Dry Brushing with Prana Brush & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #148

Have you ever heard of dry brushing? Although it is an ancient Ayurvedic health practice, it was a brand new concept to me when I was first approached by Prana Brush to try an Ionic Body Dry Brush. I am a huge advocate for all natural methods of improving and maintaining health and wellness and avoiding sick visits to the doctor’s office, so I jumped at the chance to see how dry brushing works and the ways in which it can benefit my health and my body. 

How does dry brushing work? Dry brushing creates a natural friction between the ion-charged copper bristles and your skin, thereby producing negative ions on the surface of your skin. Negative ions are beneficial to your skin in that they create a sense of calm and well-being. In nature, negative ions are produced through friction between air and water which is the reason we often feel calmer and more relaxed after a rainstorm or at the beach. 

Positive ions which are produced by electronic equipment and other technology have the reverse effect on our biochemistry and can make us feel tense and anxious. Living in a world that is dominated by technology, dry brushing is beneficial in that it can counteract the effects of the overabundant positive ions that settle into our bodies.  

This is a sponsored post. I received an Ionic Body Brush in exchange for this review. As always, all thoughts and opinions are entirely my own. All images in this post are the property of Prana Brush.

Are you still following? Basically, negative ions are good for us and positive ions are bad. Dry brushing will produce more negative ions which will benefit us in a multitude of ways. 

What are the benefits of dry brushing? Dry brushing will detoxify the body, improve your circulation, exfoliate and eliminate dead skin cells, improve your skin tone, aid digestion, increase energy levels, stimulate the lymphatic system, and can even reduce and remove cellulite. Dry brushing has the ability to rejuvenate and revitalize all of your body’s systems and cells. It can ease stomach and intestinal tension, normalize brain function, increase metabolism to maintain a healthy weight, and promote a sense of relaxation and calm. 

How do you use a dry brush? It is recommended that you dry brush in the morning before your shower. Because it has a stimulating and energizing effect, it is suggested to do it early in the day. Showering immediately after brushing helps wash away and cleanse your skin of any loosened dead skin cells. It is also important to moisturize after brushing and showering to maintain healthy and supple skin. You should brush with long straight rhythmic strokes in the direction of your heart beginning with the soles of your feet, working up your legs, to your torso and chest, and then your arms and hands. Be sure to adjust the pressure of the brushing to meet your personal level of sensitivity. For me, I can’t really tolerate the brush on my torso or chest area so I tend to skip it most days and focus primarily on my legs and arms.  

For the past few weeks, I have been brushing nearly every morning before my shower and moisturizing before I get dressed. It takes approximately 3-5 minutes for me to brush my entire body. I suffer from exceptionally dry skin during the colder winter months and so far I have noticed a significant improvement in the suppleness of my skin as well as a reduction in itchiness. While it is not recommended to brush areas of the skin that may be irritated, I have been very, very gently brushing the stubborn patch of eczema on my left shin. I am super happy to report that I have experienced a noticeable decrease in the itchiness of that area. 

On the days that I have forgotten to dry brush before my shower, I also noticed that my energy level is quite sluggish throughout the day. But on the days when I do brush, I feel energized, awake, and alert even before I have had one single sip of coffee. 

Not only have I experienced quite a few noticeable benefits since I began dry brushing, but the brush itself adds a nice touch of aesthetic appeal to my bathroom decor. Every brush is beautifully crafted from high quality, sustainably harvested beechwood and then finished with natural wax. The ion-charged bristles are made from the highest quality copper alloy and surrounded by an outer ring of ethically sourced boar hair. 

Prana Brush is also a company that is not only interested in helping their customers to improved health and wellness, but they also are passionate about making the world a better place. Fifteen percent of all profits are donated to supply nutritious food to families in developing countries. 

I am so pleased with the benefits I have already experienced from dry brushing that I have tried it on my kids. Their skin was a bit too sensitive (or I was brushing too hard), but they did seem to enjoy having the bottoms of their feet brushed. If you would like to try dry brushing with a Prana Brush or know someone who would enjoy these health benefits (they would make wonderful holiday gifts), Prana Brush is offering 15% off to my readers by using code SHELBEE15 at checkout. Be sure to get them now as my code is only valid until November 15.

Have you ever tried dry brushing? If not, is something that interests you?

And now the featured favorites from last week.

Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)

Cheryl of Cheryl Shops shared the easiest and most adorable formula for a holiday outfit in her post, What to Wear to Friendsgiving. I am all for a cozy cashmere sweater dress paired with gorgeous leather boots to go out in style and have room for lots of food and belly bloat!

Cheryl of Cheryl Shops

My Favorite Fashion Posts

Emma of Style Splash caught my eye in her gorgeous tweed plaid blazer (that was thrifted-yay!) and the beautiful black midi skirt in her post, Match Made in Seven: Fall Fashion Favourites. I love this color combination for the holiday season.

Emma of Style Splash

Johanna of Johanna Grange left me with my jaw dropped and simply wanting, wanting, wanting this amazing coat in her post, I wish upon a star. If this beauty were available in my size, which it is not (damn Shein and their tiny sizes), it would already be on its way to me!

Johanna of Johanna Grange

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post

Dee of Grammy’s Grid shared a very emotional post, I Was Born Into a Dysfunctional Family, that will reach people who need to find community in processing their own childhood trauma. I applaud Dee for her courage in revisiting her own pain and sharing it publicly. Processing these sorts of emotions can be challenging enough, but to share it with the world takes a special kind of guts.

Grammy’s Grid by Dee

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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