Birthday Recap & Link Up On the Edge #198

My birthday was on Saturday and I wanted to share a recap of my special day.
Actually I am going to start with a brief recap of the week leading up to my birthday. On the Saturday during Memorial Day weekend, we celebrated a triple birthday (Jeff’s, my neighbor Anna’s, and mine) with a few friends and neighbors, lots of great food, and a fabulous birthday cake. Two days later, on Tuesday, I forgot Jeff’s birthday, and spent the day cooking way more food than necessary to make up for my blunder. Since we could not possibly eat everything that I prepared, we invited the neighbors over for dinner to help us out.

Two days after that, on Thursday, my neighbor Anna invited us to her house for her birthday dinner which consisted of a beautiful sushi boat and other fabulous Japanese cuisine which was made by our other neighbor. By the time my birthday arrived, another two days later, I was pretty much burnt out from all the food and all the socializing.

Yes, after three months spent in quarantine with minimal contact with anyone, I found myself completely burnt out with socializing after just one week. So when Jeff asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday, I was honest in my response that I didn’t want to do anything at all. Except perhaps stay in my lounge wear all day long and relax at home with just my family.
I did however, end up getting dressed in one of my favorite little green dresses for my special day and we headed to the park to take some photos. Because that is one activity that really can boost my mood and make me feel a bit livelier for some reason. Then I lounged around my house all day long in my little green dress while the kids played outside with their friends and Jeff took to the kitchen to make some of my favorite things.

For dinner, he made linguini and white clam sauce. This is one of our favorite dishes that I have been making for years. I had picked up all of the ingredients we needed because I had planned to add this dish to Jeff’s birthday menu. I ended up not making it because I had already made too much. So Jeff took advantage of the fully stocked pantry, followed my very obscure recipe which is merely a list of ingredients with no measurements and few organized instructions, and made a linguini and white clam sauce that was actually better than I have ever made it. Guess it’s his specialty dish now!

But the linguini was not even close to the best part. Jeff also conspired with my sister to make my favorite birthday cake in the entire world. Pineapple Upside Down Cake. But not just any pineapple upside cake. The pineapple upside cake that my mother would make for me every year on my birthday.
My mother died in 2006 and even before that I cannot remember the last time she made this cake for me. I am guessing it has been at least 20 years since the last time I tasted this amazing confection made with a mother’s love.
I mentioned it in passing at Anna’s birthday dinner on Thursday. I guess I had never shared this little bit of nostalgia with my husband before that, but his wily ears picked up on it and he ran with it! He promptly texted my sister for mom’s original recipe. My sister is the keeper of all the kitchen nostalgia and she can sometimes be very stingy about sharing it. But she loved the idea of surprising me with my childhood fave.

It took my sister some time to find the beat up old recipe card, scribbled in my mother’s very identifiable handwriting. It seems that I learned from my mother the art of inconsistent, unclear, no measurements recipe writing. I can cook fairly successfully without measurements, but who the heck bakes without measurements? It’s just insane.
Between Jeff and my sister, they managed to decipher the confusing recipe and the result was nothing short of magical. First of all, the cake was so beautiful. Just as I remembered it. Second of all, the sweet gooey crust was completely on point. I took one bite and my eyes welled up with tears as a million childhood memories flooded down on me in an instant.

With just one bite, I was reliving the innocence and simplicity of a different time and place when the whole world wasn’t breaking my heart on a daily basis. Jeff’s Pineapple Upside Down Cake actually made me weep. As I sat at the dining room table, tears flowing freely, he just stared at me, eyes wide and jaw dropped, not sure if he had successfully pulled off his feat. Until I explained. Then he was the proudest man on the planet.

One other thing that happened on my birthday to make it a really special day was the SpaceX launch. I was really excited when it was postponed from the week before to my birthday. I got so excited at take off and watched nervously with bated breath until they reached orbit. Then I followed along closely until they made it to the Space Station. Really cool stuff. This space travel stuff. It blows my mind.

And so my 46th birthday spent in quarantine with just my kids, my husband, two amazing astronauts, and I with no fanfare of any sort, actually ended up being my best birthday ever. It is a celebration that I will remember fondly forever.
I couldn’t have dreamed of a better way to celebrate this birthday. And I am so grateful for all of the beautiful things in my life. I am blessed beyond words to have a loving family and caring friends. And I will never go 20 years again without pineapple upside down cake.

*Side note: Jeff already made his second pineapple upside down cake because we completely devoured the first one in 48 hours long before I had my fill!
Do you have a favorite childhood dessert or meal that sends you back in time in an instant? Did you watch the SpaceX launch?
And now your featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Jennifer of Effortlessly Sophisticated shared an eye opening post, How to Quit Fast Fashion. This is something that I have been personally working on and Jennifer has given some really helpful tips for minimizing the environmental damage caused by the fashion industry.

My Favorite Fashion Post
Darlene of Aquamarina Style shared her post, Flowy Wide Leg Pants: Beach Ready, featuring the prettiest floral pants styled in four different ways. I just love the colors and the print and all the different tops that Darlene paired with them.

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Mireille of Chez Mireille shared her post, Weekend at the Lake. And I simply had to feature Mireille on a zip line looking stylish as ever! I admire her energy and her enthusiasm for life! Isn’t this photo just fantastic?

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Cardigan-Gap / Dress-New Chic / Thigh High Socks-Sock Dreams / Shoes-Miss Arty / Hat-Linda Gibbs Handmade / Necklace-The Gem Shop / Earrings-Michal Golan

What a fantastic surprise for your birthday! What better way to spend it! I’m glad you had such a fantastic day!
Thanks so much, Nancy! It really was a fantastic day!
I found the peaceful life hard to adjust to and now we have to re-adjust to getting life back to normal. This lockdown has taught me many things though and I’m making some changes. Have a lovely weekend Shelbee xx
Laurie, thank you so much! I can totally relate to that. Now that we are getting to where things are opening up again, I don’t want to return to all the crazy fast paced living. This downtime was kind of nice. Although I know I have been fortunate that I have been able to enjoy it without much stress. I know for others, this has been an incredibly trying time. But we are a resilient and adaptable species so I think we will adjust just fine! Have a lovely weekend!
Lafayne E
Happy birthday. Oh, what a Beautiful surprise and a delicious comfort food. I added a few ideas above. Thanks for hosting.
Thank you so very much, Lafayne! I look forward to checking out all the new posts linked up! I am glad you could join us. Have a wonderful weekend!
Kellyann Rohr
Well your birthday sounds fabulous and that husband of yours loves you sooooooo much!I am so happy you had your pineapple upside down cake! It looks delicious. And that sushi boat has my mouth watering.
Have a great weekend!
Kellyann, thank you so very much! I am definitely blessed with this husband of mine. He is pretty freaking fabulous! Oh, that sushi boat was something else. We devoured every last bite! Even my kids were digging it. I hope you have an amazing weekend as well!
Happy birthday! That is so sweet that your husband thought to make pineapple upside down cake for you and brought back so many wonderful memories.
Joanne, thank you so very much! It was such an amazing thing that he did and it was a really special day, for sure! I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Kathrine Eldridge
Looks and sounds like you had an amazing birthday! Love the green dress and that cake looks amazing. Thanks for the link up Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! It really was quite a special day! I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Awww….You look like an adorable kid! So cute, Shelbee! Wishing you a happy weekend!
Thanks so much, Nanchi! I kind of feel like a kid these days and that’s a good thing! Enjoy your weekend, my friend.
How amazing that Jeff recreated your mother’s pineapple upside down cake. You have a special guy there. My husband would never think of doing anything like that – would never enter his head. My mum used to make a similar cake, although not for my birthday – my ask was a simple one, corned beef, chips (fries) and baked beans!
Gail, thank you so much! My husband really is quite amazing! He comes up with some pretty special ideas for special occasions. Twelve years into this relationship and he still makes me laugh and smile and feel overwhelming joy on a daily basis! I really am blessed. Now you should just show your husband this post and drop him some hints! Hahaha. I like your idea of a birthday meal. That sounds delicious.
It sounds like you had a good time with all the celebrating and then relaxing on your actual birthday. That cake looks so good!!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I have eaten all of the pineapple upside down cake without sharing and now I feel fat! Haha. Have a great weekend.
First of all, Happy Birthday once again! Second, you just look amazing in that green dress! I am so glad you had a wonderful birthday, that cake looks delicious! Glad you got some down time without a lot of people. I am pretty social but I really do like some quiet time once in a while so I am sure you were needing that time. Thanks for featuring me too, that was a pleasant surprise. That little zipline was fun, too bad I don’t have trees in my yard cause the boys would love to have something like that!
Mireille, thank you so much! It was a really great day of relaxation and now we are back to barbecues and cook outs scheduled with friends and neighbors the next 3 days in a row. My in-laws are visiting until Monday so we are making a big party out of it since we still can’t go anywhere. I think my boys would love a zip line, too! Fun stuff. Have a great weekend!
What a great birthday and so sweet of your husband to make you the pineapple upside down cake. That sushi boat looks delicious too! Love this green dress on you! Thank you for the linkup and have a wonderful weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Jill, thank you so very much! The sushi was so good. We devoured every last piece of it! Have a great weekend!
Happy belated birthday!! So glad you got to spend it just the way you wanted, it sounds perfect to me! The cake looks delicious and I have to say what an amazing hubby you have to pull off that cake! (And for paying attention when you mentioned it at your neighbour’s house!!)
I lost my mom when I was 13 and foods from my childhood are so comforting. I make them quite often (thanks to my dear older siblings and dad for helping me figure out the details of all of the goodies we used to eat) and the best part is that some of them have become my kids favorites too!
Thanks for hosting today’s linkup!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thank you so much, Ellie! I am so sorry to hear that you lost your mother so young. But I love that your older siblings and your father have kept you fed with your childhood favorites. I love when my childhood favorites become my kids’ favorites, too. My absolute, always requested on my birthday, favorite dinner from when I was a kid is meatloaf and mashed potatoes. It took me a decade to master my mom’s meatloaf recipe (actually there was no recipe at all, I just had to figure it out), and now it is definitely one of my kids’ favorite meals as well! Thanks for sharing your story. Food plays such a huge role in our lives and memories, doesn’t it?
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Sounds like a day just for you!! That cake looks amazing!!
Thanks so much, Tamar! The cake is about as close to heaven that we can get on earth, I think! Have a great weekend!
Lucy Bertoldi
Oh Shelbee! Happy Belated Birthday gorgeous! Love the knee-high look so much:)) And all that great food…yum! Please come link your fun posts over at my Friday link up xx
Lucy, thanks so much! These socks are thigh highs and I so wanted to wear them up over my knees but they kept rolling down. Grrr. So I had to give it up and make them knee highs instead! I am just making my link up rounds now! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Happy belated birthday! It’s so special that you were able to have the pineapple upside down cake your mother would make. It sounds like you have a very thoughtful husband and family! I also love the green dress that you wore. Green is definitely your color!
Thanks so much, Katie! I am definitely blessed beyond what I deserve! And green is my very favorite color so I had to wear it on my birthday! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Cheryl Shops
Happy belated birthday, Shelbee! That sushi boat looks AMAZING and how sweet of your hubs to make that special cake for you—that’s true love. Also, you’re wearing my favorite clogs again, yay!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! It was all so amazing and a very special birthday that I will cherish forever. And about the clogs…I need more! Ha. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
jess jannenga
MMM, geez, making me hungry just reading! I like pineapple upside down cake, and ROy loves clams in white wine sauce. Sounds like you had an awesome birthday as well as hubby. I love the sushi boat, very cool! Something I love. As I mentioned before, green is your friend! Love this color on you!
Sounds like a wonderful time.
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! All the food that we have had for our multiple celebrations has been so amazing! I was trying to get back to eating healthier so I can lose some of my Quarantine 15, but then all this happened and I just kept eating all the food! Haha. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
jodie filogomo
What great birthday memories now Shelbee!! It’s so fun to have the things you loved as a kid too!
Thanks, Jodie! And I was like a damn greedy little glutton and ate the entire second cake all by myself. I didn’t share a single bite with anyone! And I wonder why I keep gaining weight during quarantine. Haha.
Laura Bambrick
I’m so glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday! That pineapple upside down cake is a masterpiece! Major props to your hubby! And happy belated birthday to you!
Thanks so much, Laura! Seriously major props to Jeff on this one! I told him if he did that every year for my birthday for the rest of my life, that would be enough! I don’t need or want anything else…just mom’s pineapple upside down cake!
Hi – Your birthday story was so interesting. 🙂 And I have to share my love of my mom’s pineapple upside down cake with you! It even looks the same. And I can just about taste it by looking at your photos of it. Was it a recipe of a bygone era or what?! I miss it, too. Now my husband has become allergic to wheat, so even if I made one it would never be the same made with gluten-free flour. 🙁 Anyway…Happy birthday! (The celebration can go on and on. Heehee!) – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Angie, thank you so much! I am glad that I could bring a little touch of nostalgia to your day! I want to say that my mom’s recipe was some kind of old Pennsylvania Dutch recipe or something. And she always made it in a cast iron skillet which is what Jeff did. I feel like that is what gives it that delicious gooey crust! You might have to make one (not gluten free) and just eat the whole thing yourself! That is what I did with the second cake he made. I hid it in the refrigerator and didn’t share one single slice with anyone. And I had no guilt about it either. Haha.
I had somewhat wet eyes reading your post, Shelbee. You are obviously a very loved partner. xxxxxxxxx
Aw, thank you so much, Ratnamurti! My life really is truly blessed. I couldn’t be more grateful for all the love and joy that fills my home.
Shelbee, I got tears in my eyes reading the sweet story of your birthday! That cake! The food! Those adorable boys of yours. I’m glad that all your special people made you feel as special as you are. Happy belated birthday!
xx Darlene
Darlene, thank you so very much for such a kind comment! I just told my husband last night that the best birthday present ever was the second pineapple upside down cake that he made for me and then allowed me to hide it in the refrigerator so that I could eat the whole thing without sharing…and I did exactly that totally guilt-free!
Oh, and I forgot to say what a nice surprise it is to see you featured my photo!! Thanks so much for the shout-out–and the great surprise! I so appreciate it.
xx Darlene
It was my pleasure, Darlene! Thanks for always supporting my blog and joining the link parties! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Your quarantine birthday sounded so nice and relaxing!! Happy late birthday. 🙂 And that Kelly green color of your dress is so fun!
Miles of smiles,
Thanks so much, Grace! It was a super relaxing and very blessed day, for sure! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Happy birthday, Shelbee! Your day sounds truly fabulous and memorable! I understand what you mean about being tired after celebrating so many birthdays. My birthday falls between Christmas and New Year. So you have a huge celebration at Thanksgiving, then one at Christmas, plus all the festivities leading up to Christmas. By the time my birthday rolls around, I really just don’t care. And everyone is trying to re-energize for New Year. I am glad you got this special celebration that needed no fanfare.
Such a cute outfit! I love that shade of green.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I figured you might like this little green dress, too! And holiday birthdays are the worst, aren’t they? I get burnt out just from the holidays themselves, I imagine I would hit a point of not much caring about more celebrations. As much as I love a good party, it gets more and more exhausting the older I get! Haha. I hope you have a fantastic weekend, my friend.
Amy Johnson
So cute! Love the color. Happy Birthday.
Thanks so much, Amy! I hope you are enjoying the weekend.
Deborah Stinedurf
You my friend deserved an amazing birthday! The cake looks incredible and I love it even more knowing the story that goes along with it…lol! xo
Thanks so much, Debbie! I don’t know if I really deserved all of it, but I am grateful for every bit of it!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very sweet there. That cake looks so yummy.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you are have a great weekend.
Thank you so much, Patrick! The cake was delicious! I ate 1 1/2 cakes by myself! Haha. I hope you are having a great weekend!
What a cute green dress on you and such a fun birthday gift of the cake! 🙂 When my sister had her birthday restrictions were tighter and we couldn’t travel to her – I was trying to figure out ways we could get a cake to her but she insisted if it wasn’t baked by mum it wouldn’t be the same – it was hard not being able to be together for that! I made her cupcakes as soon as the travel restrictions were lifted!
Hope you are having a lovely weekend! We had a (small due to restrictions) party for my son’s birthday yesterday, it was really fun 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! It has been very hard not being able to get together with family and friends, but I am thankful that restrictions are beginning to ease. In fact, my in-laws have been here all week because they missed the grandkids so much. They were finally able to travel the nearly 300 miles to visit us. We couldn’t go to them because my husband is still under very strict travel bans in the army. I am glad that you were able to get cupcakes to your sister. Better late than never! And I hope your son had a wonderful birthday celebration! Happy Birthday to him!
Happy Birthday! I wish you the best!
You’re such a ray of positive light!
Love that green dress, you’re giving me Shengo vibes from Kim Possible.
Plus that Sushi boat look so good!
Again, happy birthday!
Omaye, thank you so very much! That sushi boat was absolutely spectacular! We devoured every piece! I hope you are having a great weekend.
Looks like you had a lovely birthday, Shelbee. I’ve not had pineapple cake for ages, yummy!! Love your green dress. Thanks for hosting.
Thanks so much, Claire! It was the perfect day and the pineapple cake just made it even better!
What a fabulously uplifting and newsy post!! All that delicious food and celebration of your birthday – and that superb green dress – all sounds perfect!! I made an upside down pineapple cake just recently and they are a real treat!! Happy Birthday to you, Shelbee and may you have many more!!
Donna 🧚🏻♀️❤️🐝
Donna, thank you so very much! All of my favorite things for my birthday from the pineapple cake to a pretty green frock! I hope you are well, my friend!
Chrissy Rowden
Happy belated birthday my friend. I love the fun green dress. Also, I would have had a party with that sushi tray – oh my goodness. And forgetting a birthday? That is so something I would do. We are a work in progress, right?
Thanks so much, Chrissy! Oh, the sushi was so amazing and incredibly fresh! We have the benefit of our neighbor owning a Japanese restaurant so it was as fresh as it could possibly be! I am definitely a work, but I don’t know how much progress I am actually making…I have forgotten our anniversary in the past among other important dates. I am just the worst! Haha.
INXSKY Minimalist Jewelry
Happy belated birthday!
Love your style, you look stunning in green 😉
Gold Necklaces for Layering
Thank you so very much!
Helen C.
❤️A little late but Happy Birthday, my dear Shelbee!!!🌷
I loved the narration, it makes the reader feel like we were there too on your (and Jeff’s and your neighbor) special day!
I am so glad you got the best cake you could ask, you mom lives through you and through these little details.
Both you and your kids look adorable, what a beautiful family!
Here’s to many more birthdays!🥂🍻🍼
P.S. Niko says “brbrbrgrr”(=happy birthday!)
Helen, my friend, thank you so very much! We did have a really great time celebrating even during lockdown mode! That means the world to me that you enjoy my narration. I really do love to tell stories! And please tell Niko that I said thank you so much for his sweet birthday wishes as well! I hope that he is letting his momma get some rest!
Helen C.
I sure hope for your next birthdays there is no lockdown! (I am so stressed just thinking what if there is no vaccine soon and a second wave of attack comes? My husband has a friend in Barcelona about his age, that both her parents and herself have the Coronavirus since April, being hospitalized for a whole month, they still feel very sick and, now, new and maybe permanent damage have appeared in their bodies, for example she losing sight. The horror!)
I gave Niko the “thank you” in kisses, I hope you don’t mind ☺️
Helen-C. (sleepless in Spain)
Oh my goodness, Helen, that is awful news about your husband’s friend and his family. I am so sorry to hear that. We have not had very many cases of coronavirus where I live so I have been pretty far removed from it and keeping to myself. Sending lots of healing energy out for everyone. And of course I don’t mind that you gave Niko lots of kisses from me! I would shower that little bundle of joy with kisses myself if I could! I hope you are getting adequate rest, sleepy momma!