Back to Work Styles | August Stylish Monday Link Up

The theme for this month’s Stylish Monday collaboration is Back to Work styles. Clearly, a back to work style can be pretty much anything depending on your work environment as well as your job duties. Some work places may require a uniform which limits one’s ability to get very creative with their workwear. Unless, of course, your work uniform is scrubs. I have seen some pretty fabulously creative scrubs outfits in my days. But there are no scrubs here today, only magnificently fun outfits for every woman to find some inspiration. And hey, if you do have some cute scrubs styles to share, do link them up at the end of the post! (Speaking of Scrubs, has anyone watched the Scrubs Reunion yet? I have not but it is on my must-watch list!)
Since I don’t leave my house for work, I can’t really relate to the whole idea of “back to work”. I mean, I never really took a break from work to begin with so rather than back to work, I am more in the mode of still working, always working, the working never ends. Sure it would be nice to know that I have a guaranteed paycheck coming in each month, but honestly, I am just not cut out for employment by other people. I get frustrated and bored much too easily and function way better setting my own schedule and making my own rules.
It does require a special amount of self motivation to maintain focus and consistency, but that also comes with the luxury of taking vacations whenever I want, taking sick days whenever I need, and accepting only the kind of work that is suitable to me. I have found in jobs from my past life that all too often you are required to compromise your own ethical values and that never sat well within my heart. And so now I prefer to spend my midlife years making my own rules while maintaining peace in my soul knowing that my driving purpose is simply to inspire others to be the very best versions of themselves.

“‘If you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you,’ said the unicorn.”
Lewis Carroll

Speaking of soul-destroying work environments, I spend approximately a decade working in places that not only nearly killed my soul, but also came very close to killing me. A decade in the rat race that is Wall Street is definitely not for the faint of heart. And while I give off the aura of extraordinary self confidence, I am the first to admit that Imposter Syndrome is a very real thing. I never had the high levels of self confidence that are necessary for survival in the corporate world. I always felt like I wasn’t meant to be there. But I toughed it out for a decade because I am stubborn to a fault. Straight up to the point where both my physical and mental health were suffering so badly that I had to cut my losses and save my own life. So one day, about a lifetime ago, I packed it up, picked myself up, and left that devilish city and its very strange ways of destroying people’s souls. I never looked back and I never regretted my decision. I simply washed my hands clean of all the dirt and moved on to better places that are more fulfilling and much kinder to my soul.
At the age of 47, I am just now accepting the fact that I am very much a wanderer. While I am not extraordinarily well traveled, my soul is still the wandering type which frequently requires new experiences and new connections to feel alive and well. When my world becomes too stagnant, I generally have to take drastic action to turn things on their head in order to feel alive again. Another quality that has been frowned upon by society for my entire life. But the beauty of aging is that I have lost all of the fucks that I once towed around with me. They got too heavy and as I began to shed them one by one, I felt lighter and more productive as a human being. And now that I have been able to dump every last fuck from my bag, I have much more energy to keep doing the good work.
I grew up in the generation that taught us if you are not succeeding in a big city corporate career or if you haven’t set your mind to one career choice and stuck with it for the rest of your life that you are basically a failure of the worst sort and a drain on society. I have struggled with my inability to rise to these ridiculous standards that were set for us. It has only been very recently that I have realized that my personality is not flawed, it is just very different from the personalities that I was expected to emulate. But I can’t do that either…emulate some arbitrary expectation just because society decided that is the only way you will be considered a productive and contributing member of society. I contribute much more to society by sharing kindness everywhere I go, by maintaining my physical and mental health through my lifestyle choices, and by inspiring people with my words and my attitude. The grind of corporate America and all the shady things that I was required to do in order to basically protect the bad guys by covering up their indiscretions in the most legal ways possible was not, in fact, a great contribution to society at all. It was, however, a great contribution to the bank accounts of bad guys! And that simply does not suit my soul.

“Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.”
Marilyn Monroe

Speaking of suits…and my soul…this all white suit makes my soul very happy. If I were ever to return to the big city grind (which I won’t ever, by the way), I imagine this is the kind of sassy business attire I would wear to the office. It’s not really a suit, just matching white trousers and blazer that I recently discovered on a thrift shop adventure. I also found the adorable unicorn quote tee shirt on the same thrifting trip. The tee is from Zara and was brand new with tags on for just $4.99. The wide legged white trousers were $6.99. And this amazing white blazer was also new with tags on for $11.99. I added my fairly new rainbow grid Vans (I found these cuties at Kohl’s a few months ago on clearance for $28). I finished off my work wear style with some other black and white accessories. I had so much fun with this outfit. It is a bit out of my normal style, but that is the fun of these kinds of style challenges for me. They allow me to try new styles and look at my wardrobe in an entirely different way. My husband has been calling this my Michael Jackson outfit ever since I first put it on! I suppose it does have some elements that the King of Pop would have approved of.

Now let’s check out my stylish friends and what they would wear to head back to work.
Stylish Monday is a monthly series published in collaboration with a group of 15 international fashion and lifestyle bloggers. It is another opportunity to be creative with our personal style as we join together each month with a style prompt or theme. We also host a link party where anyone is welcome to add their personal style posts. Scroll to the bottom of the post for the party.
Amy of Amy’s Creative Pursuits

“There’s no reason why we can’t be both comfortable and professionally dressed at the same time. Here I pair a comfy metallic tee with an elastic waist skirt. Pointy toe flats keep the look dressy without the pain of heels.”
Emma of Style Splash

“There’s no dress code where I work – pretty much anything goes – but I still like to make the effort and dress smartly. Most of my work is done from home lately, but I do have the odd few days in the office. I would like to wear heels, but in reality I can only wear them for short periods of time. I’ve had this skirt for a couple of years but haven’t worn it before. The top is an old one that comes out of storage every summer. My red bag is one of favourites for work as it holds all of my essentials.”
Joy of Joyous Musings

“My Full Time job title is Executive Clinical Account Specialist in Women’s Health. My work wardrobe is business professional. I love easy sophisticated looks. An easy back to work look. I love a light plaid high waisted midi skirt for a sophisticated business look. I paired it with a classic satin ivory blouse and my favorite cap toe sling-backs. Jewelry added is my white Abalone KS choker.”
Julie of Fashion Trends and Friends

“Many of us are heading back into work versus zooming from home; or perhaps you’re doing a combination of both. As an educator, we are heading back into work in person and very excited about it! I am my school district’s Prevention Coordinator, which allows me to work with and train staff across the district. Therefore, I tend to dress up more so than most educators. Plus you know that I just like to be fancy, including going to work daily. The first day of school is still a special event requiring a special outfit!”
Lucy of Lucy Bertoldi

“Back to the office means back to the classroom for me! Always feel like I owe it to my fashion students to look bright and colourful and happy to see them (even if still online!). In keeping with a professional look, thought this fun skirt paired with my favourite colour of blouse would be just on point to make them smile.”
Michele of @seechele_styles

“This Amazon red swing dress is perfect to head back to my kindergarten classroom in September. It’s comfortable and I look put together with my pairing of Target neutral slides.”
Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style

“Work wear looks are a bit tricky for me as I have been out of work for 9 years due to my illness. In addition, I have never worked in an office and when I think of a work wear look I always think of an office. And if I had worked in the office I would often have worn a suit. In the store where I was manager, we always wore the clothes from the store. This suit is from that store so I’m basically killing two birds with one stone.”
Nicole of High Latitude Style

“In a casual work environment, a solid color shirt dress is a great option in summer. I loved the all black of the 1990s. Thus, I own a couple of LDB in different styles. This black shirt dress is my favorite work dress.”
Nina of Sharing a Journey

“Whether you work from home or are heading back to the office, August marks summer’s last fling. This post is packed with fresh ideas for work including great at-home styles, looks for teachers and great options for those headed back to the office. Plus a few bonuses to make getting back into your post-summer routine with ease.”
Suzanne of Ask Suzanne Bell

“One take away from working at home over the last year and a half is that comfort does matter – and that comfort and business fashion CAN co-exist. As we begin to work our way out of joggers and leisure wear, it’s important to have a few basic essentials, like this pair of linen pants, to help make creating work-ready looks a bit easier. Dressing for work in the California heat can be a challenge, see how I make these pants work multiple ways (and stay cool) in today’s blog post.”
Featured Favorite (from last month’s Back Yard Barbecue Style theme)
Leelo of Beauty by Miss L shared the most wonderful little dress paired with sneakers that would be perfect for a backyard barbecue in her post, Fit and Flare Summer Dress and Trainers.

Before heading to the link party, I want to remind you that Trendhim is giving one of my readers a $35 gift voucher. I shared Jeff’s new Lemont Green Foldable Backpack from Trendhim that he used on our recent trip to Niagara Falls. This particular giveaway is limited to the continental United States. Use the entry form below for your chance to win.
Whether you work from home or outside of the house, we all have to get dressed in one way or another. What do you wear during your work hours?
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Tee Shirt, Trousers, and Blazer-Thrifted / Sneakers-Vans / Belt-Torrid / Necklace-c/o Happiness Boutique / Earrings and Fedora-Old / Messenger Bag-BedStu

Kellyann Rohr
I’m not headed back to wirk either because not only do I work from home but I work all year! I couldn’t agree with you more about so much of what you said but mostly that you contribute to society by your kindness and support of others – yeas, yes, yes!!! Some things money cannot buy and that is exactly what we need more of!
Okay, this white suit came together so well too and what a deal on the pieces! Your fun shoes add the perfect edge and comfort!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! If only I had figured out some of this stuff in my 20’s, what a different experience life would have been. But I wouldn’t change a damn thing because all of it brought me right here to this place that I love and this life that blesses me daily! I was super happy with how this outfit came together, too! It has like this sassy level of androgyny that I don’t usually tap into! Happy Monday, my friend. I hope your week is awesome!
I love everyone’s looks!
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks, Jennifer! Happy Monday!
“But the beauty of aging is that I have lost all of the fucks that I once towed around with me.” BEST FREAKING STATEMENT EVER!!!!!!
And the white suit outfit is bloody brilliant, Shelbee. I gasped when I saw your first pic, I love it so much!!
Huge hugs
Suzy xx
Hehe, thanks so much, my friend! I just laughed when I read that sentence of mine, too! I often write the words down and then completely forget what I had written! Haha. I really did lose all of my fucks though. And what an amazing feeling of freedom! I’ll have to quote myself for my IG posts this time around. I got super excited over this outfit, too! It’s not something that is normally in my style wheelhouse, but I loved the way it turned out! I have a really cool winter outfit in mind for this white blazer, too. Happy Monday! Have a fabulous week.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
This is a great look! So crisp!!
Thanks so much, Tamar! Happy Monday!
Emma Peach
This is such a cool outfit! I love your hat and those fabulous shoes! The benefit of getting older is not giving a fuck anymore, it’s so liberating – I wish I’d had a fraction of that in my 20s!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! It is so liberating to shed all the fucks, isn’t it?! I don’t think I had very many to begin with, but I definitely had more than I needed! How does that song go? “I wish that I knew what I know now when I was younger.” But really, I think we are better off not knowing all the stuff in our 20’s. It is all part of the journey after all!
Amy Johnson
Oh, I just love this post and everything that you said! And your outfit is fabulous! It is so creative.
Thanks so much, Amy! The spirit was moving me when I was writing the content for this post so I just rolled with it and let the words flow! I will be making my rounds to everyone else’s posts soon. Happy Monday!
I totally adore this outfit! And the Vans? They would be right at home in my closet.
I hear you in regard to job grind. My very last job got really weird with the boss acting like a 13 year old girl – passive-aggressive, paranoid, talking behind everyone’s back. My fibromyalgia kicked up into high gear, and I took a sick day. Then another. And by the 3rd day, I knew I wasn’t going back. (In spite of the fact that I’d already put in my two week notice.) I knew I couldn’t tolerate one more minute in that toxic environment. A friend went and picked up my stuff.
And that was the start of my path to being the happiest I have ever been.
Oh my goodness, Michelle, thanks for sharing your job story! When I left my job on Wall Street, it was sort of the same thing. I had given notice but couldn’t even make it through and ended up having someone else pick up my things. Toxic environments tend to remain that way as long as the toxic people and the toxic culture remain! I am much happier making wayyyyy less money and having my physical and mental health in tact…because you can’t put a price tag on your health.
Shelbee, your suited non-suit is exactly the look I was sporting towards the end of my working days. I’m so glad to see blazers making a comeback even if I no longer need to worry about office-appropriate outfits.
Thanks, Rena! I have always loved blazers for as long as I can remember (although I find them terribly uncomfortable)! Since I have been embracing my favorite hobby of playing dress up, I just keep adding statement blazers especially when I see them at the thrift shops. They are such a great thing to have on hand for all sorts of styling fun!
Nina Anders
This month’s challenge really brought out some interesting responses as well as really great outfits. You look amazing in your suit.
Thanks so much, Nina! This was a fun challenge. And yes, all of the outfits are so great!
Lucy Bertoldi
Such an amazing look Shelbee! i’m loving the wite look! And what is super cool is the hat and shoes- Adore this fnun look!
Thanks so much, Lucy! This whole outfit made me smile!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
What a fabulous suit this is, Shelbee! It had me humming “Black or White” as soon as I saw it! The long-line jacket is so awesome with the pants; love the addition of the black elements, plus the hat. The tee and the shoes take this to a way funkier place and reflect your “workplace’s” anything goes policy (hee).
So fun to see how everyone’s interpreted this theme! I would have done wide-legged pants and a jacket too – that’s my Big Boss Lady look.
Thanks so much, Sheila! I felt super badass in this funky suit! I have the coolest holiday outfit planned with this blazer, too! I can’t wait to style that but I have to wait for cooler weather. This was a fun challenge even though I work from home. I don’t mind playing dress up either any day of the week. Even if it is just for photos. That’s my favorite hobby and I am embracing it fully…finally at 47, I will play dress up whenever I damn well please! Hehe. Rock on, boss lady!
Joy Bolick
This is such a fun chic look!
I love this all white Look shelbee! I also love that you are a wanderer!
Thanks so much, Joy! I really appreciate that! I felt super sassy in this fun suit. I am so glad that you have joined our stylish group!
Kathrine Eldridge
I am totally loving the masculine vibes of this suit look! The hat and sneaks are fantastic accessories!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I do enjoy a good menswear or androgynous look every now and then!
This is a fun monochrome outfit even if you don’t have a workplace to go back to
I got lucky – aside from a pretty bad experience at a horrible company when I was doing the contracting life I’ve mostly worked for good companies and I know my work makes a difference, so I’m really liking my job! I like the flexibility too so I can be there for the kids – I worked form home once a week before COVID which was awesome, so I’m loving I get to work from home even more days now, haha! 
Hope your week is off to a good start
Thanks so much, Mica! I love that you have been able to find great companies to work for! And isn’t it wonderful when your employer accommodates your family needs a little bit, too? I have always thought a hybrid work schedule was a good idea in jobs where you can work from home. I don’t know why more companies didn’t transition to that kind of set up before Covid. But I think now they are realizing how wonderful a hybrid schedule can be for many employees which in turn does benefit the companies as well. I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice. Love how you can wear all white without getting it dirty and ruining it.
Thanks, Patrick! The trick to wearing white and not getting dirty is too completely forget that you are wearing white! If you worry about getting it dirty, you draw that dirty energy right to your white clothes. But we don’t ever worry about getting dirty when we wear any other lighter color that will show dirt just as much white, and we don’t seem to get those clothes dirty…because we are not putting out dirt-energy into the universe! So the next time you feel compelled to wear white, just forget that you are wearing it! There is your style tip for the day, my friend!
Daenel T.
I giggled a little because I totally got Michael Jackson vibes too. Such a fab suit. We’re officially back in session today but students return Monday and I’m so ready. I’m a 12 month employee so no summer break and we’ve been back from the stay-at-home order for a time now.
We’re a business casual environment so I float between dressy and casual. It just depends on my mood….
Ha, that is awesome, Daenel! I am glad that the Michael Jackson vibes are coming through because who doesn’t want to occasionally channel their inner pop god(dess)! I love that you are able to dress based on mood in your job. That was always a thing for me when I job searched. I never wanted my style to be confined by strict work place dress codes! And now that I work solely from home, I have all the fashion freedoms my heart desires!
I have the luck that I had 3 jobs that I all liked, well one was hard but a learning moment, the other two I loved very much! I now, after 9years, still very often dream that I am still working. It is always very stressful and to much in my dreams, weird right. Love the suit! And the hat!
Thanks, Nancy! That is so great that you were able to work in nice environments! I often think back to the amount of stress that came with working on Wall Street and I am so grateful that I was able to walk away from it and find my happy place! I sometimes will have bad dreams though taking right back to all that anxiety. I love my life so much now!!!
Suzanne Bell
I really enjoyed this post Shelbee. Good for you for realizing that the corporate grind wasn’t for you AND making the change! How many people are in or stay in jobs just because they fear going against the grain. You followed your gut, and look at you now! Bravo! Oh, and fabulously fun outfit here as well, I love it!
Aw, Suzanne, thank you so much for this wonderful comment! It was one of the hardest yet one of the easiest decisions I have ever made in my life! Sometimes your health speaks to you louder than words and actions. My health was suffering in so many ways from the corporate grind that I had to leave that environment. I suppose I didn’t even realize the courage involved in such a huge transition until later in life when people would praise me for making that move. I wouldn’t do a damn thing differently either! My life is better than I ever imagined!
Michele Morin
Love your work philosophy — and your outfit!
Thanks so much, Michele! I am definitely living the good life now!
Julie Augustyn
It saddens me that you weren’t able to be true to who you are at a younger age but thrilled that you’re now able to do as you please and that’s good and right for your soul! I’ve always been so blessed to be doing exactly what I know I’m here to do. I love this amazing work outfit you’ve put together! It’s so fun and so you!
Aw, thanks so much, Julie! Don’t feel saddened, my journey brought me right here to my most perfect life so I don’t feel sad at all about any of my experiences! But how great for you that you have been able do the job you love from the beginning! My husband is the same way. But each journey is different and each journey has beautiful and ugly things along the way!
Lets just stop for a minute longer and admire those Vans. Glad you were able to find a job that you felt more comfortable with and give up working in a stressful environment.
Thanks for linking with #pocolo and hope to see you back soon
Thanks so much, Suzanne! Are these Vans just so freaking cool?! How could I resist the clearance sale bargain? Ha. I probably couldn’t have resisted them even if they were full price!
Oh my gosh, Michael Jackson outfit? That is too funny! I also really liked the part about you throwing out all your fucks… I really need to channel some of that. I’ve been telling my dad from a very young age that I will never have one career – I would get so bored! I have too many interests; I am going to have at least 4 or 5 ‘careers’ throughout my lifetime… The two of us talk about that a lot – how my generation is a lot more mobile than previous generations – having kids later, moving more, lots of jobs instead of one career, etc. I mostly dislike my generation, but that mobility is something I really appreciate! I really enjoyed this blog post. Hope you’re having a great week so far!
Grace, thank you so, so much for this comment! I really enjoyed your perspective. I am so glad that your generation has eased up a bit on that overbearing demand that corporate America is the only goal one should have when in college! I love your approach to life after college, too. I have hopped from so many different types of jobs that I have a basic understanding of many, many things which I would not trade for anything! I look forward to seeing what lies in store for you post-graduation!