Essential Tips for Creating a Successful Fashion Blog
Do you love fashion and clothes as much as I do? Do you have an eye for trends? Do you enjoy sharing your fashion tips, thoughts, and creative ideas with others? A fashion blog is a great way to have your own creative space where you can showcase your favorite styles and share your favorite fashion tips.
Maintaining a blog is hard work, but it is something that anyone can do. There are no special credentials needed to start your own blog other than a vision and a willingness to learn as you go. Many bloggers do it as a hobby but there are also many bloggers who generate income and turn their internet presence into a full time career. The approximately 600 million blogs currently active online (an estimated 10% of them are classified as fashion blogs) is evidence enough that really anyone who wants to start their own blog can.
If you have been considering your own blog in the fashion and lifestyle niche, here a few tips to keep in mind as you get started.
Photography and Images
Photography is an important aspect of sharing style images. Fashion bloggers need high quality images that clearly showcase the items they are wearing and highlighting in each post. If you are not skilled in photography, you can learn on the job, so to speak. Take some time to experiment with light and background as well as trying out different poses and camera angles. Today’s fashion bloggers can be see more and more frequently posing in front of iconic landmarks or in the middle of beautifully scenic landscapes. Mirror photos and backyard selfies just don’t cut it in the current world of fashion blogging like they did a decade ago. If you are really uncertain of your photography skills, it might be worth investing in a photo editing course or at least learning some editing basics on your own.
Laptop or Mobile Device
Having the ability to blog on the go is key. Especially if you are a person who travels frequently, you will want to have a laptop or other mobile device that is portable for you to work on when you are not at home. Whatever device you prefer, make sure that it has sufficient storage and capabilities for maintaining your high resolution images and that it allows you to work efficiently. In our busy lives, nobody has the time for inefficient tech operations. You also want to ensure that your laptop is protected from any kind of malware or viruses that could result in lost work. If you ever do experience a malware issue, the list here highlights some of the best cleanup tools available.
If you want your blog to focus on the latest and hottest trends in fashion, your clothing and accessories are going to need to reflect that in order to remain authentic to your brand. Unfortunately, fashion isn’t free and you will definitely need a budget for purchasing the new on-trend items that you would like to share. Keep in mind, however, that there are creative ways to shop on a budget and your readers will appreciate learning about that as much as they will enjoy your style inspirations.
Whether your fashion blog is a hobby or a career, you never want it to end up costing you more money than you can afford. Once you have your website up and running, you can also start establishing ways to monetize through affiliate links or brand sponsorships.
Social Media
Social media is a necessary evil in today’s culture especially if you have something that you want to share with the world. Many bloggers use their various social media channels as a means to drive traffic to their websites. Instagram is a primary platform for many fashion bloggers in particular so it is important to cultivate an inspiring style based feed when creating your account on this image based platform. Use high quality images in curating your Instagram account and also be sure to share any of your affiliate links through your social media channels as well as on your website. The more people they reach, the more opportunities you have to generate income.
Consistency and Authenticity
In my 7 years of blogging, I have also found that consistency and authenticity are hugely important. Once you develop a blogging schedule and start posting, your readers will come to depend on the consistency of that schedule. If you become too sporadic in posting, people stop visiting. And if you are not sharing your authentic self in your online presence that can become apparent fairly quickly and will hurt your brand immediately. Begin authentically and remain authentic all the way through and you will find that you inspire more people than you even imagined.
Have you considered starting your own fashion blog? Or any other type of blog for that matter? Maybe you already have an established blog and would like to share some other valuable tips that have helped you along the way. Let me know in the comments!
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Kathrine Eldridge
Thanks for these wonderful tips! I agree that consistency is key.
Thanks, Kathrine! I had to add the consistency part in there because chronic inconsistency is a major pet peeve of mine! Life happens to everyone and it can throw a wrench in things sometimes. But when the inconsistency becomes chronic, I get so annoyed! Probably because I am hyper diligent about consistency. It may not bother others so much as I though!
N Nancy
Blogging is indeed hard work! But you get so much out of it! I couldn’t imagine my life without blogging anymore.
I agree completely, Nancy! It is a lot of hard work but I can’t imagine life without it either. You all are my people!
Jacqui Berry
Great tips Shelbee, I agree with what you say and find following these rules really do help. Have a super week. Jacqui x
Jacqui, thanks so much! For me, it comes down to the basics. Be real, be kind, be consistent and you can make anything work with whatever resources you have!
You explain this very well. It’s a great overview that hits the important points without being overwhelming.
Thanks, Michelle! I definitely don’t have any magic formula, that’s for sure! Just the basics and make the rest your own!
Marsha Banks
Great tips, Shelbee! I’m working on mine! I’m getting more comfortable in front of the camera, but I do need to expand my horizons…literally!
Thanks, Marsha! I am still working on getting comfortable in front of the camera, too! I think you are doing great, my friend. It feels like you have been blogging for a million years like the rest of us!
Thanks for sharing these real-world tips about fashion blogging!
Thank you for reading them, Carol! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Patrick Weseman
Great tips there and it will not be happening on my blog anytime soon. Anyway, the first picture is a keeper.
Thanks, Patrick! But wait, it is happening on your blog! You already do all of these things…great photos of cool stuff, consistency, and kindness! That’s all you really need for a successful blog of any sort!
I love that first photo, too! That was from a professional photo shoot I did many years ago and the boots are a very sentimental symbol of my freedom. I spent an entire month’s rent on those things in the immediate wake of my divorce over 20 years ago and I will keep them forever!
Suzy Turner
So nice to see some of your older blog photos here, Shelbee! And lots of food for thought for wannabe bloggers out there!
Suzy xx
Aw, thanks, Suzy! You know, over the 7 years I have been doing this I don’t think I learned much else other than those few things! But that’s okay because I am so happy with what this blog has provided me!