47 Years and Counting…Can I Make It to 150?

Today is my birthday. Somehow I have survived 47 years on this planet amidst a sea of seeming insanity. However, despite all the challenges that life dumps in front of me, I would still like to live to maximum life expectancy. By the way, researchers have recently identified 150 years as the upper limit of human life expectancy. I wonder if I can make that long.
Before I was 30, I was absolutely convinced that I would not ever reach that milestone birthday. I lived a lost and reckless life back then and spent more time in the throes of depression and anxiety that was certain to eventually take my life than I did embracing life with joy and gratitude. Thirty was the maximum life expectancy that I had established for myself because I couldn’t even bear the thought of living more years beyond the already tumultuous and sad years that I was trudging through at that time.
But there was always something that kept me hanging on and moving forward. Even when I fell down and slipped a few steps backwards, I was always able to regain my footing and forge ahead once again. It wasn’t easy and it was a very lonely journey at times, but slowly I found my way through the darkness into a place of light and joy.
I don’t remember my 30th birthday at all, but clearly I made it to that milestone day. And then I made it to 40. And in three more years, I will have lived half a century and that is definitely reason for celebration. I finally understand that each year we are given is a blessing. Heck, each day we are given is a blessing. And I appreciate it all with so much gratitude.

When I look back over the last 47 years, I am astonished at how the world has changed so very much, so very quickly. I remember my grandmother saying the same thing over the course of her life. She lived into her mid-80s and I often wonder how much wisdom one gains in that many years. And how much change has been witnessed. I would consider it a huge blessing to live until my 80’s, but now with new research indicating a possible human lifespan of 150 years, why am I going to set 80 as my goal? I want to see 150! I cannot even begin to imagine what the world will look like 103 years from now. But damn it, I do want to be around to find out.
I wonder what I need to do to live that long? I suppose a healthier diet would help. Probably a little bit more exercise, too. But maybe it is more about our mental state than our physical one that keeps us alive longer. I practice yoga and meditation and positive affirmations on an almost daily basis now. These things have helped to improve my health greatly as the practices are all inclusive and focus on mind, body, and spirit. I can honestly say that my mind, body, and spirit feel healthier now than they ever have before. So fingers crossed that I will be able to look back on this post in the year 2124 and smile a big old lady grin as I pat myself on the back for a life lived well and long. Hopefully, some of you will still be around to help me celebrate that birthday. That would be a milestone of all milestone days!

While I am celebrating my 47 years on earth, tomorrow is Memorial Day when we recognize and honor our fallen soldiers. We took these outfit photos last month when the boys wanted to go look at military vehicles on at the USO Museum on Fort Drum.
Jeff was clearing out all of his old Army gear as he prepared for retirement when he handed me these camouflage pants that were part of his very first uniform when he was 18. They no longer fit him but he asked me if I could style an outfit with them because they were kind of sentimental and he didn’t want to just throw them away.
I chuckled a little when he asked me that question. Can I make an outfit from your old camo pants?! Ha. Of course, I can! One of the little ankle ties that keep them tight against your leg was missing, so I grabbed some black ribbon and made my own more feminine ankle ties. Not approved for military uniforms anywhere! Then I grabbed my old Vietnam era Army uniform top to wear over my cropped white tee shirt. I found this top in an Army surplus store when I was in high school. It belonged to a soldier named Bennett and it has some red paint stains on the arm and shoulder that I have always imagined was blood. I know, I know, that’s a super weird thing to imagine, but it makes me feel closer to this unknown soldier for some reason! Like I am celebrating all soldiers by wearing this jacket with pride.
I am going to leave off here with a few photos of my boys and the military vehicles. We had a really fun time taking these photos!

May we take a moment to send a prayer of gratitude for all lives lost in defense of our nation. And may we all appreciate each and every day that we are given a new opportunity for living. Cheers to 103 more birthdays for me!
Have a blessed day, my friends, and thanks so much for stopping by my little corner of the internet. I will be back again tomorrow with some wonderful styling inspiration with The Fab 40’s!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Jacket-Thrifted / Pants-Gifted from husband / Tee-Charlotte Russe / Boots-JustFab / Jewelry and Ribbon Bits-All old

Jacqui Berry
Well this has been a fun read first thing this morning! I for one would love to live to 150! and hope to celebrate with uou then too! Wow what a party that would be! Have a super week.
Thanks so much, Jacqui! If we are all still around in 2124, I will host the biggest party of the century! Wouldn’t that be grand?!
A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, SHELBEE!!!!!!!! And I hope to be here celebrating with you in 103 years lol! What a wonderful thought that is!
The photos are absolutely gorgeous, my friend. I LOVE that you’re re-styling your husband’s camo pants and Bennet’s blood/paint stained top! You all looked like you had such a great time at the museum.
Have an amazing day. You deserve it!
Huge hugs,
Suzy xxx
Thank you so very much, Suzy! I hope you are here to celebrate my 150th birthday, too! Wouldn’t that be a grand ole party?! So this is the camo pants outfit I mentioned to you a while back. Isn’t it so fun?? I felt super sassy and sexy wearing it!
Happy birthday! What a fun outfit too! 🙂 I think if I live to see grandkids, if my kids decide to have kids, I will be very happy indeed! But who knows what the future holds!
Hope you are having a great weekend 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! None of us do know what the future holds but I am still shooting for 150! Haha. I hope your weekend as been wonderful!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Happy birthday to you!!! Have the best day and new trip around the sun!!
Thanks so much, Tamar!
Kathrine Eldridge
Happy 47th birthday my friend! I love your goal of 150. I want to shoot for that too now! Thank you for sharing your journey. You are an inspiration and I hope others see what you are doing to improve your spirit. I love that you used your hubby’s camo pants in this shoot. You look incredible! Enjoy your special day. You have shown great love to our fallen men and women with this post. XO
Aw, Kathrine, thank you so very much for this wonderful comment. You are going to reach 150 before me, so I do hope that I am invited to that birthday party! Hehe. It is a fabulous goal to have, isn’t it?! I think if I focus on living my best healthiest life, I will make it a good long while before I leave this world! Heck, I’d be happy to get 120 years. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Gwen Gottlieb
Happy Birthday Shelbee! Looks like a fun family excursion. Lovely post. Can’t wait to read your 150 year-old birthday blog! 🎉
Thanks so much, Gwen! I am looking forward to writing my 150th birthday post! Hehe. Have a wonderful weekend!
I’m already RSVPing, Shelbee! I look for forward to it!
By then, technology will be mega advanced, and I’ll travel to your party via my “hoverchair” (the future of wheelchairs). I’ll be 140 and still kickin’!!
But in all seriousness, I do plan on living as long as I can. Quite a few people have hit three digits, and I want to be one of them. 🙂
To be honest, I’ve sort of been struggling with depression the last few weeks or so, which is why my online presence has been pretty much non existent. I’m taking each day as it comes though, you know? I will make it through. 🙂
Again, happy Birthday my friend! Love the military theme in your photos! Your family is beautiful!
Thank you so much, Mike! I do wonder what technology will be like in 100 years. Will it be super advanced or will come to a burning death before then? I definitely want to be one of those people who reaches triple digits as well though so I can see what the world looks like even 53 years from now when I turn 100.
I am so sorry to hear that you have been struggling with depression. It got really bad for me this winter so I know the struggle. I’m not giving advice or anything, but just want to mention what has helped me tremendously the past 5 months. I added Vitamin D supplements to my daily routine and lots and lots of yoga practices at home. Literally, at the moment my brain starts going to the places that will really drag me down, I pull up a related yoga video on Youtube and 90% of the time, the practice of yoga pulls me right back out of the dark places.
I hope you start to feel better very soon. We miss you around blogland!
jess jannenga
HappyBirthday to you , Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Shelbee, Happy Birthday to you!
Very cool, I love that you took your hubby’s camaflouge pants as for sentimental reasons he didnt want to part with them! Thats what being a good fashion blogger is about , right! hehe. I love the style and the white boots really pop with the camo. Perfect location too, Congrats on your hubby’s retirement!
Mmm. age. I don’t know if I could do 150, although by then, maybe they would come up with a cure for Ehlers Danlos!
Enjoy the day and Have a Great Memorial Day as well.
Jess xx
Thank you so very much, Jess! I am a good fashion blogging wife as well as environmentally conscious! I kept these camo pants from going to a landfill! Oooh, if I had chronic pain the way you do, I don’t think I would want that part to last for the next 100 plus years either. But science improves dramatically with each generation so you might be good! I hope you are enjoying the holiday weekend!
Happy Birthday, Shelbee! Every year closer to 2124 will be filled with joy for you and your family! Hugs, Donna
Thanks so much, Donna! Have a lovely day!
Patrick Weseman
Very nice outfit and such a perfect outift and it looked like the pinups of WWII.
Happy Blessed Birthday to you. You are almost becoming an adult. Since I am north of 50, I consider all of those under 50 kiddos.
Hope your birthday was special.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I like the idea of WWII pinups! Totally my jam! I’ll be an adult soon…but probably I won’t ever!
Jodie Filogomo
Happy, happy birthday Shelbee and I’m certainly glad you made it to 47!!
How significant that you could style these camo pants of your hubby’s!! That’s truly heartwarming!!
I’m not sure I want to live to 150….it’s a long way off, isn’t it?? Our mindset certainly makes a huge difference!!!
Thanks so much, Jodie! I am glad I made it this far, too. I feel like I am just now starting to live the best years of my life. So I think I don’t want to call these prime years “midlife” anymore. It really is just the beginning! Especially if I actually do have 103 years of life left in me. Ha.
Happy Birthday, Shelbee!! I remembered! I say go for it!! 150 years!!! I’m only 10 years behind you, so I’ll definitely see you there!
Hope you had a wonderful day!
Thanks so much, Mike! I hope you are doing well, my friend! And you will definitely receive an invitation to my 150th birthday party! Heck, if I make it to 125, I’ll invite you to that party, too!
Look at you all sassy in your husband’s first camo pants! Love it! And happy birthday dear friend! I hope we can all make it to 150. Mental health is definitely a huge part of that.
Hehe, thanks so much, Michelle! This outfit definitely has lots of sass factor. I love it! I hope to see you at my 150th birthday party!
Tiina L
Happy birthday! Yes, you should aim for that 150, and be greatful for and blissfully happy each and every year.
Thanks so much, Tiina! I am definitely shooting for 150 and with a bit of gratitude and perspective, maybe I will make it until at least 100!
Happy birthday! You look amazing and I love how this outfit came about! You are honoring two eras in a very stylish way.
Aw, thanks so much, Mireille! I hope you are enjoying the long weekend!
I hope you had a wonderful birthday Shelbee!
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! It was a relaxing day!
Me too, Shelbee! I keep invisioning it as a “Jetsons” style type Era, only with better technology (as that was a 60s cartoon after all!).
Whatever’s in store for us, I plan to be here to see it! Healthy eating and regular exercise will help me get there I’m sure! 🙂
Thanks for understanding about that. Yeah, it’s been pretty bad the last few weeks… I usually can shake it off pretty well, but there are times that I can’t. I’m seeking help for it as I have a virtual counseling session set up. I think that will help.
I have heard a lot of good things about yoga. Hear it’s good for your body as well as good for the mind and soul.
Just getting outside and walking does help me a lot and has been a lifeline for me over the past year.
I’m a total YouTube junkie, as I think I mentioned earlier. It’s basically my entertainment center, especially lately. Nothing helps clear my mind more than listening to random interesting facts, or watching TV shows that I like (quite a few are on there!). So I find ways to cope. Lately, I’ve been Journaling quite a bit, which also helps.
Thank you! I miss you all too! I hope to be returning soon and getting back to SIA, and postcards and book reviews; all that fun stuff. My best to everyone on the SIA team!!
Mike, I will keep sending positive healing energy your way, my friend! That can have effects that we are not even aware of sometimes! I love that you are being proactive and taking the necessary steps to get through this time. I see my counselor every two weeks whether I am feeling bad or good! I think it is a great idea to have a neutral person removed from your daily life to act as a sounding board for all sorts of life things! Hang in there, my friend. You know the drill and you know that you will cycle back around again!
Thank you my friend. I am strong because of wonderful people like you. 🙂
You are very welcome, Mike. The journey is definitely less difficult when you surround yourself with supportive and kind people! You’ve got this!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
Woo! Happy 47th, Shelbee! That’s a prime number so very good luck indeed. The older I get (I’ll be 54 this year) the more I realize how FAST time goes. I try to live in the moment as much as I can, to enjoy every bit of time I have. My family – especially the women – live a long time, so I expect to hit 90 easily. My biggest issue will be keeping my body strong – I’m already being ravaged by arthritis, that cruel viper.
So, here’s to another 47 to you, my friend! You are looking fabulous – sassy, saucy and sexy! – and owning it! A very Happy Birthday!
Happy Memorial Day weekend!
Sheila, thank you so very much! The rate of speed at which time travels really does seem to increase with each year of aging. Another reason to smoke a lot of pot…it slows down our perception of time so we can live in those moments longer! Hahaha. Oh cruel, viperous arthritis. Hopefully, there will be new and healthier treatments for pain relief in the next decades so you can attend my 150th birthday party pain free! I hope you are enjoying your super long weekend!
Kellyann Rohr
Happy Birthday Shelbee, my Gemini sister! I love what you did with those very sentimental camo pants and I bet your husband loved it too. Those boots are amazing!
It is crazy to look back at how much the world has changed as we age isn’t it? My brother in law’s grandmother is 102 and still going strong so my money is on you to make it to 150!
Hope you felt loved and cherished by the men in your life on your special day!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! Gemini sisters unite! Oh and speaking of Gemini, do you feel the effects of Mercury retrograde as powerfully as I do? It is our controlling planet and when it goes retrograde, it screws up everything for me with regard to communication every time it happens. And since Jeff is a Gemini as well, we have complete communication break downs during retrograde periods. Fortunately, we are able to laugh about it during the three weeks duration of broken communications!
Anyway, how wonderful that your brother-in-law’s grandmother is 102! Oh I do hope I can make it that long!
Kellyann Rohr
I am ashamed to admit I have no idea about the effects of Mercury in retrograde! I need to pay attention. Half the time I think I am going insane because of my hormones, but maybe there’s another cause!
Oh, do not be ashamed of such a thing, my friend. I had a friend explain Mercury retrograde to me decades ago and I called hogwash on her! Until I started noticing that every single time I experienced technology issues, Mercury was in a retrograde period. The planet controls all forms of communications from technology to body language. Some retrograde periods are not so bad and I barely notice, but other times, it is like communication chaos in my life for the 3 week duration. Mercury enters retrograde about 4 times a year and stays there for about 3 weeks each cycle. If you search it, there are tons of articles explaining how it all works. I think it’s worth paying attention to because it may not be your hormones at all but rather goofy planetary alignment! Or more likely…a combination of both!
Renee Open
First, ADORABLE outfit! Gah! You’re so cute!
Second, I appreciate your mind and sentamentality <3 I feel you, hun! When in my wreckless teens, I couldn't imagine making it to nearly 45. But, like you, something kept me hanging on and through thick and thin I'm glad for the wisdom I've gained and look forward to that still left to be discovered! Happy Birthday friend!
I have been meaning to get to this post for DAYS *wide eyes*. I'm finally getting to it by killing two birds with one stone … coming to you from the Curated by Jennifer Link party 😉
Since I've found my most welcoming to my content link ups on fashion blogs, as I take off from deep writing for the summer, I may do a "Slutty Date Night Attire" series of fashion posts … you guys are inspiring me 😉
OH MY GOSH, thank you so much, my friend! I am so excited to connect with you on video chat. We obviously have much in common. I love the idea of a Slutty Date Night Attire series! Actually, I am heading to my closet in a few minutes with my husband so he can help me figure out a super slutty outfit for my upcoming slutty weekend getaway!
Renee Open
Oh, my gosh!! I CAN NOT WAIT to hear all about it!! Let’s try to connect next week after you’re back from your fun!! <3
Haha, well most of it just kind of got canceled but I will still have stories to share! Looking forward to chatting with you next week!
Wishing you another 103 long, healthy, happy years!!
Thanks so much, Joanne! I will be sending you an invitation for that big birthday celebration in 103 years!
Darlene Ann Messinger
Oh, darn, I missed your birthday! Still playing catch-up here. Let me just say that you are so darn cute, my friend!! So many things to comment on here, like Jeff asking if you could make an outfit with his camo pants (seriously?!), living to 150 (heck, yes!), and your wish to “look forward to the year 2124 and smile a big old lady grin as I pat myself on the back for a life lived well and long.” I sincerely hope that, my friend. For me, too! But I am a bit closer than you are! Lol! Most importantly, I am so glad you are currently living your best life and have made it through more difficult times. Keep up the fight, Shelbee!!
xx Darlene
Darlene, my dear friend, thank you so much for this wonderful comment and birthday wishes! I really am living my best life these days and that itself is enough to give me a few extra years of life, isn’t it? I’ll definitely attend your 150th birthday party so I can get some ideas for my own!
Belated birthday greetings. You’ve done a great job styling those camo pants. I love the pictures, looks like a fun time!
Thanks so much, Gail! It was super fun! Heck, any time Jeff and I go out for photoshoots, it ends in fits of laughter!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Happy Birthday, wishing you many more… Be glad I’m not there to sing to you 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up with me at the Unlimited Link Party 27. Pinned!
Thanks so much, Dee! And I think all singing is beautiful even when it’s bad! It is the sound of celebration and that is never bad!
Claire Justine
Happy belated birthday, Shelbee. I hope you had a wonderful day 🙂 What a perfect outfit for your photos.
Thanks so much for linking up to The Weekend Link Up. I hope you can join us again tomorrow for Creative Mondays #TheWeekendLinkUp
Thanks so much, Claire! I did have a lovely birthday. I have added your link parties to my link up page so that I don’t miss any. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Christina Morley
You’re looking good for 47! Happy belated birthday! I love all the photos and it’s always nice to see family shots. That’s neat that your hubby still had his old camos from age 18 and that they fit you! So cool. Memorial Day is always a sobering time. Thank you for sharing and linking on Amanda’s Books and More!
Thanks so much, Tina! I have always loved military influences in fashion since I was a teenager so I am always happy to take unwanted military gear off my husband’s hands! Memorial Day is a very sobering time especially for military people as they tend to experience much more loss from war than any one civilian ever has. I cannot even count how many soldier comrades my husband has lost over 22 years of service. But we usually choose to celebrate those lives on Memorial Day rather than approach it as a day of grieving. I hope your week is off to a great start!
Happy birthday!! You look WAY younger than 47! I love the photos, and I love how you styled the camo pants. So cute! And, your family is adorable. Thanks for sharing with us at TFT.
Pam, thank you so very much for this lovely comment! These energetic little boys of mine keep me young, I think! But then again, they really tire me out, too. Haha