Fall Flashback Outfit: Tie Dye and Denim & Link Up On the Edge #279

With the deep freeze of winter holding us tight in its grasp, I decided to share a fall outfit today that I photographed before the ground was covered in an icy blanket of snow and the temperatures dropped to inhumane levels. School was canceled last night for today due to the temperature not because we have any precipitation. It is actually going to be sunny and clear all day. That ole sun can play tricks with you though. She might look all big and bright and warm when you look outside. But when you step outside, you immediately realize her deception. It is currently -17° F with a wind chill -30° F. So I recommend not stepping outside at all if you don’t have to.
With an unexpected three day weekend in play now, I plan to smoke lots of weed today and do all the things around the house that I feel like doing. There are regular chores to be handled and I have to do my daily yoga followed by a short HIIT workout. I will probably putz around the house a bit, watch some television, do some reading, and settle in to enjoy a relaxing weekend at home with my family.
Jeff and I will be celebrating 12 years of wedded wonder on Sunday as well…quietly at home with the boys. I think we are going to order food for delivery and have a movie night. At least, that’s what I am routing for as far as weekend plans go!

Before I get to my long relaxing weekend plans of nothing, let me talk about my clothes. Because you all know I love clothes and I really could talk about them all day long. This denim jacket is so old and so good and does not get enough air time. I call it my Sgt. Pepper jacket even though it is not nearly as colorful as what the Beatles wore, but all the brass buttons really make me happy.
I bought this jacket at Lane Bryant close to 20 years ago when I weighed 230 pounds and wore a size 20/22. It has managed to stay with me in continuous rotation from 230 straight down to the 168 on the scale today. I did another Shaklee 7 Day Healthy Cleanse last week. I started the week at 174 and ended at 168 and I was happier than you can imagine. I have not seen below 170 in 20 years! And now I am just 10 pounds away from what the CDC says I am supposed to weigh. By the way, I am about 15 pounds lighter right now than in these photos and I am still firmly planted in the “Overweight” category of the CDC’s BMI standards. I wonder how often those standards are updated to reflect changes in the physical evolution of the human body. Human bodies are bigger, taller, thicker, and denser than they were a century ago. That is fascinating stuff to me.
But I digress. I went from talking about a denim jacket to the evolution of the human body. That’s what happens when I wake and bake and try to quickly throw together a blog post at the last minute while I am super stoned and not caffeinated!

Oh yeah, the rest of the outfit…this cute tie dye cardigan and patent lug sole Mary Janes came from Torrid and my black mini skirt is from Charlotte Russe. I have been looking for a black mini skirt like this for about 5 years and finally found one so that makes me feel great satisfaction. My crescent moon necklace is from Happiness Boutique and one of my most worn necklaces. The wide belt is super old from Cato and I believe it is time to get rid of it because it is just too big on me with no way of adjusting it. I do love my belt hole puncher from Trendhim though for saving all of my other too big belts!
That’s all I have for this week! I am going to grab some coffee and a bong hit now and settle in for 3 days of family down time! What do you all have planned for the weekend?
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Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Jacket-Lane Bryant / Sweater and Shoes-Torrid / Skirt-Charlotte Russe / Necklace-c/o Happiness Boutique / Tights-Old Navy / Belt-Cato / Earrings-Old

Kathy Elliott
love it-Wake and Bake! lol
and we weigh the same, I only wish I looked HALF as good as you! But actually I am happy with the way I look!
Keep on truckin’
Thanks so much, Kathy! That is so funny…we are scale twins! Hahaha. You know, I was not happy with my body at 230, but I was happy with it from about 208 and down. But even at 230 I still loved to dress my body in creative ways that made me feel good. I started a weight loss journey mostly because I was dealing with really annoying high blood pressure issues and I am so opposed to taking pharmaceuticals that I had to do something to prevent that need. I am also creeping closer and closer to the ages that my parents died…both due to cancer from unhealthy lifestyles…and I do not want that to be my story. So I definitely feel much better now more because I am making healthier choices. The weight loss was just an extra benefit…or really just a natural consequence of my choices. I hope that makes sense…because I am answering you right after a big ole bong hit! Hahaha. Have a fabulous weekend, my friend! Let your inner Goddess shine!
That jean jacket is so cool!!!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! It is so unique that I will never get rid of it!
Kellyann Rohr
Holy cow that is COLD! I cannot even imagine what that feels like.
Congrats on the weight loss, you look amazing BTW – I know this photo is old but still!!!
Your weekend plans sound great, I love staying in.
That jacket is an oldie but a goodie and will always be fun to wear – it does have those Sgt. Pepper vibes!
Happy Anniversary too!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! How cold -30 feels is actually unimaginable! Haha. The best way that I can describe it is that it hurts on immediate contact! So if you know how cold 32 feels…it’s only 62 degrees colder than that. I hope you have a lovely weekend as well, my friend!
Now please don’t take this the wrong way, because I truly mean it as a compliment, but I can’t believe you weigh that much. You look so skinny to me, like you would only weigh 135 pounds tops. Are you very tall? As for the outfit, I love it. It is so creative! And I can’t believe how cold it is by you. It’s cold here too…=9, but definitely not as cold as your neck of the woods.
Aw, thanks so much, Amy! It is really difficult to judge a person’s height and weight through photos, isn’t it?! I am just under 5’7” and I have always weighed more than I look. I think it was all my years of competitive swimming…there’s a thick layer of dense muscle that hides under the fat layers! Haha. When I was in my 20’s, I was at an ideal weight of around 140. But I feel pretty freaking fabulous where I am now! By the way, -9 is nothing to scoff at…that’s too darn cold, too!
I’m loving that Sgt. Pepper denim jacket!! And I’m also drawn to the black shoes with the crossover strap. Cute outfit! Thank you for hosting the link-up.
Thanks so much, Carol! This jacket really makes me smile! And I have always loved a Mary Jane style shoe. Have a great weekend!
Jacqui Berry
Wow! You look amazing in this, please tell me your secret Shelbee. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! Honestly, I have been super diligent about doing yoga every day. And now I have added a 10 minute HIIT workout after yoga. I have been intermittent fasting for about 18 months which has helped as well. I drink tons of water and take some vitamin supplements, too. I am not very strict about my diet because I just love sweets too much. But I try to be moderate with my consumption of sweets. I had hit 200 pounds on the scale last September (2020) and I was not happy about it. So I just got serious and dedicated but I have not gone crazy about it either. So it took me one year and four months to lose 32 pounds…slow and steady (an average of 2 pounds per month) and totally worth it!
Lauren Renee Sparks
Love that outfit. Especially the demin jacket. And happy anniversary!
Thanks so much, Lauren! Have a lovely weekend!
Hey, Shelbee! Great photos, as I love the look of fall (my favorite season), as opposed to the winter scene that we’re having now where I’m at. So much snow! It’s been a while since we’ve had a “true winter” around here!
Anyway, if I may say so, you look great in your photos here and congrats on your successful weight loss! One feels so much better when seeing the benefits of shedding off extra weight. About 10 years ago, my max weight was around 210 pounds, and I felt terrible (more of a negative self image of myself, rather than physical, though I felt more tired because of my weight too). But since then, I’ve managed to stay under 200 pounds! I’ve come close to hitting that mark again, but somehow I manage to keep it under that, and on my good days, manage to stay between 190 and 195. I’d still like to go a little lower than that, but I’m learning to except who I am and like myself, regardless of my weight.
I walk regularly, I eat a consistent healthy diet, incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables, while still being able to enjoy the occasional sweets that I love, I don’t smoke or drink (about the only thing I probably drink too much of is coffee), and I try to watch my portion size when eating (sometimes I just say ‘screw it’, and grab a little extra!).
But no matter our weight, we are still ‘us’; human beings trying our best to make it in this life. You’re still you, I’m still me and there’s no one else like us, which makes us all special.
Enjoy your week, Shelbee! Stay warm and stay safe!
Mike, thanks so much for this wonderful comment! I agree with you completely that what the scale says is not an indicator of the people who we are! And I don’t much mind the number on the scale as long as I am feeling good and healthy. Which I was not for a very long time and so I had to make changes. I have been adding some extra muscle building exercises into my workout lately so my weight seems like it is going to level off now as I build more muscle tone. I will probably even gain a few pounds because of that but I am okay with it as long as I am feeling good! Oh speaking of coffee, I was drinking about 48 ounces a day until 2 weeks ago. I now substitute hot lemon for most of my coffee and have been able to cut back to 12-16 ounces of coffee a day. And somehow I have way more energy for longer because of it. Keep living your best life, my friend!
Exactly, Shelbee! For a long time, I struggled with my “self image”, and I didn’t like myself. But I find that the older that I get, the easier it is for me to accept who I am and to be proud of who I am. And once I started doing that, the desire to want to live a healthier life sort of fell into place.
I don’t follow any particular diet (I tried many times before and failed), but rather just try to balance what I eat and to remain as consistent as possible. That way, I don’t feel too overwhelmed with trying to “do the right things” all the time, but just do the right thing with a well balanced diet.
I think I must be doing something right, as all my doctor visits yield excellent results in my numbers, and I rarely get sick. That’s proof enough for me that I’m healthy! 🙂
Oooh, I like your idea about the lemon! I actually started off drinking lemon tea before moving on to coffee, and I’ve actually been thinking about going back to it. While I like coffee (I didn’t use to), I don’t like the “crash” feeling that I often get if I consume more than 20 ounces, which I sometimes do. Tea would probably be better for me. I could also try lemon squeezed into my water and juice, both of which I drink lots of. Thanks for the idea, Shelbee! And thank you! I plan on living a long time, so I’m doing the very best that I can to make that happen!
Mike, I am glad that you are in good health. I mean, if we don’t have good health, everything else kind of sucks, doesn’t it? Our health is our foundation for the best quality of life. I start my days with a 16 ounce mug of hot water with a lemon wedge in it and not only is it energizing but it has all sorts of other health benefits, too. But I think putting lemon in any of your water is good for you, too! You know I am planning on a long life, too…so I can invite you to my 150th birthday party!
Ah, we celebrated 30 years together yesterday!
And I think it’s cold here, and I am really tired of winter already. Just want to go out and cycle a lot! I love that jacket, I have a few similar like that. Enjoy your weekend, it sounds like a pretty good one.
Happy Anniversary to you and Gerben, Nancy! How exciting is that? Thirty years is a very long time! It is so cold here agin today and all week coming up. I am over it! I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend. Hopefully we get an early spring!
Love this outfit, Shelbee! The denim band leader jacket is a great statement piece to keep forever! Hope you have the long Anniversary weekend of your dreams. I cannot fathom -17 degree temperatures-I wear double coats and pants when it drops into the +20’s!
Di, thanks so much! This jacket is definitely a keeper! My husband decided to pick up an extra work shift today because he was out sick early this week so my anniversary weekend is starting later than planned. Oh well. It’s -27 outside right now so I am content sitting here in my jammies all day! I hope you have a great weekend!
Rosemary Davis
You look amazing! Now forget about the scale and remember how good you are feeling.
Happy Anniversary!
Thanks so much, Rosemary! The number on the scale doesn’t really bother me too much as long as I feel good! I am perfectly situated close enough to my ideal weight for my satisfaction. Plus if I lose much more weight, I will really need to replace my entire wardrobe. And my wardrobe is extensive and I love it too much to sacrifice it for a few more pounds! Haha.
Shelbee, you make me chuckle. You are so upfront!! Congrats on dumping excess weight, and am so impressed at your daily yoga and HIIT – great combo. Good on you.
Thanks so much, Ratnamurti! You just made me smile so big! I hope you are well! Have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
Cheryl Shops
Dear lord, that is cold! I hope you stay warm—a day inside with weed and TV sounds like just the right thing. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and hitting your wellness goals. I think you look amazing, lady!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Aw, thanks so much, Cheryl! It’s another brutally cold today…sitting at -27 right now! And it is apparently lasting all week. Ugh. I need heated underwear!
jodie filogomo
I love the outfit Shelbee…and I’ve been known to get on tangents too, haha.
But I really wanted to say that I just adore your hair lately. The coloring is so interesting and gives you such a fabulous look.
Oh my goodness, Jodie, thank you so much! I did laugh about your hair comment though! My hair is so stripey from all the mismatched hair dyes I have used over the years! LOL But it does give it a sort of ombre effect. I have not been to a stylist in almost 2 years. I am thinking I want to get one last coloring done to even it all out and then just let the gray start growing out! But maybe I will just let it go now that I have come this far and it apparently looks cool in photos! Haha. Have a great weekend, my friend!
Thank you so much for the feature, Shelbee! That is SO col! The only time I ever felt -10 ddegree weather was in Denverduring a random storm! Also, you look GREAT!! I always wonder about BMI standards too. To be honest, I don’t weigh myself anymore. I go by how my clothes fit and body measurements. Sometimes we don’t fit into that weight box! When I started my blog, I was a 00 on top and was technically considered “overweight” so I stopped using that. But anyway, you look amazing! Definitely very inspiring <3
Thanks so much, Lizzie! I feel great but then those weird standards come to haunt me and I think I’m fat again! I weigh myself daily out of habit, but I don’t get all that upset about the number on the scale. I have always been more on the denser side because of muscle tone from all the years of competitive swimming. But I do know that I feel best when I weigh around 145-160. I am so close to that and I do feel great so I am perfectly content with the number on the scale. It is way more important that I feel comfortable in my skin. The rest is just frivolity! And how in the world can a person who wears a size 00 be considered overweight?! So strange. Have a great weekend, my friend.
I love that skirt and those mary janes! I thought it was cold here but it’s only 1 with the windchill here today; downright balmy compared to your weather. I hope you have a wonderful, relaxed anniversary.
Thanks so much, Joanne! 1 degree is comparatively balmy to the -27 we have going on right now! We are just getting slammed with this unconscionable cold. Next Wednesday and Thursday could result in school delays as well because of it. The actual temperature without wind chill is predicted to be around -15 on those days. Stay warm, my friend!
Laura Bambrick
Happy Anniversary! Stay warm! Cold days are the worst. I swear we have cold days more often than snow days (neither of which we have many at all since we are 2 blocks from the school)! I love the romantic vintage cibe that jacket adds to the outfit! Fantastic that it is still in your closet!
Thanks so much, Laura! We only live 2 blocks from the school as well but when it is -40, no one is walking even 2 blocks. Haha. I hope you stay warm as well, my friend!
Marsha Banks
Oh, that jacket is everything!!! I do love a good Beatles reference! You look amazing, but it’s even better that you feel good about yourself as you did when you weighed more! We are having a tiny cold wave (compared to you) and I hate being cold. If we had snow to counterbalance the cold, I’d be happier!
Have a wonderful low key anniversary!
Thanks so much, Marsha! I love a good Beatles reference, too! My mother was a huge Beatles fan and any reference to them makes me feel closer to her. We have a big lake effect snow storm coming this weekend along with the -27 degrees that it is right now. I would send the snow your way if I could! Stay warm, my friend!
I adore this outfit! Such a pretty top, and your “Beatles” jacket is magnificent. Ha! You in no stay look overweight in this pic, but congrats on your weight loss. I have to wonder about the whole “you’re supposed to weigh…” guidelines. Dan pointed out that when those charts were made everybody smoked. Does nicotine decrease appetite? I don’t know. But it burns an extra 200 calories a day everyday.
Thanks so much, Michelle! We shouldn’t even look at those guidelines, I think, because I was feeling great and now I look in the mirror and I’m like, “Nope, still overweight.” I have never been a cigarette smoker, but I do believe that it does help with weight loss. I know many people who have gained lots of weight after quitting smoking. Pot smoking, on the other hand, well, that helps with weight gain through the munchie effect! Haha. But I am still managing to shed some pounds while smoking pot!
Such a cute denim jacket and I’ve really been embracing short skirts more now too! Easier the kids are bigger and we aren’t constantly on the floor with them, haha! 🙂
Thanks for the link up!
Hope that you are having a great weekend despite the cold!
Thanks so much, Mica! Oh my gosh, I remember ditching all of my short skirts when my kids were younger for exactly that reason! It is nice when you aren’t required to crawl on the floor with them anymore. Haha. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend!
Cool Esse
So cute, love that jacket!
Thanks so much, my friend! Have a great weekend!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Love the vibe in this look!!
Why has it been arctic cold lately, not ok!
Thank you, Tamar! WHY has it been so ridiculously cold? We have had more days with double digit negatives than not!
I love so much that jacket! This is an item I would 100% love to have in my warderobe!
Thanks so much, Sinziana! It is definitely a keeper!
hey dear, that’s a beautiful post there. i love how u closed it with ‘the coffee and a bong hit’ which sounds like a contradiction, unless the coffee is very weak? (does it show i don’t smoke?:)
Thanks so much, Barbara! Coffee and pot does sound a little contradictory except pot is very different these days compared to even just 10 years ago. There are daytime strains that wake you up and nighttime strains that help you sleep and hybrid strains to confuse even the most skilled pot smokers! Have a fantastic week ahead, my friend!
jess jannenga
Hi Shelbee
I am such a cold weather wimp! Pittsburgh was told cold for me in Nov! I suppose I am used to NC after nearly 20 years! Brrrr where you are! I The tie dye colors are cool and it is such a fun look with the shorter skirt. Love that jacket too, love the buttons!
Have a great day!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! It is insanely cold here. I am looking forward to moving south in 10 years! Haha. You would think that after 9 years, I would be used to the cold weather. But each year, I get LESS used to it somehow. I hope you have a fantastic week ahead, my friend,
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very sweet. Perfectly dressed for the Haight. Very nice.
Happy Anniversary to you and Jeff.
Thanks for hosting this great party.
Thank you, Patrick! I really appreciate that! I hope you have a fantastic week ahead!
Love this look, head to toe, Shelbee! Happy Anniversary!
Thanks so much, Lovely! I hope you have an amazing week ahead!
Suzy Turner
I love that your jacket makes you happy. It makes me happy too. It’s absolutely gorgeous! I’ve been wanting a military style jacket like that for years! These photos make me happy too, because you just look beautiful and smiley and happy and I love that about you, Shelbee! You did make me chuckle when you mentioned waking and baking LOL. I was picturing you in the kitchen baking a cake or something and then I realised DOH LOL!!!!!!! I hope your relaxing weekend was exactly what you wanted and that you and Jeff had a FABULOUS anniversary. Happy Anniversary btw.
Huge hugs
Suzy xxx
Aw, thanks so much, my friend! We ended up getting a babysitter so we could get out alone for a few hours and we had a marvelous time! I was super happy with this photoshoot, too! I don’t know why I didn’t share this outfit and photos earlier. Oh well. Here they are now! I am wondering if searching vintage sites for a military style denim jacket might be a good start? And now I have a fit of the giggles over your wake and bake misinterpretation! I did bake Jeff’s favorite lemon blueberry muffins this weekend and I was stoned while I was baking them but it was not early in the morning so it doesn’t count as a real wake and bake! Hahaha. It was more of “baking baked” situation in the afternoon. I hope you have a wonderful day!
This look is rocking!!
Thanks so much, Olivia!
Anita Ojeda
I love the shoes! I’m a sucker for patent leather. Weight loss out of context is so difficult–but making healthy lifestyle changes in order to improve our quality of life makes it so much easier to maintain long term! We all deserve to be healthy and we are worth the effort it takes to take the journey!
Thanks so much, Anita! I agree with you completely. Slow and steady for the win, right?! I hope your week is going well!
Kathrine Eldridge
I could tell that you lost weight! You look amazing. I love the deniim jacket and the flirty look you wore with it.
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I feel amazing! I wonder why I didn’t get healthier sooner? I got stuck in that mode of feeling kind of awful all the time that I started thinking that was just how getting older felt. Boy, was I wrong! Getting older feels freaking fantastic if you go about it in a healthy way!
So true, Shelbee. Who wants to live a long life and be ill 90% of the time? You’re basically a prisoner within your own body at that point.
Yes, water is the essential building block for our health, and should be included in our diets daily. Roughly 60% of our bodies is made up of water, which I find incredible. I always drink an 8 ounce glass of water right before bed; just enough to keep me hydrated through the night, but not enough to make me run for the bathroom. I find that I sleep better doing this! Eating foods that contain a lot of water also helps, like cucumbers, which contain the most water of any food.
Yes! I look forward to your invite! I’ll be there, seriously! 🙂 Sheer will and good healthy habits will help us get to 3 digits! 🙂
Thanks, Mike! I am sitting here sipping my hot lemon water now as I type this. Then I will move on to a cup of coffee before going to back to the water. I felt so much better during cleanse week when I was eating only fruits and veggies and drinking at least half my body weight in ounces of water per day. But I did spend a lot of time in the bathroom tha week, too! Hahah. Sheer will and healthy habits will win the race!
Love your looks of the blue denim jacket. I can see that it suits you really love. Keep up with the good content that you bring. Love xoxox !
Thanks so much, Samantha! I really appreciate that! Have a wonderful day!