Date Night in Baldwinsville, New York & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #133

Jeff and I haven’t had a date night since our anniversary in January. And the stars seemed to align perfectly when I received an email from Bandsintown early last week informing me that Yonder Mountain String Band was playing in Baldwinsville, New York, on Saturday night. The in-laws were in town so we didn’t need to scramble for a babysitter and everything was super easy from a planning perspective. That, in and of itself, is a blessing. So we grabbed hold of the opportunity and headed out Saturday afternoon for the one and a half hour drive south for dinner and a concert.

Neither of us have ever been to Baldwinsville and we were in for quite a treat. It is a small village (3.2 square miles) situated on the Seneca River in Onondaga County with a population of less than 7,500. The river runs directly through it and forms a section of the Erie Canal. The quaint streets are lined with inviting restaurants and charming store fronts. We didn’t have much time for strolling and shopping, but we did have the most amazing dinner at Dani’s Dessert and Wine Bar.

We are always up for tapas when we see that it is a restaurant’s style of dining. The smaller portions allow for us to try a larger variety of dishes. Yet, we still had trouble narrowing down our choices. We finally decided on the Garlic Parmesan Risotto Balls, Bacon Wrapped Dates, and the Black and Blue Flatbread. All of it was absolutely phenomenal, but the Bacon Wrapped Dates require all sorts of sexual analogies. Words like orgasmic and euphoric came to mind the moment the first bite passed my lips. The flavors were sort of like a romantic autumn encounter, the sort that daydreams are made of, that ends in sexual bliss. The serving was small and we each only enjoyed a few bites, but the experience was so intense that a few bites really was all we needed. I don’t know that my emotions could have handled much more than that.

We ended this scrumptious meal with crème brûlée, a chocolate truffle, and chocolate raspberry cake. We had a great chuckle when our server, Sean, delivered the desserts to the table. Jeff looked at him with eyes agape at the size of the chocolate raspberry cake and stated, “I could have used a warning about the size of this thing.” To which Sean matter-of-factly replied, “Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that our desserts are not tapas sized.” You think?! It was so rich and delicious, but we could not finish it. And that is a damn shame. In any event, if you ever find yourself in Baldwinsville, New York, I highly recommend this dining establishment. You will not be disappointed. But you have been forewarned that the desserts are not tapas sized!

With full bellies and tipsy heads, we headed on down the road to the Bud Light Amphitheater on Paper Mill Island. This outdoor concert venue is really quite impressive. Located on an island in the Seneca River, we had to park out in the town and walk across a bridge to get to the venue. (Note: I did not wear walking shoes. Or dancing shoes, for that matter. The shoes were removed fairly early and I embraced the status of barefoot hippie for the remainder of the night.) You are surrounded by water on all sides and there is a giant grassy area for setting up blankets and chairs. The stage is visible from the entire area, however, we took up residence front and center near the stage as soon as the show commenced. And there we remained dancing our butts off for the duration of the concert.

So you know I have been enjoying a Bluegrass Summer. And now adding to my list of favorite Bluegrass bands is Yonder Mountain String Band. Hailing from Colorado, they hit the progressive Bluegrass scene over 20 years ago and after five studio albums and countless music festivals and concerts, they are still going strong as ever. And understandably so. They bring a chemistry to the stage that most bands can only hope for, the kind that draws you in and wraps you up and takes you on a great enchanted ride into a musical wonderland.

While their musical talents are fierce and undeniable and their songs make dancing come easy, there was this other thing that happened that I am not really sure how to describe. In fact, I don’t know even know if others witnessed it because they were just lost in the music. But at a few points during the show, I was kind of halted in my tracks and started paying really close attention to the unspoken communications among the band members. I felt like I was watching something that maybe I wasn’t supposed to be. Like this secret mystery language was being revealed to me and I didn’t obtain the proper clearances. But that made me pay even closer attention.

Every now and then, each one of them would glance out over the roaring crowd and they would get this look of humble gratitude on their faces that was so pure and authentic that it made me nearly weep. Then they would look to one another as if to say, “Hey. Are you seeing this? Are you seeing what we are doing? Are you seeing the joy and happiness that we are creating for hundreds of people merely by doing what we love to do?” And there was nothing arrogant in it, nothing prideful or pompous. It was genuine humility, grace, and thankfulness. And it was utterly bewitching to witness. Beautiful and sublime, spiritual and moving, even beyond the music that they create. It actually moves me to tears just attempting to describe the phenomenon with mere mortal words. Because what they were doing was so completely immortal.

I must leave you with these words about fiddler, Allie Kral. Never in my life have I ever seen such an incredible example of a badass woman. Holy shit. Curse words are in order. She is fucking phenomenal. When she sings, her vocals carry out into the audience, grab you by the neck, and demand that you pay attention. And when you pay attention, you realize that you are bearing witness to greatness. And then…as if that isn’t enough, she gets tearing into a fiddle solo and you feel like you may never come down from the heavens again. Pardon yet another sex analogy, but it is kind of like this…her solo begins and you are aroused in mind, body, and soul. But she teases you a little, then she lifts you higher and gets you even more excited. And higher still until you are not really sure what to do, so you stop dancing and you stand frozen and mesmerized wondering how in the hell she is doing what it is that she is doing. She reaches her peak at the exact same moment that you reach yours and she falls back into a comfortable easy lullaby that makes you want a cigarette as you drift off into a peaceful stupor of beatitude. Not to downplay the other band members, for they all are equally magnificent, but I guess I just locked into her as a woman appreciating the phenomenal power of another woman.

Now if that isn’t enough to get you out to see some Bluegrass this summer, then you might be a lost cause. I will leave that up to you, but you can find Yonder Mountain’s summer tour dates here.

I ate too much, danced too hard, and slept in the next day. My back hurt and my feet were blackened like a dirty hippie and covered in mosquito bites, but it was worth every speck of dirt, every nagging itch, and every aching joint. And I would do it every weekend if life permitted. Have you ever been so moved by music?

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Ashley of Le Stylo Rouge shared her very cool styling of a Boyfriend Button-up + Neon Sandals. I absolutely love this combination of basic pieces amped up with fabulous shoes.

Katie of Hello Katie Girl shared some amazing photos from Road Tripping in Palm Springs. Not only is Katie the most colorful blogger I know, but she always finds the most colorful locations, too. I guess a brightly colored personality just naturally attracts other colorful things!

And now to share one last funny thing with you upon the request of my husband. Before we left for our date night, we were taking a selfie in the back yard when a moth flew directly in my face just as I hit the button…below is a collage of the photo burst…

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
What a fun night together!
Thanks, Tamar! We had a blast! We realized that we had never been to a concert together in 11 years! There is some rare footage that Jeff captured of me dancing. I am not sure how I feel about that…maybe I will share it on social media one these days.
Michele Morin
Great to experience a Jeff-sighting in this post! You guys are so cute!
Thanks so much, Michele! Jeff is usually behind the camera, it’s rare that he gets on the other side of it!
Shelbee you are a hoot – seriously. And I’m so glad you and your hubby got a date night in. You look like two youngsters living it up! Love your shorts too by the way and the hat is a fun touch!
Thanks so much, Chrissy! Oh my word, we laughed and danced and had the best time ever! It was our very first concert together…in 11 years!
Julie | This Main Line Life
Sounds like a fun time. Paul and I really need to go on a date night too. You find all the cute little towns.
Thanks, Julie! It is super fun to explore new towns, too! Every one of them seems to have something a little different and unique to offer. Start planning your date night!
What a fun kimono and it sounds like such a great experience s- it’s so nice you got to enjoy that together! 🙂 I love seeing my fave bands perform but don’t do it much – hubby doesn’t like crowds and the concerts he has gone to he didn’t enjoy too much!
Hope that your week is off to a good start 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! This was out first concert together in 11 years! I think we kind of didn’t like the same music so we would go to concerts alone or with other friends. But we both love Yonder Mountain so it was the perfect opportunity! Have a fantastic day!
jodie filogomo
I love how you include the moth attack Shelbee!! Too funny!!
What a wonderful time to get away. It makes you feel human again, I bet??
Thanks so much, Jodie! Feeling human again was so needed! Lol. And that damn moth f me out! It was right in my face! Jeff was laughing so hard!
Jessica A Jannenga
Oh, this sounds like my kind of date night! I love tapas as you try a lot, and i laughed about the dessert! Looked yummy though. Love the outfit, those shoes! Your hat is adorable on you, especially with the groovy sunnies. I love to sit outside and listen to music too. Nice to see your hubby in the pics too!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! It was all so much fun from start to finish. Jeff rarely makes his way to the other side of the camera so it is a nice change to capture him, too! Would you believe this is the very first concert that he and I ever attended together in the 11 years that we have known each other?!
Your date night sounds so fun- and I love the long kimono you wore! Great summer layering piece.
That moth series is too funny! Love that you posted this.
And thank you so much for the feature, babe! 🙂
Le Stylo Rouge
Ashley, thanks so much! I do love my kimonos, they are my favorite summer layering pieces. And that damn moth! Nearly gave me a heart attack!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I can never turn down risotto balls and I enjoy tapas dining, too! LOL! I love all of your sensual words for describing the food. Now you have me hungry! I love that kimono and the shorts and such a cute date photo of you two. Glad it worked out!
Thanks so much, Carrie! Sometimes, I simply cannot resist the sensual descriptions! We have a wonderful tapas restaurant right near our house that is our favorite place to go!
Sounds like the perfect date night out! I also love tapas and the meal you had sounded delicious! Thanks for featuring me in today’s post and have a great rest of your week!
Thanks so much, Katie! The food was amazing, the music was beyond compare, and the company was the best!
loved reading this! I love outdoor concerts for just those same reasons- tired, sore, dirty feet but so worth it!
Thanks so much, Vicky! I am so glad that you enjoyed the post. It was a fun one to write!
Patrick Weseman
Such a very cool time. What a great date night. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! One of these days I will make it to California for a whole slew of festivals! That would be fun!
What a fun date night! And the tapas looks so yummy!
Thanks so much, Laura! It was an amazing night, for sure! We needed it.
Suzy Turner
You two are too cute!
I adore how you described the musical experience, especially the power of the woman musician! Man… it sounded totally orgasmic. My hubby often describes things he loves as ‘sexual’ – usually either music or food lol. It sounds like you had the most amazing date night! Oh, and the food sounds freaking awesome too, Shelbee!!
Suzy xxx
Suzy, thanks so much! I feel like I am just now discovering how powerful music is! Isn’t that crazy? I mean, I have listened to music for my entire life, but it is like I am reawakening to it now. And I love that I am not the only one who uses sexual terminology to describe the amazing things in life! So big thanks to your husband! Lol
Haha, that is a huge moth! Aren’t these dates just priceless!
These dates are so necessary, too, Nancy! And that freaking moth…my God, it scared me half to death all up in my face like that!
Shugunna Alexander
Your date night sounds pretty awesome, that food looks really good!
Thanks, Shugunna! It was kind of a magical night!
Deborah Stinedurf
Bahaha…the moth pictures are the best! You are all kinds of boho girl fabulous my friend…and yay for a fun date night!
Thanks so much, Debbie! That damn moth, though! I flipped out!
Deborah Stinedurf
Well…it does have wings…lol! And you should have seen me getting shots of the roosters in Key West! I actually thought of you because I know you feel my pain…lol
Oh my god! Roosters! That would totally freak me out! Damn winged creatures tormenting us and scarring us for life! Why are flying things so creepy? Yet if I could have a super power I would probably choose the ability to fly. Maybe. I might be too scared of heights though. I guess I could just hover and fly low.
Cheryl Shops
I’m digging your festival-fashion look in this post, Shelbee! And I always love tapas for dinner!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I do love getting dressed for festivals!
Anna Shirley
That was fantastic date night. I wish my hubby likes dancing as I do. I love your dancing look. Have a great weekend.
Thank you, Anna! My husband isn’t much of a dancer either but he danced the night away with me!
Anne M Bray
Alright! Are you ever having a Fun Summer! Glad your honey could join you this time!
Music transports me mightily and I get really annoyed if someone tries to chat with me while I’m dancing. My solution is to waggle my hands near my ears, communicating the fact that I have deployed earplugs and cannot hear the person attempting conversation. Do Not Bother The Anne!
Anne, I am having the best summer ever! Another festival is coming in 3 weeks! And I love your approach to forcing people to leave The Anne alone whilst she is dancing. I may have to implement a similar strategy because I get super annoyed as well when I am trying to let the music carry me away and someone tries to talk to me, rudely pulling me back to a reality that I wish to escape. I wanna go dancing with The Anne!
Anne M Bray
For sure!
Alicia OBrien
How blimin’ cute are you two?! What a fab date night! You look amazing xx
Aw, thanks so much, Alicia! It was quite an amazing date, indeed!