Adventures in Thrifting Part 6: Purple Argyle Sweater & Link Up On the Edge #231

I am going to try to keep this short and sweet today since I am scrambling at the last minute to get a post written for my Friday Link Up On the Edge Party. I decided to take Tuesday off from doing any blogging stuff after my early morning rounds. It was snowing like crazy out, all gray and gloomy, and so I cozied up and enjoyed a relaxing day in front of the television. Speaking of that, I do need to share the things I have been watching with you all soon.
Anyway, I took Tuesday off with every intention of getting tons of things done on Wednesday. And then Wednesday came, bringing with it one of the worst migraines I have suffered in a really long time. I think I slept in a weird position because all the pain seemed to be stemming from the base of my skull and my neck muscles. I attempted to push through it for a bit, but then tunnel vision set in, my right eye kept twitching, and I could not bear bright lights, loud noises, or even conversation. So I took to my bed, turned off the lights, and nursed my broken head. Thankfully the headache was gone when I awoke Thursday morning, but I was already set back an entire day on my list of things to do.

But enough about all that business, let’s talk about my thrifting adventures part 6! This purple argyle sweater. During my recent basement clean out and organization project, I discovered two large trash bags that were filled with clothing meant for the donation bin. When I worked at the consignment shop a few years ago, part of my job was to pull old expired items from the racks and dispose of them however I saw fit. Generally, I would just take the bags filled with clothing and drop them off at various local donation centers. Sometimes the bags would end up in my basement until I would make my rounds and apparently these two bags never found their way back out of my basement.
Obviously before I simply hauled the bags away, I had to check out what was inside and I discovered quite a few lovely pieces that fit me, this purple argyle sweater being one of those things. So score for me! There was also a pink argyle sweater and a green argyle sweater in the bag, also both in my size. Of course, I kept all three.
I paired the purple argyle sweater with a pair of paper bag style jeans from Torrid clearance and light taupe suede heels. I kept my jewelry simple so the the sweater could be the statement piece. I do love a feminine fitted sweater like this for a cute sexy casual style. And argyle has always been a sartorial love of mine as well.

Since it has been snowing every single day for the past 18,000 days here, I had to take the photos indoors. This was the outfit I wore on the day of my wedding anniversary. I had plans to get dressed up for our date night at home but then I wasn’t feeling great and ended up spending date night in my jammies. But you can read more about date night outfits at home on Monday when I return with the lovely ladies of Stylish Monday. Do stop back then for lots of style inspiration.
Until then, have a lovely weekend! My boys will be attending their very first ski lesson on Sunday so send some positive vibes for that one. I am fearful of the outcome given their propensity to clumsiness like their mother! What are your weekend plans?
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Ella of Little Bit of Life shared her post, Friday Favorites + Valentine’s Graphics!! Not only are Ella’s love inspired graphics so fun for the upcoming holiday, her post is also filled with all sorts of other things to make you smile. Go have a read and see for yourself!

Fashion Favorite
Kathrine of Kathrine Eldridge Wardrobe Stylist shared her post, Cozy and Colorful Cardigan from Mexicali Blues. Truth be told, I kind of let out a small gasp of “Oooh, I like it” and then made grabby hands at my screen in an attempt to somehow make Kathrine’s gorgeous cardigan magically appear in my hands! Seriously though, this outfit has some major mood boosting powers in all of its colorful beauty.

Non-Fashion Favorite
Natasha of Serenity You shared her post, 24 Simple and Easy Valentines Ideas. While I admit that Valentine’s Day is a holiday that I tend to ignore (it’s just never really been my thing), I am loving all of these fun festive Valentine’s ideas. There are definitely a few that I want to try this week for the kids. If you are needing something fun, festive, and easy to brighten up the Valentine’s weekend, do go check out this fun post!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Sweater-Thrifted / Jeans-Torrid / Shoes-DSW (Impo) / Necklace-c/o Happiness Boutique / Socks and Earrings-Old

Kathrine Eldridge
I love this look Shelbee! You looks amazing in purple and adore the belted denim. The sweater was definitely a score indeed. Happy Anniversary and thanks so much for the feature and linkup my friend!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I do love purple and probably should make an effort to wear it more often! It was my pleasure to feature your fabulous cardigan! Happy Weekend!
Kellyann Rohr
I love your argyle sweater and the way you styled it! What a treasure and how fun it must be to go through all those bags!!
Your hair looks so good too Shelbee – I love the long length. Sorry about that awful migraine – ugh – glad you feel better!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! I seriously did such a happy dance over this sweater find! Oh, and I finally couldn’t deal with my gray roots and just dyed my hair this past weekend…and now I feel like the black is super harsh because I had grown used to my gray roots! Haha. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Natasha Mairs
Thank you so much for sharing my Valentines ideas xx
You are very welcome, Natasha! It was my pleasure. Thanks for joining my link party! Have a wonderful weekend.
Deborah Stinedurf
Your body & your mind needed the rest so it forced you to listen. Glad you’re feeling better my friend. This is a super fab outfit & I love the shoes! Happy weekend! xo
Thanks so much, Debbie! I tell myself that same thing all the time, but I really do rest my mind and body like 75% of the time, it seems! It should be well rested by now! Ha. But I have stopped trying to fight through these things and listen to my body much more frequently these days. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
I used to have a sweater just like that!!
Curated By Jennifer
Oh, cool, Jennifer! It is a fun sweater, for sure! Have a lovely weekend!
Now what a surprise for you! It’s a great sweater, I like that print a lot. Gerben used too have on too in olive and turquoise. Enjoy your weekend. We are getting a lot of snow, which is very unusual.
Thanks so much, Nancy! I do love argyle and I bet Gerben’s sweater was amazing! I really like an argyle print on a man. So cool! It is snowing like crazy here again as well! Stay warm, my friend!
Amy Johnson
Wow! What a great find! Love how you styled it too.
Thanks so much, Amy! Have a great weekend!
Chrissy Rowden
Love this purple on you Shelbee! And I LOVED getting to chat with you this morning!! 🙂
Aw, thanks so much, Chrissy! That was super fun chatting! I am looking forward to doing it again! And seriously, one of these days, I will make my way to Florida for in-person coffee!
What a great find and love the way you style it with the tie waist jeans! Really great colors on you too and I bet the other two sweaters you kept are just as fabulous!
This winter weather surely gets into the way of fashion blogging. I actually decided to do them only once a month for the time being…
So sorry you had to deal with that awful migraine, but glad you’re feeling better!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks so much, Ellie! As much as I like this purple color on me, the green argyle sweater is even better! It is a gorgeous shade of kelly green. I need to style that one soon. The weather has been awful here as well. It has snowed nearly every day for weeks with no end in sight. Every day in the 10 day forecast has snow predicted! I am so ready for spring! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Love this argyle sweater, it’s a great color and look on you! Rummaging through forgotten trash bags full of clothes and finding some gems 💎 sounds like so much fun. I suffer from migraine headaches, too, so I can empathize-so glad it has passed. Wishing you a very happy wedding anniversary, and good luck with the boys’ ski adventure!
Thanks so much, Di! Forgotten trash bags filled with clothes was seriously the highlight of my month! So fun! And I am sorry to hear that you suffer from migraines as well. They are awful. I used to have them on a monthly basis but now they only happen maybe once or twice a year, thankfully! Happy weekend to you, my friend!
Oh, finding some goodies in a forgotten bag! My sis in law just gave me a turtle neck swing sweater that her sister gave her. A double hand me down! This week has been good for my closet lol!
It was the highlight of my month, Mireille! It was seriously like I went on a huge shopping spree but I didn’t spend any money! And how fun that you got a double hand me down. It sounds like a lovely sweater, too. Happy weekend, my friend!
Jacqui Berry
Wow – look at your hair, it’s super! What a cute jumper too! It’s a shade I seldom wear, but it looks good on you. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! This was a day when I attempted to use the curling iron! I still struggle with that thing even at the age of 46! Haha. But sometimes I manage to get some good curls to last long enough for some photos! Have a wonderful weekend!
Lucy Bertoldi
Reading about your thrifting is what I love most!! That’s the cutest argyle! (and I admire you especially for being able to head out there to pose!! Wish I were so brave…but it does make for the best pics..so eventually gotta do it too lol!!)
Have a great weekend xx
Thanks so much, Lucy! The green argyle one is even better! I need to photograph that one soon. I really like outside photos so much better for the variety of visual interest. And I can get more creative with poses and such. It definitely takes some time to get comfortable taking photos in public spaces. I try to go to places that don’t have many people but I also am usually pretty oblivious to my surroundings so I tend to not notice a lot anyway! In any event, when the border opens, let’s plan some photoshoots together, too!
Cheryl Shops
Those jeans are super cute and OMG, your hair is getting so long—it looks great! Happy Friday!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! Usually this paper bag style doesn’t work on me, but in the denim I loved the style! OMG, I tried to curl my hair for these photos. I still can’t get it right at 46 years old! Haha. But for some reason, when it’s curled it looks longer. Happy weekend to you!
OMG! I love that purple argyle! And it looks fantastic on you. So glad you looked through those bags. I’m sorry about the migraine. Those are the worst. One thing about being through menopause, I don’t get them like I once did. I can still get migraine twinges, but nothing like when I wondered if stabbing myself in the head would feel better than the migraine.
Thanks so much, Michelle! Okay, so when I styled this sweater, I totally thought of you because I know how much you love purple. And this shade of it is so vibrant and fun, isn’t it?! I need to wear it more often. Oh, and speaking of purple, I spotted a fabulous pair of knee high boots in a beautiful shade of dark purple at JustFab. I am going to send you the link and a photo! As for migraines, I only get them once or twice a year now. But I used to get them monthly and it was awful. I do hate when that old familiar ache creeps up on me though! Happy weekend, my friend.
Sheila (of Ephemera)
Aw, sorry to hear of your migraine, Shelbee, that sucks, but holy smokes, how exciting to rediscover a bag of items destined for the thrift store in your basement! It’s like pirate booty! The purple argyle sweater was a good scoop – I love purple, although argyle is not really my jam. I’m not sure why? Maybe I need to reconsider! Love the ankle-strap shoes.
Thanks so much for the link-party! I’ve added a sidebar to my blog to ensure that your party is always listed. 🙂
Sheila, thank you so much, my friend! I laughed at loud at your pirate booty reference! That really is the perfect description! I was about as excited as a pirate finding his booty! I think I squealed out loud as I hauled the two trash bags from the basement to my bedroom and started a try on session! I found some really great stuff in those bags including a gorgeous brocade blazer that I think you might adore. It is photographed, I just need to post it. And I have to say that I am really quite surprised that argyle is not your jam! I can totally picture you rocking out some argyle tights or socks and I can picture you styled in a bold argyle sweater vest with some fantastic layering pieces. I need to go find some argyle inspiration for you. I’m gonna change your mind about it! Haha. For example…I can totally see you wearing something like this outfit. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend!
That photo of you standing inside of the top of the stairwell, hands on the ballistrade – it is so beautiful. It just shows your personality radiating through. I get migraines – sometimes it feels as though an axe has been fiercely cut into my head. Empathy with you – that one sounds really full on. xx
Thank you so much, Ratnamurti! You are so very kind with your comments. The migraine business is the worst and I am familiar with that old axe in the head feeling! I used to get migraines with much more frequency and longer duration, sometimes they would last a week. So I am glad that the few times that I do get them now, they tend to not last longer than a day. I am so sorry that you suffer from them as well. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
No idea these were called argyle! But yes, Îve seen them popping up here & there in the streets as well. Got to love a classic. I myself bought derbies the other day..they hurt as hell! Not really what I had in mind for a flat shoe:)
Thanks so much, Barbara! Yes, argyle is a classic tartan pattern that dates back to the 17th century. According to Wikipedia, the argyle pattern derives from the family tartan of the Clan Campbell of Argyll in western Scotland. The history of tartans is really quite fascinating! And I am sorry that your new shoes are causing you pain. That is a total downer! I hope you have a lovely weekend despite the shoes!
Lauren Renee Sparks
Love the sweater (we have a similar one) and the tie front jeans! I say we because it used to be mine, then I gave it to one daughter and now the youngest daughter has stolen it from her sister! We all love it.
Lauren, thanks so much! That just gave me a right big smile this morning…that you all share the sweater! Since I live in a house with all boys, I don’t have to worry about anyone stealing or borrowing my clothes! Well mostly. Sometimes the boys do like cozy up in my fleeces and sweatshirts! But I do remember the clothing swaps, borrows, and steals that happened growing up with 2 sisters. Ha.
Happy Friday, Shelbee! You look so pretty in purple! 💜
Thanks so much, Niky! Have a lovely weekend!
Anna Marcus
Love the purple colour on you, Shelbee. It suites you so well. The whole outift is great, love the jeans and the shoes too. Aren’t you glad you didn’t chuck this jumper away?:)
Thanks so much, Anna! I rally like this shade of purple as well and I am very glad that I kept all three of the argyle sweaters! I need to style and share the other two soon. Have a lovely weekend!
Laura Bambrick
I’m so sorry to hear about your migraines! They are truly the worst! I hope you are fully recovered! That sweater is such a fun surprise! Like a reward for organizing! Yay!
Thanks so much, Laura! I did all the things I know to do for a migraine and fortunately it was gone by the next morning. And yes, a reward for organizing! I like that spin!
Your argyle sweater is fabulous – glad you rediscovered it! I love your belted denim! I hope your boys have fun skiing this weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! This whole outfit made me happy! Today is ski day and I am hoping for the best including no injuries!
jess jannenga
You guys really got hit with alot of snow! My brother in Hoboken had 15 inches. See, how fun to look at bags of thrifted things and find some goodies! Your hair is longer than mind, it looks great. I need a haircut!
Love the purple on you and those jeans look neat! Im looking for boyfriend jeans right now.
enjoy your weekend!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! It just keeps snowing and snowing here. We got like 8 more inches yesterday. Maybe more. It’s hard to tell anymore with how much snow is piled up out there right now. I need a haircut, too! I have not had it cut since July but I did just cave in and dye it myself. Good luck on your hunt for boyfriend jeans. I bet you will find something adorable as you always do! Have a great weekend, my friend.
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very sweet and causal. I love the look. Hope the headaches stay away. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! So far the headache has stayed away. I hope you have a fabulous week ahead!
Lovely look! And those heels look so cute!
Thanks so much, Leelo!
That is such a great thrifty find; I absolutely love the purple! Also, Shelbee, your hair looks AMAZING in these pics. So voluminous and pretty!
Miles of smiles,
Thanks so much, Grace! I tried using a curling iron on my hair in these photos. I still cannot master the art of curling my hair, but I was pleased with the outcome at least for the photos. My hair went all limp shortly after we took the pictures. It just won’t hold curls for very long and it is incredibly frustrating so I don’t take the time to curl it often. But I do want to try a crimper like you have!
Emma Peach
That’s a gorgeous sweater, what a fab discovery! Migraines are the pits, I hope you feel fully rested and refreshed now. Thanks for linking up!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! Oh yes, I am much better now but PMS is on the lurk and bringing all sorts of other icky symptoms. Oh well, at least I have cute thrifted clothes to make me feel better! Hehe