Creating an Outfit with Second Hand Items

As a lover of fast fashion, I never paid much heed to the damaging effects that the rapid turnaround of cheap clothes can have on the environment. Since I have started working at my local consignment shop, I am realizing that I do not have to always buy into the next best thing hitting major retail chains…because eventually those things end up in the local second hand shops anyway…where I can buy them for less and it is absolutely proven to be better for the environment. The more clothing we can keep out of landfills, the better. So recycle, reuse, upcycle, pass on, pass down, shop second hand, donate, or whatever else you can do to keep fashion green.

Shopping second hand does not mean you have to sacrifice style or quality either. The likelihood of your favorite brands ending up on the racks at a second hand shop is actually quite high. And now that I am working right in the midst of consigned goods, I am amazed at the wonderful quality of items that come my way. The benefit to me (or perhaps it is more of a detriment) is that I get first pick when the goods come in. If they are my size and I love them, they never even make it to the rack!

While shopping second hand can be hit or miss when it comes to finding your size in pieces that you love, it actually is easier than you think to create an entire outfit in one second hand shop. Remember my post showcasing five complete outfits from Solitary Consignment? There was one outfit that I really, really loved but I only brought home the jeans that day because the rest of it wasn’t quite the right fit. But I caved in on the jacket figuring if I wore a lightweight tank top underneath it would fit okay, which it does. And then I spotted a different leopard print tank top that fit much better than the first one.

My shoes and accessories are not second hand, but the rest of my outfit is. All from one shop. All in my size. And all perfectly coordinated into one complete outfit. It’s simple enough to add accessories and shoes that you already have to a consigned or thrifted outfit especially if you get the heebie jeebies about buying previously worn shoes! But honestly, if the footwear is in decent condition (and sometimes you can find brand new shoes second hand as well), it’s nothing that a dousing of Lysol won’t fix!
While I do love hitting the thrift shops every now and then and digging through the racks for that one hidden gem, I tend to get a little grossed out sometimes. This is where an upscale consignment boutique comes in handy! The items tend to be cleaner, in much better quality, and organized in a way that things are easier to find and coordinate. You may pay a bit more than a regular thrift shop, but you are still paying much less than retail prices and it still has the same environmental effect as shopping for any previously-owned items.

Do you love a good second-hand piece added to your wardrobe? What are some of your best finds?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

jodie filogomo
I used to thrift a ton when I was just starting out as a dentist. But then I got out of the habit. However, now that I’m retired it’s as fun as it used to be. It’s so budget friendly, and the idea of helping out the environment is truly fabulous!!!
You ought to join in on our Instagram Challenge that we hold for a week every month. In october it’ll be Oct 22-26—just use the hashtag #thriftedchicstylechallenge…..there’s even a prize!!
Jodie, thank you for reminding me again of the #thriftedchicchallenge! I keep putting it on my calendar and then forgetting to do it! Darn it. This brain of mine is like a sieve!
This is a very flattering outfit on you, Shelbee. I’m especially *loving* the jeans, just the right amount of distressing, the shoes you’ve paired with them are adorable. I couldn’t agree more about buying second hand. On the outfit I photographed today (for later this week) for my blog, the skirt, cardigan and shoes were all thrift store finds. I shop consignment stores, as well. Often you find *better* quality when buying 2nd hand.
Kim, thank you so much! I love these jeans so much! This is actually the third time I have shared them on the blog! There is something so nice about high quality denim…and quality denim for cheap is even better. I look forward to seeing your thrifted outfit this week!
Your pieces look so high quality! I’m surprised they were preowned
Thanks, Michelle! They were all in really great condition and quality brands, too.
I hit the consignment store this past weekend and found some unique items that I probably wouldn’t have found elsewhere! I love being able to give clothing a second life.
That is awesome, Liz! It really is fun finding so many different pieces and different brands in one place. And most likely they are no longer available at retailers anymore either. Oh, I do hope you share of your finds on your blog! Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous day!
I love being able to give clothing a second life. Nice turn of the phrase, Liz!
Shelbee, this outfit looks great on you, and I completely understand your love for those jeans. Every pair of jeans I find that remind me of the 70’s, and fit me properly is like a prize! This pair totally fits that groove. The shoes are wonderful, and I bet they don’t hurt your feet??? The entire outfit is ridiculously awesome, and you look fabulous, dahling.
Unfortunately, plus sizes are not abundant in consignment shops or other venues. I do have a pair of Vans, and a few shirts and a coat, but I have never been able to thrift an entire outfit. What fun that could be! Maybe I should try harder. Or go have a look at ThredUp or Poshmark. I used to visit thrift/secondhand shops quite a bit and got proficient at it, but online shopping is so damn easy, I’d rather stay home.
As always, fabulous styling and unique in that you have such a good eye, you continually surprise me.
Susan, my fried, thank you so much! I agree with you about plus sizes not be abundantly avaialbe in second hand shops. I usually need XL and XXL and we actually have an overabundance of those sizes in the consignment shop. However, the 1X and up sizes are ridiculously scarce. If keeping your price point low is your goal, however, there are many online retailers to meet that need. I kind of know them all as I am sure you do as well. Since we clearly have the same fabulous taste! Definitely check out ThredUp and Poshmark though. You might be surprised what you find there!
Sinds I started to search for more unique clothes, and bought pré loved ones, I am unstopable! It is so much fun! And look at you, what a fabulous look!
Nancy, I am so glad that you have embraced second hand shopping! There are so many hidden gems just waiting to be found!
What a lovely Outfit, dear Shelbee! You look so great in blue! Especially I like these shoes. They look stylish and at the same time very comfortable. It´s really amazing that this is a second hand look.
xoxo Nadine
Nadine, thank you so much! Shopping second hand is super fun and we actually have a large client base of crossdressers who shop in our store, too. I love helping everyone find the perfect pieces! And yes, these shoes are very comfortable…for a few hours! Then I have to switch to my slippers.
That´s great! We crossdressers love shopping second hand and we love to get help 😉 GGG, I think, each shoe with heel pain after some time :-))
xoxo Nadine
Karen Woodall
I love to thrift! and yes, you’d be surprised what you can find. I discovered a name brand shirt with tags still on priced originally at $102.00!! never been worn. perfectly in style. $5. Same day I found another one for my adult daughter… again with tags, $72. also $5. crazy! sure you have to pick through a lot of junk, but it’s like a treasure hunt every time! love it!
Karen, thanks for sharing your thrifting experiences! Those are the best thrift finds…new with tags at a teeny tiny fraction of the retail price!
Lovely outfit! And leopard print is making its comeback this year! Yes! 🙂 #BlogCrush
Thanks so much, Carmela! I do love leopard print!
jess jannenga
Love those fun jeans and cobalt is a great color on you. I thrift shop alot on line. I have bought so many great pieces thrifted from Anthropologie, DKNY, Frame denim and many other great brands. I shop on Poshmark and the Real Real and have to check out Thred Up. You do make your money go farther!
thanks for linking!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I have had my eye on this cobalt jacket sine I featured it in my post about the consignment shop. I am glad I decided to finally bring it home. I do love Poshmark, too. I need to check out Thred Up and the Real Real as well. I have not looked into those sites yet.
Delightful Repast
Shelbee, I don’t enjoy shopping (new or used)! So I buy really classic (not too trendy), quality clothes and make them live forever! 😀 Then I donate them to my favorite charity shops (I’m too lazy to do consignment). Some of my friends are expert thrift store shoppers, and some are expert consignment shoppers and sellers. They really have a lot of fun with it. But my “aversion” to shopping saves me a lot of money! 😀 #BlogCrush
Jean, thanks so much for sharing your shopping preferences! I have to be honest, I have always been a bit envious of those who can stick with a minimalist wardrobe that consists of classic and timeless pieces. I have tried that in the past, but I am just a shopaholic by nature and I long ago decided to stop resisting that and just embrace my love for all things fashion. But it must be so nice to have a wardrobe that doesn’t take up an entire room and to save money! I just can’t resist it it all, hard as I try.
Jean, thanks so much for sharing your shopping preferences! I have to be honest, I have always been a bit envious of those who can stick with a minimalist wardrobe that consists of classic and timeless pieces. I have tried that in the past, but I am just a shopaholic by nature and I long ago decided to stop resisting that and just embrace my love for all things fashion. But it must be so nice to have a wardrobe that doesn’t take up an entire room and to save money! I just can’t resist it it all, hard as I try.
Claire Justine
You picked up some great pieces here. I use to love thrift shopping by do not buy many new clothes now. Always love a bargain though. Love your jacket, what a great colour 🙂
Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays 🙂
Thanks so much, Claire! I love working in the consignment shop because I see the pieces as they come in and get first pick! I don’t have to dig through racks at all. And I always love a good bargain, too, so it is a match made in heaven.
Lucy At Home
My aunty is one of the most glamorous ladies I know, and she buys all of her clothes from charity shops. She knows exactly what shapes and cuts to buy for herself (even unusual things that I’d never pick up but suddenly look stunning as soon as she’s wearing them) and has a real eye for putting an outfit together. You’re absolutely right – 2nd hand doesn’t have to mean drab and dreary #blogcrush
Lucy, thank you so much for sharing about your aunt! I have always admired people who can shop their entire wardrobes second hand or even vintage! It does take some amount of commitment to stay away from the fast fashion retailers and stick solely with second hand. I have not mastered that skill, but it is really fun and still better for the environment even if I shop only partially second hand. No need for drab wardrobes!
Oh wow Michelle, that’s a job I’d enjoy and I think that it would work against me!
I am usually always wearing something thrifted, my shopping habits have changed dramatically and I opt for second hand. Usually designer vintage, which I could not afford if new.
I am just back from a loooooong trip and slowly catching up.
Welcome back, Lorena! I always get overwhelmed trying to catch up on blogging things when I have been away…so be sure you don’t overwhelm yourself and undo the benefits of getting away! I have found so many great things at the consignment shop already, but I try to limit myself to like one purchase a week! Hahaha. Getting first dibs on everything that comes in is not helpful for limiting myself either.