Feeling Whimsical with Rosegal & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #11
Merriam-Webster defines whimsical as lightly fanciful or subject to erratic behavior or unpredictable change. The dichotomy between these two separate definitions just gave me a right hearty chuckle. While I am feeling lightly fanciful in this adorable lacy dress from Rosegal, I am simultaneously suffering from yet another whimsical decision made by the Army! Any member of the military or their dependents reading this knows exactly what I mean. Yes, my friends, the Army is classic for its erratic behavior and unpredictable changes. And we members of the military community suffer all too often at its whim!
*Disclosure: This dress was provided to me for review. All opinions and thoughts are completely my own.
Just today I began the final countdown with my children…Daddy would be home in 18 long short days after being gone for the past 6 1/2 weeks. This conversation was quickly succeeded by the phone call. Yes, the dreaded phone call that often comes so very near the day when your spouse’s return is expected. It went something like this…
Husband: “Is there anything I need to be home for in March at all? Like need, need to be home for?”
Me: “Um, whyyyyyy?”
Husband: “Because they are extending us 2 1/2 weeks down here. But if there is a reason that you absolutely need me home, like a real valid reason, then they will release me as originally scheduled.”
Me: “Is my sanity, or the fact that I am quickly losing it, a real valid reason?”
Husband: “Probably not.”
Me: “Okay then. I guess I will see you in 35 days.”
And there it is folks, the whim of the Army dictates our lives. But I love my husband and he loves his job and so we do what we do and we do it as well as any other military family.
And I just continue to remind myself that I’ve got this. I’ve always got this. I am, in fact, a freaking super hero. And I’m wearing the dress to prove it! Thank you, Rosegal!
Outfit Details
Dress: Pink Embroidered Lace Insert Plus Size Dress (c/o Rosegal).
Jeans: Mossimo Jeggings for Target (Old. Similar here.)
Blazer: Thrifted.
Shoes: Adrienne Vittadini from DSW (No longer available, but similar option here).
Hat: Velvet Sparkle Band Cloche Hat by Merona for Target.
Clutch: Old Navy (No longer available).
All Jewelry: Old.
As frustrated as I may get sometimes with these erratic and unexpected changes, I will continue to do my part to #SpreadTheKindness! Won’t you all join me in doing the same.
Your favorite posts from last week’s link up were…
Audrey of Five Foot Nothing with her post Valentine’s Day Outfit Tips (StyleWe Collaboration). Speaking of whimsical, Audrey is the epitome of whimsy is this gorgeous white dress with her bright pink bag!
Amy of Styling Granny Mama with her post Pantone Spring/Summer 2017: Fashion Color Report in collaboration with Liz of With Wonder and Whimsy. Isn’t that fabulously coincidental that I had chosen to write about whimsy in this post? And how fabulous are these two gorgeous women?!
What makes you feel whimsical? Or better yet…what makes you feel like a freaking super hero?
Feeling whimsical on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

jodie filogomo
Talk about a positive spin, Shelbee!! I’m not sure I’m good enough to call that whimsical…ha ha!!
Haha! Thanks, Jodie! It totally didn’t even come to me until I started writing and looked up the exact definition of whimsical. It really did make me laugh though! I can’t change what the Army dictates, so I really just have to laugh it off! Whimsy at its best!
jess jannenga
You have a great attitude Shelbee! I love your delicate lace top, with a bit of a vintage vibe in the lace detail. Pink looks fab on you and that clothe hat is so adorable on! Love this outfit. I am going to try and wear some jeans here and there.
Have a great week!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I have to maintain a positive attitude otherwise who knows what would happen?! Hahaha! I love the contrast of distressed jeans with something flirty and feminine like pink lace! I think you look great in jeans the few times I have seen you style them!
Love the dress! And you are SUPERMAMA! I feel like a supermama when I can get my little to bed, or get things done that he needs for his benefit, or even get him to calm. Got to love the Momlife!
Thank you so much, Stephanie! This momming gig really is no joke! Then the constant departure of dad for extended periods of time…ugh…I feel like I’m always shifting gears. I guess that is another superpower for us supermamas!
Bless you Shelbee. It must be frustrating to get excited about your man coming home and then be let down. Supporting each other is what makes a great marriage xx
Thanks so much, Laurie! It happens like this so often that it really truly is laughable (otherwise, I suppose I would be crying.) I just need to shift gears back to single parenting mode!
Amy Christensen
Shelbee, you are an amazing woman! Thank your hubby for serving and thank you for being a support to him. That has to mean a lot to know he’s got such a good, grounded woman at home. While I think your sanity is pretty important, I guess I can see where the army wouldn’t give it top priority. Ha, ha. I love this outfit! The dress is super cute and I love the flow of it. Looks great paired with the black blazer, distressed jeans and the heels. Very stylish. Thank you so much for the shout out for Liz and I. We had a blast collaborating in real life! Ha, ha. Thanks for hosting the link up. – Amy
Amy, thank you so very much for this amazing and kind comment. Yeah, the Army never considers my sanity! Hahaha. I suppose that’s why I have a sense of humor about it all. This was such a fun outfit to create. I can’t wait to wear it for a date night…if my husband would ever come home! Many thanks to you and Liz for your super awesome collaboration and for keeping us inspired!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
This outfit is so, so cute!!!!! Oh my goodness, love the pink lace, the velvet jacket and even that hat!
Thanks so much, Carrie! I think this is one of my favorite outfits of late! Now, if my husband would come home, I could wear it for a date night!
Pink suits you Shelbee and I can only send patience and fortitude your way, enough to last you these 35 more days.
Patience and fortitude are definitely needed and much appreciated, Lorena! Thank you!
Patrick Weseman
Sorry about that. I got lucky when I was in the Navy that we never got extended. It is wives like you that keep our military going.
Patrick, thank you so much for that. I think often we spouses do get forgotten in all the craziness of military life! But man, do we take blow after blow like champions!
Oh what a shame that it takes longer for your husband to return home! But…..You look absolutely stunning! What a lovely dress and wearing with black is fantastic! The hat looks great on you!
Nancy, thank you very much! It was one of those moments that kind of threw me because I literally just started to see the end in sight. Then, Bam! Reset. But I’ve got this. I always do!
Kathrine Eldridge
You are such a strong women! I hope these weeks go by fast while he’s a gone a little longer. Love this beautiful top from Rosegal. Thanks so much for the link up!
Thank you so much, Kathrine! I don’t know if I am any stronger than any other mom out there raising in her little ones, but I do what I can to get us through each day!
Whimsical, Retro-Chic, Sassy an Sophisticated all rolled into one gorgeous outfit. This is one of your best looks Shelbee. Love it. Great cloche hat and velvet blazer.
The linkup is up one day early so welcome by and join it. Thanks and Happy Hump Day!
Ada, thank you so very much! I love a little bit of retro and vintage every now and then. This is one of my favorites, too! I will be linking up in a minute!
Hey Shelbee, here is a long term view for you: My brother in law and sister in law did the army thing for like 25 years. Now, they’re both retired and still young (56 yrs old) and loving life! They travel all over. Take fun classes at the community college. They brew beer and volunteer for things they feel passionate about. They had it hard for the first few decades but now he has a great pension, health care and time! I guess you’re paying it forward now!
Julia, thank you so much for the perspective! We only have two years to go until retirement. But I don’t know what my husband will do without the Army…he probably work for the Army as a civilian!
This top is so cute! Perfect for transitioning or for keeping your sanity haha.
Ha! So true, Laurie! Cute clothes always help with maintaining sanity! Thanks so mcuh.
Bummer about the date change with your hubby and work. Hope you can find some fun things to do to make the time go by faster!
Thanks so much, Ruth! Now if I could just get everyone healthy, it would be much easier!
I am so sorry that your husband won’t be home when you expected, that really stinks. You are indeed a superhero!
And you do look so whimsical in this beautiful top. Love this whole look.
xx, Elise
Elise, thank you so much for your kind words! This is one of my favorite outfits to date, for sure!
Your outfit is so amazing! I absolutely love the pink lace darling! Thank you so much for the feature too <3
Thank you so much, Audrey! It is definitely one of my favorite outfits to date. And thank for keeping us inspired with your incredible style!
You have such a great attitude! It must be those superhero powers! Your pink lace dress is adorable and that hat looks amazing on you!
Doused In Pink
Ha! Thanks, Jill! It is my superhero powers….they get me through a lot that the Army throws my way! I am totally loving this dress. I just need my husband to come home now so I can wear it on a date!
I love that hat! It has such a great vintage feel! Thanks so much for linking up with us on Wearable Wednesday!
Thanks so much, Hannah! I am only just starting to wear hats now that my hair is growing a bit longer. And I am really enjoying how much fun they are!
Lanae Bond
He will be home soon before you know it! I love you lace blouse especially the color.
Thank you, Lanae! It will fly by and then I will panic that my house is a mess and I will scramble to clean it the day before his arrival!
I love this look. I have some skirts and dresses in my closet that are a bit too short for some occassions, but pairing them like this would work. And that hat is amazing.
Hope you keep your sanity while waiting for your husband to get back.
Thanks for partying with us on #FridayFrivolity
Audrey, thank you so much! Yes, I tend to layer dresses over pants or leggings quite often because the dresses are so short these days! It is definitely a great way to view your wardrobe with new perspective! (By the way, my sanity is slowly slipping away from me! Ha!)
This is such an adorable look, Shelbee. Everything just came together perfectly and your hat is lovely. So sorry your husband’s time away was extended. Thanks so much for linking up with Fabulous Friday!
A Pocketful of Polka Dots
Thank you so much, Jennie! I totally pictured this dress with jeans the moment I saw it. I am very pleased with the outcome as well. Now if my husband would come home, I have the perfect date night outfit!