Camouflage Pants: Inspired Outfit #2 and On the Edge of the Week Link Up #12

This is my second camouflage post inspired by Sheela Writes, The World According to Eve, and Jodie’s Touch of Style from their camouflage collaboration. If you read my post last week, I styled a Camouflage Bandana. This week, in addition to being inspired by Sheela, Eve, and Jodie, I was also inspired by Karen of She Thought She Could So She Did. Karen styled a pink shirt with an olive skirt and I immediately thought I wanted to pair pink with my camo pants.

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At first I had coupled a bright pink tee similar in color to Karen’s top and I accessorized with black gladiator sandals and black accented jewelry. But I was so miserable that day in a perimenopausal hell with cystic nightmares taking on lives of their own on my face that I never found the motivation or desire to take any photos. It was a pretty cute outfit minus the acne outbreak! I quickly switched to my pajamas and stayed inside all day.

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Camo and pink take 2 happened a few days later and then I just wasn’t feeling the bright pink. I decided to try some blush pink instead. But all in my accessories. I went with a black tee and moto vest then added blush lace up flats, a blush floral scarf, and a blush bag. And I really kind of loved the contrast of the feminine pink and floral against the tougher camouflage and black moto vest.

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The hell of the few days previous had passed and my skin had cleared up pretty quickly, so I was feeling much more confident in this outfit. Maybe it was the outfit. Maybe it was the insane hormones going back into hibernation for a few weeks. But either way…it was a much better day.

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And because I felt better, my confidence soared and I had an amazing and quite productive day. There are big things in the works…more on that later. Probably much later.

So how do you wear camouflage? I would love to know! And have you been outfit inspired by another blogger lately? I thrive on these inspirations!

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Outfit details:
Pants: Chaps from Kohl’s (Old).
Tee: Old Navy (This exact tee is no longer available, but this swing tee is very similar).
Vest: Target (Old).
Scarf: Cato Fashions (No longer available).
Shoes: Charles Albert Farah Flat in Nude from DSW.
Bag: TJ Maxx (No longer available).
Key Necklace: Repurposed by me.
Watch: Churchill Timber Watch
Evil Eye Bracelet: Michal Golan.
Wrap Bracelets: Boho Betty.

*This post contains affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you click on these links and make purchases. It costs you nothing and supports my website. All opinions expressed are my own and are in no way influenced by any compensation that may be received. Thank you for your support.

Thank you to everyone who has joined my link up in the past! I am so grateful for all of the support I receive from this wonderful blogging community! Please keep spreading the word and sharing the love!

And are your favorite links from last week!

Joy of Outfit Zest celebrated her One Year Blogiversary by sharing some amazing and gorgeous photos! Prepare to be awed with beauty!


And Audrey of Five Foot Nothing showed us how to Transition Summer Chic to Fall Fab in her fabulous combination of navy striped shorts and orange blazer.


It's Friday which means we are on the edge of the week and it's time for a link up!

Please link up your favorite posts showcasing your style, fashion, accessories, DIY projects, recipes, photographs, artwork, advice, or inspiration. 

Please feel free to link up to 5 separate posts.  Link to your specific post not to your blog home page.

Please visit and comment on at least as many other links as you have linked up (for example, if you add one link, please visit at least one other link and post a comment; if you add 5 links, please visit at least 5 other links and post comments).

Please also add a link back to my page and follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and/or Bloglovin'.

Make sense?  It's all in fairness and in an effort to spread the love, share the love, and feel the love!  Because we all want to feel the love...especially at the edge of a tough week!

Now get linking!  And have a fabulous weekend!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

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Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups Where I Link Up.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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Shelbee on the Edge