red plaid overcoat, velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit

A New Year is Almost Here & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #633

red plaid overcoat, velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red plaid overcoat, velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit

“Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.”

Jonathan Lockwood Huie
red plaid overcoat, velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red plaid overcoat, velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red plaid overcoat, velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red plaid overcoat, velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit

“New beginnings are in order, and you are bound to feel some level of excitement as new chances come your way.”

Oscar Auliq-Ice
red plaid overcoat, velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red plaid overcoat, velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red plaid overcoat, velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit

If you celebrate any December holidays, whether it is Kwanza, Christmas, Chanukah, Festivus, the Winter Solstice, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve or any combination of these occasions, I hope you are enjoying the holiday spirit in whatever ways bring you joy and happiness.

We had a lovely quiet Christmas at home with the boys which was, thankfully, our plan for this year anyway. With Snowmageddon canceling all sorts of holiday travel plans across the nation, we were grateful to be comfortably settled in at home, totally prepared and adequately equipped to survive a few days of being snowed in. The boys had a sleepover at their friends’ house across the street on December 23 so we surprised them with all their gifts when they came home for breakfast on Christmas Eve morning. A few days prior, Ralph had wished that we would have Christmas “just one day early…pleeeeease” so with some simple holiday magic (changing the advent calendar to zero), we made Christmas come to our house one day early! This idea was even more brilliant than we initially anticipated. We had no struggle getting excited children to bed on Christmas Eve and they didn’t wake up at an ungodly early hour to start tearing into gifts. That’s one win for the parents this year!

From the reactions I witnessed during gift opening time, I do believe everyone was very pleased with what they received including myself. Except for maybe the grand gift of the flu that Jeff gave to me! Jeff was stricken with a mild flu bug the few days before Christmas and I woke up sometime in the middle of the night on December 25 with symptoms that would put me down for the week. I have spent the past 4 days bedridden with a low grade fever, annoying body aches, and profound fatigue. The fatigue has been the worst of all the symptoms and I am really quite bored of it now. Today is the first day that I am feeling somewhat normal again so I am hopeful to get back to some sort of active lifestyle. But I am very grateful that we were all in good health to celebrate the holiday.

Two weeks ago, I shared this red velvet kimono in my post, Staying Stylish and Comfy This Holiday Season, and it is so perfect for the holidays that I wanted to restyle it for another festive look that would work for celebrating New Year’s Eve. By the way, the kimono is currently on sale for under $30. Everything else I am wearing is old and shopped straight from my closet room.

red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit

“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on.”

Hal Borland
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit

“You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.”

Hillary DePiano
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit

“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”

Rainer Maria Rilke
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
silver brogues

“You can find inspiration in everything. If you can’t, then you’re not looking properly.”

Paul Smith
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit

“Don’t make plans. Make options.”

Jennifer Aniston
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit

In my first styling of this kimono, I paired it with a black tunic and leggings for a comfortable yet festive look to attend Jeff’s company holiday party. A few days later, I read Jill’s post, Faux Leather Pants Outfit Ideas, and remembered these black faux leather trousers that I picked up at Charlotte Russe last year but haven’t yet worn. I also have them in a gorgeous shade of caramel that I shared last fall for Faux Real Looks in Leather and Suede with the now defunct Stylish Monday group.

I loved the way the red popped against a column of black in the first outfit so I paired my black faux leather trousers with a fitted black turtleneck, silver accessories and shoes, and topped it all off with a vibrant red plaid overcoat. In the end, I felt like a walking billboard for festive holiday style and I really kind of loved it! I did wear this outfit multiple times during December on the days that I actually had somewhere to go and I definitely felt some smiles directed at me in my bright red plaid coat. It is a very happy coat and I always find that I gain some extra bounce in my step when I wear it. And that alone has the power to make it a very special coat indeed.

I likely will not be getting very dressed up for this New Year’s Eve. We are having dinner with our neighbors and then will probably be in bed by 9:00 p.m. so leggings and a cozy sweater is what I will be wearing. I just saw a commercial for the lineup of performers at Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve 2022 and the only name I recognized was host Ryan Seacrest! Oh my, that makes me feel older than I am to be so out of touch with contemporary music and pop culture. I guess I should watch a bit of New Year’s Eve television to get myself caught up with the times!

red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit

“The way I look at it, every day that I’m moving forward is a day I’m not moving backward.”

Bobby Bones
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit

“One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit

“You don’t have to be perfect to help people. All you have to be is real.” 

Trent Shelton
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit
red velvet duster kimono, leather pants, holiday outfit

I am going to leave off here and get back to recovering from the flu. In the meantime, I wish you all the best of the best in the coming year. May your lives be filled with much light, love, and laughter! Happy New Year!

“‘Life is short’ really means ‘do something.’”

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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Outfit Details: Coat-Old Navy / Kimono and Belt-Torrid / Pants and Turtleneck-Charlotte Russe / Shoes-Madden Girl / Hat-TJ Maxx / Gloves-Amazon / Jewelry-All Old

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Nancy

    Oh gosh, they really are picking on you with the flu right! I’m glad you weren’t sick on the 23rd. I was wondering about the weather. Followed it all on the news.

    I hope you, Jeff, Ralph and Archie well have a fabulous New Year’s Eve and wish you a amazing, happy and healthy 2023!!


      Thanks, Nancy! Oh my gosh, I feel like I have been in a boxing match with flu germs and I keep getting punched in the face every time I turn around! This one has been particularly bad with the fatigue. I have never been so tired in my life! Wishing you and Gerben a very happy and healthy new year as well, my friend!


  • Ellie

    This is such a fun and festive look, and a gorgeous shade of red!
    I know I haven’t visited your blog for a little while but been thinking of you when the snowstorm hit!! Glad you had everything you needed to enjoy the holidays!
    My husband ended up with flu-like symptoms before Christmas too, glad he was able to get out of bed by Christmas Eve though!! I did make him eat in the other room LOL because I DO NOT want to get it!!
    Hope you get your energy back soon!! I know it’s bad advise to drink coffee while sick, but I always feel like I need an extra dose of it when I am sick, because like you, I hate the feeling of fatigue!
    Wishing you all the best for the New Year!


      Ellie, thanks so much for your kind words! I apologize for not visiting your blog lately as well. I just can’t seem to get my head above water these days. And this has been the sickliest school year we have ever had. I get every bug the kids bring home from school! I’m glad the flu didn’t ruin our Christmases completely! And I have been drinking my daily coffee through my sickness except for maybe the first day when I felt too awful for anything but water and Gatorade. I rarely ever go without my coffee! I hope you have a safe, happy, and healthy new year, my friend!


  • Joanne

    Oh no! I am so sorry you have been so sick with the flu! I plan on wearing leggins and a sweater tomorrow too. I like a nice comy, cozy NYE at home. I hope you are feeling even better tomorrow. Wishing you and your family a wonderful happy and healthy new year.


      Thanks so much, Joanne! I have been feeling a little better each day. It is really just the incredible fatigue that is lingering now. I am thankful for the warmer weather this week so I can get outside and breathe some fresh air! I hope you have a safe, healthy, and happy new year as well, my friend!


  • Marsha Banks

    I do hope you feel better soon. Whatever the bugs are that are out there, they definitely have picked up some superpowers! I am still coughing, but I luckily never had a fever or even fatigue. Just a very nasty cough and snotty nose!

    I loved all of these quotes…end always has such a bad connotation, but you can’t have beginnings without ends. So thanks for sharing all of these!

    Thanks for the link party!


      Thanks so much, Marsha! I only have a little cough right now and no congestion at all which I am grateful for. The fatigue is incredible though. I feel similar to when I had mono as a teenager. Taking a shower requires a nap afterward. But each day I get a bit more energy than the previous day so I am being patient and allowing myself to rest and recover. But the boredom is starting to get to me now!

      There is a Seneca quote you might like as well…”Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” I always loved that one…made more famous by Semisonic’s song “Closing Time”! You are welcome for that earworm…it will follow you all day now and probably into tomorrow!

      I hope you have a super special weekend, my friend! Happy New Year! “Closing Time” is a perfect NYE song, by the way!


  • Michelle

    I’m so sorry you and Jeff had the flu. So miserable. I’m glad you’re on the upswing. Beautiful outfit! The kimono really pops paired with the dark colors. I love that you mixed it up with both gold and silver accessories. The statement necklace is fabulous! Here’s to an awesome 2023! Happy New Year!



      Thanks so much, Michelle! This winter has been so awful with illnesses. I am quite over it already! I am looking forward to a healthier 2023, for sure. I hope the new year is filled with all good things for you, my friend!


  • Di

    Your red velvet kimono and red plaid coat are both fantastic, and so perfect for spreading a smile and holiday cheer! So sorry to hear you had the flu right before Christmas. I had it at the beginning of December, and really felt the fatigue aspect, too. Hope you are feeling better every day and you and your family have a safe, happy and healthy new year, full of all the things that make your souls sing! Also, thank you for all of your thoughtful content and link up parties throughout the year!


      Di, thank you so much, my beautiful friend! Each day I gain a little more energy but the fatigue still has me pretty wiped out a week after symptom onset. I am getting so bored sitting around all day doing nothing! I hope you have a happy and healthy new year filled with much light, love, and laughter!


  • jess jannenga

    Hi Shelbee!
    Finally popping by after a bit of a Holiday blog break I needed! I enjoyed reading about your Christmas and how you had it a day early! I bet your son was thrilled! Oh, that stinks about your hubby and you being sick! My hubby has been congested and has a cold. I was thinking about you when I heard about the snowfall in upstate NY! Wow. Not a flake here. Love your plaid jacket and that velvet kimono, just suits you to a T! I tend to get out the velvet this time of year.
    Last I wanted to say, I hope you have a Blessed and Happy New Year in 2023!
    jess xx


      Thanks so much, Jess! Happy New Year and many blessings to you and your family as well! Today is the first day since Christmas that I am up and out and moving about like normal. But I am still going to take it easy this week. We had so much snow! It didn’t stop snowing for 5 straight days. We had a lake effect storm come over us right at the end of the blizzard. So we just snuggled in at home and slowly dug ourselves out at our own pace!



      Thanks so much, Chanda! Quiet and hectic sounds like the perfect holiday balance! I am definitely ready to resume some sort of regular schedule now that the kids are back to school. I hope you have a blessed new year, my friend!


  • Pamela

    Happy New Year to you and yours! Sorry to hear you’ve been suffering, so much illness about. Actually Maurice returned from our holiday just before Christmas with the flu but think I probably suffered more!! Not a good patient!!
    Thank you so much for another amazing year of hospitality attracting beautifully diverse posts and always putting your own inimitable style on fashion and the world at large!
    with love Pamela X


      Aw, Pamela, thank you so much for your incredibly kind words! I really appreciate you. Being sick always stinks but it is definitely worse at the holidays! And being the caretaker for sick family members is equally trying! I hope you have a fruitful new year filled with many blessings, my friend.


  • Laura Bambrick

    I’m so sorry to hear you have been sick! It has been a rough school year here for us as well with all the colds and such going around. Hope you recover for good and have a happy and healthy new year!

  • Amy Johnson

    That plaid coat is incredible. I’m so relieved to hear you had a good Christmas. I thought of you ofen when I kept reading the stories of the storm hitting NY and I wondered if you were in its path. I can empathize with you being sick. We got the flu after Thanksgiving, and I was sick for three weeks (only one real bad week though) and have had a pain in my side and back for over a month from coughing so hard. I’m still not 100%. It’s been a bad flu season.


      Thanks so much, Amy! I bought this coat on Old Navy clearance a few years ago and I’m so glad I did. I didn’t need a new coat, that’s for sure, but I love the statement it makes. And I think I only paid around $20 for it, too. It has been a terrible flu season. We have never been this sick ever. And we got slammed with the snow, too. We had lake effect come in right on the tail end of the blizzard. It started snowing around noon on Friday, December 23, and it didn’t stop until around 10 am on Tuesday, December 27. It was 5 straight days with literally no break in the snow. We had to deal with that despite being all achy and tired from flu! We would go out for a little bit then come in and rest for a long bit. But we managed! I wish you a happy and very healthy new year! We all need that, I think.


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Shelbee on the Edge