free on Hulu) This movie starring Kristen Stewart as Joan Jett and Dakota Fanning as Cherie Currie shares the story of Joan Jett’s beginnings as a teen rock star in The Runaways. I really enjoyed this film and recommend it for any Joan Jett fan or anyone interested in rock history.
Palm Springs (2020): (Free on Hulu) This Hulu Original movie tells the story of Nyles and Sarah who meet at a wedding in Palm Springs only to find themselves caught in a time warp of the same day repeating itself over and over. A modern day version of Groundhog’s Day and perfectly reflective of the past 5 months spent in lockdown. It also reminded me of 50 First Dates ($2.99 to rent on Amazon Prime) starring Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler except not quite as good. It was kind of cheesy but still an enjoyable film.
Friends with Kids (2011): (Free on Hulu and Amazon Prime). With a really great cast of Adam Scott, Jennifer Westfeldt, Maya Rudolph, Chris O’Dowd, Kristen Wiig, and Jon Hamm, this film traces the lives of best friends Jason and Julie (Scott and Westfeldt) who decide to have a child together but remain friends not lovers. It is rather predictable with some decent moments of humor mixed with emotion. Not the greatest movie I have ever seen, but not the worst either.
How Do You Know (2010): (Free on Hulu) I was all in when I sat down to watch this romantic comedy with the amazing cast of Reese Witherspoon, Paul Rudd, Owen Wilson, and Jack Nicholson. Reese plays the role of Lisa, a 27 year old member of the women’s USA Olympic softball team, who gets cut and needs to redefine her life without softball. On her journey to redefining her life, she finds herself in a love triangle with George (Rudd), a corporate businessman under federal investigation, and Matty (Wilson), a narcissistic baseball star. Honestly, I was super disappointed in how dull this movie ended up being. In fact, Rotten Tomatoes gave this film an audience score of 2.5/10. And I kind of agree.
The Kissing Booth (2018): (Free on Netflix) This teenage romantic comedy follows Elle as she is forced to confront her high school crush at a fundraising kissing booth. It is a cute, feel good story of youthful love and awkwardness and all of the crazy emotions that come with that stage of life. Cute but predictable and a tiny bit corny.
Grey Owl (1999): (Free on Amazon Prime) Directed by Richard Attenborough, this biopic stars Pierce Brosnan as Archibald Stansfeld Belaney, a British born conservationist who disguised himself as a First Nations man known as Grey Owl. He rose to international fame in the 1930’s as an author and orator who spoke passionately on environmental issues only to have his false identity revealed after his death in 1938. This film was produced on a $30 million budget and flopped at the box office, grossing only $632,617. I can totally understand why! It was super slow moving and the acting was not great. However, I found myself intrigued by the story of Grey Owl after reading Canoe Country so I really did enjoy the film despite how awful it was from a critical standpoint.
A Star is Born (2018): ($3.99 to rent on Amazon Prime) Yes, that hit movie starring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga that I have been wanting to watch since its release 2 years ago. I finally found some uninterrupted time to watch this 2 hour and 15 minute film earlier this week. I loved it and I hated it. I don’t think it lived up to all the hype and I absolutely despised Jack (Cooper) after the halfway point. His voice was irritating me and his mood swings and drunkenness made me extraordinarily uncomfortable. However, I absolutely adored Ally (Lady Gaga) and her musical performances were totally on point. Granted there were some really great moments and I found myself crying my face off at certain points. Highly recommend. Now I want to watch the 1976 musical, A Star is Born, starring Barbara Streisand and Kris Kristofferson. ($2.99 to rent on Amazon Prime)
Television Series
Letterkenny (2015-Present): (Free on Hulu) This Canadian sitcom revolves around the folks of a small rural Canadian town called Letterkenny. Each episode begins with, “There are 5000 people in Letterkenny. These are their problems.” And their problems are hilarious! Jeff and I have laughed so hard at every episode so far. We are still in the first season but the show was just renewed for its ninth season.

I know I said that I have not been purchasing much these days, but I do have a few things hanging out in my Amazon cart until next week. Here is what I am buying…
Uno: We had a deck of Uno cards a while back but we cannot find them so a replacement deck is needed especially after we rediscovered our love of this card game during our Finger Lakes weekend getaway (there was a deck in the cabin).
Cell phone cases: We just upgraded our cell phones and passed the old ones on to the children so new phone cases are needed all around. I have 3 cases currently in my cart: Believe in Yourself Case (for me), Don’t Touch My Phone Case (for Archie), and R2D2 Case (for Ralph). Jeff purchased a new case for himself at the AT&T store.
Caitin Mens’ Sneakers (for Archie). My 9 year old wears a size 8 in mens’s shoes and he has really wide feet which makes him very particular about the fit of his sneakers. We bought these for him in red and he loves them, so that is a huge win. He also wants them in black. They are in the cart to be ordered.
Other necessities: Fruit of the Loom Coolzone Boxer Briefs, Champion crew socks, and Puma quarter crew socks for Archie; a 10 pack of Bic lighters for me, bath loofahs for all 3 boys (I am a washcloth girl); and BAIMEI bath sponges to try because loofahs kind of gross me out.

Before I sign off, I totally forgot my 5 year blog anniversary! I published my very first blog post on August 24, 2015, called Church and Church Appropriate Attire and it is all so very cringe worthy! Read if you must but be forewarned…it’s not great stuff.
And that’s all I have for today. What have you been up to lately?
And now the featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Kathrine of Kathrine Eldridge Wardrobe Stylist shared a lovely outfit in her post, Weekend Style in a Sleeveless Black Jumpsuit. This jumpsuit not only looks super comfortable but Kathrine has accessorized it in the most brilliant way. What fabulous style!

Fashion Favorite
Jacqui of Mummabstylish shared a beautiful outfit in her post, My Next Maxi is Perfect for Holidays! I absolutely adore this boho style on Jacqui. The print and the color of the dress and the head to toe vibe of this outfit are screaming end of summer holidays to me. I love it!

Non-Fashion Favorite
Melody of Melody Jacob shared a thought provoking post, Name Change After Marriage: Tradition, Trash or Choice? As a woman who has kept her own name after marriage, this is a topic that is so interesting to me. I fall very much into the “Choice” category as I have been criticized harshly in the past for not taking my husband’s name. What are your thoughts about name change upon marriage?

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Kimono-Target / Top-Kohl’s / Jeans-JW Style / Shoes-Torrid / Jewelry-All really old

Nice and chic outfit. The woods look magical!
Marie, thanks so very much! This wood line is actually in front of my dentist’s office! I had the kids at their appointment last week and I wasn’t allowed to go inside the office, so I took some photos while I waited for the kids. Then I had my son take some more! It really does look like magical woods in the photos though, doesn’t it? I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I used to be a huge Stephen King fan, but in the past few years his books seem different! Have a great weekend!
Nancy, thanks for stopping by! Yeah, the Dark Tower stuff was getting a little too dark for these dark times! I needed to put it down for a bit. Have a fabulous weekend!
Anna Marcus
Love your white and blue outfit, Shelbee, especially the top. The diagonal stripes make striking difference from the usual vertical or horizontal patterns. Thank you for sharing your tips on books and shows, it found them very helpful. Have a lovely weekend
Anna, thanks so much! I just found this plaid top buried in my closet and I don’t think I have ever worn it before. I am not sure why because I really like it! I am glad that you enjoyed my watchlist and I hope you have a fabulous weekend as well!
Looks like Friday Favourites is a bit of a bit of a theme which is great cos I need the recommendations!
On changing your name when you get married —- the first time I got married I changed my name and became Hall. When I remarried, I had to change it again, it wouldn’t have been fair to the new Mr. Nowadays a lot of people add the two names together, which works well in most cases. I’m not sure I would automatically change my name on marriage in today’s world. When I was first married it was something you always did. I sometimes look at old pictures and think where did that girl Gail Tyler go?!
Gail, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the name change bit! I changed my name the first time I was married as well. And I hated it. I didn’t want to change it but that first husband and his family would have never even permitted such a horrendous thing as me keeping my own name! When we were divorced, I changed my name back to my own. When I married Jeff, I was pretty adamant about not changing my name. He didn’t have an opinion either way and told me whatever makes me happy. And there you have it! Regardless of the changing of names, however, I also sometimes wonder where that young girl whom I once was has disappeared to! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Kathrine Eldridge
Thanks for sharing all your favorites! I highly recommend the documentary about Joan Jett which features the Runaways of course. Haven’t seen this movie yet. Love the Kissing booth and need to watch Grey Owl. Love your plaid top and platform sandals. Thanks so much for the feature and the link up Shelbee!
Kathrine, thanks so much! It was my pleasure to feature your post! I actually had your jumpsuit saved as one of my favorite fashion posts as well, but it ended up being the most clicked anyway! Yay! I did watch the Joan Jett documentary (I think I might have shared that one in my previous Friday Favorites post). That is what triggered me to watch The Runaways film! Haha. I have always been fascinated with Native American culture so the Canoe Country book and the Grey Owl movie were so interesting to me! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
I didn’t think A Star Is Born was worth all the hype either. It was good but not groundbreaking.
Curated by Jennifer
Totally agree with that sentiment, Jennifer! I enjoyed watching it, but it definitely wasn’t the best movie or storyline ever.
Tamar Benjamin
Love the blues paired together!!
Enjoy your new phones (:
Aw, thanks so much, Tamar! The boys are certainly enjoying our old phones! Haha. Have a great weekend.
Lauren Renee Sparks
You have given me several new movies and a show to look into! I saw A Star is Born in the theater and then have been trying to find the other versions to watch. The 1976 is the only one I have yet to watch. The oldest one (I think it stars Claudette Colbert was a little tough to watch. But I enjoyed the Judy Garland version.
Lauren, thanks so much! I was going to start with the 1976 one and then move backwards through time. I have always loved Claudette Colbert so I will definitely check out that version. But those really old movies can be a little difficult to get through. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Happy Blogversary! I’m so glad I discovered your blog and I love following along! I’m also loving the 70’s vibe to this chic boho look! Have a great weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Jill, thanks so much! This blogging community has been so great to me. I cannot even imagine my life without it anymore. Y’all are my people! Have a great weekend!
Lucy Bertoldi
Oh Shelbee I love your Friday posts! I also do a kind of recap (but very brief!)- so I love reading about your new finds, programs to watch, books…I think I will look into the Making of Canada- it sounds so good (and I am a history buff lol!). Love your whole look- those sandals are super cute! Also, I agree with you on all the good blogs out there. I want to get to know more of them and also would like to invite them to link up with me. So much good stuff out there!! And love that you’re only 30 miles close- definitely meeting once it opens up!! Have a great weekend!! xx
Thanks so much, Lucy! That Canoe Country book was so fascinating. I have always been intrigued by the indigenous peoples of North America and there was a lot of focus on that and the discovery of the Canadian wilderness done by canoe. And now I am super fascinated by your beautiful country in general. I definitely want to see more of it, so I will be crossing the border once we are allowed to! Thanks so much for featuring me on your link party today! What a lovely surprise. (I left a comment on your post, but all of my comments seem to disappear!) I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Love the retro 70’s look of this outfit. You really rock a kimono whenever you wear one! Your thoughtful review of movies and books a nice feature-there are a few I missed and would like to check out. Hope you have a great weekend!
Di, thanks so much! I really appreciate that. I try to keep a running list of things to share occasionally. I think it is fun to keep a variety of topics! I hope you have a fabulous weekend.
Cindy Handy
love that look! I’m definitely a jeans “girl” (who am I kidding with “girl”?? I’m a 71-yr-old great-grandmother ~ haha ~ posted a photo of me w/2 youngest granddaughters today)…. but you look great and totally comfortable & relaxed.
Cindy, thanks so much! And I think you can call yourself a jeans girl no matter what your age! I act like a child half the time anyway, so I embrace that inner young girl feeling. We have to nurture that child within! And those grandkids and great grandkids will definitely keep you young! I hope you have an amazing weekend!
Cheryl Shops
Ooh, thank you for all the movie recommendations. I feel like we’re constantly scraping the bottom of the barrel, but there are a bunch here that I haven’t seen. And I also loved/hated A Star Is Born—as soon as he put the steak out for the dog, I started sobbing because I knew what was coming, then I got mad at myself for falling prey to such emotional manipulation! 😉
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I kind of felt like I was at the bottom of the movie barrel as well! But then I saw that Disney Plus just added a bunch of great ones (like The Greatest Showman, which I am super excited to watch). I just laughed out loud that the emotional manipulation got you! That is why we watch movies, isn’t it? Haha. Have a great weekend, my friend!
I had to go back and read that first post!
I haven’t watched any new movies or series lately so I love your background info on what you have been watching. I feel either overwhelmed with stuff I need to do lately or bored but don’t usually take time to watch anything just for me. My teen is usually watching tv with me in the evening so I try to watch things that he will enjoy too. Love your outfit! I didn’t realize you were that close to Canada: not wonder it gets so cold in the winter!
Mireille, thanks so much! Oh dear, you read that first post! I haven’t reread it so I have no idea how cringy it is! I try to get my kids to watch things with me and they never want to! Unless we are watching their favorite YouTubers, which actually are all quite fascinating! Maybe next week I will share my kids’ favorite YouTube channels! I was pleasantly surprised that what they choose to watch on YouTube is actually fairly educational and really quite interesting stuff. Archie watches this one guy who is an exterminator and films his jobs. We watched him extract a giant yellow jacket nest and save the honeycomb for various purposes. I was intrigued! And yes, where I live is kind of like Arctic Canada! Haha. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
eva @ StyleMyThrift.com
i gotta say, i am loving this cut of jeans again! i was thrifting wednesday and bought this style x’s 2! i was laughing because I remember getting rid of my former pairs right before ‘skinny’ jeans became the thing way back early 2000’s! my two new pairs have higher waist, because i believe back then the low-rise was the rage–and never fit me quite right!
overall this is a darling look!
xo eva
Eva, thanks so much! I am really loving the flared denim right now, too. I just found these in my basement clean out and decided to hold onto them. I also just discovered this tank top in the back of my closet that I have never worn before. I really want to go thrift hopping again soon, but I have too many clothes to clean out still and I am still fighting with this anxiety when I go to public places. I look forward to seeing your new thrift finds. Have a fabulous weekend!
Michele Morin
You reminded me that I have wanted to read A Brief History of Everything. Sounds like a great resource!
Thanks, Michelle! It really has some pretty fascinating perspectives to consider…as long as you can get past his degrading and smug tone! If you do read it, please let me know your thoughts!
Great post Shelbee! Loving your outfit!
I know what you mean about not having enough hours in the day to visit all the wonderful blogs out there! So hard especially during summertime!
Congrats on your blog anniversary! Will be checking out your first post 🙂
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellie, thank you so much! I don’t think I have ever finished a daily to do list when it comes to blogging stuff! I am always carrying it over to the next day and the next day, always more to do! This summer has been particularly hard to stay motivated, hasn’t it? I hope you have a fabulous weekend, my friend!
First off–somehow that outfit is just YOU! You look cute and casual and totally relaxed! Thanks for the movie and book recommendations–always welcomed. I so admire your efforts in responding to–and READING!–so many posts. I try to get to as many as I can as there are so many fashionable ladies who are also great writers, but it’s a challenge. Happy Friday, my friend. Enjoy your weekend.
xx Darlene
Darlene, thank you so very much! I did feel super comfy in this outfit. I found these flared jeans during my basement clean out and I really love the fit, so I saved from them the resale pile. And this tank I found hidden in my closet, never worn. Running two link parties each week can make for a lot of reading and commenting on my part! I try to dedicate at least one whole day a week to reading and commenting on every post that joins my link parties. Sometimes, I get behind and have to skip an entire party’s links, but I do my best! I enjoy reading all the fun posts. I just wish I had time to go out and discover more! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Laura Bambrick
I have the Kissing Booth on my watchlist on Netflix! It looks lighthearted and cute! Sometimes you need that!
It is definitely lighthearted and cute and I love the whole creative idea of the kissing booth itself which is central to the film. I enjoyed it, but I don’t think I would ever re-watch it! Let me know what you think once you watch it! Have a great weekend, Laura.
I like Fridays for whatever takes your fancy, Shelbee. Actually I like your twitter posts/quotes too – interesting. I find it hard to sit through a whole movie, so I seldom watch them, but I can happily watch crime tv series back to back which takes longer. Many hours more so.
Ratnamurti, thanks so much! Ooooh, I am such a sucker for inspiring quotes so I always add them to my Instagram posts (which do also share to Facebook and Twitter). I am glad that people enjoy them! I enjoy the process of searching for quotes that are relevant to the topic I am discussing. It makes me laugh sometimes when I search for “quotes on {enter a really obscure topic}” and I find really great ones! I also have difficulty sitting through an entire movie. In fact, I rarely do. I usually pause them a hundred times to do other things and come back to the movie when I can sit down for 20 minutes or so. Not the most ideal way to follow a movie storyline, but it’s the only way I can get through the whole thing…in sessions. Plus with constant interruptions from children, you know how that goes! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
My Friday Favorites post is rarely about favorite items… I really should go back to calling it a weekly wrap-up like I used to. Cute outfit!!
Thanks so much, Joanne! I really like the name Friday Favorites even if it does end up being a misnomer. It’s a bit catchier, don’t you think? I say we should all just keep using it! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Happy Friday, Shelbee! I love, love, love those sandals!! I agree with you on A Star is Born. I had no idea the storyline before I watched it either and the ending literally tore me into pieces! 🙁
Make Life Marvelous
Thanks so much, Ashley! These sandals are so fun but they make me really, really tall! And, OMG, I cried my freaking face off at the end of that movie, but I was still sort of disappointed with the whole thing. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Dan and I are going to check out Letterkenny. We watched Palm Springs and totally enjoyed it.
As far as changing my name after marriage, I didn’t. I wasn’t totally opposed, but I’ve never given a rats about tradition either. Dan considered changing his last name to mine. But when we looked into the process, we both decided it was a giant pain in the ass.
Lovely outfit!
Oh, I think you will like Letterkenny! It takes probably the whole first episode to get used to the way they speak. Their cadences combined with their accents force you to listen really closely, but when you do, you definitely catch all the funniest jokes! We laugh so hard when we watch this show. And yes, the whole name change process is a total pain in the ass. After changing my name back after my divorce, I swore I would never change my name again. Plus I like my name better. It goes with my first name! Thanks for stopping by, my friend. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
What a lovely blue outfit! I really like the tartan tank! 🙂 It’s great you have been able to watch so much! I’ve been getting more into reading after my neighbour started the virtual book club over lock down but I find it leaves so little time for netflix, haha!
Hope you are having a lovely weekend 🙂
Mica, thanks so much! I just found this tank hiding in my closet. I have probably had it for years and never wore it. I am glad that I found it! I have been trying to read more myself, but I can’t get motivated. I think I need to join a book club! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Love your casual style, so chic and stylish!
Thank you so much, Lovely! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Cute outfit Shelbee! I try to do the same with blog posts too. I like reading them a lot more than I like reading captions on Instagram! I feel like I get to know more of the person in their blog post than I do in IG. I haven’t watched much TV or movies at all since pandemic started. The last show I watched was The Bachelor and even then it was very on and off! Hehe
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thanks so much! I am definitely much more into reading blog posts than any other form of social media. I know there has been such a huge push toward YouTube and sharing videos of everything. But I don’t even like to watch videos so I certainly have no desire to make them! Ha. But seriously, I have always loved the written word and that is where my passion and interest still lies. As for watching movies, I can’t even sit still to watch a film from start to finish. It will usually take all day because I pause it and go do other things and then come back to it. Probably not the best way to watch a movie, but it is my way! I hope you are having a great weekend.
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice and looks like you have been busy. Happy five year blog anniversary. Your stuff was way better than mine when I first started. God, I was trying to be this pseudo intellectual with a couple of pics and it was a bunch of self-serving bull crap. It is horrible, thank goodness I got out that crap fast.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend. Looking very nice.
Oh my goodness, Patrick, thank you so much for the wonderful compliment and for making me chuckle at your days of pseudo intellectualism. But I think we are all guilty of that at some point in our lives. I cringe at just about anything that I have ever written, even it was just last week! I hope you are having a great weekend, my friend.
Shelbee, I’m OBSESSED with your shoes!! And the general 70s vibes of this outfit. I also thought your hair looked kinda dark blue in a few of the pics, which I honestly loved. Also, I’ve noticed how you always comment on every post in your linkups and I appreciate it so much! I know it takes a lot of time and I think it’s very thoughtful of you. Hope you’re having a great weekend!
Miles of smiles,
Grace, thank you so much! I really appreciate all of your lovely comments! I was really feeling the 70’s vibe of this outfit, too. And since I am an old hippie at heart, it is definitely a decade of fashion that I adore. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Visiting from the Anything Goes link up today. This is a great list with lots of fun ideas. A Star is Born is still on my list! This is a great look on you too! Have a good week!
Marielle, thanks so much for stopping by! A Star is Born is definitely worth watching, but I do have to say there are parts that made me extremely uncomfortable and it is difficult to make me feel that way! Ha. I am planning to watch the 1976 version this weekend. I hope your week is off to a wonderful start!
Beautiful outfit and photos Shelbee. Lovely sandals too 🙂 Thanks for hosting. I am a bit late this week as w have been to London for our wedding anniversary 🙂
Thanks so much, Claire! And a very Happy Anniversary to you! I hope you had a lovely trip to London!
Jacqui Berry
Oh how lovely to find I’m featured on here, thank you so much I’m flattered. Have a super week and enjoy the following weekend. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! It was my pleasure to feature you! Have a fabulous day.
Emma Peach
I also forgot my blog anniversary on the 23rd…9 years! Oh well, I’ll do something to mark 10 years next year! Lovely outfit, the sandals are fab! I want to see The Runaways, Joan Jett is ace! Thanks for linking up!
Emma xxx
Oh wow, Emma, our blog anniversaries are so close together. Nine years is incredible! Congratulations. The Runaways was so good, but the Joan Jett documentary was even better!