Boosting One Another & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #87

“When women support each other, incredible things happen.” -Unknown

This was an idea that I never really thought about earlier in my life. Not that I was all that selfish or self-absorbed. And I never really was a cut-throat type of woman in my career journey when I was younger. I was always all about being kind and helpful whenever I could. But now that I have entered midlife, I truly understand the meaning and the power that comes with women supporting other women. There is also equal power in men who support women, men who support other men, and women who support men. It truly is all about helping one another. There is room for everyone’s success in this world. Helping each other achieve our dreams and goals in no way diminishes our own successes.  It actually enriches them.

When I met Sandra Mimran Smith at a Forever Fierce Meet Up in New York City nearly a year ago, I knew immediately that she was a woman with passion, fire, drive, and heart. I also knew that she was a woman whom I would have no problem supporting in her mission to accomplish her dreams and goals. Not only because she had a vision for a product that would benefit me, but because she could connect with women on a real human level…addressing the insecurities and vulnerabilities that we all share in common. She is also a woman who will always, always pay forward the kindnesses she receives. That is the kind of woman I want on my side through this insane midlife journey. And I am blessed to have met her, connected with her, and gotten to know her on a personal level.

Nightie: Boostwr
Necklace: Happiness Boutique Circles Necklace

I have mentioned Sandra and shared her product, Boostwr, on my blog multiple times before as I outlined my journey from the Forever Fierce Meet Up to my experience as one of Sandra’s models for her launch campaign. I have also praised her loungewear as my favorite of all time as far as comfort, support, and style go. It’s all there in my previous posts. If you missed any of those posts and want to catch up, you can check them out below.

October 2017: Forever Fierce Meet Up at Chico’s in New York City
December 2017: Big Boobs in the City & Link Up On the Edge #73
January 2018: Give Yourself a Boost & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #56
March 2018: My Week in Review & Link Up On the Edge #86
June 2018: Get a Boost & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #76

But this post is less about boosting my breasts and more about how we can boost each other, uplift and empower, support and encourage. We all need a tribe. And what a tribe I have found. A short time ago, Sandra hosted a giveaway on Instagram for a new Boostwr nightie. Of course, I could not resist entering. I have been wanting another one anyway as mine is always being laundered! And much to my surprise, I won the giveaway! Sandra’s message informing me that I was the winner came on one of those days when any little positive surprise is much needed, so naturally I was tickled and completely uplifted by her generosity. So as we do when we receive such lovely kindnesses from others, we must pay it forward, or backward, or in any direction really…just keep that kindness moving somewhere into the world.

So this post features my new Boostwr nightie in navy blue with white lace trim. And I pretty much love it! So thank you, Sandra, for all that you do. To put it simply, you rock…even more than your line of loungewear!

“Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back.” -Unknown

Sandra will be showing her line of loungewear at a Pop Up Shop on Friday, October 12, 2018 from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women at the Pennsylvania Convention Centre in Philadelphia, PA.

And now the featured favorites from last week.

Robin of Hello, I’m 60ish shared her super fun post, How to Host The Book Club Movie Night with the Girls. I wanted to see this movie before I read Robin’s post, now I really want to see this movie with my friends in the comfort of my own home with lots of delicious food and drinks! Thanks for the inspiration, Robin!  And what a fantastically sassy outfit with the mixed up animal prints!

Robin of Hello, I’m 60ish

Gail of Is This Mutton? shared her post, Trends for Autumn and What I’m Buying. She seriously covered it all in a brilliantly succinct round up of the fashions to be on the look out for this Fall. Definitely worth reading for any of my fashionista friends!  Plus, how cute is Gail’s striped sweater?!

Gail of Is This Mutton?

“A strong woman stands up for herself. A stronger woman stands up for everyone else.”


Do you have a tribe of empowering supportive people in your life? Who are they? And how have they enriched your life?  I would love to hear your stories.

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Suzy Turner

    How wonderful that you won, Shelbee! I wen through a phase of entering competitions and I won loads! I really ought to enter more again lol.
    Love these photos of you in your new nightie – you look gorgeous and comfortable <3
    Also love the subject matter of the post – I really do love to read about women who support each other and you are the number one supporter of all, my friend!
    Huge hugs
    Suzy xx

  • Gail

    Great nightie Shelbee! And I love your views on finding our tribe and perpetuating kindness. Very honoured to have my post featured from last week! x

  • Chrissy Rowden

    Yes, yes, yes! And I enjoyed your play on words for this post. Lol. Trying to be better about doing the same. Thank you for the reminder and for sharing such a fabulous piece for the lingerie world. And congrats by the way!


      Jodie, thank you so much! But I always feel as if I can do more and do better. I guess it’s when we feel like we have done enough that we start to get lazy, so I guess it’s a good thing that I just keep doing my thing! I am so blessed to count you among my tribe, my friend!


  • Maureen

    I grew up with a very supportive dad and I am happy to report I was listening and embraced the concept of being kind, encouraging and uplifting. Now that I have little one I expect nothing less of me to pass on these lessons to him. In the meantime, I do my best to be supportive, kind and encouraging to those around me and to those my life crosses path with. I hope you had a great long weekend! We had lots of family time and I am having withdrawals today! Happy Tuesday Shelbee!

    Maureen |


      Maureen, you are definitely one of the great ones out there! Always offering kind and supportive words and spreading your light throughout this blogging community! I am so grateful to have met you here and so blessed to count you amongst my tribe! Keep doing what you do and your light will only to continue to grow in brightness!


  • Patrick Weseman

    It all goes back to something I believe in and that is “People Need People”. We need to support each other. You might have seen this on FB but coming out of high school, I took a vow and that is to never laugh at another person endeavors. It is something I think I have done ok at.

    Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.


      Patrick, I agree completely! Laughing at someone else’s passions is ridiculous, unnecessary and completely cruel. I have been tempted to write a post all about that inspired by a recent situation where an older gentleman asked me what I do. When I responded with, “I write a mental health blog,” he literally laughed in my face. I calmly asked, “Why are you laughing?” To which he replied, “I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing with you.” To which I responded, “But I’m not laughing.” At that point, he abruptly spun on his heel and sauntered away. It was very strange, insulting, and quite infuriating to say the least. Some people, I tell ya!

      On a more positive note, I admire how positive you always are and I am grateful to have you as part of my tribe! So thank you for all of your support and continued encouragement. You rock!


  • Jessica A Jannenga

    I enjoy being an early member of the Forever Fierce group, as I have that same attitude. women need to support other women! There is no room in life for pettiness and jealousy. Its such a good feeling too to support and encourage other ladies. love your comfy nightie, woowoo! I just need some nightgown or robe that is breathable and doesn’t have me washing them each night from sweat!
    Have a great week friend!
    jess xx


      Jess, I hear you! I love that I became a member of this wonderful group so early on. I will cherish it and every member of it for always. I have learned so much from so many and my life has been so much more enriched because of this amazing network and community! Thanks so much for stopping by and for being one of these fabulous women. I am so blessed and very grateful to count you among my tribe!

      As for sweating out my nighties….I have no solution. I am right in the heart of this perimenopause nonsense and sweat has become a nightly ritual here. I cannot get away without washing anything!


  • Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom

    I agree, we really all need to support one another. Women supporting women, same with men. It would make the world a much better place if everyone did even a little of this everyday! You look great and also confident in this lingerie piece that you’re sharing today! 🙂



      Carrie, thanks so much! It really is such a simple thing, too, isn’t it? To offer a kind and supportive word every single day to someone. It is so easy to just smile, too, yet so many people walk around with scowls on their faces all day long. I just don’t get it. I understand we all have a bad day here and there that can make one scowl, but sometimes a forced smile can become a genuine one in no time at all!


  • Rena

    Shelbee, this is such a great topic of discussion. You are a wonderful example of a blogger/person who doesn’t just give lip service to the concept of supporting others. You walk the walk, boldly and fiercely. From retweets, to commenting on blogs, to liking Instagram posts … you understand the real value in engagement and building a community. Thank you my friend. (BTW, you look FABULOUS!)



      Rena, thank you so much for your kind words and your continued support! I am so fortunate to count you among my tribe of fierce and wonderful friends! What a wonderful journey this has been. I have made so many amazing connections that I am grateful for every single day!


  • Shelly

    I definitely missed out on some relationships in my life because I let jealousy over someone’s gifts keep me from really appreciating them and loving them for who they were. That was so much more about me than them!! Hope you are loving this book…it’s been my fave read this year.

  • shelly

    I missed out on so many relationships in my life by being jealous of others instead of fully appreciating them for who they were and what gifts they brought with them. Definitely my loss! Hope you are enjoying the book…my fave read so far this year!


      Shelly, thank you so much for sharing your story here. I am sorry that you did miss out on some relationships, but now that you have that realization, you are surrounded by a community of wonderful and amazing women who continue to support one another. I hope you have a fantastic weekend! I am hoping to get more reading done!


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Shelbee on the Edge