5 More Life Lessons & Link Up On the Edge #20
In my last post When a Talker Runs Out of Things to Say, I mentioned that I currently am suffering from writer’s block. Unfortunately, it is quite the persistent bout with the block. So here are 5 more life lessons that I have learned along the way (numbers 6 through 10 from my original post), another fall outfit, and a link up.
1. I have learned that all romantic relationships will be the wrong ones until you find the right one. So know that with each failed relationship, you are that much closer to the right one.
2. I have learned that each person will handle and react to identical situations in entirely different ways. And that is okay, too. As human beings, our perceptions differ greatly based on our past experiences and therefore our reactions will differ as well.
3. I have learned that no one person’s journey is any easier or more difficult than another person’s. Every path through life is hard and we should be kind and gentle with one another. I have yet to meet a person who has not struggled, seen tragedy or darkness, or suffered a loss. I have yet to meet a person who has never cried.
4. I have learned that a little kindness goes a long, long way. A simple compliment or act of empathy can make a person’s day. A simple gesture of humanity can change someone’s life. For real.
5. I have learned to be more compassionate and understanding of other people’s struggles. I have learned to accept each person where they are in their journey at this moment in time. By understanding that each person is as unique as their journey through life, I have been able to become less judgmental.
*This is not a sponsored post.
Outfit details:
Striped Boyfriend Shirt: Gap Factory (similar here).
Plaid Poncho: Target (from last year, cute alternative here).
Cropped Flare Jeans: Old Navy (similar here)
Neckerchief: Thrifted.
Boots: Nine West (similar here, here, and here).
I hope you are able to find something of worth in what I have learned in my life journey. If you do, please pass it on! The struggle is real, but if we struggle together it just makes it a tad bit easier.
Thank you to everyone who stops by every week and joins my link up! I really appreciate your loyalty and support. I love seeing what you are all wearing, sharing, and discussing each week. And now here are your two favorites from last week:
Susan of Over 50 Under 20 shared the last of her series featuring her lovely blue dress. Hop on over to read Old Blue 5 and check out all the amazing ways Susan has styled this dress. I am so inspired by all of her looks!
And Stephanie of Go Fashion Deals showcased a gorgeous plum tunic in her post Fall Colors! Styling a Dress for Fall. Not only is her tunic so, so amazing, but Stephanie is just too darn adorable. You need to just go look at her photos! Every one of them makes me smile.
Thank you, ladies, for inspiring us all with your marvelous style and magnificent personalities that are shining through!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with These Fabulous Link Ups Where I Link Up.

LOVE your poncho. Such a pretty outfit on you! I agree with all your life lessons – kindness and compassion go a long way! Thanks for the reminder :)!
Lana, thank you so very much! Kindness and compassion are traits I think our society can lose touch with quite easily. And while we need those traits, sometimes we need to be hard, too. It is a balance worth finding, for sure. Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous weekend! Keep spreading the love!
If I only knew no. 1 in my early twenties!! Haha
Me, too, Nancy. Me, too! But eventually I learned it and now I have a great one! Thanks for reading and have a lovely weekend.
Your tartan poncho looks so cosy and your shirt and denim combo is such a classic 🙂
GReat advice in your post too – especially about us all needing to be kind to each other. The world is nicer when we are kinder! 🙂
Thank you for the link up!
Hope you’re having a good week and your writer’s block clears soon! 🙂
Away From The Blue Blog
Mica, thank you very much. Kindness definitely needs to be spread in this crazy world. And I am all about it! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Tiina L
It’s OK, we all have those days/moments when we feel depleted. And sometimes it’s fine to let the pictures do the talking. I’ve been so exhausted the past couple of weeks that I can’t find the motivation to do anything (except drag myself to work in the morning). But there will be better days, eventually.
Thank you, Tiina, for these kind and supportive words. Often I get worried when I start feeling this way because I never want to go back to those horrid days of my crazy bipolar depression. But lately, my mood swings have been insane. It could be the weather, the perimenopausal hormones, the crazy things I have decided to do this late in life. But in any event, I trudge on through, share my struggles with the world, and know that this too shall pass. We got this, Tiina, we got this!
Joi @ InMyJoi
#2 & #5 resonate with me Shelbee, thanks for sharing!!
Joi, I am so glad to hear that! Thanks so much for reading. Have a fabulous weekend.
jodie filogomo
These points are so valid Shelbee—they really hit home with me!
I think this is one of the huge reasons that I supremely enjoy the age I’m at now in life. You can hear these points, but I don’t think until you have the experiences, that they really kick in!
Love your wrap—it looks fab with the boots!
Thanks so much, Jodie! Sometimes I feel like a wise old sage with my little tidbits of wisdom that can only come from years of experience. I wonder how smart I will be in another 40 years!
You look great rocking a denim on denim look and with crops, it becomes fabulous. Thanks for hosting.
Oh wow! Thanks for the amazing compliment, Rena! I really did like this outfit a lot myself and received quite a few compliments throughout the day!
This is why I love blogging ! were all in it together. Helping each other. I have made some good friends in blogosphere. Thank you for hosting Shelbee x
I have made some wonderful friends as well, Laurie! It really is an amazing, empowering, and super supportive network of people! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a glorious weekend!
You have such wisdom, Shelbee! Life lesson #2 really resonates with me. I’m learning that just because I react to a situation one way, doesn’t mean that someone else will. Have a wonderful weekend <3
Edye | http://gracefulcoffee.com
Edye, that means so much to me…that you think I am wise and that something I said resonates with you. I suppose years and experience have contributed to my wisdom…and I must share it with others, otherwise, my mistakes were all for naught. Thanks so much for reading. And keep being you and reacting the way you need to! Have a beautiful weekend.
Great tips! I get writers block and for me I find that reading inspirational messages or quotes gets me back on track!
Definitely helps me, too. Ruth! This time I figured I would recycle my own inspirational messages! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
Kathrine Eldridge
Love this cozy blanket scarf paired with this classic look! Perfect for fall. Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! This is actually a piece that I paid full price for…which I rarely do. But I just loved the colors in the plaid! Have a fab weekend.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I always enjoy reading your posts, it is always more then just photos. 🙂 But, I love your photos, too! I couldn’t agree more with everything you said. I’ve had some real struggles in my life, too… it really makes you appreciate the good moments! Even the dull ones! That scarf looks great with the button down and what a gorgeous necklace!
Carrie, thank you so much! I love when I can relate to people. And I find the more I talk about my own struggles, the more comfortable others become opening up about their own. We are all just people and we are all just trying to survive this crazy life! So I think by supporting one another and being able to relate just helps make the road a little easier. I really appreciate your support and your very kind words! I can’t thank you enough!
I can relate to the lessons you’ve learned! And I love the plaid poncho; it looks great with the rest of your outfit!
Thanks for the link up & have a great weekend!
Andrea, thank you so very much! That really does mean a lot! Have a wonderful weekend.
Another great look!!! I really love this plaid poncho!
Thanks so much, Jaymie! Have a fab weekend!
Nora Minassian
Great life lessons and I can definetly relate to some of them. Love you poncho and the boots.
Thank you, Nora! It really makes me quite happy to know that people can relate to what I am saying! Thanks for the lovely compliment and I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
What a wonderfull autumn look. This plaus and the boots with this denim jeans is fabulous.
I Wish you a great weekend, Shelbee.
Tina, thank you very much! I love layers for a cozy fall look, for sure! Have a wonderful weekend!
Great lessons Shelbee, another fellow blogger who is amazing with words, Sheela Oh also recently suffered from writer’s block. I think we all go through one or another or a few during our blogging career. I think you are doing an amazing job and keep it up.
~ xo Sheree
Posh Classy Mom
Sheree, thank you so much! The fact that you just put me in the same category with the fabulous Sheela literally made my day! Not only is Sheela my style icon but I aspire to be as brilliant as she is with her words! Thank you for the lovely comment and for your continued support! Have a fabulous weekend.
All of these life lessons are spot on and I can relate to them all, especially #4 & #5. Love your plaid poncho and this effortless look!
Doused In Pink
Thank you so much, Jill! I love that my little tidbits are relatable! It makes me feel useful! Have a fabulous weekend.
What a great list of inspiration. It is true, everyone handles situations differently and that is something I am currently having to learn. I am learning that just because I am told to do something one way I can’t afford to do it that way (financially and timewise) so I do what I can too. Great outfit, looks comfortable.
Rachel xo
Thanks, Rachel! I think it is so easy to forget that we are all not alike and we all handle and respond so differently to each and every situation presented to us. And once we can keep that in mind, it makes our decisions a little bit easier. Do it the way that is best for you, my friend, and all will turn out fine! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Such a classic, yet stylish fall look, and I love your plaid poncho! These life lessons are great, and I agree that kindness goes a long way!
Thank you, Rachael! The colors in this plaid really caught my eye when I purchased it! And yes to kindness…all day, every day! It bewilders me that people can so easily forget this! Have a fabulous weekend.
Great thoughts on lessons you have learned and a reminder to us all.
I like the colors of your plaid poncho – so perfect for fall. I wouldn’t have typically considered a button down shirt with my ponchos, but it really works. Great cropped flares, too!
Jennie, thank you so much for such a lovely comment! And I was unsure of the button down with the poncho. I do like a button down with a blazer which I can never wear because I feel too constricted, so I thought why not try a poncho since it acts like a looser, flowier version of a blazer. And it did work out quite well! Have a wonderful weekend!
Great life lessons, I agree with all of them. Especially the one of being kind.
Thank you, Amy! Why is that kindness is so easy for people to forget? I don’t quite understand it because I find kindness comes quite easy to me. Have a lovely weekend.
Patrick Weseman
Great lessons we all should learn.
Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.
Patrick, thank you kindly! I think I will sharing more lessons in upcoming posts!
lovely tips! thanks for sharing these 🙂 Love your plaid poncho – so cute!
Tianna, thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed this post!
This is such a beautiful post, Shelbee. Each point so very true, yet they are often overlooked by most in day to day life. People can get so caught up in their own struggles and life that they fail to see others are going through those same/similar things. I’m guilty of this myself at times. Thank you for the reminder, and sharing these my wise friend!
Jane, thank you so very much! It is comments like these that make me feel like my little blog space has purpose and is not just me rambling endlessly about my own crazy experiences. Knowing that my struggles and lessons can help others gives me a real sense of purpose, for sure! Thank you for that. And thank you for sharing!
I love love love love love this! Sometimes I think we are twins separated at birth. I am the one with no style, but… ha ha!
Thanks for sharing on #FridayFrivolity
Audrey, I think you underestimate your capability of good style! It is there, you just need to get in touch with it! And when you find your style groove…well you will just be that much more fabulous than you already are! Thanks so much for the lovely comment!!!!
Sheela Goh
Ahhh. #1, #2, #3, #4, they ring so true. But, you know, it’s so true, we must go through everything we have in order to be the person we are today.
p/s mildly, just ever so mildly, obsessed with your jeans. Cropped and somewhat culotte-esque, very hipster cool.
It is so absolutely true, Sheela, that our experiences make us who we are. And this is why I have no regrets even for my poor choices in life. Because those choices have brought me to this place and I really kind of like the person I have become! And not only are these jeans quite fabulous and super flattering (in my own opinion), they are amazingly comfortable with a tad of stretch and the super cool high waist that hugs and holds the midlife midsection so properly in place!
Thank you so much for the feature! !!! 🙂 Love your outfit !!! So chic! thank you again!!!!
Stephanie, thank you so much! And it is my pleasure to feature fabulous bloggers like yourself. Thanks for inspiring us!
Lanae Bond
Now that I am older and been through a lot, I am more compassionate to others. I realize that we all have struggles and it helps to have someone that is understanding. I hope your writers block is soon over with.
Lanae, thank you so much for such a lovely comment! I hope you are having a fabulous weekend!
Susan Kanoff
Beautiful words and outfit. Lovely. XO Susan http://www.themidlifefashionista.com
Thank you so much, Susan! That is so sweet.
Celia M. - HighHeeledLife.com
Great lessons … I feel blessed to have learned similar. As the years pass it’s interesting to look back and see how little we knew – in the we “knew it all” years- and how really basic life is… love, respect, help, and appreciate others – makes life so much more fun!!
Great outfit! love the blue of the shirt on you!
Celia, thank you for such an amazing comment! Yes, my “knew it all” years are quite interesting to look back upon! If only we knew then what we know now, right?! Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous day!
Mackenzie Carol
Great thoughts! I hope your writers block ends soon. Thanks for sharing at the Grace + Lace Linkup!
Mackenzie, thank you so much!
Sarah @ Bows & Clothes
I love the plaid so much! Great way to wear a blanket scarf! You are so right in that kindness can go a long way!
Thank you so much for linking up at Grace + Lace!
Bows & Clothes
Thank you, Sarah! Especially for your kindness! Have a lovely weekend.