3 Things You Should Know Before Getting Your Nose Pierced

Whether you were inspired by the fun and punky look of this sweet David Bowie t-shirt or you have been long contemplating taking your edgy style to the next level with a nose piercing, there is a good chance that you have been hesitant about it because you are unsure what a facial piercing will look like on you.
Plenty of women think that they cannot get facial piercings after a certain age. Others may be restricted by their professions. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma surrounding certain types of body piercings especially facial piercings like nose rings or studs because they are so dominantly visible.
I got my first nose piercing when I was 18 and still in high school. My mother demanded that I remove it or she was kicking me out of the house. I had no choice but to do what she said. Fast forward 12 years and I got my second nose piercing at 30 years old. I absolutely loved my nose ring, but I removed it when I had babies and the piercing subsequently closed. I have since been contemplating re-piercing my nose. Because I believe in making a statement with my style choices and doing what makes me happy. My age is of no consequence to my sartorial decisions.
If you have been truly considering getting your nose pierced, there are some details you should consider first. The following three tips will help you decide if this type of facial piercing is right for you, your image, and your lifestyle.

1. Make Sure You are Not Allergic
Some people refrain from getting any type of piercings because they are fearful that the piercing process is painful. I can attest to the fact that piercings really do not hurt as much as you would think. It is a quick pinch of sharp pain that subsides as quickly as you register the sensation. If you have really been wanting a piercing, you may be better off concerning yourself with the decision about what type of hoop or stud nose ring that you would prefer as well as the metal content of the jewelry.
Some metals like titanium, stainless steel, and gold are typically safe and will not cause any allergic reactions. However, if you get a ring or stud that contains silver or nickel, you may start to experience an allergic reaction that can cause itchiness, redness, and irritation around the piercing site on your nose. If you already know that you are allergic to these types of metals, be sure to check the metal content of the jewelry that you choose.
2. Different Types of Rings and Placements
When most people think about a nose piercing, they usually picture a ring or stud in the side of one nostril. But it is good to know that there are a variety of different nose ring options that you could choose. If you believe that a ring or stud will not suit you, a nose hoop or an L-shaped nose pin are other options.
Of course, if you are trying to remain discreet and even professional looking with your piercing, it might be best to choose a small stud. There are many options of tiny nose studs that are not even noticeable unless someone is looking very closely. This type of nose piercing will allow you to show off your personality without creating much of a distraction.
It is also important to find a clean and reputable piercing place for this type of piercing. Most tattoo parlors offer piercing services that are professional and hygienic.

3. People Might Talk About It
One of the main reasons people avoid getting nose piercings is fear of what other people may say or how they will judge you for piercing your face. Before you go forward with a piercing of this sort, it is important to consider whether you want to talk about it, how you want to respond to questions of why you pierced your nose, and whether you really want to deal with the constant questioning or not. If it does not bother you and you are confident and proud of your personal style choices, it may be helpful to have an answer prepared ahead of time, even if it is a snarky one!
However, if you are the type of person who is sensitive to judgments and get easily embarrassed by people openly asking questions about your piercing decisions, you may want to reconsider this as an option for you.
Whether you want to show off a bit of your wild side or you are just looking for a new and unique way to accessorize your favorite outfits, a nose piercing can be a great option for some people. About 19% of women in the United States with any body piercings have their noses pierced, so you certainly would not be alone in your style choice. However, it is all about what works for you and feels good to you. If you are ready to take the plunge with a nose piercing, it is important to do some research ahead of time as well as consider if this is a good option for you.
Do you have any bodily or facial piercings? Would you consider piercings of this sort?
Keeping it on the edge,
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I always loved it, but just like tattoos, never had it. Now my mind is on a gorgeous arm tattoo.
Ooh, Nancy, are you going to get a tattoo?! I want so many more tattoos, but it is so expensive!
Leslie Susan Clingan
My daughter contemplated the tiniest of studs for one side of her nose. At the time, she was wearing a bindi almost everyday, too. But we never talked about the possibility of allergies. Somehow the notion to get the piercing passed and I think it is for the best that it did. She cannot wear earrings or any jewelry for any length of time without having an allergic reaction. That might have been a terrible consequence of a nose piercing. Great article!
Thanks so much, Leslie! I usually stick with stainless steel jewelry which I think most of the quality nose rings are made of stainless. I don’t think most people are allergic to stainless steel. I get all swollen around my piercing sites if there is even a trace of nickel. It’s terrible so I pay close attention to the metal content especially with cheaper jewelry.
Patrick Weseman
I have no tattoo’s or piecerings. I just too scared of needles. My dadugher has her nose piecered and seven tattoo’s. As long as she can find a job and support herself, I am ok with it.
Patrick, thanks for reading. I have a bunch of tattoos myself and I think they are much more acceptable today as far as jobs and such. So if your daughter expresses herself through body art, good for her! And I am glad that you support her.
So funny you should post this right now, as I was actually doing some research on this over the weekend. Before I can make a final decision I need to make sure it will fly at my office. 🙁
Also, I will be texting you later. 🙂
Jennie, that is awesome that you are considering a nose ring. I love the look and you will definitely rock it. I hope it flies at work for you. So sorry that the weather prevented us from meeting up. But I will be back in the summer at some point. I will keep you posted!
jodie filogomo
Did you know I wanted my nose pierced so bad when I was about 10? I saw an Indian woman with hers done and thought it was the coolest thing ever. I’m sure it’s not a surprise that my mother said NO! And I must have grown out of it. Maybe that will be my 60th birthday present to myself???
That is such a great story, Jodie! I love that you were inspired at 10 by an Indian woman. Isn’t it funny how a nose ring in the Indian culture is no big deal and almost expected, but in our culture it creates controversy? If you get your nose pierced for your 60th birthday, you will certainly be my super hero!
oooh very nice and informative post! Thank you for sharing! I’ve always loved the look of nose rings but not sure if I look good in it myself! For now, my next goal is to get more piercings on my ears!
Life is a Shoe
Celyn, thanks so much for reading! I think you can find nose hoops that don’t even require a piercing, they just clasp on. Then you get an idea of how it would look on you. I let all of my ear piercings close except one on the lobes.
Thanks for sharing. I never plan on getting my noise pierced.
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Thanks for reading, Jennifer! You know at this point in the piercing and tattooing game, I kind of wish I didn’t have any of it! But it’s too late now for me!
Good tip about the metal allergy — my daughter wants her nose pierced when she turns 13 soon!!! See you tomorrow!!!
Thanks, Becky! I love that you are going to maybe let her get her nose pierced!
This is a great post – love the tips! My sister has her nose pierced and it’s super cute 🙂 I, however, don’t have any piercings because I had an allergy years ago. I really do want to get my ears pierced again though and it’s something I’ve considered for a while so I think I’m going to try it out and see what happens lol!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! What a bummer that you have had allergies like that in the past. The nickel allergy is no joke. I have had some pretty painful and uncomfortable reactions to nickel myself. I think if you just watch the metal content, you should be ok.