Fabulous Link Ups Where I Link Up & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #61
Blog parties and link ups are a great way to network within the blogging community. They are a wonderful avenue to discovering amazing blogs that you may not otherwise have found in the seemingly endless ocean of blogs on the internet. As of 2017, it was estimated that there are over 440 million blogs worldwide. So how in the world do you tap into your favorites in a niche that is interesting and beneficial to you?
*This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
I mean, you can’t possibly read them all. You can’t even read all the ones in your favorite genre. Actually, I am struggling to keep up with reading just the ones that I follow regularly. With that many blogs available on the internet, it is obvious that people are reading them. Otherwise, we wouldn’t keep writing them. In addition to the seemingly endless ocean of blogs, there is also a nearly infinite number of readers that we can reach. But how do you reach them? How do you tap into a new audience? Joining link parties are one way to do this.
*Dress: Torrid. Similar here, here, and here.
I have been participating in link parties for nearly 2 years now (maybe longer) and I have been hosting 2 weekly link ups for well over a year. I have found that joining other link parties as well as hosting my own is a great way to generate additional traffic to your blog. And it’s fun!
*Cardigan: Old Navy. No longer available.
As a person who often experiences FOMO (fear of missing out) and wanting to avoid missing a great link party, I created a comprehensive list of my favorite link ups. I was so afraid that I would miss one on any given day that I tediously put together this list that I utilize every day to make sure that I am visiting and participating in my favorite link parties. For those of you in the fashion and lifestyle genre, I invite you to check out my page Fabulous Link Ups Where I Link Up page. It is a great resource for discovering new blogs as well as sharing some blogger love.
*Boots: Gigi Block Heeled Booties from Shoe Dazzle.
I did all the work and I am sharing it with you so you can reach a larger audience as well! So won’t you scroll through my page of link ups and see if any interest you or if there are new ones that maybe you did not already know about.
*Velvet Leggings: Old Navy. No longer available.
I have been trying to keep my list as current as possible. But I do know that there are some on my page that have not hosted a link party recently. I usually leave them on there for a few months before deleting them.
If you scroll all the way to the bottom of my Fabulous Link Ups page, you will also find a list of some of my favorite blogs as well. Again, I try to keep this list updated with current blogs and blogs that I follow regularly. I do actually need to take a thorough inventory and do some Spring cleaning so to speak. But feel free to check back on my page and use it as a resource any time you’d like!
And if you have any favorite blogs or link ups that are not on my list, please share them with me in the comments. I love to discover marvelous new people in blogland! Happy linking!
And now your favorite posts from last week.
Kristina of The Kontemporary shared her post, One Patent Leather Skirt-Two Styles. There’s nothing cooler than a chic black leather skirt and Kristina has nailed this look both times! Stop by her page and check out the second way she has styled this fun skirt!

And Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood shared her post, Season’s Tweetings. This sweater is seriously the cutest thing ever! Stop by Ada’s page to see the rest of her adorable outfit!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Linking up is a great way to find new blogs – I have such a long list I follow and it is hard to read every one especially as more keeping making their way onto my feed! It’s a guilty pleasure and has replaced my old magazine reading days.
Your collection of booties is enviable! I love every pair of fun colored booties you have shown recently and wish I had a pair. You are looking as gorgeous as ever Shelbee in these colors!
Kellyann, thanks so much! I really need to update my list of favorite blogs that are on that page because I don’t think I have yours on it as well as a few of my other new favorite blogging friends! I definitely don’t have time to read anything else these days either because I spend all of my time in blogland. And yeah, I have a bit of a boot problem! Have a magnificent day, my friend.
Great look Shellbee, love the colour of your boots 🙂 Thanks for hosting.
Thank you, Claire! I do love a nice bright punch of color in the snow! Have a fantastic day, my friend.
I agree with all you say Shelbee. I have found many blogging pals through linking up. Thanks for the list.
Laurie xx
Laurie, thanks so much for stopping by. I have also discovered so many amazing blogging friends through link ups. Have a wonderful day!
Love those blue boots!
Thank you, Tamar! Have a fantastic day!
Deborah Stinedurf
Link ups are a fabulous way to see and be seen! I so agree with you on keeping up on blogs. It’s nearly impossible to stop by all of the blogs that I love…there just aren’t enough hours in the day.
Debbie, thanks so much for stopping by! I do make it a point to visit all these link ups on a weekly basis…it’s my morning routine with my coffee. But, yeah, there just is not enough time to get to all of them. Have a fabulous day, my friend.
I’m going to check out your link-up page Shelbee. Thanks for sharing this informative post. Love the boots Hun. x Jacqui
Thanks so much, Jacqui! Hopefully, you find some new parties to join that you may not have known about before. Have a fantastic week!
Nancy Baten
I am going to check out your list. I deleted a whole lot of subscibtions and I could use some new inspirational blogs to read! Thanks!
Thanks for stopping by, Nancy! I hope you find some new ones on my list!
Pam Greer
That blue is gorgeous on you!! I need to check out your link ups page, I keep posting to the same ones over and over and I need to change it up a bit!
Thanks so much, Pam! I do love teal! I hope you find some new parties to join on my link ups page. Have a fabulous day, my friend.
Your posts are always so helpful and this one is no exception. I found out about link parties through countless hours on the internet doing research on how to start a blog and getting traffic to your blog last year. I love the idea and like you said a great way to get exposed to new bloggers that I may not run across or cross paths with because of the so many blogs out there. I have also made a list of blogs to always come back to to help me remember to visit regardless of link ups because I enjoy their content but it has gotten longer and getting longer by the minute!! I hope you are having a fabulous start to your day.
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so much. I am so glad that you find my content helpful…as that is my mission here! I spent countless hours in the beginning like you have to find my niche in the blogging world and network with other bloggers. There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to visit all of the blogs even though I would love to. I so thrive on meeting new people and hearing their stories and blogging is such a great avenue for that, but still there are so many we will miss out on anyway! I hope you find some new blogs to follow from my list. Have a wonderful day, my friend.
Kathrine Eldridge
Thanks so much for this list! I will definitely check it out. Love this chic layered look and dying over those cute booties!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I have quite a thing this year for brightly colored statement booties! I hope you find some fun new blogs to follow and link parties to join from my list. Have a wonderful day!
Suzanne Smith
I have loved discovering new blogs through the link-up parties! Thanks so much for this wonderful list! You must have quite a collection of booties! Have a great day Shelbee!
Thanks for stopping by, Suzanne! And my boot collection is a tiny bit out of control! Have a fabulous day, my friend.
LOVE your blue booties Shelbee!! Wow, what a great link up list, I will definitely take a look at these! Thank you for sharing!!
Thanks so much, Cherie! Hopefully you will find some fun new link ups to join. Have a wonderful day!
Shelbee, what an amazing resource you’ve put together and are sharing. I totally get how challenging it is to devote the time to “blog networking” and I so appreciate all that you do to “spread the kindness”. I must tell you how fabulous you look in that color combo. Thank you for sharing and for your wonderful example of how to support other bloggers.
Rena, thank you so much for such kind words and for all of your support! I still always feel so bad when I can’t get around to all my favorite blogs on a regular basis. I am sporadic at best! Ugh. But I am only human and there are only so many hours in a day and I simply cannot change that. Have a wonderful day, my friend.
It’s funny because when I first started blogging I was so dense that I didn’t understand why you would do these link ups….ha ha! But it is fun to find other blogs and learn about other people this way!
Jodie, you are so funny! Not dense at all…it is all a learning process. I still think I don’t know much about what I’m doing until a newer blogger asks for help and I start spewing off information…and then I’m like, “Hey, wait a minute, I kind of know a lot about this business!” What a ride this has been so far. And I feel like I am just getting started. Have a fabulous day, my friend!
Michele Morin
Love that cardigan, and I have a similar one (different color) from Cabelas.
Thanks for your faithfulness and your commitment to the blogging community.
Michele, thank you so much! There really is nothing better than a cozy cardigan on a cold day! Have a wonderful day, my friend.
anne the spygirl
Thanks for the resource list. Now that I’m actively blogging again (ahem, hibernation finally ended), I’m linking up in a few places.
I’ve got a “blog love” page on SpyGirl, mostly for myself to quickly find my favorites. I made it with Linkup, and keep it “closed” so only I can add the links. I need the visuals of everyone’s faces!
I hosted parties for a while, but I think mine were too rigid in theme to become “a thing”.
I also tried doing one on my gallery’s blog (which I write) with color themes, but it never took off either.
Maybe I should consider reactivating it! http://taggallery.blogspot.com/2016/01/caught-red-handed-new-group-exhibition.html
Crown me the creator of the esoteric linkups!
Thanks, Anne! I am so glad you have emerged from hibernation! I feel as if I am slowly coming out of the winter fog myself. I feel like I have more energy than I have the past few months, that’s for sure! And yes, you should reactivate your link up…esoteric or not, I still joined it! By the way, I am starting to plan and save for a possible trip back to LA in the Fall! I will keep you posted with details.
Have a colorful day, my friend.
anne the spygirl
Yes! Return to LaLaLand!!!!!! Will Amy come with?
And yes, I really appreciated your contributions to my linkups. You “got” the concepts.
Hopefully, Amy will be coming with me as long as we can plan it before November. She will be unable to come after November. I am waiting to hear about the next Forever Fierce meet up and coordinate with that!
anne the spygirl
Better link: http://taggallery.blogspot.com/search/label/Saturday%20Spectrum
Nicole at High Latitude Style
Great booties. The outfit is lovely
Thanks, Nicole! Have a great day!
Patrick Weseman
This post is one I will be using. I use blogs as a way to learn about new things in the world. Of course, I am a lot goofy because everything is a niche to me. I am a center for useless information about the world and things, so blogs have become a great way to learn about things and the way that people live. I find that I would rather read about people’s adventures and thoughts rather than watch what is on TV half the time (Ok, I do watch college basketball, college football, NASCAR and Planet Earth or Blue Planet if they are on) because they are more interesting. Thanks for this.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Patrick, I am so glad that I could provide you with a useful resource. I don’t watch much television either as I am way more interested in the real life happenings of real people. Planet Earth and Blue Planet are a nightly family bonding show for us and they do actually trigger some insightful discussion. For example, I can’t wrap my brain around the whole idea of life that is merely for survival and procreation of your species. Like the deep sea episodes…those creatures literally exist to survive. That’s it. No emotions. No dreams. No goals. It boggles my mind! Food for thought, right? Thanks for stopping by, my friend!
Patrick Weseman
I actually read that our strongest will is the procreation and reproduction of the species. It is actually stronger than the will to live. I also read that in terminally ill people (and death-row inmates facing immediate execution) that once you accept your fate that the brain produces chemicals that calm you.
Wow, Patrick, you are a wealth of interesting information! I mean I know that humans have that strong will to procreate, reproduce, and obviously survive…but I am wondering that in the modern day of technology and everything right at our fingertips, do we become too relaxed in our lives that the thinking takes over the doing?
Robin LaMonte
Love those blue velvet booties!
I appreciate you sharing your blogging link ups with us.
I really enjoy reading new blogs and my favorite bloggers on link up parties.
Thanks so much, Robin! I hope you find some new blogs that interest you. Have a fabulous day.
Christina Morley
I love the blue suede shoes! ♥
Thanks so much, Christina! They are super fun and I always feel like I have a little extra bounce in my step when I wear them. Have a fantastic day, my friend!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
Oh, WOW! I have been wanting to link up to some more link parties, I only link up to maybe a few each day… which, is a lot… but, I’d like to see what other blogs are out there that have fashion parties. Thanks SO much for the list! I love, love, love the pop of turquoise with your cardi and booties! That dark floral dress is so darn pretty, too! I just love your style!
Carrie, thanks so much for the lovely compliment! I am so glad that I could provide you with a valuable resource to discover new blogs and link parties. Have fun exploring!
Edwige Teko-Folly
You rock this dress and the cardi like no other my friend! I’m also loving the teal combo on you! So cheerful!
Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com
Thanks so much, Edwige! I really do love teal lately although I don’t have much of it in my closet. Have a fabulous day!
First of all, love this color on you! Such a pretty outfit to get us through the last, dreary days of winter. Thanks so much for the link up list. It’s so hard to keep up and I know I could do better!
Lana, thanks so much for the wonderful compliment! I hear you on trying to keep up…I often feel like I’m drowning! Have a fabulous week, my friend.
Hi Shelbee! I recently discovered Link Ups (yes, slow starter here!) and am loving getting to “know” the many stylish ladies who participate–like you. BTW, I love those velvet booties!! Thanks for hosting this and for explaining the benefits. Great post!
Darlene, thank you so much for stopping by and for the lovely compliment! Starting slow is nothing to worry about as long as you get started, right?! I hope you find some amazing blogs to follow and connect with. It is such an amazing community! Have a fabulous day, my friend.
Daisy Jones blog
Shelbee those boots! The colour suits you so well, just how many pairs do you have and I can’t believe how well they match your cardigan too. Im now off to discover some new blogs….thanks as ever for hosting!
bestest wishes
Ashley x
Ashley, thanks so much! I do love a good statement boot, that’s for sure. And to answer your question, how many pairs of boots do I have? Um…I don’t really know! My husband would say too many. But is there really such a thing as too many cute boots? But for real…I have an entire closet room that is overflowing with clothes and shoe boxes and bins of shoes. I’m sure I have far exceeded into the 100’s at this point. Yikes. That might be a problem! I hope you find some wonderful blogs to follow. Have a fabulous week, my friend.
Linkups are such a great way to build blogging relationships and find new blogs to follow and build your audience! Love your cardigan and booties! They go together so well!
Laura, thanks so much for the compliment and the comment. I feel like I have been linking up forever and don’t really remember what I did before that! Ha.
Amy Christensen
Thanks for the info. You’ve got quite a list! I have a hard time linking up with just a few every week, but it is a great way to see other bloggers and network. I love that blue on you and those boots are amazing. – Amy
Thank you so much, Amy! I actually sit down every morning with my coffee and start going through my daily link ups and I love the little routine! It usually takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to get through them all…except Fridays…there are so many that it usually takes me all day! Ha. I hope you have a fabulous day, my friend.
Marilee Gramith
Your boots snd matching jacket are my kinda look. You look lovely Shelbee!
Thank you so much, Jude! I really appreciate that. And now that I have seen photos of you, I can agree that do we have similar taste!
so true anout link ups!!! I am trying to bring mine back. 🙂 love the outfit!
Thanks so much, Stephanie! You should bring your link up back! If you do, let me know so I can add it my link up page. Have a wonderful day!
You’re so good to share your list with us, Shelbee! And it will certainly be very useful to us all, so thank you so much for that!
I haven’t actually created any link-up parties yet but I have been considering it. Perhaps this is the encouragement I needed!
Suzy xx
Thank you, Suzy! It is my pleasure to share it. It’s been out there all along but I don’t know that anyone really clicked on that page to see how comprehensive it is! I enjoy hosting link ups. If you decide to do one, please let me know so I can join and add it to my link up page.
Lisa Richardson
You are so right. Linkups are such a great way to find and be found. Blogs really are like the new magazines (I actually have that jotted down as a prompt for a future post) This color blue has really been showing up on my radar. I don’t think I own a single piece, but I am feeling like I need to change that. Cute as can be sweet Shelbee!
Lisa, thanks so much! I am loving that idea for a blog post. I think it’s really true that the people who used to read the glossy fashion magazines have migrated over to reading blogs online. It is much more efficient and right at your fingertips. Plus they feature real women wearing affordable clothes. By the way, teal would look fabulous on you so you should definitely go looking for some!
I love how the bright blue stands out! Especially in this cold winter, it is a beautiful pick-me-up.
Have a great week!
Thank you so much, Amanda! Sometimes a little color goes a long way on a dreary cold day!
Elizabeth Ramsey
Link parties are such a fabulous resource, especially for those of us newer to blogging. The list you created is SO amazingly comprehensive and helpful. Only wish I could make myself carve more time for greater participation with a bigger number bloggers. Am in awe of how you seem to juggle that!! And BTW, teal – my favorite color!! 🙂
Elizabeth | http://nattygal.com
Thanks so much, Elizabeth! I make it my morning routine over coffee to visit all the daily link ups on my list. And I don’t know if I would call what I do juggling! I think of it more has dropping, tripping, falling, and popping back up again! Just fumbling my way forward is all I do really. Eventually though you do get into a routine and then things seem to fall into place.
Your list was an excellent resource (and still is) to me when I first started linking up last month. It’s been so fun getting to know the readers and writers. I just wish I had more time to read more. There are some amazing bloggers out there. Thank you for taking the time to organize such a great page!
Elsie, thank you so much for stopping by and linking up. I am so glad that you have been using my page as a resource and that it has been helpful. I totally understand you about the lack of time to read more blog posts. There are so many wonderful blogs and so many that I enjoy reading, but just not enough hours in the day. I hope you have a wonderful remainder of the week, my friend.
Cheryl Shops
I love link up’s and your bright blue boots! Thanks, as always, for hosting!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thank you so much, Cheryl! I hope you found some link parties to join.
This outfit has got to be one of my faves, I love the cardi and boot matchy-matchyness and
I am beginning to wonder how many pair of boots you own….
Lorena, thank you so much! I usually don’t like to be too matchy-matchy, but this really worked for me. And I have way too many boots! I couldn’t even guess at a number at this point. It’s quite the addiction. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Paula @Sincerely, Paula
Hi Shelbee!! That shade of blue is a gorgeous color on you! Thank you for hosting and for sharing with my party too! I appreciate it 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks so much, Paula! I thrive on weekly link parties! Have a wonderful Sunday!
Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels
I love those booties, they’re such a gorgeous color and can add a nice pop of color to any outfit! I love your dress too, it’s gorgeous!
Thank you so much, Laura! I have definitely been all about statement booties in bright colors this season!
Loving this vibrant look! Seriously swooning over those amazing booties – the color, the subtle pattern, the two-tones. Wow! You have quite the list of linkups and I definitely need to add a few to my weekly rotation. Thank you so much for including me in both of your lists. 🙂
Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday, Shelbee!
Jennie – A Pocketful of Polka Dots
Jennie, thank you so much! I actually hesitated before purchasing these booties for fear I wouldn’t know how to style them. It turns out, I have quite a few ways to style them and they definitely add wow factor to any outfit. I am so glad that you found some other link ups to join from my list! And it is my pleasure to include you on my lists!