A Tribute for Grace Liang
I learned last night that an amazing member our blogging community has suffered a tragic loss. Grace Liang’s husband, Robert, has lost his battle with cancer. When I read her Facebook post, my heart and my eyes welled up with so much sadness for Grace. So today I wanted to write a post dedicated to Grace and to everyone who has felt the heart-wrenching effects of cancer.
For those of you don’t know her, Grace is the beautiful, stylish, creative genius behind the blog Color and Grace. Since I began blogging and following Grace’s story, I have learned that she is kind, she is gentle, she is helpful, and she is a survivor. She is a beautiful person in so many ways. I praise her and respect her for all that she has already overcome. And I pray for healing and peace during this time of heartbreaking loss. I cannot even imagine the pain she is feeling right now. So today, I ask all members of the blogging community to please keep Grace in your thoughts and prayers. Surround her with love, peace, and kindness. And cherish all that you have with gratitude.
This life is a short one. And bad things happen to good people. Cancer does not discriminate and can strike anyone at any moment. And at that moment, it changes your life forever. I have lost both of my parents to this disease. I have lost friends to this disease. And I have watched other friends and family members fight with everything they have to beat the illness. But no matter the outcome, win or lose, cancer changes lives forever.
So today, in tribute to Grace and Robert, please take a moment to tell someone that you love them. Remember a lost loved one with fondness. Pause your arguing and political debates. Cease your judgments. Just for a moment, to honor all those who have been touched in some way by this life-changing disease.
I dedicate this post to Grace Liang and Robert Buck. Grace, I pray that you find peace on the other side of your grief.
I also dedicate this post to others who have fought valiantly and have lost:
My parents, Mary and Ralph Montoro.
My friends, Robyn Cecchini and Jennelle Geisberger.
To my friends and family who have also lost their loved ones to cancer:
Beth Burnett and Jill Burnett Horninger
Sarah, Emily, and Bill Cecchini
Karen, Alex, Bethann, and Amanda Casciano
Mary Rose Michael and Karisa Rose
Debi Mathews and Shanna Koscinski
To my friends and family members who have fought and won as well as those who are continuing their fight in champion fashion. You are inspirations to me and wonderful examples of strength, courage, and fortitude.
Dave Rossetti
Amber Prunest
Anne M. Bray
Nicholle Anderson (You can follow Nicholle’s story of bravery and strength as she is currently in the middle of her battle and kicking cancer’s butt on her blog Stick by Nik. This woman is so inspirational!)
I know I have forgotten to name many others and I apologize for that. This post is causing a lot of emotions, which I did not expect. So please forgive me.
But let’s do this…to honor your loved ones who have fought or are fighting cancer, please mention their names in the comment section. And as you read through the names in the comments, please take a moment to send out positive thoughts and prayers to each and every one of them. Thank you.
Feeling emotional on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.
P.S. I usually post my Link Up On the Edge on Thursdays. I am holding off on that link up until tomorrow afternoon. Please check back then to add your links.

jodie filogomo
You are an angel for doing this Shelbee….I saw that post on FB and couldn’t believe how much it affected me.
Tiina L
Oh no, that is awful. Yes, cancer really is cruel, and it does not discriminate… I lost my mother to ovarian cancer, when she was just a few years older than I am now, and I still miss her.
None of us know what Grace is going through, but I hope she has good people around her to help her get through this.
And you are so kind to write this tribute to her and her husband’s battle.
Shelbee, this is such a beautiful and special post. My heart broke when I saw her announcement and I can’t even imagine the pain that she is feeling. I’m so glad that we have such a supportive blogging community and can all come together to send prayers and positive thoughts her way <3
Shelbee, you are a very thoughtful lady. I also read this last night and have Grace in my prayers. I too can’t imagine the loss. What a lovely tribute.
Heartfelt post Shelbee. My dad FOUGHT cancer and won (proactive doctors and surgery, no chemo!). I lost my grandma to cancer and my husband lost his dad to a brain tumor. I know there are more names I am forgetting and I wish everyone had shorter lists as well. Sending peaceful energy to your blogging community.
OMG I thought everything was going well. I have followed Grace’s blog since I started blogging. Popping over now to send my condolences. Lovely of you to this for Grace Shelbee x
Dawn Lucy
Such a sweet tribute. My heart aches for sweet Grace.
Dawn Lucy
Debbie Stinedurf
Beautiful post Shelbee.
Cancer is such a cruel disease. My heart goes out to Grace. This is such a beautiful tribute to her and her husband.
Doused in Pink
Oh, poor Grace. Thank you for this sweet post dedicated to her and Robert.
Anne the SpyGirl
Lovely post.
Thanking you for the mention is kind of weird — who wants to be on a cancer list?
I had (emphasis on tense: HAD) Stage IIIc breast cancer. It was at such an advanced stage because I was a bad procrastinator and also didn’t have health insurance (couldn’t qualify because of pre-existing condition) and didn’t know how to deal with it. I sat with that damn lump for SEVEN months and it got bigger and bigger.
I wrote a cancer journal on CaringBridge, here’s the link if interested (you’ll need to register):
Treatment was exhausting and sharing my experience on CaringBridge was the best way to keep all my friends and family in the loop.
Anne the SpyGirl
Lovely post.
Thanking you for the mention is kind of weird — who wants to be on a cancer list?
I had (emphasis on tense: HAD) Stage IIIc breast cancer. It was at such an advanced stage because I was a bad procrastinator and also didn’t have health insurance (couldn’t qualify because of pre-existing condition) and didn’t know how to deal with it. I sat with that damn lump for SEVEN months and it got bigger and bigger.
I wrote a cancer journal on CaringBridge, here’s the link if interested (you’ll need to register):
Treatment was exhausting and sharing my experience on CaringBridge was the best way to keep all my friends and family in the loop.
A group that has been invaluable for me (still!) is The Cancer Support Center. They have support groups and classes for both cancer warriors (I don’t use “victim”) AND their caregivers — ALL FREE! http://www.cancersupportcommunity.org/
Anne, thank you so much for sharing this comment! You truly are a warrior!
Anne the SpyGirl
Now it’s up there twice. Crazy computers.
Grrr…I am just going to leave it there! It’s an important message…perhaps we need to read it twice!
Lisa/Syncopated Mama
What a lovely tribute, and I’ll be sure to say a prayer for her! Thanks for sharing at #FridayFrivolity this week!
This post is beautiful. I read it the moment you wrote it. I thought about mentioning a paragraph or so about Grace’s loss in my Thursday Moda post but I wasn’t sure how people would feel about it.
Thank you for writing this and pretty much joining all of our thoughts in your heartfelt, open, since message. Grace had such a tragic loss but I bet her blogging friends and blogging community will also help to make her feel the pain a little less, like you did. You are a beautiful person Shelbee. Grace and the rest of us bloggers are lucky to have friends like you. =) You know I mean that from the bottom of my heart!
Ada, thank you so much for this comment. It brought tears to my eyes. I am just being me, but it is so nice to know that what I do is appreciated. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!