Finding My Country with Country Outfitter

This is not a sponsored post.

Happy Monday, y’all! It seems I have gone a little bit country! I warned you that this possibility existed about a month ago when I shared some of my favorite cowgirl boots from Country Outfitter. I don’t know what happened, but I have become a girl obsessed with cowboy boots. I have always had a smidge of country girl somewhere deep down. I mean, the very first CDs I purchased when we transitioned from cassette tapes to CDs were Tim McGraw and Alan Jackson. But I remained a closet country music fan for many years, afraid that a northern girl would be judged for appreciating some southern music.

In my mid-twenties, I found myself working in the heart of New York City, a place where one would think anything goes. But that’s not really true. At least not back then, 20 years ago. There was a certain standard and style that was expected. Plus I wore suits to work every day. And wearing a suit in New York City doesn’t really lend itself to pairing with cowgirl boots.

Eventually, my big city job started sending me frequently to various places in Texas and it was then that I really caught the country bug. On one trip, I sought out a premier boot maker and purchased myself a pair of custom made cowgirl boots in black Buffalo leather with my initials embroidered on the ankles. Unfortunately, since having kids I can no longer get my feet into this gorgeous specimen of footwear. If you ever have the chance and the bucks to spend though, having boots custom made is a super cool experience.

I remember waiting so impatiently at my office in New York City for my new boots to arrive. It took about 6 months but the wait was well worth it. I was so excited the day the mailroom buzzed me that a package had arrived for me from Houston. I haven’t worn those boots in years, but I still take them out and smell the glorious scent of the leather every once in while…yes, these 20 years later and they still maintain that beautiful aroma. I do need to take them to a local shoemaker and see if we can stretch them so that I can wear them once again.

But in the meantime, I need to satisfy my country urges. So I have started adding some new boots to my collection. I showed you my new black floral cowgirl boots here and here. Well, I also purchased them in gold floral. I simply couldn’t decide between the two colors, so I totally went for both! Not only are they basically the cutest boots ever, but they are immensely comfortable, too. As cowgirl boots should be.

Roper Women’s Ingrid Floral Western Boots – Snip Toe

Once I purchased these boots and realized how freaking amazing they are, I submitted a request to Country Outfitter to become a brand ambassador. I cannot tell you how excited I was when they accepted my application for their Americana campaign. I just received a new pair of cowgirl boots and a few kimonos (you know my love for kimonos runs deep) from Country Outfitter to show you how we can all be a little bit country! If the rain would ever stop, I will get my pieces photographed to show you!

Until then, I did want to let you know that there is a giant sweepstakes going on for the Country Outfitter Americana campaign. You could win a $500 shopping spree by entering here! And the more entries submitted through my personal link, the greater chance I have of also winning a $500 shopping spree with you! We could totally be (t)winning.

So just to be clear for legal purposes, the boots I am sharing in this post were purchased by me because I loved them. I have no obligation to showcase them. I only do so because they are freaking fabulous and deserve to be in the spotlight for a moment.

If you love a little bit of country style, why not enter for a chance to win! And if you are impatient like me and seek immediate gratification for your shopping urges, just go check out the selection of boots and apparel from Country Outfitter now. If you set up an account, you will receive 10% ff your first purchase and there is free shipping for all orders over $50.

So tell me…how do you find your country?

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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