Does My Outfit Offend You? & Link Up On the Edge #61 with Gamiss
Does my outfit offend you? Yes, this outfit. A modest midi length dress for fall. With a flouncy layered skirt and a plain black knit top. Perhaps the print is too much? Probably not. The mustard cardigan too bright? Doubtful. The simple gold leaf necklace? How could that possibly be offensive? Maybe it’s the lace up low block heeled pumps? But how?
*This is a sponsored post. This dress was given to my by Gamiss in exchange for this post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
*Dress: Leaf Print A Line Ruffle Plus Size Dress ($21.66) c/o Gamiss.
Maybe I have misinterpreted your look of disdain as your eyes scanned me from head to toe twice over. I simply chirped a cheerful “Good Morning” to you as we passed in the school parking lot while dropping off our children. But when you snarled a fiery “Mornin'” at me, I sensed some sort of aversion to me. Hatred even. And it seemed very much directed at the way I was dressed.
*Shoes: Target (Similar here).
*Cardigan: Target (Similar here and here).
You see, this is what happened to me last week during school drop off. The hateful glare came from another child’s mother. While I did notice that she was wearing jeans, a sweatshirt, and sneakers, I really thought nothing of her outfit as it is the typical style exhibited by about 90% of the moms that I pass during the morning hours. But why was she so clearly offended that I was not wearing the typical “mom uniform”? I am not typical. And I don’t think I have ever worn jeans, a sweatshirt, and sneakers to school drop off, pick up, or anywhere in between.
And here’s why I was so confused by this apparent reaction of disgust to what I was wearing. This woman doesn’t know me. She knows not who I am or what I do. I would think that someone encountering a stranger this early in the morning wearing an outfit like the one I was wearing would just assume that I was dropping my kids off at school and heading to work. But wait! That is exactly what I was doing.
Yes, I am a stay at home mom. Yes, I write a fashion blog. And yes, my blog is a job that comes with a certain amount of obligations. These obligations require me to put on the clothing that brands send to me. And take photos of myself wearing them. And share them here…on my blog. That’s exactly what I was doing that day. I was dropping the kids at school, then meeting my husband at the park for a photo shoot.
But what do I do on days that I am not shooting an outfit? I am writing content. And I pour my heart and soul into the content that I share on my blog. For my regular readers, you all know that I don’t just show you pretty clothes and talk about them. I share the innermost workings of my mind. I share my passions, my experiences, my sense of humor. I share a lot more than just what I am wearing. And I get dressed to do that. Every. Single. Day. It is how I work best. I get up at 4:30 in the morning. I take a shower and I enjoy my coffee while I am catching up with my blogger friends.
Then I get dressed. Before I ever leave the house in the morning. I put on clothes. Real, actual outfits that are complete with accessories. My hair is done, my make up is on, and I am ready to conquer the day and all of my responsibilities. These responsibilities include getting kids out of bed, dressed for school, breakfast fed, lunches packed, and transportation to school. I also do lots of blog work from photo shoots to editing photos to creating content to answering emails. When I need a break from the computer to stretch my legs, I empty the dish washer, fold the laundry, and start dinner preparations. Then when afternoon arrives, I pick up the children from school…and this is how I dress to do all of that. And sometimes, if I am feeling really tired and I want to take a nap in the middle of the day, I lie down and take one…dressed just like this. Because it’s my choice. It’s what I do. It’s who I am. And who are you, sneering lady, to judge me?
Just as I don’t expect you to change out of your jeans and sweatshirt, you should not expect me to change out of my clothing either. All I can hope is that I have misinterpreted this contemptuous encounter. Perhaps you spilled coffee on your pretty dress that day and had to throw something on in a hurry to prevent your children from being late for school. And my pretty dress just stirred up your frustration with a bad morning. Yes, that is all I can hope for and hope I will…all while wearing my pretty dress.
Now onto the fun and more positive stuff! Here are your favorite posts from the last link up two weeks ago.
Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style hosts a monthly series called Styled by…where she features the story behind another person’s style.

Her September feature of Amanda of Something Fashion was the most clicked post in my link up. You can check out both fabulous blogs by clicking on their respective photos!

And Susan of The Midlife Fashionista is looking radiant in blue and white denim in her post Summer to Fall Outfit. She also shows this outfit with a gorgeous blue printed wrap, but you need to visit the post to see it!

By the way, I am the one who should be offended!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

jodie filogomo
It actually reminds me of all of the hullabaloo about Jane Fonda!! Why shouldn’t we love everyone’s style and embrace our differences???
I love your outfit, Shelbee, and thank golly you do what you do!!
Oh Jodie! You are fabulous and always have the best comments in response to the silliness around us! I don’t get it either. I love blogging and I love seeing what everyone is wearing and reading what they are talking about. Different makes for a much more interesting world! And we should all embrace it. Thank you for another fantastic comment and have a wonderful weekend.
Tiina L
Silly woman. The one who sneered, not you. You look lovely. The sneering woman needs to get a life. Or accept that other people have lives, even if she can’t be bothered.
Sorry for this incoherent rant: it’s past midnight and I have to be up in 6 hours. Insomnia makes me intolerant towards idiots.
Tiina, thanks so much! Insomnia makes me intolerant of most everything! Perhaps she sneered for some other reason, but why sneer at all? I am so confused by the entire experience! Thank you for commenting when you are past your bedtime! Go get some sleep.
Cheryl Tuckerr
All I can say is, people seem to be angry and often rude in this world we live in. But when you run across someone kind and nice, it makes it twice as wonderful. So I guess there is an up side to most things. I love your dress and complete outfit. Have a wonderful weekend!
I agree completely, Cheryl! I don’t normally share negative thoughts on my blog, but I just found the whole experience so strange that I had to discuss it. I don’t understand why what I look like has any bearing on anyone other than myself. Thanks for the thoughtful comment and have a fabulous weekend.
Shelbee, your outfit looks totally awesome!!! I love the colors! I’m sorry that you had to deal with that stupid “troll woman” back then… I know this goes without saying, but don’t even pay idiots like that any attention. Anyone who judges another person simply by how they look is a stupid moron!! (I could use more “colorful” language here, but I’ll keep it PG-rated, you get the point; I’m just so outraged that someone would treat you this way!). You always look great in your photos, and even though I’ve only known you for a short time, I can tell that you take great care in your appearance, and at the end of the day, that’s all that matters. You are being you and that’s the greatest task that anyone can do; being who they are.
It’s like with me. When I used to wear color, I was at a different time in my life then. I’m in a not-too-good time in my life now, but I’m still trying to make the best of it the best way that I know how, and my wearing all black is one way for me to do that. I feel safe and secure when I do. Perhaps one day I will feel like wearing color more comfortably again, when I’m fully able to conquer my depression (this will happen one day, I know it will!!). But for now, I wear what I want to wear.
But back to you, you keep on doing you, Shelbee. I will always support you. 🙂
By the way, I came across this post randomly as every time I click on your blog, a post your wrote in the past will come up, and I was intrigued by the title of this one. I didn’t know you back in 2017, but I’m glad that I know you in 2021! 🙂
Mike, thank you so much! There was an update on my blog template that now has a rolling header that features different posts every time you visit. I don’t know if I love the feature, but I have been getting some pretty cool comments on old posts. So maybe I should like it more! I really appreciate your kind and thoughtful words! I have come a long way since 2017 that’s for sure. Although I feel like I come a long way with each passing year. I find self growth at every turn these days and I couldn’t be more thankful for the opportunities. I love your attitude about the place where you are right now. And where you are is exactly where you are meant to be on your journey. Recognizing that is a huge part of the battle and I have all the confidence in the world that you will get to the other side of your depression. Just keep that light shining and it will always guide you, my friend!
You are so welcome, Shelbee! I like to think of all of us each on our own personal journey in life. And along the way, we encounter people, things and opportunities to help us grow. I don’t think anyone can ever reach full growth, as there is always something new to learn, new to experience; a new day to live out and enjoy. I’m trying to approach each day with a new “set of eyes”; a new way to experience life. That’s one of the things that has helped me deal with my depression. Sure, not every day is a cakewalk. But I see the good in even the bad days and that helps to keep me going. We need a little rain to help us appreciate the sunshine more. We need the “not so good days” to appreciate the great days ahead.
And my whole outlook on life has been better because of wonderful people, like you. 🙂 I’m going to keep pushing forward! You keep pushing forward and being who you are as well, my friend! I always feel so inspired after having one of our conversations. I think that’s what led me to your blog and me posting here more regularly. I sometimes read your replies to people’s comments and you have just a knack for interacting with others in such a positive and cheerful way. And the fact that you take the time to answer each comment individually really adds to your personality dedication and I respect that so much. Keep on, Shelbee! Keep on being YOU!! 🙂
Oh wow, Mike, thank you so much. You really have a way with making a person feel super special and that is a beautiful gift! I applaud your attitude as you journey through your depression. That is the very thing that will help carry you to the other side. I walked through some really dark times myself and I am so glad that I did because my appreciation and gratitude for the extraordinarily beautiful life that I have right now overwhelms me on a daily basis. I do not have any regret over any step of my journey because that is what led me straight into my very own fairy tale reality! I am cheering for you, my friend, as you journey on! There is so much beauty and wonder still to encounter…for both of us!
Not offended but glad you are you, Shelbee! I can often feel the same way. I choose to take care of myself and present my best self. I know that makes uncomfortable who choose not to but I just cannot be me. My momma taught me some great things and one of them was to always make a great first impression. Keep stylin’!
Carrie, thank you so much for this comment! You have expressed my sentiments exactly! I cannot NOT be me! If I left the house in the morning in sweatpants and a tee shirt, I would feel so completely uncomfortable that I wouldn’t be able to function. I have talked a lot about getting dressed as a form of therapy for me during the darkest years of my Bipolar Disorder. And now it is just my nature and I cannot help myself. I will continue to do what I do! I just find it strange that I am not judging others for not dressing up so why judge me for getting dressed? Who cares what I am wearing?!
Thanks for the lovely comment and have a fabulous weekend.
Nikki Gwin
I can’t imagine what was wrong with the other MOM. You look nice. In fact, it’s a nice enough outfit for office work, or the bank, or even going to church! Anyway, I just don’t understand people and their meanness.
I like it best without the cardigan and I think those shoes are cute cute cute! Also, I am very impressed with your day starting at 4:30. I am a last minute riser.
🙂 gwingal
Thanks so much, Nikki! I appreciate your comment and your input. I am not a big fan of this color yellow on me, but it was quite chilly out and the cardigan happened to match perfectly in color. I do like the dress better without it as well. The cardigan makes it lose some shape. And yes, 4:30 comes early! Ha. But I love my peaceful morning hours!
Thank you so much, Shelbee! I really enjoy our conversations here! I would love to sit down and talk to you in person over a cup of coffee and I think that I would walk away feeling so empowered.
It is indeed a struggle at times and there have been moments where I just started crying for no reason and it lasted nearly a whole day. But in the end, I’m thankful for those emotions and I’m thankful to experience them as a human being, just like everyone else. They are a part of my growth as well and I feel so much stronger after having experienced them. And I think that’s something everyone should learn to do. It’s not always pleasant and not always fun, but it is necessary.
Thank you for opening up and sharing your struggles with depression as well, Shelbee. I’m sure that it was difficult and painful to go through what you went through, but you made it through and that’s what’s most important.
We’ll keep supporting each other and keep being an inspiration to each other!
These are wonderful conversations indeed, my friend. I was just telling someone the other day that I would never undo any of the pain because it has too much value. It is how we grow and without it we would stay stuck forever. We find purpose in our pain as well!
I find nothing offensive about your outfit (another fabulous look as usual) nor can I imagine that anyone else would. Perhaps she’d had a bad morning (or bad upbringing). It can take a huge mental shift to appreciate the difference between liking an outfit that one would wear themselves and recognizing how fantastic someone looks in an ensemble that one wouldn’t wear. Unfortunately, too many are stuck with the “won’t wear, don’t like” mindset they probably had in middle school. The pics are great and your husband’s photographic skills are improving. Thanks for sharing your experience (and outfit) and for the link up.
Thank you, Rena! I am hoping it was just really a result of a bad morning. But still, I have bad mornings and I never snarl at strangers. My kids, yes. My husband, often. But strangers never get the brunt of my aggravation. And I am glad you have recognized my husband’s improvement! He is getting quite good! Thank you as always for your wonderfully thoughtful comment!
Amy Christensen
Shelbee, who knows what is going on in other people’s minds. She may have just had a terrible fight with her husband, or she might be jealous that you are so beautiful and put together that early in the morning. I can’t believe you get up at 4:30…merciful heavens. Ha, ha. You are doing a fabulous job and I love that you take naps in those pretty clothes as well as doing dishes, folding laundry and so on. You are a champ! – Amy
Amy, thank you so much for this fabulous comment! I do hope she was just having a bad morning. But still I never snarl at strangers when I am having a bad day. To each her own, I suppose. Snarl away, sneering lady, if it makes you feel better!
OMG. Shelbee. I’m supposed to be a kind woman because you are so filled with kindness and niceness but if I was with you and that woman was giving you that look, I would have gotten my NYC girl on and said to her “Yo. Bitch!” “What’re you looking at?” And I cannot print what would have followed.
People are weird. They judge. They judge because they are insecure and insignificant and so they need to validate their pitiful selves.
You look fabulous and I love that outfit–in fact, that last photo of you standing between the tree trunks–you look so lovely and pretty!!!
Cathe, thanks so much for your wonderful comment! Get that NYC girl on! Hahaha. But I suppose perhaps she was just having a bad day. I just don’t understand why people take their bad days out on others. I never do that. If I am having a rotten morning, I leave the misery at home and still meet the world with a smile. It’s not their fault. Anyway, it was just a very bewildering experience that I felt like exploring! I am going to go out into the world dressed and cheerful as I always do. Have a fantastic weekend, my marvelous friend!
Mary Colleen
Sometimes I think I get negative reactions from people because I dress nice. I guess I look like I spend a lot of money on clothes but I really don’t (I am just really great at sorting through sales racks and knowing what I want…plus stacking coupons. haha). Oh well. I don’t know, sometimes I could be judging someone else just because of their reaction to me. Maybe they are having a bad day.
Anyway, that is a lovely dress, I love the skirt’s pattern especially.
Mary, thank you for sharing your experience! I am an avid sale shopper myself and these days most of my clothing is gifted items that I am blogging about! I definitely am not wearing designer pieces that would intimidate. I mean I totally judged her reaction to me, but she clearly looked me up and down from head to toe twice over with a very apparent scowl! Maybe she didn’t like my face! Hahahaha. Ah well, to each her own. Have a fabulous weekend, my friend!
Very nice outfit, Shelbee! I’m sorry about your unpleasant encounter. I always try to remember that situations like that are really not about me but about the other person. But it’s still unpleasant…
I hope you’ll have a wonderful weekend!
Andrea, thank you so much! It definitely did not ruin my day at all. It just made me curious and got me wondering why people care what others do or wear. And it makes me a little sad that not everyone wakes up as chipper in the morning as I do! Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous weekend.
It was so great to read this, Shelbee! It was like you had written about my experience exactly! There are a few mums that look me up and down because I’m the only one not in gym gear or track pants. I don’t judge what they wear so why should I be judged? One of the mums actually asked me why I was so dressed up just to do the school drop off! I’m just me being me! I don’t dress for others-I just wear what makes me happy! Thank you for this post-it shows I’m not alone (even though I’m a long way away in Australia!) XXX p.s. I love your dress-you look fab!
Sasha, thank YOU for this comment! And now I know that I am not the only one! Seriously, I don’t judge anyone either. I don’t care if you show up at school drop off in sweats, pajamas, a suit, a ball gown, or a giraffe costume! It is of no concern to me so why are others bothered by what I am wearing? It is how I get my day going and it makes ME feel good! I really appreciate you sharing your experience with me. And you keep being fabulous! Have a wonderful weekend.
Patrick Weseman
Wow, that is not offensive at all. I will say this (and hopefully it does not offend you) you look damn cute in that outfit. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.
Ha, Patrick, I am not offended at all! I am quite flattered. Thank you very much for the compliment. Have a fantastic weekend!
LOVE the outfit, and love that you wore it to work 🙂 Thanks for all the inspiration!
Susan, thank you so much! Have a great weekend.
I love this dress and how you styled it with the cardigan.
Thanks so much, Nailil! I was very happy with how perfectly the cardigan matched. Have a great weekend!
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
You look amazing Shelbee. This dress is wonderful for fall. You are a fantastic mum, housewife and fashion blogger with a stunning smile and attitude <3
Enjoy your weekend, Shelbee.
much love Tina
Tina, thank you for this very kind comment! I just get through every day trying to be the best possible version of myself! Have a fantastic weekend.
Trina Morgan
Your dress is so pretty! love the Yellow patterns and the Yellow jacket you added. I need to check out Gamis. Thanks for sharing Shelbee! 🙂
Thank you, Trina! I was totally drawn to the fall colors in this dress. Gamiss has some really great things for affordable prices. I am very happy with this piece. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
Okay, first I saw a picture and thought: what a fabulous outfit! What a fantastic dress, beautiful necklace and fabulous cardigan!
Then I thought: Yes Shelbee! Just be you please! Don t ever change in a jeans sweater sneaker bored one of million angry jealouse woman!
Then it was: oh wow! My Styled By…series is being featured!
And then again: oh wow! Amanda is being featured too!
Fabulous! I am eating my breakfast and the day could not start any better!
Nancy, thank you so much for this amazing comment! No worries about me changing into a bored woman with no style! I just can’t do it. Even on the days when I am feeling ill, I am still dressed…maybe a little less dressed, but still not bad! I forgot to do my social media shout outs for the featured posts last night, but will be doing them today! It is always my pleasure to feature my fabulous and very inspiring blogger friends. Have a wonderful weekend!
Gorgeous skirt Shelbee. Have a great weekend xx
Thank you so much, Laurie! I hope your weekend is fabulous as well.
I bet she was jealous! You always look so well put together, and this outfit is definitely one of my favourites! As you mentioned a lot of work goes into your blog and part of that is to actually wear the clothes that you blog about! I envy people that always look smart and I wish I made more of an effort sometimes.
Take not notice of this silly, sneering woman, Shelbee and be proud that you look fabulous all the time! 🙂
Judy, I appreciate that. Thank you! It wasn’t that it effected my day in a negative way, it really just triggered some confusion and thoughts about why people act in such strange ways! Who cares what I am wearing…except me! I get dressed to feel good…and the only person I am trying to impress is the one looking out from the mirror! And it is an effort that I make because I enjoy doing it. Some people do not enjoy the artistic process of creating a complete outfit and that’s totally okay. Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous weekend!
Kathrine Eldridge
I get those looks too sometimes too but I know somewhere deep down those women want to look beautiful like we do. 🙂 Love this floral skirt Shelbee and thanks for the link up!
Kathrine, thank you so much for sharing your experience. It is nice to know I am no alone…feeling all strange in my pretty clothes! Have a great weekend.
Mary Leigh
If I’m totally honest, I’m in the “mom uniform” often especially when it’s cooler. But I also really like your outfit. The yellow cardigan is great for this time of year! Isn’t that the great thing about fashion though, I wear what I like, you wear what you like and we can all look great and be happy? So sorry you had to deal with this – especially over something like what clothes you chose to wear. I hope you have a great weekend. Keep rocking your style. It’s fun and quirky, and most importantly makes you comfortable!
Mary, thank you so much for this comment! And I totally don’t judge anyone in mom uniform. It’s just not me and not how I am comfortable. I said in an earlier comment that I don’t care if you are in sweats, pajamas, a business, an evening gown, or a giraffe costume. If it makes you happy, by all means wear whatever you like! A dress down day for me in cooler weather is usually leggings and an oversized sweater! Thanks so much for stopping and have a fabulous weekend.
Lynda Hardy
I love the bright fall colors of that outfit! I have occasionally had odd reactions from strangers like that – it can be disconcerting and annoying to have to analyze whether anything you’ve done actually merits such a weird (non)interaction. In the end I just decide maybe their underwear was causing a wedgie and leave it at that. hah!
Ah, Lynda! I love your perspective! I think I may have to go that way and assume all the grumpy people are wearing ill-fitting underwear! Although, I was content thinking she mussed her pretty dress at the last minute and had to quickly change and that made her mad. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a fantastic weekend.
This is such a pretty dress! I have to admit, that I’m a little jealous that you look so pretty dropping your kids off at school. I’m not a morning person, so I’m always taking my kids to school in workout clothes with my hair up… Yup, that mom. However, I would admire if I saw you in the morning, not sneer. I’ve come to learn that we are always going to encounter rude people, but those are the people that are unhappy, so all we can do is take a minute to feel bad for them, then move on.
Rachael, thank you for your perspective on this topic! And I am sure you look totally adorable in your workout clothes! I actually get a little envious of those moms that can look so cute in their yoga gear. I look like a hot mess in workout wear, so I get dressed so that I feel good! I do fell really bad for people are that grumpy and I try to meet with them a smile and a cheerful attitude. I suppose the really grumpy ones don’t want any part of that! Haha. Thanks for stopping by and have a marvelous weekend.
Emma Peach
I can’t think why anyone would be offended by your outfit Shelbee, you look fab! Sometimes it’s just not worth trying to work people out, maybe she was having a bad day, or maybe she’s just generally grumpy. If she does it again flash her one of your dazzling smiles and walk on by with your head held high! Hope you have a great weekend 🙂
Emma xxx
That is exactly how I handled it this time, Emma! With a big smile, a cheerful good morning, and I marched on my way! It was just such a strange response that I had to write about it. Thanks so much for your lovely comment! Have a great weekend.
Dawn Lucy
You look fabulous and happy … and that’s always annoying to someone who isn’t feeling the same way! 😀
Dawn Lucy
Ha! Great outlook on this, Dawn Lucy! I suppose it really is just that simple! Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous weekend.
SUZI GRANT (Alternative Ageing)
I have had that happen to me, amongst “friends”, some women are just plain jealous that you have made an effort and are wearing color and not the same old bloody uniform that exists everywhere in the world! You know who your friends are and who has fabulous taste when they come up and compliment you on what you’re wearing! Go girl, you look wornderful. x
Suzi, thanks so much for sharing your experience with me as well. I guess I am not a big fan of jealousy on any level and what’s there to be jealous of when it is something you can totally do for yourself if you choose? I suppose jealousy over things that you have no control over makes more sense, but when you have control over it, then just change it! People can be so silly. Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely weekend.
It’s sad when we judge others no matter what they are wearing whether they are dressed up or down. We never know other people’s minds or what is going on in their lives. And even if others judge, they shouldn’t make it so obvious! Yikes! I think you look great! Love that dress!
I agree with all of this, Laura! So much! Who cares what others are wearing or doing especially when it has no impact on yourself. Thanks so much for stopping and sharing your thoughts! Have a wonderful weekend.
What an odd thing for someone to do. You look lovely and stylish, not as though you just rolled out of bed or anything (not that there is anything wrong with that or deserves a sneer, either). I am amazed at all you do early in the morning.
The neckline of this dress is so cool and interesting! I also really like the pretty colors in the bottom – so perfect for fall!
Jennie, thanks so much for your comment. I was drawn to the neckline and colors of this dress, too, that is why I chose it! And yeah, I just don’t get the weird reaction. Maybe if I were wearing a Trump or mask or something, I could understand the sneer of hatred in my direction. But a pretty fall dress. Just not understanding. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
Paula @Sincerely, Paula
I can’t believe that incident happened! You’re correct that the entire outfit was amazing and I think it may have been out of jealousy she did that to you. Where I live this happens all the time. Mother’s around here are very clicky, but I just flounce along to my own beat with a smile on my face while I’m wearing my Gun’s ‘N Roses t-shirt or something similar. High school is over!
Thanks for hosting! Have a great weekend 🙂
Paula, thanks so much for sharing your experience with me! I love that you flounce along wearing a Guns ‘n’ Roses tee! You rock! Have a great weekend.
I can totally identify with this and have pretty much my whole life. People don’t dress like I do where I live and honestly, it doesn’t bother me anymore. Kudos to you for wearing what you want when you want!!
Thanks so much, Liz! I always stood out wherever I was because of the way I dressed as far back as I can remember. I think I am a little bit more aware of it now though because I pay a little more attention…sometimes. Usually my head is in the clouds and I am completely oblivious to anyone even glancing in my direction! Ha. But I happened to be paying attention on this day because I smiled and said good morning. So we just need to keep on being who we are! And rocking are fabulously unique and different styles! Thanks for stopping by and have a magnificent weekend.
Oh Shelbee, I think I know exactly why she sneered at you. You didn’t offend her. You are guilty of having the self esteem to take care of yourself when so many women don’t. They choose to feel badly that they don’t have the guts or the energy or the know how to do what you’re doing – looking fabulous and put together at school drop off! Believe me, I’ve dealt with this so much – from co-workers,to friends,to parents at my school, to strangers. I know you know it’s her problem and not yours, when someone is hateful to me I always wonder what it’s like to be that unhappy that you spew ugliness? You represent what they wish they could be.It’s quite sad actually, I can’t even imagine behaving like that towards another person but it happens so often. I could tell you stories girl! Keep doing what you’re doing and being fabulous – you never know she may end up finding your blog and get inspired to ditch the sweatshirt! Now wouldn’t that be interesting!
Kellyann, thank you so much for this fabulous comment! It does make me sad that people are that unhappy themselves that they choose to use their energy to spew negativity. Why not use that energy for good and happy things? For me, I approach each day as a new and exciting opportunity to do something better than I did the day before. Getting dressed is part of the daily routine and since I look forward to the day, I enjoy the process of doing what needs doing to get it started! I literally get out of bed smiling inside (definitely not an actual smile until I’ve had coffee). I am motivated by this intense drive to make a difference in the world around me. And that makes me glow, I guess, as I start the day. And people are strange and I will always be fascinated by all of them! Thanks for being amazing!
Julie Nix
Wow! What you described is wild! I can’t imagine anyone acting like that! I love you style…so perfect for Fall!
Julie, thank you so much! I was quite confused by it all myself! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks for hosting the linkup, Shelbee! I love your outfit. It’s cheerful and screams fall! Beautiful colors!
Thanks so much, Cathy! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Oh wow Shelbee, your story reminds me of a dress I was wearing like this and a woman in the supermarket could not stop staring. My Husband was behind her and it made him feel uncomfortable at her just staring so he casually walked by her and said, would you like a photo it will last longer, lol. I never looked around because I didn’t want to look at her so I would not get her face image in my head.
I love this look and love how you have styled it with the colour of your cardi. Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop.
Oh wow, Claire, what a strange experience for you, too! I love that your husband said something to her. And I am sure you were wearing a perfectly adorable dress, too. It just makes me so curious as to why clothing, regular clothing, can trigger such weird responses from people! Thanks for sharing your experience with me. It’s nice to know I am not the only one who has these kinds of experiences! Have a weekend.
Hi Shelbee!
Don’t worry about unwanted gazes and those kind of disrespectful behaviors. I think your outfit looks lovely! I think being a blogger, and specially a fashion blogger always comes with an unexpected exposure while taking pictures and an effort to keep the blog content that not everybody can understand. Keep working hard!
Thanks for the feature in your post, I feel very grateful about it!
Amanda, thank you very much for your kind words! I agree…we don’t the risk of funny looks. I am just fascinated by the way people react to the silliest of things! It was pleasure to feature you! Have a great weekend.
There’s nothing offensive with your outfit at all. It’s colorful and joyous. The problem is with the other woman. Maybe she wears a dull uniform everyday (sweatshirt, jeans( because she has body or confidence issues. Or she could be jealous of you. Keep up the cheery greetings!
Gail, thank you so much for you comment. My wish for her is that she be inspired rather than aggravated by me. All I can do is smile and walk away in situations like this! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
I know how you are feeling all too well. I sometimes am running late especially now and may have clothes on but no makeup hahah. But I have gotten those looks. Here the momiform is the yoga pants and tee and sometimes their pjs. but that’s ok, i get it. things happen but don’t glare at me for being dressed to the 9s. i love how you handled it. and you look just fine, as a fellow blogger i understand.
Stephanie, thanks so much! I am glad to know that I am not alone! And I am sure there will come a day when I am not dressed at school drop off. I can only imagine the looks I will get then! Hahaha. When I am totally dressed as everyone else, they will be shocked! Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely weekend, my friend.
Edwige Teko-Folly
Beautiful transitional dress Shelley! I love the prints. Have a great weekend!
Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com
Edwige, thank you so much! The print definitely called me to Fall! Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Oh the scrutiny of another woman on what I am wearing… been there.
What can I say, of course your outfit does not offend me, i think these colors look so good.
Lorena, thank you so much for your kind compliment! I just don’t get why women are so judgmental of others. The only thing I am judging is judgment itself! Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous day.
I can totally relate Shelbee, I am that mom too. I have found some many moms making cliques and judging others so quickly. As much as it kills me at times when I get looked like I’m from outer space just because of my outfit, I just go about my day hoping that mom is just not having a good morning. Keep styling and being you Shelbee, you have other moms like myself that clap when I see a cute pic on Insta 🙂
Mel, thank you so much for this comment! I am so glad to know that I am not alone! And no one’s nasty glares will ever stop me from being me…the only thing that may happen is that I will up my game even further in response!
Keep styling, my friend!