Book Review: The Raven Witch Saga by SG Turner & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #247
I might be the slowest reader on the planet, but I finally buried my face in this amazingly whimsical and captivating tale of fantastical creatures who are navigating their way through a very scary magical world that exists right in the midst of the land of the humans they are trying to protect.
The Raven Witch Saga is a three book series written by none other than my dear friend Suzy Turner of The Grey Brunette. Some of you may already know Suzy for her creatively eclectic personal style. She makes an appearance on my blog each month as a member of The Fab 40’s and she never fails to inspire me to think more creatively about my own wardrobe. But did you know that Suzy is also the author of 13 published novels in the young adult urban fantasy, chick lit, and cozy mystery genres? She is also an avid photographer as well as a book cover designer offering her pre-made cover designs to other authors. An all around talented human being who I am so very blessed to count amongst my dearest friends.
I used to be an avid reader, devouring multiple books per week with ease. But ever since I had children, the available time for burying my face in a book seems to have diminished to almost nothing. I do still enjoy getting lost in the pages of a perfectly woven story that will take me far away from the mundane boredom of life’s routines. But now I just have to make a point of scheduling in that time for escape.
In recent years, I have focused the little bit of reading that I do on topics that are more academic in nature like psychology and philosophy books. But that type of reading is no more an escape than washing dishes is. While I enjoy learning and engaging in profound thinking while I read, sometimes I really just want a fantastical escape that I can dive into without having to overthink the meaning of the words that I am reading.
Back in the spring, I decided I needed some fun light reading as we headed into the warmer months and I also wanted to support my friend. So I hopped on Amazon and ordered The Raven Witch Saga, which is classified as Young Adult Urban Fantasy. Since I am young at heart stuck in an adult body (that makes me a young adult, right?), I have to say that this genre of fiction was right up my alley.
The series begins with Book 1, Raven, which tells the haunting story of young Lilly Taylor as she navigates her way through a very strange childhood in England only to find herself transplanted to Canada in her early teen years when her father and stepmother vanish under mysterious circumstances. Just before the strange circumstances send Lilly to her long lost family in Canada, she meets December Moon who seems to be her kindred spirit in a magical way that will result in some very special powers when they join forces for good. Lilly’s paranormal coming-of-age adventure story leads straight into the story of her newly discovered best friend in the second book.
Book 2, December Moon, follows Lilly’s best friend December through her self discovery process as she begins to manifest strange new powers simply by thinking really hard about certain things. After being separated from her new friend Lilly, December starts to learn that she is descended from a long line of powerful witches. She also finds herself reunited with long lost family members who all join magical forces in the final book of the saga.
In Book 3, The Lost Soul, the stories of both Lilly and December come full circle as they join together to save the lost soul who is telepathically seeking December’s help. We meet new and exciting mystical creatures all throughout this third book as the whole crew of magical beings must also protect their community from the dangers of the Nephilim, the most destructive and vengeful of all magical beings.
If you are into fantastic magical creatures, this three book series has everything you could ever want from vampires to werewolves, witches to changelings, ghosts to fairies and all sorts of fun and freaky mystical things. Not only is this a wonderfully entertaining coming-of-age story, it is also a beautiful representation of how goodness will always prevail over evil.
Now that I have finally finished The Raven Saga after 6 months, I have started another really great book, The Paper Garden: An Artist Begins Her Life’s Work at 72 by Molly Peacock. This is the story of Mary Delany and her flower mosaiks that I shared in Style Imitating Art: Paper Mosaiks by Mary Delany. Hopefully it won’t take me 6 more months until my next book review!
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Suzy Turner
OMG Shelbee!!! You have just made my YEAR! Thank you so much for your super kind words. I’m absolutely thrilled that you not only managed to finish it (LOL), but that you enjoyed it too. I’m over the moon! What a wonderful way to start my week (yesterday was a public holiday here). I’m dancing on air right now!!
Suzy xx
Aw Suzy, you are very welcome! I really did enjoy reading this book. I was thoroughly entertained! And when I would find time to sit down and read, I generally tore through about 50-75 pages each time. I am so happy that I could cheer your day with this post! Have a fabulous week ahead, my friend.
Pamela Graham
Perfect timing for completing your trilogy and it sounds great fun. I didn’t connect Suzy with the author of these books but I will certainly suggest them to my teenage granddaughter – I like the fact that goodness prevails over evil I am an avid reader and encouraging children to read is the greatest gift we can give them.
Thanks so much, Pamela! I have always gifted my children books and sadly they just are not avid readers like me. But I do love to share a good book when I read it! Do let me know if your granddaughter checks out any of Suzy’s books. I would love to hear the perspective of the targeted audience! I hope you have a fantastic week ahead, my friend.
This is so cool and to know an author is beyond real! I am trying to regain my love for reading – life is always moving a mile a minute. I’ll have to look into this series for my daughter, thank you for sharing!
And thank you for your link party! Please drop by when you have some time! – Chanda
Chanda, thanks so much! Suzy is such a cool person and she is so creative in her story telling! I was captivated all the way through. It really is a wonderful young adult series! If you do get it for your daughter, I would love to hear her thoughts on it as well. Have a fantastic week, my friend!
Kathrine Eldridge
Thanks for sharing these series! It sounds amazing. I wish I had more time to read books as well. Thanks for the link up and recommendation!
Thank you, Kathrine! I need double the hours in a day to do all the things that I want to do! But I will settle for double the energy to get more done. I have a small pile of books that I want to read so I better get to it somehow.
it’s great you enjoyed this series! It doesn’t sounf like the kind of thing I like to enjoy but I do love a good book – after my friend started a virtual book club in lockdown last year I got really into reading – have been enjoying reconnecting with that hobby again last year and this year! 🙂
Thanks for the link up!
Hope that your week is going well 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! I am not really interested in fantasy fiction myself, but I really did enjoy this series. It was lighthearted and fun with lots of unexpected twists and turns. A nice change from my normal heavier reading! I would love to be in a book club but I always get so afraid that I won’t be able to make the reading deadlines and I don’t want to add any pressure to an activity that is supposed to be relaxing.
I did not know that Suzy was an author! This sounds like a great series! Thank you for sharing!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Isn’t Suzy so amazing, Jill?! She is so talented. I can barely read a book these days and she’s just hanging in Portugal writing entire books!
Michele Morin
So glad you managed to carve out some time for reading. You are an amazing reviewer!
Aw, thanks so much, Michele! I did steal some phrasing from the Amazon description because I have a terrible memory! But I really did enjoy reading this fun, lighthearted coming-of-age story!
Laura Bambrick
She does all the things! That is one amazing woman! Thanks for sharing about this series. It sounds really interesting!
She really is one amazing woman, Laura! This was a really fun read even for a not so young adult like me!
This book series sounds really good and something that I would like!!
Curated By Jennifer
It is a really fun read with lots of surprising twists and turns that kept me on my toes! I am going to send you my copy of it, but now I can’t find your address. I had it somewhere on my desk! I will email you later for it!
I started reading again this spring and can’t quit! While I’m not into fantasy novels, I like coming of age stories that follow the main character throughout their life (usually historical novels) and I may actually enjoy this series. Definitely sounds like something my daughter might like. I’ve seen Suzy before on your blog, had no idea whe was a writer – how wonderful!
Ellibelle’s Corner
I really enjoy reading as well, Ellie, and wish I would commit more time to it. I guess I just need more time altogether! I am not very into fantasy novels either but I really did enjoy the lightheartedness of a young adult story. And I do like magical mystical things so that part was super fun, too. Let me know if you or your daughter check out any of Suzy’s books!
Sounds like a really neat series! I used to read a lot of diary type books when I was younger, but as I’ve gotten older, reading isn’t something I quite enjoy like I used to. Hoping I come back around to it.
It was a really fun read, Alexandra! It lots of twists and turns that were unexpected and kept me interested all the way through. I used to live with my face buried in books up until I had kids and now I also lack the same passion as I once had for reading. I am hoping I get more into it as well again!
These books sound womderful! I will have to check them out. Like you, I used to be an avid reader, but life turned upside down and I lost the habit. Then like you began reading non-fiction. I’m finding I could really use the escape and just recently returned to my first love: hard sci-fi. But I do love a good magic realism book as well.
Thanks, Michelle! I always get so caught in my head that if I am doing something even for pleasure that I should also be learning something new and so I often turn to non-fiction and academic works to fuel that part of my brain. But sometimes it is good to just dive into the unreal and fantastical to escape the craziness of the world around us. An alternate world is the place to be!
I think those of us that are prone to curiosity and the love of learning also learn effortlessly learn from pleasure reading. I’ve learned good strategies for dealing with adversity from fiction. Besides, sometimes you just need a break!
Oh, I completely agree with all of that!
Christina Morley
That’s wonderful that Suzy has published so many books and makes pre-made covers. I’m glad you found time to read and enjoyed her one series! I totally understand not finding time. When I was a busy mom, I read very little, but one year I had to stay off my feet because of terrible planters fasciitis, and then I got hooked on reading again and haven’t stopped. 🙂
Thanks so much, Tina! I used spend most of my days with my face in a book before kids and blogging happened! But I do so enjoy getting lost in the beautifully woven words of others. Reading is a such a wonderful activity, too, when you do find yourself having to stay off your feet for any extended period of time!
Rosemary Davis
Thanks for sharing! I did not realize that Suzy is an author. The series sounds amazing.
Thanks for the link-up and recommendation!
Thanks, Rosemary! It was a really fun and entertaining read. Light and easy and innocent which is a nice change from how real life can be sometimes!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I used to read a lot more before kids and I miss it! I bought 2 books to read this summer and I’ve had 40 pages left in the 2nd book for months now! I need to just finish it! I used to listen to a lot of audio books and podcasts in the car, but my daughter changed to a closer school this year and so I don’t get to enjoy that anymore either! But, I don’t miss all of the extra driving! These series looks perfect for you! It is so nice to get lost in a book when we can!
Oh my goodness, I have gotten stuck in a book with only a small bit left to read as well! But I hate abandoning books midway through. I was reading Stephen King’s Dark Tower series when this pandemic began and I got through 4 1/2 books and then the apocalyptic stuff started getting too real so I stopped reading. Then I moved onto heavier stuff like philosophy and psychology. That got too heavy to enjoy as well. So Suzy’s book was a really nice diversion into the light and innocent and fantastical! You should commit to finishing your book this weekend! 40 pages shouldn’t take too long!
Shelbee, I love that you’re reading and reviewing Suzy’s books. I am so impressed by her prowess as a writer–she is a genuinely creative lady! I’ve been meaning to check them out and appreciate your review! Nicely done. I will have to read that series! The young adult stuff is super fun–look at the Harry Potter Series, right? Thanks.
xx Darlene
Thanks, Darlene! Suzy is such a great writer. Very easy to read and connect and feel the character’s emotions. Sometimes it is nice to go for the innocence of young adult fiction as a great escape from real life! Suzy is highly influenced and inspired by Harry Potter, which I loved as well, so naturally I loved this series, too! Do let me know if you read any of her works!
I’m more a thriller reader, but this series sounds like fun and relaxation. I’m a bit envious of Suzy’s writing skills!
This did have lots of thrilling moments with lots of mystery as well. But it is for young adults so it is on the milder side of things. It was a nice light fun read, for sure!
I’ve not read anything more substantial than a blog post in quite a long time. Your review of this trilogy by Suzy has got me intrigued. I need to get her catalog of works as looksy.
I, too, have been in the reading only blog posts phase for a long while. I actually started reading less blog posts so that I could read more books! If you go to Suzy’s main page, you can see all of her titles. Do let me know if you read anything. I would love to hear how you like it!
This sounds like a great series; my middle son is a huge fantasy novel fan and he loves finding a new book series to get lost in. I just might buy this set for him for Christmas (and borrow them when he’s done!).
Oh that sounds like an awesome idea, Joanne! There was lots of mystery and magic and romance perfect to keep us all interested! Let me know how you all like the series if you end up getting it!
Cheryl Shops
I love a good fantasy book every once in awhile. I’m currently reading The Flight Portfolio—it’s about a group of Americans who smuggled a bunch of artists, writers, and political figures out of France during WWII. It’s VERY long but very good!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Ooh, that sounds like an interesting book, Cheryl! I love historical stories like that. I just ordered “The Warmth of Other Suns” which is the story about America’s Great Migration. Once I finish my Mary Delany book I will move onto that one!
Marsha Banks
Wowza! I did not realize Suzy did all of these things! Does she have some magical trick to creating more time in the day? I’m going to have to check out her books! Thanks for the recommendations and the link up!
Suzy really is amazing, isn’t she, Marsha?! I can barely read a whole book and she’s over there writing 13 books! I love her writing style and imagination, too. It was a really fun read!
I’m embarrassed to say that I’m an even more of a slow reader, Shelbee… I see my friends able to finish off 5-6 books in a month’s time, which dazzles me to this day still. I attribute much of my slow reading style to the fact that I’m so busy, between my full time job, as well as taking care of my family (which is basically my 2nd full time job, only without pay) and by the time I can sit down to pick up a book, I’m too tired and trying to read past my bedtime (a bad idea as I usually fall asleep after about 2-3 pages). And I’m a very detailed reader, so I would often reread whole chapters before moving ahead so that I would have a more full understanding of what I was reading, which was especially helpful when I would write out my book reviews/book reports and post them on my blog. But! Back when I was able to read more, I had a grand time reading series, and could finish a novel series in just a few months. Still pretty slow compared to others, but I enjoyed it just the same. I hope that I can get back into my reading more regularly like I used to.
Anyway, I had no idea that your friend here is an author! That’s really cool!!
And thanks for posting your book review! Seeing yours reminded me that maybe I shouldn’t have given up on mine and maybe I’ll start writing them again. 🙂
Thanks so much, Mike! Oh, I cannot read at bedtime either. It is completely pointless as I fall asleep within a page or two and have to reread them again anyway. I am slow at reading because I constantly have to stop and look things up! Any tiny detail that grabs my attention sends me down a rabbit to learn more! It could be something as simple as a minor cultural reference and then I need to go find out the history and beginnings of whatever that reference was. I am currently reading this book about Mary Delany which I will review as well once I am finished. And I just ordered another book that was influenced by the last SIA prompt which I will also review when I am done…that will probably be in the summer or something by the time I finish all the reading! I hope you are having a fabulous week, my friend.
Patrick Weseman
A very nice review. It might get me to read something other than non-fiction. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I always lean toward nonfiction these days myself, but it is a nice escape to read some light fantasy!
jess jannenga
Hi Shelbee
I did well with reading this year through summer, but recently, haven’t picked up a book.The last 3 books I read were by Kristin Hannah, and i found i really like historical fiction. It really puts you back in that time. I have a book called The Thursday Night Murder Club, i am planning on starting. LOVE that you read Suzy’s books, and think it is amazing of her that she writes books, it must be an undertaking. Sounds like a great way to escape to a fantasy land and characters.
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I really enjoy historical fiction myself. Actually, when I was in school I hated history and the only way I was able to learn any of it was by reading historical fiction. My favorite book of all time is Gone with the Wind and I learned so much about Civil War history from reading it. As much as I enjoy heavier, academic reading as well, it is a nice relaxing diversion to read something easy and fun! I am so impressed with all the things that Suzy does as well. I struggle to read one book while she has written 13!
Yep, the same with me, Shelbee! I like to look up words that I don’t know so that I can better understand what I’m reading. There’s no point in reading over a series of words if I don’t understand what they mean! My vocabulary has increased over the years by me doing this, and I even keep a list of words that intrigue me, along with the definitions in a notebook, so that can refer back to them any time that I want!
There’s a series that read a few years ago that I really enjoyed called “The Taj Mahal Trilogy” by Indu Sundaresan. I couldn’t put those books down! It took me about 6 months to read all three, but I really enjoyed reading them and learning a little about the Taj Mahal in the process.
I like to read a lot of books that focus on diverse cultures (usually by authors who’s origins are from a culture that’s different from the US) and in many of them, the author provides a handy glossary of words from their native tongue, which is so helpful when reading the story.
I hope that you enjoy your books and I look forward to reading your book reviews! I’m going to try and write book reviews again too, even if it’s just for one book at a time!
Oh Mike, you just tapped into my nerd soul with that bit about keeping a notebook of words that intrigue you! I used to do the same exact thing! And I really thought I was the only person on earth who would do such a thing. Usually I just wrote them in my journals which are chock full of random things like favorite quotes and definitions and then regular journal type stuff. But I haven’t really journaled since I began blogging so I don’t write much down on paper these days. That trilogy sounds interesting! I am hoping to finish this Mary Delany book this week so hopefully I will have a review posted in the next two weeks.
Yep! You and me both, Shelbee! I find that writing the words and definitions down on paper helps solidify it in my brain. I guess there was something to all of the spelling and word assignments back in middle school as that skill is helping me now!
I’ve been keeping a number journal for well over 10 years now, and as the name suggest, I literally write out numbers in my notebook and try to practice my basic math skills. It’s actually quite fun for me, and relaxing!
I also keep a one sentence journal, where I try to sum up each day with single sentence, or two, which really helps me to focus on the positive. 🙂
I have a couple of “regular” notebooks in order to try and get motivated into keeping a more “normal” form of journaling going, but I haven’t found the time yet for it. I guess in a way, my numbers journal is like my regular journal, as I keep all kinds of notes in it, from personal phone numbers to titles of books that I want to read, and more.
It was! Very interesting! They were based off of real people living at the time the Taj Mahal was built and the main character was a real woman living during that time! I hope to revisit those books again soon!
I look forward to reading your review on Mary Delany! I’m sure that you’ll do great!
Mike, thanks for sharing your journal process. I am intrigued by all the different categories of journals you have. I always combined everything into one. All of my journals are currently stored in my basement with strict and specific instructions to my husband what he should do with them upon my death! Haha.
I am almost finished reading about Mary Delany. I wanted to finish this weekend but I didn’t get to it. Daylight Savings always wrecks me and I spent most of yesterday sleeping instead of reading.
Thanks, Shelbee. 🙂 Yeah, I’m not sure how or when I started all of this. I just kind of “fell into it” and it stuck!
I keep adding new info with each notebook that I start. I’ve almost filled up my current one and I had only begun it March of this year!
I love that! Maybe I should ask my brother to do the same for mine. After all, our journals are the “windows” into our hearts and minds. Not just anyone should have free access to them! 😉
Yep, same here. I never did get the hang of all the “moving the clocks back and forth” routine. I think they should just scrap it completely!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
How cool that Suzy wrote that! Wow!
Isn’t she amazing? It was such a fun story to read, too!
I think I could give you a run for your money on speed! I’ve just had to give up on a book (not fiction) that I couldn’t make headway with – so will check this out. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo
Thanks, Stephanie! I actually managed to finished my next book in just a few weeks so I will be sharing another book review next week!
I haven’t heard of this author, but sounds like a good series to get lost in. i have fits and starts with reading, currently slowly moving through one at the moment, then all of a sudden I get invested in the characters and do nothing else until I’ve finished it.
Thanks for linking with #pocolo
Thanks, Suzanne! Suzy is such a talented writer and this genre of fantasy fiction for young adults is really fun even for old adults like me to read!
Helen Fern
Thanks for sharing at My Big Fat Menopausal Life’s Share the Wealth Party. Have a fabulous weekend. See you again after the 15th!
Thank you, Helen! I hope you have an amazing weekend as well!