Celebrate Earth Day in Boho Style & Your Own Twist Link Up #19

Wednesday, April 22, 2020, marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day in the United States. The first Earth Day celebration happened on April 22, 1970, as a unified response of 20 million Americans to an environment in crisis. As environmentally conscious citizens were witnessing extensive destruction to our earth through smog, oil spills, and rivers that were so polluted that they were literally catching on fire, they united in protest to environmental ignorance and demanded a new way of living and respecting our planet. This very first Earth Day celebration is credited with igniting the modern environmental movement that is in full force these 50 years later. Earth Day is also recognized as the planet’s largest civic event.
While the celebration and honoring of our planet dates back to 50 years ago, the environmental destruction caused by humans has been recognized and discussed for much longer than that. Chief Seattle who lived between 1786 and 1866 is credited with a widely publicized speech arguing in favor of ecological responsibility and respect of Native American land rights. His exact words have been lost through translations and rewritings of his speech but one quote that I found from Chief Seattle says,
“We are all children of the Great Spirit, we all belong to Mother Earth. Our planet is in great trouble and if we keep carrying old grudges and do not work together, we will all die.”
Chief Seattle

Earth Day is evidence that we have begun to work together in an attempt to right our wrongs. However, there is still question as to whether we are doing enough. Have we let go of old grudges? Have we made adequate changes? Are we doing enough to save our planet?
The inauguration of Earth Day celebrations served as a catalyst which launched a wave of government actions that were meant to change the way we interact with our natural environment. In response to this 20 million person protest held in 1970, the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts were created and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was formed. Soon after the United States implemented these environmental protection plans, many other countries followed suit.
The theme for the 50th celebration of Earth Day is climate action. Climate change is currently the most significant and most difficult environmental challenge that faces humanity today. The life support systems granted to us by our earthly environment are very much in danger and threaten the future of the human species as well as many other living species that inhabit this planet with us. If we don’t make the changes necessary to rebalance the ecosystem which supports life on Earth, human extinction becomes a very real possibility.

I don’t like to sound all doomy, but our planet is in crisis and so many people fail to recognize that. By minimizing our environmental footprints, we can allow the planet to heal and recover and return to a state of abundance rather this current place of reckless depletion. While I may not be the very best example of environmental awareness, I have been making small changes for many years and will continue to improve as a work in progress.
I remember attending my first Earth Day event when I was about 14 or 15 years old. I had become friends with a group of boho hippie folks who lived a very environmentally friendly lifestyle. These were the friends who made thrift shopping and wearing pre-loved clothing uber cool and it is where my thrift shop passion originated. They invited me to attend a local Earth Day celebration and I quickly found myself very much in my element. These were “my people”. Over the years, I fell away from this lifestyle only to discover that I was much happier being more in tune with the earth and I have been slowly making my way back.
This 50th Anniversary of Earth Day is a unique one, not just because it is such a milestone anniversary, but because of our current lockdown status worldwide. There will be no gatherings of people to celebrate our planet. There will be no festivals or protests or anything done publicly at all. But that does not mean that we can’t find other ways to celebrate Earth Day 2020.

We should still be getting outside for fresh air and exercise. During your walks around the neighborhood, bring a trash bag and gloves with you and pick up the litter that you spot. Make it a game with your children…who can fill their trash bag the quickest wins…it keeps the pace of the walk moving, too.
Other things that you can do in honor of Earth Day this year include…
- Plant something…a tree, a garden, flowers.
- Start that compost bin that you have been meaning to for the past 3 years.
- Resell or donate your unwanted clothing items.
- Buy pre-loved clothing items.
- Drive less, walk or bike more.
- Recycle, recycle, recycle. Literally everything that you can!
- Invest in a water filter to reduce plastic bottle usage.
- Bring your own shopping bags to the grocery store. On March 1, 2020, New York enacted The Bag Waste Reduction Law which basically prohibits the distribution of one time use plastic bags. The enforcement of this law has been postponed due to the social distancing regulations currently in effect. But for the few weeks it was in effect, I will admit that it is rather inconvenient, but so necessary. We adapted much quicker that I thought we would and it really makes me question why I was not doing this earlier on my own volition.
- For more ideas on how you can make small changes that lead to big differences, check out this article: 100 Easy Ways to be More Eco-Friendly.

So I encourage all of you to make a specific effort this Wednesday to do something special in honor of this planet that sustains us. Start to make the changes now so they become habits later. It will benefit all of us.
What ideas can you share for celebrating our Earth this year?
And now let’s get on with this link party! To honor Earth Day, Monica and I chose boho style as our theme. We are so happy to have my boho friend, Michelle of My Bijou Life, joining us this month as our co-host.
Your Own Twist is a monthly series hosted by Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart and myself where we showcase our own interpretations of a chosen style theme. We share the theme with you ahead of time in case you are interested in joining us. You can see the upcoming themes below if you would like to create your own post around the theme and share it with us in the link party at the end of the post.

Okay, I will buy something pre loved! Ha ha, what a good excuse to buy!
Nancy, you are silly! I know you own lots of pre-loved things already! We need to do more of that, for sure!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Such a good idea to use gloves to pick up the trash. So many people are dropping their masks and gloves ):
Thanks so much, Tamar! That is so gross that people are just dropping their masks and gloves on the ground. Ugh.
Kathrine Eldridge
Thanks so much for celebrating this important day. I love your list off things you can do to help the planet. I can’t wait to plant my flowers for spring. Love this boho chic look Shelbee!
Thank you, Kathrine! I am not much of a gardener at all so I am always envious of perfectly landscaped lawns! We are still having snow and frost here so there will be no planting anything until after Mother’s Day.
I love how you paired it with a jean jacket!!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Thanks so much, Jennifer! You can’t go wrong with a denim jacket!
Anne M Bray
I remember the first Earth Day, I was in 8th grade. Our school planted a tree! I wonder how big it’s become!
I think I’ll do some sort of gardening. I really want to start composting, and will get on that when we’re released from captivity. Los Angeles has a program (or had, before lockdown) offering residents composting bins at a discount. Maybe this will be the year I finally obtain one.
Love your frolic in the woods winter white. And the last photo? Lots of hearts!
Thanks so much, my friend! I have been saying I want to compost for the last 3 years and I do little bits and then fall off again. I need to get this set up properly so I can stop throwing all these food scraps into the trash. I also wonder how big that tree has grown!
Shelbee, you are the queen of badassbohobabes. Such a cute outfit and I especially adore the backpack in all its fringy goodness.
Aw, thanks so much, Rena! I do love boho vibes! And this outfit compelled me to pull some short lacy dresses out of my donation/resale bin to wear layered this same way.
Sherry Joy
Loving this layered look! AND that sweater!! So cozy. Also the necklace and its colors is so perfect to complete the look. Hope you’re having a great day! What day is it anyway…lol! I have no idea. Ahhh!
Thank you so much, Sherry! I love the way this outfit came together so much that it made me go pull out a few lacy dresses I had in my donation bin so I can wear them layered this way.
Excellent post! Chief Seattle was so wise. He’d be truly horrified now. A fantastic history lesson, Michelle!
When I moved back to California in 2016 (to live with Dan), they had a rule in place that you had to pay 10 cents for each bag used that wasn’t your own. It took awhile for me to get used to it, but I quickly saw the wisdom. No flimsy plastic sacks littering the environment.
Love the outfit! So cute! The short skirt under the long sweater is lovely. And I think I need more fringe in my life!
Thanks so much, Michelle! I am so glad that you joined us this month! I knew this topic would be right up your alley. Yeah, I am not opposed to reusable bags and bringing my own, we just needed to retrain ourselves. If you forget bags in New York, you can purchase them for 10 cents a piece, but only paper bags are available. No more plastic at all. My only issue with it was that we used the plastic grocery bags as trash bags for all of the little garbage cans in the house (bathrooms, bedrooms, office) and for scooping the cat litter. So now I have to buy bags for that. So while it is better for the environment, it does cost me more money. But saving our planet is worth the extra expense. I mean, it kind of has to be!
These are great suggestions on how we can make an impact on the planet! I recycle, bring reusable bags when I shop and we have a water filter on our tap. Definitely not driving anywhere being quarantined and that is making me realize I spent too much time driving around and running errands before!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Jill, thanks so much for sharing the things you do to help this planet! I need to use my water filter more often. I still really do prefer bottled spring water over anything else. But I am diligent about recycling the bottles.
Such a cute outfit and an important topic as well!! I actually didn’t knew that there is an “earth day” so I even learned something new 🙂
And it’s of course always good to have a little reminder for an environment friendlier lifestyle
Tiziana, thank you so very much! I am glad that you were able to learn something new here in my little space! I think if we all made just one or two little improvements, we can make a huge difference! I hope you are well!
Hi, Shelbee – Great history and list of ideas for Earth Day! I appreciate that you are helping Mother Earth with your blog — one of the ways we can inspire when we cannot gathering together. XOXO, Angie – http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Thank you so much, Angie! I still need to get better with my lifestyle though and be even more environmentally conscious. I think if we all just did one more helpful thing it would make a huge difference. I hope you are well, my friend!
What a fun look and I just LOVE your sweater! Hope you are having a good week – or making the best of it at least!
Thanks so much, Suzanne! This week has looked very much like the past 4 weeks! Haha. Nothing new, just taking it day by day! I hope you are well, my friend.
You look quirky and your personality shines through your cute style!
Keep going!
Jil | https://www.letsjiloutdoor.com/
Thanks so much, Jil! I am definitely a quirky person! I have never been accused of being dull and boring, that’s for sure! Haha.
Anna Shirley
I think that our planet takes o proper rest now. It is a crisis and a tough time for people, at least something good comes of it. You look like a fairy dancing in the woods on the pictures. I love it.
Thanks so much, Anna! Our planet does need a rest and maybe that is exactly the purpose of this entire crazy thing going on right now.
These are some good suggestions. I also love how all of you use the style inspiration so differently!
Thanks so much, Mireille! Boho really can be interpreted in so many different ways!
Michele Morin
I heard a bit of the history of Earth Day this morning in a podcast, but you’ve filled in so many great details.
And that final picture of you and the guys is priceless.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I am hoping that the weather here is nice enough on Wednesday so I can take the kids out to do some trash clean up or something!
Leslie Susan Clingan
My children and their husbands are all very concerned about our planet. They have made me aware of some of the changes in policy that are loosening restrictions designed to protect our earth. It seems in some ways we are going backward.
I was saddened when our recycling pick up went from once a week to twice a month. It seems to say that fewer folks are recycling. I have become more conscious of making the effort to sort our trash and recycle whatever we can. Not a huge step but it is something.
Love the contrast in your darling look between the edgy boots and tweed hat with the softy fabrics and lacy extender. I would think this look reflects you perfectly. Soft and tough at the same time. Glad to see the boys in with you. Beautiful photo shoot!
Thanks so much, Leslie! I suppose that description of me is pretty accurate! And I hate when they make recycling difficult to do. Obviously people are more inclined to recycle when it is not too inconvenient for them. Our recycling has always been an every other week pick up and ever since we started separating our recyclables (which has been many years now), we do produce much less actual trash. So I think even making the effort to recycle does have a beneficial impact even if it is only a small one. I need to get on that composting business though!
Kellyann Rohr
Totally agree that our planet is in crisis and I think the one good thing resulting from this pandemic is that the environment is getting a bit of a break. It’s sad that it has come to this but plant Earth needs a break!
I am so glad you linked up this post with the Style Six! I love this cute outfit on you!!!
Kellyann, thank you so much! I loved wearing this outfit. And I agree that the planet did need a breather and I am glad that we got that bit of positive out of the rest of the insanity right now!