Friday Favorites #5 & Link Up On the Edge #192

I just realized that I haven’t shared a Friday Favorites post in over a month. This has given me plenty of time to accumulate a list of some new favorite things to share with you.
First, can we talk about menopause for a moment? Where does all the freaking facial fuzz come from? Is it the multivitamins that I need to take to manage the unsavory menopausal symptoms or is it the menopause itself? And why did the hair growth on my legs slow down so much in midlife (I am not complaining about that) while the hair on my face seems to grow faster than a chia pet? It is the most frustrating and annoying thing ever…the facial hair. And while I try to go to the salon once a month for a full face waxing, that not only gets expensive, but it is impossible in the current situation.
I remembered seeing Pamela of Style Yourself Confident share a review of the Anjou Facial Hair Remover from Amazon. When we went into lockdown mode, I was already long overdue for a waxing session so for the cost of about 1/2 of what I pay for a single waxing treatment, I ordered one. While I can’t shape my eyebrows with this thing, I have to say that it is pretty amazing for all the peach fuzz that pops everywhere else on my face! It is super easy to use and clean and it is completely pain free. I have used it twice already and it absolutely does not make that fine fuzzy hair come in any thicker than normal. So this baby is a total win in my book! Thanks, Pamela, for sharing it.

Next, can we talk about how incredibly irritated I have become with my 7 year old chewing on everything like he is a teething toddler? This kid puts everything in his mouth and chomps away like a newborn puppy…pencils, pens, legos, the remote control, his kindle case, the arms of his eyeglasses, the collar of his shirts, the zippers on his sweatshirts. It is so totally gross and we got super tired of yelling at him constantly to stop putting stuff in his mouth.
Finally, I did a little bit of online research to see why he is constantly chewing on things and I found a few articles on child psychology which stated that some kids have this “need” to chew on things that they really can’t resist, similar to a anxious people who always bounce their legs or tap their pens. One article recommended chew necklaces as a resolution, so we ordered a set of Gnawstring Chew Necklaces from Amazon. When Ralph remembers to wear one, he will chew on that instead of whatever else is within arm’s reach. He said the texture of the pendants feels good, so we are slowly making some progress and ruining less clothing!

Next, I want to ask if you have ever found some random product in your cabinet and you don’t recall how it came to be there? Well, that is the story of how I discovered YamaMotoYama Genmai-cha Green Tea with Roasted Rice. I am a daily coffee drinker but rarely do I indulge myself in a nice cup of tea. My husband is the tea drinker in our house and so he is the one who always purchases the tea. He usually opts for some kind of green tea, but when I asked him where this box of green tea came from, he also had no recollection.
I only found it a few weeks ago when I saw Ashleigh of Afternoon Talks posting a recipe for 3 ingredient chai latte. I wanted to try her recipe but I had no chai teabags at the time so I substituted with the Genmai-cha and it is seriously the most amazing tea I have ever had. It has a really nutty flavor which blends perfectly with a bit of almond milk added my tea. Not knowing where it came from and loving it so much, I checked to see if it was available on Amazon. And it is…for over $8 a box. I am certain it must be available in grocery stores though or I will have to order directly from the YamaMotoYama online store where it sells for $2.40 per box.

And finally, my favorite thing that has come into our household in the past few weeks…the 3Doodler. My kids had each received a nice chunk of money for Christmas that was burning holes in their pockets. We kept encouraging them to wait until they found that one special thing that they really wanted before spending all of their money. It turns out the thing they found is really pretty cool! The 3Doodler is a pen that creates 3D artwork with plastic filament sticks. Archie got the advanced adult model while Ralphie opted for the kids’ starter kit. They also invested in a 250 pack of filament refills. It was money well spent as these kids are obsessed with creating their 3D art. Unfortunately Ralph’s pen was not working properly so we had to return it and are awaiting the arrival of his new pen.

Check out some of the cool things they have made so far…

I am loving the 3Doodler because my kids are spending hours of quiet time creating and that just makes my heart sing for so many reasons! It is definitely an investment, the pens and the refills are not cheap, but totally worth it in my opinion.
I am sure many of you are also discovering all sorts of new things while locked down at home! What are some of your favorite things right now?
And now your featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Dee of Grammy’s Grid shared an interesting perspective in her post, A Germaphobe and Covid-19 (Washing Prompt 83 Words). If you are feeling stuck finding writing inspiration, do go visit Dee and see all of the other fun writing prompts she shares!

My Favorite Fashion Post
Jill of Doused in Pink shared an adorable spring outfit in her post, How to Combine Animal Prints. If you have been wanting to mix prints but have been hesitant, Jill has illustrated a really easy way to combine two contrasting patterns with really fabulous results.

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Okay, so I don’t know if this a non-fashion post or a fashion post. I suppose it sort of fits into both categories because I don’t know too many people who would actually “dress” this way in public. In any event, it sure made me smile and I think it will make you smile as well. Melody of Melody Jacob shared her post, The Best of TikTok and Instagram Pillow Challenge: Pillowdress. I was not previously aware of this social media challenge, but there are some seriously creative folks out there playing along!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

OMG! That 3D Doodler is so amazing! Wonderful post! 🙂
Thanks so much, Nanchi! It really is a cool gadget that has been providing hours of entertainment. Have a lovely weekend, my friend.
That 3d doodler looks brilliant, I’m going to look at this for the grandchildren Shelbee. Be careful with the face fluff remover. Remember when you cut hair, you strengthen it? Get some wax strips. Can you get them over there? I’ve recently posted about the hair remover gadget I’m really pleased with. The menopause comes to us in all different ways, but make sure to be kind to your skin and use the highest SPF available xx
Laurie, thanks so much for the skin and hair removal tips! I am sure I can get wax strips, but I don’t know if I can wax my face myself! I have to check out your hair remover gadget again. I remember seeing you post about it. I don’t use a super high SPF daily because I rarely go in the sun, but when I do go in the sun, I am always super protected because my fair skin does not fare well in too much sunlight! The 3Doodler pen is so cool and the kids get so excited when they create something! Let me know if you do get it for the grandkids! Have a great weekend.
A poor child! I think they have been home to long by now! That 3d thing is fun! Time to be creative. Have a good weekend.
Thanks, Nancy! We finally had some decent weather yesterday and the kids played outside for about 7 hours! I didn’t even make them do any school work the whole day because they were starved for fresh air. Have a great weekend, my friend.
Pamela Graham
So pleased the Angou worked for you Shelbee. My grandson used to chew everything too, his school jumpers were a disaster at the cuffs and his school tie all wet and screwed up. How tasty! He’s now 11 and you’ll be pleased to know that they do of course grow out of ‘most’ things annoying, but wish we’d known about the Gnawstring, amazing!
Pamela x
Pamela, thanks so much for introducing me to Anjou and for sharing that information about your grandson. I do hope Ralphie grows out of this chewing business! Now to get Archie to stop sucking his thumb, too.
Kathrine Eldridge
Shelbee, I am feeling you on the menopause thing. Night sweater and hot flashes have before my friend lately. I am getting a bed fan so that will be on my favorites soon. 🙂 That tea sounds amazing so I need to check it out. Thanks so much for the link up my friend!
Kathrine, thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your experience. I kind of wish I had some hot flashes. I keep getting these wicked cold flashes. It is starting to warm up and I am stilled bundled in layers of sweaters and hats and scarves because I can’t get warm!
Kellyann Rohr
I love that 3D doodler – and Ralphie is very creative! How fun, I can imagine how that would lead to hours of fun creating all kinds of things! I would love to find something to help me with my brows, I honestly cannot pluck well enough. Have a wonderful weekend my friend!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! These kids are spending hours doodling with this pen. It really is very cool. I need something to help with my brows, too! I try to pluck the best I can, but my eyebrows have always been thick and unruly! If you find something that works, let me know.
Tamar Benjamin
That Doodler is so cool!!
Thanks, Tamar! It really is cool!
I’m a tea drinker and that chi tea sounds delicious! How cool is that 3D doodler! Such a fun way to keep the kiddos busy! Thank you so much for featuring me! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! And it was my pleasure to feature you! The 3D pen really is cool and they spend hours doodling with it. Enjoy your weekend!
I could really use that hair remover!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
I really like it, Jennifer! I was very hesitant thinking I would get super hairy after using it! But that fine hair comes in just the same as normal.
Lucy Bertoldi
Oh I love this! Your kid is adorable and so creative (forget the chewing!). I want one of those 3D pens for myself!! (and yes…these days I’m finding tons of stuff I don’t remember buying in my pantry…and they’re getting gobbled up fast!)
Thank you, Lucy! The 3D pens are really cool! You can make some pretty elaborate structures with them if you feel inclined to get that creative! And we are eating so much food these days that I send my husband to the grocery store nearly every day for something that we have run out of! I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Dee | Grammy's Grid
You made me laugh when comparing your facial hair to a chia pet 🙂 It does get annoying. I have a similar hair remover called Flawless, works great! Speaking of TikTok, are you on there? Oh my, it is very addicting! I say I’m going to look at it for a couple minutes, before I know it an hour has passed. People on there are so creative. Thanks so much for hosting and for featuring my A GERMAPHOBE AND COVID-19 post! I’m linking up today with WHO ARE YOU BLOGGING FOR? PART 1 OF 5 and added my 2 parties.
Thanks so much, Dee! I am glad that I could make you laugh! I have not yet joined TikTok and I don’t think I am prepared to add yet another social media outlet. I can’t even keep up with the ones I already have! Although, I do appreciate creative people. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Oh Grammy’s Grid isn’t on TikTok but I just enjoy watching all of the creative and fun vids on there 🙂
I don’t have even an account though to log on! I don’t even want to take the time to do that. Haha.
Dee | Grammy's Grid
I don’t think you have to have an account unless you want to follow someone.
Ohhhhhh. See, these are things I am totally ignorant about! Thank you for enlightening me. I swear I was not meant for this age of technology! Haha.
jess jannenga
Hi Shelbee
Maybe I need to order the face thing. I always laugh when I see some close ups hubby takes of my earrings where you see my peach fuzz. Yes! it is something! I shave it sometimes.
The 3 d pen is something that my sis in law got for Christmas, her son has a professional 3 d printer he is obsessed with. What neat things they made! Love the glasses, butterfly and bike.. very cool.
Hope you have a good weekend! I am struggling because of not getting my dry needling, my pain is significantly higher.
jess xx
Jess, thanks for stopping by! The facial peach fuzz is crazy, isn’t it? I was so happy to just get rid of it! And the 3D stuff is so cool. I am sorry that you are having so much pain without your dry needling. I hope we can return to normal soon. But in the meantime, I do hope you can find some type of relief. Sending you positive energy and healing vibes, my friend.
Cheryl Shops
I love genmaicha tea! If you have an Asian grocery store nearby, you can usually find it at a reasonable price—$8 a box is nuts! I live near a Japanese grocery store and they have a bunch of different kinds, all delicious!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I thought $8 a box was a little crazy, too! I still can’t figure out how it came to be in my kitchen cabinet though! Haha. They may even carry it in my regular grocery store. I will have to look. But I do want to get to an Asian market soon because there are some other grocery items I want there as well. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Kids these days are so lucky! That little Doodler is the coolest thing. We just had Barbies as a kid hahah. Love the little butterfly!
Thanks so much, Shauna! These kids have no idea how great they have it! I was never into Barbies much, but I played with fashion plates all the time! And I would turn them into paper dolls and have fashion shows. All the outlines had these crazy 70’s and early 80’s style hairdos. I need to see if they still make fashion plates.
That 3 D doodler is pretty awesome and it being a quiet activity that develops creativity is a bonus! My 2 older boys went through a phase of chewing on their shirts and it used to drive me crazy. They finally outgrew the habit but those necklaces would have come in handy.
Thanks, Mireille! I am loving the 3Doodler for all those reasons! And I hope Ralphie outgrows this chewing business soon. It is driving me nuts! But then again, 6 weeks in isolation with them, they were bound to drive me nuts in one way or another. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
happy Friday!! That 3Doodler is so cool, I need to get that for my nephew!!
Lee | LegalLee Blonde
Thanks so much, Lee! The kids are spending hours at a time working with the 3Doodler so it is definitely worth it! Let me know if you get it for your nephew and how he likes it!
That 3D doodler is totally up my alley! Soooo cool! I want one for myself haha! I love all the fun things he created 🙂 The glasses are awesome! Hope you have a good weekend, Shelbee!!!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! It really is a cool little crafting piece. The kids are loving it! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well.
Happy Friday Shelbee! We made it to the end of another week so give yourself a pat on the back! 🙂 I don’t drink tea much but I make an exception for chai tea. It’s very yummy! And that 3D doodler sounds like what my son needs! He is big on building. It will be nice to see what he comes up with. I love what your boys created. Very nice and creative, indeed. I hope you guys are hanging in there and wishing you a very wonderful weekend!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Thanks so much, Maureen! I think your son would have so much fun creating with the 3Doodler! It really is worth the investment for artistic kids! We are hanging in there, taking it day by day! I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Patrick Weseman
Cool butterfly that Ralphie made. Very nice. And that tea looks very good. Might have to try some.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you and your family are safe and healthy. Try to have a good weekend.
Thanks so much, Patrick! We are safe and healthy and the weather is finally warming up enough that we are planning a little hike tomorrow! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Anne M Bray
The 3D pen looks amazing! How fun!
As for facial fuzz, I got so tired of plucking, I started shaving. With a regular razor!
And third, here’s something for an IG challenge (maybe the whole fam can get involved):
Anne, the 3D pen is super cool! I think I have at least one little artist in the family, maybe both. This Anjou trimmer is just like shaving, I think, but it glides a little easier than a razor might. I really like it! That Met Gala challenge looks like lots of fun! I may consider that! Thanks for sharing it. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
That 3d doodler looks like so much fun!! I’ve not heard of it before! And loving what they’ve made so far!
Thanks for sharing and for hosting the linkup!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks so much, Ellie! It is a really fun way to get creative! We are running out of ideas.
So the anjou fcial hair remover is an epilator? I don’t think that everyone gets extra facial hair around menopause time, but I sure did. And I wondered if it had to do with my previously very oily skin and hair, and a miniature triangle shaped body – slightly wider shoulders, no hips, excess weight goes onto upper body (sigh, it sure does!) More sort of android rather than the feminine shapes. Anyways, love the doodle art, and the resulting artwork.
Oh my goodness, Ratnamurti, your descriptions are so vivid! The Anjou is a trimmer more than an epilator. It’s not pulling the hair from the root as far as I can tell. I guess it’s more like shaving it and everything I read about that gives me mixed information about whether it is a good or bad thing to do. I never know what to believe anymore so I try things for myself to get the most accurate information from my own personal experience. So far, it hasn’t made me grow a giant black beard or mustache! Maybe it will after I use it for an extended period of time. I guess I’ll find out down the line!
Aw, your kids are so cute! The 3D Doodler looks like a great way to be creative and pass the time. Kids have to be going crazy by now! Love the pillow challenge! Haha! I think everyone is getting a little stir-crazy and it’s fun to see the creative juices flowing!
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! My kids are totally going crazy and driving me crazy in the process. Plus the weather has been not so great here. We are planning a hike today because it will be 60 degrees and sunny followed by 10 days of rain in the forecast. So we need to go enjoy the outdoors before we are trapped inside again. That’s how it’s been here!
jodie filogomo
You find some of the best stuff Shelbee. I think the doodler would be fun even for me.
Thanks, Jodie! It is such a cool thing. I haven’t tried using it myself yet, but they really get absorbed into the process of creating with the 3D pen.
That doodle tool looks like so much fun! I agree anything that keeps the kids happy and entertained at home is a winner! I’m really struggling with finding unique things for them to do each day once the schoolwork is done, so I can get some time in actually working from home. So far lego has been the biggest winner for us!
Hope that you are having a good weekend 🙂
Thanks, Mica! My boys spend a lot of time playing with Legos, too. And drawing and watching movies. If I allowed them to have their kindles all day long, they would be super happy kids, but we are mean parents (according to my children) because we highly limit their screen time. So I totally understand how important it is to find creative activities for them so we can have some time to get our own stuff done! I hope you have a lovely weekend. We are planning a hike today.
Dee | Grammy's Grid
I just checked, you can actually access trending vids on TikTok just by looking at it on the internet without getting the app for your phone. However, I have it on my phone so I can look at it a few minutes before I go to sleep 🙂
Awesome, thanks so much for the info! I will check it out!
Melody Jacob
Thank you so much for the link up and featuring my post
Thank you, Melody! It was my pleasure.
Ivana Split
Nice to know about your favourites. The pillow challenge is fun, but I haven’t done it myself. I don’t have any pretty pillows where I’m at right now.
Thank you, Ivana! I haven’t done the pillow challenge either. My pillows are all pretty pathetic! I hope you are having a lovely weekend.
Laura Bambrick
You just made me remember I pulled a few of Claire’s toys from Christmas and stashed them away for something like this. One of them was a 3D pen! I’m pulling that out tomorrow for her! It will be the perfect activity!
That is so awesome, Laura! Let me know how she likes it!
How interesting that chomping on whatever is readily available can be a compulsion. I’m so glad you were able to find the necklaces that he can chew on with abandon. I do recall chewing on pencils and pens when I was a kid (maybe Ralphie’s age), but that was the extent of it. At some point, I stopped. I wonder if he will out grow it? In any case, kudos to you for researching it and finding a solution that you can both be happy with!
Wow! I’ve never seen a 3D Doodler. What a cool thing! (I was going to say toy, but this seems like more than a toy.)
And I adore the the photo of the girls in their pillow-wear! What fun!
Michelle, thanks so much! So now Ralphie has 6 of these “chew toys” (that is what we have been calling them) and he seems to never have one within his reach so I keep catching him chewing on other things again! Grrrrr… And isn’t the 3Doodler so cool?! The kids are loving it. I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Jacqui Berry
Nice to see you managing to keep the kids entertained, it’s hard work isn’t it! Hope you are all staying safe and well. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! It is hard work as my kids seem to have lost their ability to entertain themselves or each other. It doesn’t help that it has been raining nearly every day for weeks! We are safe and healthy though. I hope the same for you, my friend.
That’s so interesting about the chewing. I had no idea. I chew ice constantly…..because I’m anemic I’m told. I wish I could stop because it drives my family nuts. lol. Hope you’re having a great week!! xo~Sherry
Sherry, thanks so much! My mom always chewed on ice because she was anemic as well. It used to drive us crazy when we were kids, but by adulthood we had become so used to it that I don’t even think we noticed it. I wonder why anemia causes that urge for chewing ice. I need to go look that up! I hope your week has started off great!
Oh I want that fun doodler pen! I’d never seen anything like it .
I’d make jewelry, how about you? what would you make or have you made anything?
Isn’t it so cool, Lorena? I haven’t made anything with it yet, but my kids are loving making all sorts of little toys and stuff for themselves. I will have to mention jewelry to them and see what they come up with! Thanks for stopping by.