Friday Favorites 3 & Link Up On the Edge #180

I wasn’t sure if I would have enough things to share for another Friday Favorites post for a third consecutive week. But since I was trapped in a sick house for the better part of the week, I did quite a bit of Netflix binging among some other things that a person does when they are just sitting around feeling kind of gross.
Netflix Original Series Virgin River. It is a classic story of a big city professional (a nurse practitioner) who relocates to a small town to escape the pain in her past and start anew. Of course, she discovers that she brought her pain with her and she continues on her healing journey with her newfound friends. This one definitely requires the box of tissues. There is only one season but Netflix has renewed the show for a second season.
Hart of Dixie. Similar story about a New York City doctor who relocates to a small Alabama town in an attempt to further her career but she finds that maybe small town life suits her much better. This is a bit more light hearted and fun so you don’t need the tissues. There are 4 full seasons available on Netflix. I am about half way through Season 2 and it might be getting a little bit corny, but still a fun, feel good show to watch. It has won various awards including the People’s Choice Award and the Teen Choice Award, so a fairly popular show, I suppose.

Polyamorous Support Groups on Facebook. I was super hesitant to get involved in any Facebook groups, especially ones of this sort. But after seeking advice from a few friends who highly encouraged it, I am so glad I did. I was feeling so isolated in this part of my life and it is nice to see that there is a very large and very supportive community of like-minded people. (Breathing a sigh of relief.)
Lacey of The Glitterbox. I have a blogger crush. Lacey is fairly new to blogging, just launching her website in September. And I swear everything this woman wears is jaw dropping spectacular with a huge focus on second hand items. But it’s not only her eclectic style that pulled me in, she shares her vulnerabilities in a genuine and a heart felt way that you really can’t help but fall in love. She is absolutely infectious in so many ways. You all need to go check her out. Like right now.

The way my cats cuddle. Do you have those moments when you just catch some little mundane thing of daily living that happens all the time but you never really stop to appreciate it? This is one of those things…these cats. And the way they cuddle. This is how they sleep every night. And day. Wherever they are napping, they are in a kitty pile.

BOGO Groceries. And lots of them. Man, these kids can freaking eat. What the hell am I going to do when they are teenagers? It is a constant feeding frenzy around here. I don’t have one meal cleaned up before they are already asking for the next one. But, my local Tops Supermarket has the best BOGO sales ever! They always have buy one get one free on all sorts of things. But then they also very often will have items that are buy two, get three free. And BOGO groceries make this momma very happy. Definitely one of my favorite things.

Coats. Lots of Coats. A different coat every day if I can. Because it is Winter in the North Country and variety is the spice of life. I love when I find unique second hand coats or gorgeous coats like the one I am wearing here on super duper insanely cheap clearance sales. I have amassed an enormous coat collection after 7 North Country Winters and there just seems to be no stopping me!

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style shared a seriously badass outfit featuring an insanely cool Faux Leather Blouse. And the boots. I am dying over her boots.

My Favorite Fashion Post
Christine of Bon Chic Style shared some really fun stylings of her new Doc Martens in her post, French Chic Winter Essential: Combat Boots. There are a variety of different outfits showcased in this post, so do hop on over to see them all.

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Pam of A New Lens has shared a very important reminder about The Risk of Throwing Stones and she is totally on point and always right on time with these messages…always exactly when I need to receive them.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Dress-c/o Dresslily (Exact) / Coat-Torrid / Scarves-Target / Boots-Pop Sugar / Gloves-Thrifted and Gifted from my Sister / Hat-My Grandmother’s / Tights and Earrings-Old

I love Hart of Dixie!!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
It really is a cute show, Jennifer! Have a great weekend, my friend.
Loving that outfit on you! That pattern on the dress is gorgeous! Isn’t is fun to be asked what’s for dinner when you’ve just done serving lunch LOL. Story of my life as well 🙂
Thanks for hosting the linkup!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks, Ellie! The feeding frenzy is no joke! Have a great weekend.
Christine Besen
Hi Shelbee!
I’m so flattered to be featured!
I do love my Doc Martens!! They add a chic edge to any outfit!
Have a great weekend!
Christine, it was my pleasure! So many great outfits! I have two pairs of Doc Martens and they really are great boots. Have a fantastic weekend!
jess jannenga
Coats! I love coats and could wear different ones in Pittsburgh, but now in NC there is not a “need” for many. I still do want a camel coat! LOve this plaid one on you, love the colors! Ive been couped up a bit inside and have been watching more ID and some other shows. Love Vikings on the History channel!
Love your dress! what really makes it too is the teal faux fur scarf as it brings out your green eyes and the color in the dress. So pretty! I give you credit for standing in the cold! We do some fast photo shoots in the winter and that here in NC!
Have a great weekend!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! I do love my coats. I suppose if we ever do move south (that is our plan), I will probably have to downgrade my coat collection. But hey, hey, hey, I need to email you…Are you available for lunch for Monday, February 17? I’ll come to you!
Cheryl Maday
Ooh, thank you for the Netflix recommendations—I need some new shows to binge! Happy Friday!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks for stopping by, Cheryl! I hope you enjoy my recommendations! Have a great weekend.
I actually don’t like to wear coats. I would be so glad to see spring coming and I no longer have to wear one. My cats also lay against each other. The older one is always washing the younger one. Thank you very much for the feature. What a lovely surprise!
Nancy, thanks for stopping by! I do find coats to be quite uncomfortable with all their bulkiness. And obviously I only ever wear them outside. But yet I have an obsession with them and keep collecting more. Aren’t cats the funniest little creatures? Have a great weekend!
Great – more recommendations. Seem to spend all my time trying new shows on Netflix so this is helpful! I love your coat Shelbee, I love a “real” coat. So bored with parkas and duvet coats.
Thanks so much, Gail! I love “real” coats, too! So much that I don’t really own any “practical” coats! Enjoy all those Netflix shows, my friend! And have a great weekend.
I was just thinking that you might have too many coats if you move down south but we do use them. I just ordered a black puffer coat. For some reason I really like jackets and typically find most while thrifting unless I am looking for something particular like I was in this case. That dress is really fun. BOGO groceries are great with boys. And yes, they never stop wanting to eat. My 13 year old would eat non stop if I let him so I have to see times where it is ok for them to snack and set limits on how much. You would think, 3 muffins, fruit and yogurt would hold you off till dinner when dinner is only 1 hour away!
Mireille, thanks so much for commiserating with me on the eating habits of these boys! And I do love my coats. But I am sure I could weed some out when we decide to move south! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Pam Ecrement
That green scarf looks stunning with your dark hair and eyes! The coat is terrific as well! Nice!!
Thanks so much, Pam! Have a great weekend.
Kathrine Eldridge
Love this cozy chic look and dying over your coat! I love Hart of Dixie and have heard a lot about Virgin River. Thanks for sharing and for the link up Shelbee!
Thank you, Kathrine! When I saw this coat, I knew I absolutely had to have it. It was originally around $120 and it was on clearance for under $35. Have a great weekend!
Makeup Muddle
Such a cute and cosy outfit! I so love that sweater, it’s lovely xo
Makeup Muddle
Thanks so much! It is super soft and warm, too. Have a great weekend.
Patrick Weseman
Looking very sweet. Bright wine tights yesterday to dull wine tights or are they brown? In my old age I am color blind.
I am one of the few people in the world who doesn’t have Netflix. LOL.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks, Patrick! I think these tights are more of a dark brown, but they have a tiny bit of a reddish tint in certain light. So maybe you’re not all that color blind. And no Netflix? Say what?! Haha. Just kidding. Have the most wonderful weekend!
Vaishali Verma
I finished Witcher on netflix. Thanksk for recommending more.
Vaishali, thanks for stopping by! You are the third person to talk about Witcher…I may need to go check that one out! Have a great weekend.
Anne/The Cajun Couple blog
Such a pretty outfit and backdrop! Love all the white snow!
Thanks so much, Anne! Have a great weekend!
jodie filogomo
I bet you’re wearing coats a lot…haha!! Not to rub it in or anything, but it was 70 degrees here today…I’m still in awe of being here!!
I do love that faux fur scarf Shelbee…the colors are so fun.
Thank you, Jodie! And it’s not rubbing in it. Actually, I don’t think I would like it to be 70 in the middle of the winter! I want to live in a place where the temperature stays between 45 and 65 all year long. Is there such a place?
Lauren Renee Sparks
I love that sweater.
Thanks, Lauren! It is so soft and comfortable, too. Have a great weekend!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Such a cute sweater dress! Have a great weekend!
Thank you, Tamar! Enjoy your weekend.
Laura Bambrick
Having many beautiful coats is the silver lining to harsh northern winters! I feel like we should add one or two to our closets each year we survive! Haha! Hope your family is all on the mend soon!
Thanks so much, Laura! I totally add at least five new coats to my closet every year. Haha. This is probably the reason my coat closet is exploding! Have a great weekend and stay warm, my friend.
You look adorable, and oh that snow!!!
Thanks so much, Jen! Oh yes, there’s always snow here! Have a great weekend.
You look gorgeous in these pictures, Shelbee! Did your blog get a little facelift? It looks fresh and a little different! The sweater dress also looks so cute and cozy! Hope you’re having a great weekend.
Thank you so much, Shannon! I haven’t changed anything on my blog recently. Although I probably should give it some refreshing updates. I just get so scared of messing stuff up since I am not particularly tech savvy! But thanks for that compliment. Maybe it doesn’t need any changes after all.
Emma Peach
I love these colours Shelbee! The emerald green faux fur scarf is fabulous, and your cosy sweater dress is gorgeous! Your cats are so sweet – I love watching mine sleep and having twitchy dreams!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! This dress is so stinking soft and warm, too! Definitely a winner! And I know about the kitty twitchy dreams. So cute!
OMG! That is one of my most favorite outfits you’ve shared – and I’m not even a fan of brown as a rule. But these shades are so warm and yummy, and look fabulous with sparks of turquoise / teal (I’m always a bit baffled about where turquoise ends and teal begins). I wonder if such a dress would work in our rather mild Vegas winters…
Totally enjoying the Friday Favorites posts as well. I’m so glad the polyamory FB groups are working for you. It’s so easy to feel isolated when living in a more traditional area of the country.
Michelle, thank you so very much! For the wonderful compliment and for all of your support and suggestions on the FB stuff. I am not a huge fan of brown either, but I couldn’t pass up this cute dress. And I am thinking it may not work in your climate. You know I am always freezing and I wore this with a long sleeve tee underneath to keep warm…I was soaked in sweat by the end of the day. It is a super heavy material and very, very warm! But they did have some similar ones (I think I even linked a few from Amazon) that are more of a tee shirt fabric which would probably be better suited for Las Vegas weather. And yeah, what is the difference between teal and turquoise? I think turquoise is a little brighter and harsher with more yellow undertones and teal is deeper and richer with much more blue in the undertones. But I could be wrong.
I need to sign up on Netflix! Lol It’s so rare that I watch TV these days, I feel like I am completely missing out. I don’t have that problem with food yet since my son is complete opposite and don’t eat much. I have to force feed him at times just to make sure he gets some sort of sustenance. 🙁 I love your sweater dress/tunic. The fair isle pattern is beautiful and always a sight to behold. It looks very cozy too and the asymmetrical hem is a pretty little detail. I hope your weekend is going well and happy Sunday!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thanks so much for the lovely compliment and for sharing your experience with children’s eating habits. I remember when my kids wouldn’t eat much and it would completely stress me out so I was always try to force feed them, too. But then a bunch of other moms and doctors told me they will eat when they are hungry, so I eased up on myself about it…and now they never stop eating! The parenting struggle is real, my friend! But you already know that.
The Exclusive Beauty Diary
Your dress is so perfect. I love how back side is longer and combination of colours. Also how you style it with coat is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
New Post – http://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2020/01/carolina-herrera-good-girl-eau-de-parfum_25.html
Thank you so much for this lovely comment. This dress is really soft and warm, too.
Anna Shirley
The faux fur collar is just fab. Great winter look. I watched the Virgin River too. I needed something nice and it was just perfect timing. I’m glad that there will be second season. Have a great week.
Thanks so much, Anna! I needed a nice relaxing show to watch as well and Virgin River definitely fit the bill. You should check out Hart of Dixie, too. It is super light hearted and cute.
Oh wow, I love this outfit. What a great style and patten, Shelbee 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing your post with us.
Thank you, Claire! This dress is so comfy and warm, too!
What a cute dress! I love how you coordinated everything in this outfit with the green and brown to match the print – the scarf is the cutest and even your coat matches the colour scheme! 🙂
Thanks so much for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup!
Thank you, Mica! I was loving this color combination, too! Have a great week!