EvaTrends Green Giraffes, Polka Dots & Link Up On the Edge #143

This is a sponsored post. This top was provided to me for purposes of this review.

If you read my post on Tuesday, you already know that I began my week in a state of exhaustion. And that state has only persisted. It’s like I simply cannot get one step ahead of the game this week. I am writing blog posts hours after I generally have them scheduled to publish. I have not joined any link parties all week. My email inbox is overloaded with unanswered messages. I have not slept well in days and I am running on about 4 hours of disrupted sleep a night. But sometimes, we have weeks like these. And next week is a new week and I will approach it a little differently.

On the upside, to give you a brief update from Tuesday’s post, progress has been made. And any progress is good progress. We have addressed the one major regressive behavior that was really upsetting to us and have mostly resolved the issue. And after multiple emotionally exhausting conversations with counselors and teachers, we have an appointment this morning with a childhood trauma therapist. For that I am relieved. The conversation with the receptionist at the counseling practice began by telling me there was a 4-6 week waiting period for an appointment. My heart sank. But as I explained exactly what was going on, she replied with, “Oh, then that won’t do.” And she had an appointment for us within a few hours. So today at 11:00 a.m., please send positive thoughts and prayers for my little guy that he is receptive to this session and the ones that will follow.

Because it has been a long, difficult week in the land of parenting, I figured a cheerful outfit of polka dots and giraffes was in order. And I had just the thing…this adorable Justine Contrasting Vintage Applique Cracked Top with Cartoon Embroidery that arrived in the package with my overalls from EvaTrends a few weeks ago. I was completely sold on the deep shade of green and I loved the distressing all over it. Although I had not been much of a fan of distressed tops before (I do love my distressed jeans though), I figured I would give it a try anyway. Turns out, I kind of like it.

But the super fun part about this top is the back. Look at all the adorable embroidered giraffes. You can’t help but smile. And clothing that makes us smile is really good clothing, indeed. My only problem is that it is still too cold here (45 degrees and raining right now) to go out without a jacket, so these cute little giraffes have to remain hidden under layers for at least a few more weeks. But how cute will it be with denim shorts and sneakers?

The top is a little shorter on me than I prefer, so I had contemplated wearing it with high waisted jeans. Then I spotted these navy blue polka dotted slip on pants at Burlington Coat Factory for the low price of $12.99. Aren’t they the perfect print to pair with giraffes? I think if I were a giraffe, I would probably be a big fan of polka dots! Actually, if I were a giraffe, my life would be quite different, wouldn’t it? Or maybe not so much. I do believe that giraffes probably struggle through this parenting thing as well. Because we all love our babies and want them to be happy and healthy.

“The spiritual meaning of a giraffe, the placid power animal, is anything but ordinary. Also called ‘Africa’s gentle giant’, the giraffe symbolizes grace, peace, individuality, protection, communication, perception, and farsightedness.”

The Astrology Web

It seems like giraffes are even more appropriate to symbolize my week than I even imagined. Keep reading what The Astrology Web has to say about giraffes as a spirit animal. I think I need a giraffe right now.

“If the giraffe is your totem animal, it signifies your majestic beauty and regal aura.

Your excellent vision in terms of foresight and clairvoyance is a result of your spiritual reach, which can be equated with the giraffe‘s enhanced sight of the horizon and into the future owing to its prominent height.

Your ambitiousness and consequently, your commendable tendency to reach the heights you set your eyes on alludes to that of this tallest terrestrial creature.

You have a naturally shy disposition and are a person of few but measured words, much like the mighty giraffe which barely makes a sound.

However, you also possess strong communication skills and the power of eloquent speech, which is not surprising considering the giraffe’s 20-inch tongue.

Your perception and intuition, impeccable powers of observation can be attributed to the giraffe’s small protruding third horn, emblematic of its third eye.

Although primarily non-violent, your protective nature and resourcefulnesscome into play when you need to defend yourself or those you hold dear, reminiscent of the giraffe’s long legs and thick protective eyelashes.

Distinctiveness is yet another asset you possess, as the fur patterns of no two giraffes are alike.

You also invariably tend to conduct yourself with an effortless poise, patience, sure-footedness and elegance.”

After reading that, maybe you realize that you might need a giraffe top, too. Well,this top is also available in red and yellow. And you can receive 15% off your entire order by using my discount code SH15 at checkout. Clothes make me happy. Even when I am feeling a bit sad and overwhelmed. So I owe a big thanks to EvaTrends for providing me with adorable clothes that make me feel good and that feel good on.

Do you have a spirit animal? Does it change with certain situations?

Now won’t you check out your featured favorites from last week.

Jenna of Rain on a Tin Roof shared her post, Creating a Cut Flower Garden for Beginners. This post not only provides a step by step guide for creating a cut flower garden, but it sets an example of how important it is to find the little things in life that bring us joy, relax us, and make us happy. And it also illustrates that we can and should make time for these things in our lives. Now is the time, my friends, to find your happiness. It is all in the little things.

Rain on a Tin Roof

Kathrine of Kathrine Eldridge Wardrobe Stylist shared her post, Plum Cotton Sweater with Bootcut Jeans. Kathrine always inspires me with her classic pieces that have a unique twist. I am loving the details on her sweater. If you need more style inspiration, definitely go see what Kathrine has been wearing.

Kathrine Eldridge Wardrobe Stylist

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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Shelbee on the Edge