Affirmations for Confidence and Self Esteem & Link Up On the Edge #252

A few weeks ago, I shared a post about my struggle with reconciling humility and confidence. For my entire life, I believed that one could not be both humble and confident until I had an epiphany that was triggered by this quote…
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”
Rick Warren
These 13 words delivered a powerful punch to my psyche with the very desirable result of helping me to find my own confidence. But finding my confidence completely was not the result of reading one simple quote. It is the result of some really hard introspective work that I have been doing this year.
Back in the spring of 2019 when the whole world shut down, I decided that it was time to implement a daily exercise routine for all of us. Jeff, the boys, and I began doing some gentle beginner yoga in the living room every morning. We started out with the Morning Yoga Movement by Yoga with Kassandra. I absolutely love the way she guides beginners through the yoga sessions. I have tried a few other yoga instructors on YouTube but so far Kassandra is my favorite. We followed along with her Morning Yoga Movement for a few months and then it seemed like everyone lost interest. I kind of grew tired of spending half of my yoga session trying to keep the kids focused which was ruining the effects of yoga for me. So we basically just quit.

Then winter arrived and I fell into one of the deepest depressions I have experienced in the last 15-20 years. It was brutal for me, for my husband, and for my children. I struggled for months with severe anxiety and agoraphobia on top of the awful depression that was literally immobilizing and preventing me from performing even basic life functions.
I continued seeing my counselor every two weeks in an effort to find something that would pull me out of this dark space. I did a room makeover on my cloffice and I did some creative mending to shift my focus, but still I was feeling very defeated and useless. At some point in the middle of January, I was getting really sick and tired of myself and feeling so negative all the damn time. It was time to take real action toward improving my mood and increasing my confidence.
I began taking a daily multi vitamin and a Vitamin D supplement which have helped tremendously with my mood and energy levels. When I realized that I was really missing the grounding and centering effects that I had achieved when I was doing yoga, I committed to a daily practice of at least 30 minutes of yoga. I returned to Kassandra’s YouTube channel knowing that she would be gentle for easing back into an exercise routine. Within about 6 weeks of implementing these changes, I noticed a dramatic improvement in my mood. As my body started to reap the benefit of this work, my brain was more than happy to follow along as I gained more clarity and insight from the changes I was making.

“Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence.”
Vince Lombardi

The more I got into the yoga practices, the more I wanted to dive into the mental part of it. Kassandra has a series of videos that focuses on affirmations and so I started there. At the beginning of each affirmation session, she emphasizes that you should not try to convince yourself to believe the affirmations. Rather, you should merely reflect upon your reactions to the affirmations to determine if that is an area that requires further exploration. With each yoga pose, Kassandra offers an affirmation for consideration while you hold the pose and she encourages you to keep a notebook nearby so you can write down any noteworthy reactions.
I took it a step further, however, and wrote down all of the affirmations to take to my counseling appointments to more thoroughly investigate why I had certain responses to specific affirmations. It was a really fascinating look into my very own psyche and the result has definitely been increased confidence and self esteem.
I am going to share the affirmations from Kassandra’s video, Solar Plexus Chakra Yin Yoga & Affirmations for Confidence & Self-Esteem, with some of the more extreme responses they elicited from me. If you have been struggling with confidence and self esteem, I highly encourage you to simply read through these affirmations and take note of your internal responses to them.

If you are unfamiliar with chakras, it is important to note that the third chakra, the solar plexus chakra, located around the abdomen above the belly button up to the breastbone, provides a source of personal power as it relates to self esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation. When the solar plexus is balanced, you will exude confidence without being arrogant, you will feel self motivated, and you will have a sense of purpose. An imbalance in the solar plexus chakra can physically manifest as fatigue, overeating, weight gain, and digestive issues. An imbalance also causes low self esteem, lack of confidence, and the inability to make decisions. Clearly my solar plexus chakra was in need of some realignment.
Here are the 9 affirmations to investigate for improving your relationship with yourself. Simply pay attention to your internal reactions as you read through them.
Did you take notice of any responses that were stronger than others? For me, affirmations 3-9 simply elicited a gentle nod of agreement. All of those things ring very true to me and so they are areas that do not need much attention since they are already in balance.
However, affirmations 1 and 2 triggered very different and very extreme responses. I struggled with affirmation number 2, “My confidence inspires others,” mostly because I didn’t think that I carried any type of visible confidence to inspire anyone. But affirmation number 1, “I deserve to be seen and heard,” garnered the most drastic internal response as I emphatically declared inside of my head that I absolutely do NOT deserve to be seen and heard.
Honestly, the response itself ignited some concern about the state of my mental health. Why do I feel like I don’t deserve to be seen and heard? I am constantly sharing my words and my images with the world…presumably to be heard and seen, yet I do not feel like I deserve it. It is a very strange contradiction indeed. But I guess I have always thrived on contradictions seeing as the world is filled with them. Learning to live with contradiction can be challenging, but I believe it is necessary to accept the strangeness of our species and the conundrum of the human experience. So I will continue to investigate the diverse emotions that I encounter within myself in order to become the very best version of me.

“Confidence comes from hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication.”
Robert Staubach

As I continue on my path of self exploration and improvement, I am noticing that my self esteem and confidence is improving greatly. I am also realizing that although the work on one’s self can often be very scary and very difficult, it is so worth it when you can rise every morning feeling confident, healthy, and ready to take on the world.
Did you have any extreme responses to these affirmations? I would love to hear about your experience with an exercise like this.
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Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Shirt and Belt-Torrid / Jeans and Necklace-Old / Sneakers-Payless (Old) / Earrings-c/o Anjolee

First off I just love your outfit and these photos! The ones of you hugging the tree are so fun and playful. I find that vitamins, daily exercise (though I hate it while I’m doing it!), and mindful contemplation make such a huge difference in how I feel. #3, 4 , &6 ring truest for me.
Joanne, thanks so much! I have been getting much more playful and silly during my photoshoots lately because I am getting bored with the same old stuff! I struggle with daily exercise, too, but it really does make a huge difference in the way I feel. I definitely can feel the power of numbers 3-9, it is those first two that really caught me off guard! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Kathrine Eldridge
Thank you for sharing all of this Shelbee! I am so glad you are on upswing of things. Praying that you start to believe one and two. I love these affirmations. I need to work on 6 big time. Love this classic look and thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I really appreciate this comment and the prayers! And I am sending prayers and positive energy your way to help you with the self care one! I don’t struggle as much with that one. I keep reminding myself that I only get one body and one life and I better take good care of it if I want to make the best of this life. Also, if I don’t respect myself, it makes it kind of difficult for others to respect me. Those gentle reminders often help to keep me on track. I hope you have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
Great ideas. I find that positive thinking makes a huge difference for me. BTW I love your header – you look amazing against the green!
Aw, thanks so much, Carol! I just took some new photos in front of that green wall in case I need to change my header for a quick refresh. It’s a really good wall. It is a convenience store in my town of all things! The power of positive thinking is a real, proven thing. I am not sure why so many of us, including myself, struggle so much with maintaining positivity. I guess it’s just the nature of being human. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
That knotted top looks so good on you and it’s great you’ve found an exercise routine that works for you! With my knee injury it makes a lot of exercise hard, even yoga, but with walking the dog and running around with the kids I make sure to be active every day – it really does make a difference and is a good mood booster I think! 🙂
Hope you are having a good week 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! I bought this cute top in a dark reddish and white tie dye as well. But I haven’t worn it yet. They are very soft and comfortable! For years I had convinced myself that all of my old injuries from youth and college athletics prevented me from exercising. I was so happy to find ways to do yoga without aggravating the broken parts! I have been blessed that none of my injuries involve weight bearing joints like my knees. That is a serious struggle, I’m sure! I am glad that you found ways to stay active with your knee injury. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I like that she wants you to notice your responses rather than repeat the affirmations. #2 and #8 are out of balance for me which almost seems contradictory to the others. Love this darling summer outfit! Your tie-dye top is so cute!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Jill, thanks so much for sharing your responses to some of these affirmations. I also really like the way she emphasizes that you are not to try to convince yourself that these things are true, but only to notice your reactions to them. I found that to be a much more effective way to implement useful affirmations. Definitely some of my responses were contradictory as well, but I guess that is just more proof that we humans are very complicated! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
They are lovely trainers Shelbee. Have a lovely weekend xx
Thanks so much, Laurie! I bought them a few years ago for only $5! I have definitely gotten my money’s worth! Have a lovely weekend, my friend.
This post speaks to me so much. I’ve been working on myself for a while now. Really need to check out Kassandra’s videos. I’ve been working on my root chakra and shadow work since I’ve had multiple readings and they basically all say that. This week, did this inner child shadow work meditation where I was 10 years old. I started to cry while doing it, but I felt so much better afterwards.
Curated By Jennifer
Oh wow, Jennifer, thanks so much for sharing this! Definitely check out Kassandra’s series on Chakras! Most of them are affirmation based and I find that I can get really centered with them. I have a friend who is an energy healer and I sometimes go to her as well, but I haven’t seen her since before this pandemic business. However, I have learned much from her which has made it easier for me to do some of this work alone. Basically, every time that I have done an energy healing session, my throat and sacral chakras are the ones that need the most realignment…so my self confidence and my voice are the areas where I need the most work and it absolutely makes sense. I am fascinated by this idea of shadow work. I have to read more about it! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
So glad you are finding what works for you. Excersise for me is a huge part of my mental health!
Thanks so much, Tamar! Exercise is absolutely key for overall health. I don’t know why I have resisted it for so long!
Kellyann Rohr
I am loving this post Shelbee for so many reasons! Thrilled for you that you made connections and dug deeper within yourself using these affirmations. I just subscribed to Kassandra’s channel – I need to do yoga for streching and all the other benefits it offers and this sounds perfect. I cannot wait to try – thank you for sharing!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! I think you are really going to like Kassandra. She is so great leading beginners through it all, too. I have tried other yoga channels and I always compare them to Kassandra and so far none have lived up to my Kassandra-standard! Haha. Let me know what you think once you get into it!
What a deep person you are, Shelbee! Thank you so much for sharing! I am thinking to try yoga all the time, maybe this time just came, thanks to you. #7 and #9 ring for me.
Thanks so much, Tatiana! Yoga has been so helpful for me both physically and mentally. I have tried so many different combinations of exercise over the years, but daily yoga targeted for whatever my needs are that day has been the only thing that has really stuck. Kassandra is perfect for beginners, too. She explains everything in the clearest way. Let me know if you try some of her videos! Have a fabulous day!
Thanks for the feature Shelbee! I have been feeling a burst of creativity lately with my blog posts and I liked how these really quick pictures came out.
You’re welcome, my friend! I can see all the creativity shining through your photos recently! I love how much fun you are having experimenting with your wardrobe. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
I love the quote about humility at the beginning of your post, Shelbee! Thanks for sharing these wonderful affirmations. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Thanks so much, Katie! I just had that quote printed on a Mapiful poster and it hangs right outside of my cloffice as a reminder! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Love this soft pastel tie dyed shirt on you, and your fun and playful poses on this post! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with affirmations and your yoga practice with us. I am a big fan of meditation and do guided meditation every day for whatever I feel I need most at the time. I find it very healing and helpful for chakra balancing and focusing on a positive mindset. Congratulations to you for digging deep into self awareness and improvement-it is a challenging life-long process. I struggle most with numbers 1 and 9. For me, feelings associated with these are the deepest rooted and hardest to shake. Enjoy the weekend!
Di, thank you so much for the compliment and for sharing your experience with these types of practices. I need to add a short guided mediation to the end of my yoga sessions. I do them every once in a while, but I am certain that meditation would be much more beneficial if I did it more consistently. But like you said, it is all a lifelong process and one that I am really enjoying so I will keep tweaking it as I go! I think affirmation 1 seems to be hanging up a lot of people. It has to be the word deserve. It stinks of entitlement to me and I guess I just don’t like that word! But even if I feel like I don’t deserve to be seen and heard, it hasn’t stopped me from sharing all my stuff with the world! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Lauren Renee Sparks
Yoga with Adriene is my fave on YouTube. You should give her a try too!
Thanks, Lauren! I will definitely check out Yoga with Adriene! I have done most of Kassandra’s videos multiple times by now so a little change up and variety might be nice. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
First, before I forget, thank you so much for the link-party, Shelbee!
I love your “tree-hugger” picture – those jeans are awesome on you!
It’s funny what triggers us in such an extreme way, isn’t it? I struggle with #4, standing up for myself. I am a people-pleaser (even just figuring that out, and accepting and loving myself for that took years!), and I tend to subsume my own desires for others’, and so I am pre-disposed to be a target for bullies. I am working on it – the whole “deserve” thing is difficult for me too.
Big hugs to you, my dear friend!
Sheila, thank you so much for this lovely comment and for sharing your thoughts on these affirmations. Strangely, I have no problem standing up for myself or others, but I do struggle with that word “deserve.” To me, it has a sense of entitlement behind it and entitlement makes me all sorts of cringey! I definitely have been a target for bullies in my lifetime though, but now I have no problem just walking away from any kind of bully situation without giving one single fuck about it! I have always been a people pleaser as well, but ever since turning 40, I have found the word “no” to be much easier to say than it ever was before. In fact, I just published an article yesterday on Medium on that exact topic! You can read it here if you are interested. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Big hugs right back at ya!
Lucy Bertoldi
All this is so good for you Shelbee- wonderful! I need to get into doing Yoga as well…but I have no focus and attention!! Very difficult for me. This Kassandra though sounds pretty good!
Thanks so much, Lucy! Oh my goodness, yoga will help you with focus and attention! I struggle with shutting my mind down to focus during yoga as well, but the instructors offer lots of suggestions for keeping focused while you are doing it. There are lots of breathing techniques to bring your attention to the practice itself. But my mind wanders constantly when I am doing yin yoga practices. The faster practices like a vinyasa flow require more attention on the movement and getting into the poses that I don’t have much time for my mind to wander. Start out small with like a 10-15 minute yoga workout and build from there. If you do get into it, I would love to hear about your experience!
I am so glad you’re feeling better! I’ve been considering yoga myself. Maybe I just need to get after it. So just for the record, your confidence does inspire others. As for myself #1 was a puzzler for me. I got caught up in the definition of “deserve.” Who decides that? I know the affirmation is to designed for you to decide for yourself that you “deserve” to be seen and heard. But the reality is, if I have something that needs to be said, I’m going to say it whether I deem myself deserving or not. And maybe that is knowing that I deserve to be heard. It’s an interesting exercise – monitoring my reactions. I had a lot of, ‘I don’t know.”
Great post!
Michelle, thanks so much for sharing your reactions to the affirmations and for validating what I do! I think the word deserve is what hung me up so badly, too. It has such a strong feeling of entitlement behind it and I cringe at entitlement. I seem to always get hung up on the words and their underlying connotations. It is a really interesting exercise though just to note your reactions to the words. As I went through the affirmations, I found myself nodding or simply saying “Meh” inside of my head to most of them. She mentions that if your reaction is that then you don’t need work in that area. It is those big powerful emotional reactions that require investigation. And that one that hung me up really elicited a pretty extreme response inside of my head. As for getting back to yoga, I had to really approach it as a counseling session for my body and mind in order to really embrace it. When I was approaching it as exercise, I never wanted to do it! Just a little perspective shift and I have been able to keep consistent with it. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Ooh! Great way to reframe the yoga – from exercise to counseling. I’m going to remember that!
Hehe thanks! It really did work for me!
Darlene A Messinger
Great post, Shelbee. Your state of mind has been very apparent over the last year and you have truly turned the corner. Good for you for always being willing to bring it out and write about it so that others can learn, too. Thanks for sharing Kassandra’s videos–they are great and I can’t wait to try a few! I’ve done yoga off and on over the years and every time I go back to being a beginner. The affirmation process is powerful! And finally, yes to Vitamin D. I think back to how pale and sickly my brothers and I were growing up in Michigan during those long winters. If only we’d known about D!! We’ve come a long way in the knowledge and health department, to be sure. Thanks for sharing your process and your journey. Oh, and you look cute in wide-leg crops, my friend!
xx Darlene
Darlene, thank you so very much for this wonderful comment. I have always approached my blog as a personal journal of sorts and a way to share my journey in the hopes that it can help and inspire others. It is so validating to learn that what I do does have an impact. The yoga and supplements have been almost magical the way my mental state has improved. I still classify myself as a beginner when it comes to yoga though. Every once in a while I can manage an intermediate level session, but I think it probably takes years of consistency to even get to intermediate! We definitely have come a long way in our knowledge about the human body and psyche. But then again, people have been doing yoga for its health benefits for thousands of years (apparently yoga dates back at least 5,000 years with some historians claiming it could be 10,000 years). Sometimes the ancient methods really do work best! Have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you for sharing the struggle you’ve been going through and the insights that you’ve gained. I, for one, am inspired by your openness, your honesty, and your humanity. I see you and hear you.
Rena, thank you so much, my sweet friend! I really appreciate that. Have a great weekend.
Laura Bambrick
Those affirmations and our responses are very thought provoking! I am going to need to spend some time on that because I know I’ve suffered from confidence issues throughout my life.Thanks for sharing those!
Laura, thanks so much for reading. It really is a very interesting exercise just paying attention to your reactions. It definitely gave me lots to think about and discuss in my counseling sessions! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Looking cute as ever. I love tie dye. I wish I could do yoga. It makes me sooo dizzy because I have baaaaad vertigo. So it’s deep breathes for me!
Have a great weekend 🙂
Thanks so much, Natalie! Oh that sounds terrible! I have only ever experienced vertigo in really high places. I am dreadfully afraid of heights and it can trigger vertigo very quickly for me which is bad, bad, bad when you are up really high! I once had to make my way down a very tall, very old, very windy staircase in an old library on my butt! Like bumping down one step at a time because the vertigo when I got to the top of the staircase got so bad that I couldn’t even see the steps to get back down. It was awful and really embarrassing but really quite funny in hindsight. Anyway, I digress, but I can totally understand that vertigo would make yoga very difficult! Deep breathing is a great alternative. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Aletha Oglesby, M.D.
Shelbee, I applaud you for addressing your depression in positive ways and showing us how much our attitude and lifestyle contributes to our well being. I find the first step in overcoming depression is recognizing it in the first place. Thanks for sharing your journey. I shared a post I wrote about a friend’s experience with post partum depression; she also freely shares her story to help others.
Aletha, thank you so much for this wonderfully validating comment. This is exactly why I share my journey so I can help others and lead by example. Life is hard and we have to help each other where and when we can! I find my purpose in sharing my stories and experiences. I look forward to reading your post about your friend’s experience. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Love this Shelbee! Your outfit and the topic on your post. It’s true that confidence is something that takes constant work.
Xx, Nailil
Thanks so much, Nailil! It really is a lifelong process with many peaks and valleys when it comes to self confidence. I hope you are having a lovely weekend.
So glad you discovered yoga last year when you needed it! It’s what helped me through some stress/ anxiety issues that increased my heart rate to the point where my doctor wanted to put me on blood pressure meds. Being someone that REALLY doesn’t like to take anything, I decided to start yoga and pilates, and they both have been just what I needed.
Back then I wanted to purchase a book to learn more about the Chakras but I never did. Maybe I’ll check out our library as I still want to learn more about the subject.
Great pictures here btw, love this casual look on you!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thank you so much, Ellie! Yoga has helped my blood pressure issues as well. I used to take medication for it but I also hate having to take daily medications if I can find more natural and healthier ways to not take any medications. I was able to get off the medicine about 2 years ago through some other lifestyle changes, but yoga definitely helps to maintain my blood pressure. I should look into some reading material about chakra work as well. I usually just search the internet for articles when I want to know something about it. But I haven’t really gotten too deep into learning much more than that. Let me know if you find some worthwhile reading material on the topic. Have a fabulous weekend!
Patrick Weseman
That is so very cool. Love this post. I struggle with my confidence a lot. I love the affirmations. I pretty much deicded to “Shut Off the Noise” from other people as they were always picking apart what I do and how I do it in things I do.
I think it is important to affirm the good things about each of us. A lot of time I have trouble with Number 3 due to a lot of factors.
Thanks for this post and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Patrick, thanks so much for reading and sharing your experience and reactions to some of these affirmations. I have shut all that noise out as well, but our brains to do tend to hold onto all the negative things that people have ever said about us. And then it perpetuates into a never ending tape on replay on your head. I have been doing all sorts of exercises like this for years to try to rewrite that inner tape in my head. But man, it is a lifetime’s worth of work, isn’t it?! I hope you are enjoying your weekend, my friend!
Jean | Delightful Repast
Shelbee, I’m so sorry you’ve been having these struggles, but glad you have found things that help. Your story will help countless others, I’m sure. Thank you for hosting the linkup. I’m #65 today with my big batch Pull-Apart Potato Dinner Rolls. I like to include them in my “care packages” when I deliver a meal to friends or neighbors for various reasons AND keep some for myself, of course!
Thank you so much, Jean! Struggles are just part of living and I feel an obligation to share when I find things that can help make the struggle a little less! I am looking forward to trying your pull apart rolls! I will definitely let you know when I do!
Oh wow! This was such an amazing post! I would have never guessed that things were that bad, but I’m glad that you have found the things that help you.
I will have to check out those yoga videos they sound like something I might like. I have tried some yoga videos 7-8 years ago, but for some reason I just quit after a month.
I will also have to bookmark those affirmations.
Thanks again for this wonderful post!
Thanks so much, Leelo! I hope it didn’t make it sound like things are horrible in my life! It is actually all really good even when I am struggling. Struggle is just part of the game of life! But I do like to share where I struggle and what I have found that has worked for me in case it can help make things easier for others who might be experiencing the same. Yoga has been so wonderful for me and both my physical and mental health. I just shared another post today about the sacral chakra and some affirmations for creativity and sensuality. Have a fabulous day!
Karen Friday
Enjoyed this post! I’ve always liked that particular quote by Rick Warren. It really does marry humility and confidence. Cute outfit and photos, especially like the shoes!
Thank you so much, Karen! I have that quote hanging on my office wall and it is a wonderful reminder every day to keep me balanced!
Stephanie 139a
That’s a great quote – thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo
Thanks so much, Stephanie! It is one of my favorites!
I hear you. I tend to go through stages with all of these, at the moment I’m struggling with no 6. It’s given me some food for thought.
Thanks for sharing with #pocolo and hope to see you back again soon
Thanks so much, Suzanne! I definitely have different reactions to each affirmation depending on the day! They are a really great way to get a bit more introspective and dig a little deeper into understanding what makes us who we are. I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Stellar Homes developers
Love these affirmations! Boosting confidence and self-esteem is so important. Thanks for sharing such positive and empowering words!
Thanks so much! Have an empowered day!