Adventures in Thrifting Part 7: Brown Pinstriped Pant Suit & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #210

I have been feeling frazzled lately due to my lack of motivation. It seems to come in short spurts when I can be super productive and accomplish all sorts of things with efficiency and ease. Then suddenly after just a few short hours of productivity, I feel like I have been pummeled by a tractor trailer and may never come back to life!
I have implemented all sorts of activities into my daily living to help me through the tired and the defeat. Things like tweaking my diet, doing yoga, and sticking to a regular sleep schedule have certainly helped me feel more balanced overall. But I need more energy and drive. Just yesterday, I began a 21 day healthy challenge with my dear friend Chrissy of Granola & Grace. It is nice to have a friend for support and guidance and we are both so excited to start this journey to healthier living. I am hoping it will perk me up a bunch and make me feel 20 years younger! Stay tuned as I am certain we will both be sharing our experiences with this challenge.
But today’s post is not about healthy living, it is about my adventures in thrifting! I usually save these posts for my Friday Link Up On the Edge, but like I said, I am frazzled and unmotivated and have no other content ideas at the moment.

So let’s get to the suit…I mentioned it briefly in yesterday’s post, The Thrifty Six in Whatever “Suits” Us. I had gone on a thrifting adventure a few week’s ago in search of a suit for our Thrifty Six style challenge. But since you still cannot try things on in the thrift shops, I ended up bringing home three different suit sets, hoping at least one would work…this pant suit, the pleated skirt suit that you saw yesterday, and the black velvet pant suit that I wore two weeks ago for my post, Date Night at Home.
This brown pant suit is a vintage Jones New York set likely from the late 1990’s or early 2000’s. It is kind of freaking me out to call 1990’s clothing vintage, but it fits the definition of the word and so I am sticking with it. The generally accepted industry definition of vintage includes any garments made between 20-100 years ago. If clothing is older than 100 years, it is considered antique. So according to the industry definition, clothing made as late as 2001 would be considered vintage. Say what?????
I was really drawn to the chocolate brown color of this suit and the teeny tiny pinstripes (which may not be visible in the photos). The stripes are white and a lovely shade of mint green. I ended up also finding this teal turtleneck sweater on the same thrifting adventure and it was the perfect accent to the pinstripes. I also picked up a silk turtleneck sweater in a light teal green that coordinates perfectly and will be wonderful for styling this suit in the spring.
The style of the pant suit reminds me of the suits I wore back in my Wall Street days with the wide legged trousers and shorter style blazer. And while I had plenty of footwear that would look amazing with this outfit, I always scour the shoe racks on my thrifting trips because you never know what goodness you may find. And what goodness I did find! These beautiful Etienne Aigner booties in a dark brown shiny leather. They have a little bit of wear and tear, but for $6 I couldn’t resist.

Speaking of cost, the suit was $9.99 but was half off the day I shopped so that was a steal. The turtleneck sweater was $4.99. And he boots were $5.99. So I was able to purchase a new to me suit, sweater, and boots for less than $16.
When I got home to try it all on, I was disappointed that the pants are tad too big. Easy enough to solve with a belt but they have no belt loops! I had considered sewing some belt loops on but I don’t wear suits very often so I don’t feel like committing to that project. Instead I reached for my handy obi belt c/o Chico’s from a few years back and it was just the right hack to keep my pants from falling down! Now if only I had remembered to zip my trousers before taking the photos!
I didn’t realize my pants were completely unzipped the entire time until I was getting undressed and reached for the zipper to undo it…discovering it had never been done in the first place! It brings to mind one of the very first times I had to present a training course to a room full of seasoned financial advisors back in those Wall Street days.
I literally had no idea what I was teaching them. I feigned confidence and knowledge like a pro and delivered a fairly interesting class on a very boring topic (The USA Patriot Act and money laundering in the immediate wake of the September 11 attacks).
I only know it was fairly interesting because the feedback submitted to my boss from the class participants said so. Perhaps they felt sorry for me though and that is the reason for their rave reviews! Why would they feel sorry for me, you may be wondering. At the end of my tedious presentation, I looked down and realized that my zipper had been unzipped during the entire time that I was standing in front of dozens of experienced businessmen (yes, they were all men, not another woman in the room except me).
Never being one to feel too embarrassed and very quickly on the ready to laugh at my own follies, as soon as I noticed my gaping fly hole, I promptly stated out loud to the entire room, all eyes still on me, “Hey guys, thanks for letting me stand up here for an hour and a half with my fly wide open. I hope it wasn’t too much of a distraction!” And then I zipped my fly and went on my merry way.

Has that ever happened to you? A wardrobe malfunction in front of more people than you would like to witness such things? As far as my undone zipper at home, no big deal. But when you are in any kind of spotlight and your clothing goes awry, you can either be embarrassed or laugh it off. I suppose I will always choose to just laugh it off! But a more important question, would you let the instructor know her fly was undone or would you just let her keep rambling on unaware?
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Joanne of Slices of Life shared her post, My Love Language. I really enjoy reading about the ways in which different people speak and receive love. Some appreciate words of love while others prefer gifts or acts of service as the best way to communicate love. I think we are all different in our expressions of love with different people as well whether it is our significant others, our children, our friends, or family members. Each loving relationship is as unique as the love language that is spoken. Such a fascinating read! Do you what your love language is?

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Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style shared her post, Glitter Sweater & Fancy Friday Linkup, featuring this beautiful monochromatic outfit in navy blue. I love the different textures and fabrics that Nancy incorporated into this look. Absolutely gorgeous, my friend.

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Alison of Midlife and Beyond shared her post, Menopause, HRT and Me. I cannot adequately express my gratitude to Alison for speaking about these uncomfortable topics like women’s midlife issues and menopause. It is a thing that happens to nearly half of the population of humans on planet earth yet it is still considered a topic that we shouldn’t discuss. I say hogwash! And so does Alison. We have to join together and help one another through the trying events of womanhood by sharing our stories and what has worked for us. Thank you, Alison, for opening the discussion.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Pant Suit (Jones New York), Turtleneck, and Boots (Etienne Aigner)-Thrifted /Obi Belt-c/o Chico’s / Hair Stick, Necklace, Earrings, and Brooch-Old

Loving this conservative look on you Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Laurie! It’s a little out of my element, but I do enjoy venturing there sometimes!
Thank you so much for featuring my Love Languages post! I love a good pantsuit and this one looks great on you… and I never would have known your fly was down if you hadn’t pointed it out.
Thanks so much, Joanne! I was glad that you couldn’t see my open fly in the photos. There were a few seated poses where it was obvious and I had to ditch those! I woke up this morning thinking about your love language post because I think I may want to incorporate a discussion about love languages into an upcoming post where the style challenge was romantic outfits. Time to start brainstorming as that post is scheduled for this Thursday!
I would have been mortified if I had stood in front of an audience with my zipper undone but you handled it perfectly when you noticed! What a great response! It’s crazy to think that clothing from the ’90s is now considered vintage. Your suit reminds me of one I use to wear back then. Love the addition of the belt!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I think that I have gotten used to embarrassing moments! I might just be one of those people who ridiculous things happen to frequently, so I have learned to laugh it all off for my own sanity. Haha. These days I have been wearing mostly leggings so I don’t have to worry too much about zipper malfunctions! And it really is crazy that the clothing I wore after I graduated from college would be considered vintage. Too bad I don’t still own some of it! Although I doubt anything from those days would fit me these days. Have a fabulous day, my friend!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
What!! Love love love this outfit!!!!
Thanks so much, Tamar! This was a serious flashback to my NYC days!
Kathrine Eldridge
I have never had a wardrobe malfunction like that but you handled it like a pro. What another amazing find with this suit! That obi belt is amazing with the pants. Thanks for the link up my friend! Good luck on your health journey. I am also trying to be healthy by starting intermittent fasting for 30 days. Can’t wait to hear about your progress.
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I think I have had enough wardrobe malfunctions for the both of us! Haha. I wish you much luck on your healthy journey as well! I have been practicing intermittent fasting for a few months now. I only eat between noon and 7:00 p.m. It helped me lose the 15 pounds that I gained at the beginning of this pandemic. I have reached a plateau though so it is time for me to start implementing some dietary changes. Although I was intermittently fasting, I wasn’t eating the healthiest foods during those hours. Just a little trick that helped me with the fasting…usually around 9:30 or 10:00 a.m. I start getting really hungry which sometimes leads to mild nausea. That is when I make sure to drink lots of water. It holds off the hunger for a few more hours and obviously hydrates as well which is a big issue for me. I am looking forward to hearing about your progress and results as well!
That’s a really smart suit and the Obi belt sets it off, well done Shelbee. Would look fabulous with a cream top underneath for the Spring.
Thanks so much, Pamela! I do have a really pale mint green silky turtleneck that is lovely with it for Spring. And I also grabbed an ivory lightweight turtleneck on the same thrifting trip that works with it as well. Now if only we will have somewhere to go by the Spring, then I will really bring my wardrobe out to play!
Gwen Gottlieb
I’m exactly the same way. Brimming with energy for days, and then give me the couch! Love the way you styled your brown suit! So many fab accessories!
Thanks so much, Gwen! Honestly, that is a relief to learn that I am not alone with my sporadic bursts of energy followed by lethargic fatigue! I blame premenopause. It is kicking my butt.
Haha, what a great comment you made to those men! Fabulous! I’ll bet they all thought, what a badass women is that! The shopping angels must have felt for you that they to find such a bargain! I love pinstriped suits and in brown it’s even better! And those booties!! Wow, they look fantastic. I am glad the finance business was not for you, otherwise we never would have enjoyed your writing skills!
Aw, Nancy, thanks so much, my friend! Somehow I did command some respect from the men in that business. I was so young and inexperienced but I learned how to fake my confidence to trick them all into thinking I knew what the heck I was doing! Haha. I still do that…I trick you all into thinking that I actually know how to do life. I do love writing and I wrote lots of training manuals back then. Not the same, I know, but that was my writing expertise straight out of law school! I am so glad that I am out of the business world now, too.
Pinstriped suits have always appealed to me and while I don’t wear brown very often, I do like it. Of course, the tiny green stripes helped to sell me on this suit as well!
You look great in that suit!!! And you handled the zipper like a pro. I don’t think I would’ve handled it that well.
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I always maintain my sense of humor in embarrassing situations! It’s the only way to not die from embarrassment. LOL.
The belt was a perfect addition and practical too. I don’t think I have ever owned a suit. With teaching, I dressed a little more casual. I have a hard time sticking with anything food wise, I tried intermittent fasting but I never last longer than 2 weeks so instead am trying to make some small tweaks to my habits. Replacing 3 of my coffee days with a smoothie (fruit, almond milk, protein powder and either kale or spinach) for breakfast, stopping my eating by 6:30 and increasing my exercising. Yesterday, one of my neighbors whom I had never met contacted me through our facebook group to give me some food, and her first reaction when she saw me was that I looked smaller in person: it made me feel good lol! I really don’t want to buy new clothes but I know from my last checkup that I need to watch my sugars and cholesterol if I don’t want to have health issues as I get older. But today, I am having 2 croissants with my smoothie! Spent the day with 5 boys yesterday at the aquarium and that was easy but the drive in the crazy rain wasn’t: mommy needs a little pick me up today! Sometimes I wonder if the kids realize that I take them places not for me but for them!
Mireille, thanks so much for your lovely comment and sharing your healthy goals! Once I got into the pattern of intermittent fasting, it really hasn’t been too difficult for me. But I never was much of a breakfast person anyway, so I generally have a breakfast smoothie around noon and then dinner around 6:00. If I get super hungry before noon, I will chug a bottle of water and that helps curb it until afternoon. I try to stop eating after 6:00 pm but I do get late night munchies sometimes. Sometimes I can resist them, but when PMS hits, it is way harder to say no to the junk foods! It sounds like a great time at the aquarium but I can totally understand the mom fatigue that comes in the aftermath! I have also been told that I look smaller in person and it made me feel good but also confused me a little bit because I think I look smaller in photos. But hey, I have to learn to just graciously accept the compliments! Good luck on your healthy journey! I will be here cheering you on as I get my butt in better shape, too.
Pam Ecrement
Love this vintage look. Reminds me of what I used to wear professionally to the office. The color sweater goes so well with the suit! Hope you have amazing success with Granola and Grace journey!
Thanks so much, Pam! This is exactly the kind of style I wore to the office during my days in the corporate world!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Cute outfit! Did you lighten your hair? Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with MY AMAZON SHOPPING. I’m also hosting some link parties, won’t you drop by?
Thanks so much, Dee! I actually just recently dyed my hair and these photos were from just before that so all my gray is showing making it appear it lighter! I will be by soon to check out the new link parties!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
You found some fabulous pieces on this thrifting adventure! The teal looks so good paired with the brown suit and love the belt you added to make it work.
I usually laugh at myself too, but not sure how I would have handled that particular zipper situation especially at that age! You handled it perfectly!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks so much, Ellie! I am having so much fun thrifting and sharing my adventures with you all! The obi belt definitely saved the pants from a tragic ending. I have always been one to laugh through uncomfortable situations! I learned that from my dad. He had the best sense of humor ever and never hesitated to laugh at himself. In fact, when he died, I literally laughed my way through his funeral, telling jokes and sharing ridiculous stories about him. I was only 20 when he passed away so I think by the time I worked on Wall Street in my mid-20’s I had already laughed my way through more tragic situations than an open fly! Perspective is everything, right? I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Laura Bambrick
I think that obi belt was made for that suit! I love the light brown contrast and edginess it adds. And that pretty teal is lovely on you! This was such a great find!
Thanks so much, Laura! I was really happy with how the obi belt solved the pants problem! And I do love teal. I need to wear it more often but it seems hard to come by. I hope your week is going well!
Nora Minassian
Wow Shelbee what a fab look on you! Love the whole outfit and such a sophisticated color combo that totally works.
Thanks so much, Nora! I really like browns and greens/blues together. I was really happy with how beautiful this teal sweater paired with the brown suit.
That suit and top look fantastic together. I too, rush around accomplishing so much. Then crash. I’m learning to regulate my time, have some things that I must do each day – morning and evening rituals, small ones!! and allow myself shorter periods of time to be intense when I’m doing a project. But that’s what’s working for me, I imagine that others are more something or rather.
Ratnamurti, thanks so much. Oh it gets super irritating when I wake up all full of energy and motivation and then crash before lunchtime! I was waking up around 4:00-4:30 every morning and accomplishing lots by lunchtime so I didn’t mind the crash. But the past few weeks have found me sleeping until 6:30 some mornings which is a huge difference in my productivity time and I still crash by lunch! I have been doing my daily yoga sessions around the time that I feel my motivation lacking. It helps to get me back on track and re-centered. But sometimes it also helps me to relax and concede that I am done for the day with no stress or shame. It is all a matter of trial and error, I guess, until we find what works for us!
Christina Morley
I love women’s pants suits! You look fab in that vintage one. You’re so brave to handle an embarrassing moment so well! Thanks for always hosting a great hop!
Thanks so much, Tina! I love pant suits as well but I do remember how they were still sometimes frowned upon on Wall Street even in the early 2000’s. Business women were still very much expected to wear skirt suits with hosiery! So strange to me! But we have come a really long way since then.
Hey girl hey! You are a thrifting genius! I love this suit- and it def freaks me out that 90s is vintage, lol, but here we are.
Le Stylo Rouge
Thanks so much, Ashley! Seriously, where did the time go? I feel like it was the 90’s such a short time ago. But nope, thirty years has flown by without my even noticing!
linda cassidy
OMG I had to do a double take because this year in my purge, I got rid of 11 bags of clothes and 120 pairs of shoes. One of my toss items a brown pant suit and I swear it was your suit. Mine did not have cuffed pants but OMG. I am going to ding a picture and share. Lo9oks great on you
Thanks so much, Linda! That is hilarious! Do you remember the approximate year of your suit? I am thinking early 2000’s. I would love to see yours if you have a photo!
Shelbee, isn’t weird that the clothes of our “era” are now vintage? And I must say, you’re still rocking the look. Don’t be dismayed that the trousers are a bit roomy; apparently, that’s a current trend. I had a similar “suit” from a line of separates back in the day. I had four pieces to mix and match and I still have the long jacket/blazer/coat. Besides picking up a color of the stripes, I also liked how well the pieces worked with black. The display in the store had shown an ensemble of the pieces that way and that was my introduction to the combination of brown and black.
Thanks so much, Rena! It really is so odd to think that clothing I wore as an adult is now considered vintage! Eek. Where did the time go? I do like roomy, oversized trousers and I have some other ideas for styling these suit pieces separately. Oooh, I remember the long line blazers from that era, too. I had a bunch of the coordinating long blazers that went with shift dresses. I had a beautiful navy blue set like that and I remember one day my friend picked me up for work as we were on traveling assignment together and she was wearing the exact same dress and long blazer! Since we were at my house and running late, I had to go change into something else because we looked ridiculous in our corporate uniforms. Haha. I started appreciating brown and black together when I worked at Talbots back in the 90’s. I remember learning all sorts of new color combinations during my retail years. Another one that I love that I learned back then is camel and gray together. I just love it. I hope you are having a wonderful week, my friend!
I LOVE thrifting! I was at Platos yesterday on my day off dropping off a few items I don’t wear anymore and turned around and bought a new shirt for $4 bucks! Wish I took a picture of my outfit today but I was non stop go go go!
I love this whole outfit and your hair! I am a sucker for buns. That’s my go-to hairstyle. Especially when I haven’t washed my hair in days.
Thanks, Natalie! Thrifting is so much fun! I do not have a Plato’s Closet near me but we do have some pretty fabulous thrift shops here. Maybe you will photograph your new preloved shirt and share it on your blog soon. I would love to see it! I am so enjoying all the people out there who love thrifting as much as I do! Have a fabulous day.
Sheila (of Ephemera)
This suit is amazing on you! Definitely early 00s – no more shoulder pads (or very small ones for structure), the straight legs, but still mid-rise waist. I used to have a very similar one, also in brown! What a score! I know, still shaking my head over early 00s being called vintage. I was willing to cede the 80s, and I’m only reluctantly giving the 90s vintage status, but the 00s? Step away!
I’d love to see suits really come back, as a sort of backlash on all the casual pandemic fashion – maybe in a few years!
Thanks so much, Sheila! I am absolutely fascinated by your knowledge of the particular styles from each decade! I will be deferring to you from now on when I am unsure of a garment’s age and/or vintage status! It is crazy to call clothing from the 2000’s vintage. It is crazy calling clothing from the 1990’s vintage as well. It seems like yesterday not “vintage years ago”! I am with you in hoping to see a resurgence of suits and dressier styles in the aftermath of pandemic fashion!
Haha! You make me laugh, Shelbee! Yes, I’ve had all kinds of odd things happen while taking photos. I always tell my “professional” photographer–my husband, who I hire for free–that it is HIS job to spot these things! Lol! Mostly, my dogs like to photobomb with their rears to the camera. Ugh. Anyway, that suit is incredible on you, Lady Wall Street! You sure know how to put it together with that gorgeous green sweater…and the jewelry…and the obi belt…and the boots! I can’t believe you found all those pieces for $16! Incredible! I bought a very cool 70s dress on Etsy (with your inspiration!) and it is so vintage (thanks for the explanation). However, it’s too big! My tailor gal isn’t working and I think it will be pretty expensive, so there goes my adventures in thrifting! Lol! Oh, well. I’ll have to try again.
xx Darlene
Thanks, Darlene! I am so glad to give you a good laugh! Seriously, why did my husband not notice my gaping fly hole?! That is his job. Haha. But it really was only visible in a few of the seated photos. I have to admit that photobombing pets showing off their butts is kind of funny and entertaining! We could all learn a lesson from them…don’t be afraid to show it all in front of the camera? LOL
What a bummer about your new thrifted vintage dress. Maybe you can find a novice seamstress who will charge a little less or nothing at all. One of my friends who was trying to hone her seamstress skills used to alter a bunch of my things for practice. I figured I couldn’t wear them the way they were and I wasn’t going to pay for alterations so if she messed up and ruined the garment, no big deal since I couldn’t wear it anyway. And if she got it right, then my garment was fixed and wearable! It eased her of the stress of being afraid to mess up and she did all of it brilliantly. She was happy for the practice and I was happy for the free alterations. And then she moved to Virginia! Anyway, maybe you can find someone like that!
Great finds Shelbee and loving the colour palette! The tie waist belt is a great solution to no belt loops. Sometimes I like wearing thick belts that don’t fit in the loops so I just wear them over too.
I hope you find your energy soon, funny how life throws these moments at you – I see it as a chance to refresh and rediscover yourself. Good luck with the challenge x
Thank you so much, JC! I don’t wear brown often but was really drawn to this color palette as well. I like the idea of wearing wider belts without using belt loops. I have to keep that in mind next time I am trying to jam a too wide belt through too skinny belt loops! Life is funny and sometimes annoying! Haha. I really would like some more energy. I think it is a combination of premenopause, PMS, lockdown, and a very cold and snowy winter that are all contributing to making me feel like a giant slug! But I am sticking with my healthy challenge, for sure! It can only help me really. Have a fabulous day!
Can I just say boss babe vibes?! You look great in this suit Shelbee and what a super steal! I can relate to feeling unmotivated too. My time has been hijacked by my son’s remote learning and I feel like I am in a rut. I can’t think straight most days and feel so drained. I know it won’t be like this forever so hang in there and one day at a time, right?
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so much, my friend! Oh, I can totally relate to my time being hijacked by remote learning. And then the schedules keep changing so I never know what’s going on. As soon as we got used to the hybrid schedule, they switched to full remote. As soon as we got used to full remote, they switched back to hybrid. I have not been alone in my house in so long that I forget what solitude feels like. And I am craving solitude in a huge way! I hope this can’t last forever, but who the heck knows anymore. I think we have no choice but to hang in there and do our best and give ourselves some grace when it gets to be too hard.
Patrick Weseman
Looking very cute and stylish. Very nice. Love the look. I could see you walking around Wall St. in that looking important. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I laughed out loud at the idea of me “looking important”! I definitely was just another miscellaneous cog in a very big wheel. That place swallows people alive and no one even notices! I hope you are having a great week.
Valerie Hansen
I really love your sweater, such a pretty color and the belt is fabulous too! Have a wonderful week!
Valerie, thank you so much! I don’t wear a lot of browns, but I really liked the brown and teal combination. Have a fabulous day!
Lucy Bertoldi
Omg Shelbee you kill me- you’re hillarious!! That zipper story! All that aside I am loving the way you belted up those pants! So stylish xx
Thanks so much, Lucy! I hold onto my sense of humor with everything I’ve got. I swear it has helped to get through some of the worst things including embarrassing moments!
Hello my dear,
I love it to wear suits. I have them in so many colors. And the belt is wonderful. Have a great day in your wonderful style!
XO Martina
Thanks so much, Martina! I have seen some of your suit styles and you always look so amazing in them! I would love to start wearing them again more frequently when there are places to go. I hope you are having a wonderful week.
jess jannenga
Ah Oh, fly open .. you did put a smile on my face wen I read that. Never had that wardrobe malfunction but we do have to laugh at ourselves, right? I had a WM`when getting dress for a mammo. They gave me this “gown” which was more like a shirt, and I wore a dress to the mamo. Needless to say, next time, pants! What a steal for the suit, it looks great n you and I love the brooch! I have been shopping my closet lately and also buying secondhand on Poshmark. Love getting a deal!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! OMG, I just laughed about your gown for the mammogram! I know those gowns well and also learned the hard way. I wear pants for my mammograms now, too! I have been really shopping my closet a lot lately as well. And you know I love a good thrifted bargain! I hope you are having a wonderful week, my friend.
Love this gorgeous suit, the colour looks so beautiful on you!
Thanks so much, Molly! I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Awesome outfit, Shelbee – and for only $16! I need a close up of the brooch and necklace next time though!
Ugh on the zipper debacle in front of an audience of men! But you handled it perfectly, imo. I’d like to think I would alert anyone to a downed zipper. I think it can get dicey between genders though. No one wants to be accused of looking at someone’s crotch area. It shouldn’t be that big of a deal, but….
I get you on the lack of motivation. I’m struggling with that now. Part of it is the CFS, but mentally, I’m not sure what’s going on. I think I may just be relaxing for the first time since Trump was elected. LOL! In any case, I have yet to publish a fashion post this week, in spite of having two sets of photographs ready to go.
Thanks so much, Michelle! Especially for the suggestion to share close up photos of my jewelry and accessories. I literally never think of that! I agree it can get dicey to alert someone of a downed zipper, but you know me, address the uncomfortable things straight on to hopefully avoid even more uncomfortable things! Although there was one time when I did not alert my boss to the fact that the back of her skirt was stuck up in her pantyhose. She was a horribly abusive woman to work for and I wasn’t the only one who let her walk around the office that day with her panties showing. In fact, no one told her at all and it didn’t get fixed until her next trip to the bathroom. She was kind of like a female version of Trump. Haha. By the way, you are ahead of me with outfit photos. I am running out fast and need to start getting myself dressed more often!
Cheryl Shops
Loving the boss-lady look on you Shelbee, and the wide wrap belt makes it feel very “you”!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thank you so much! It definitely makes me want to stand taller when I get all dressed like a boss lady!
This suit is a great find Shelbee! It looks beautiful on you. I love how you styled it.
Thanks so much, Lovely! I have been really enjoying my thrift shop finds!
Such a chic look! I love the blazer. Happy Monday!
Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com
Thanks so much, Edwige! I hope you are well, my friend!