10 on the 10th: September 2024-This or That?
I know I am a day late and I am definitely more than a dollar short, but I finally took the time to sit down and answer Marsha’s This or That questions for the September edition of 10 on the 10th.
10 on the 10th is a monthly series hosted by Marsha in the Middle and is open to anyone who wants to join. You can share your answers in Marsha’s link party if you have a blog or you can share your answers in the comment section. It is such a fun way to offer more information about ourselves and to learn interesting new things about others. The questions posed provide a great avenue for starting new conversations, making meaningful connections with new people, and having a good hearty chuckle every now and then.

1. This of that: A long term meaningful relationship with someone you see only once a year (platonic or otherwise) or lots of short term relatively meaningless relationships with people you see regularly?
Other than my husband, children, and counselor, every relationship of mine, platonic or otherwise, is with people I see only once, maybe twice a year. And I value those meaningful relationships very much. I actually don’t even waste my time anymore on meaningless relationships, or interactions, for that matter. Since I prefer solitude and minimal interactions anyway, I don’t see anyone with any regularity at all other than my husband, children, and counselor. I am definitely on my way to becoming an old recluse!
2. This or That: A bouquet of fresh flowers every week or a flowering bush every year?
I do like flowers! If I have a flowering bush every year, then I can cut myself fresh flower bouquets every week, couldn’t I?
3. This or That: A luxury, all expenses paid cruise to the Antarctic or a week in a beach shack off the beaten path?
I don’t like cruises and I don’t enjoy the beach so I would have to choose the lesser of two dislikes. Off the beaten path anywhere sounds way better to me than an overcrowded cruise ship swarming with drunk and seasick folks. So I guess I’ll go be a recluse in a beach shack somewhere!
4. This or That: Pumpkin spice everything or pumpkin spice nothing?
I like pumpkin spice well enough but I do not want it in everything. I would rather not have it at all if those are my choices. And I definitely do not enjoy it in my coffee. I only like pumpkin spice in baked goods, my turkey pumpkin chili, and my pumpkin chowder.
5. This or That: Warm, sunny days with high humidity or cold, sunny days with little humidity?
Five years ago, I would have definitely chosen cold, sunny days with little humidity. But over the last few years, I am becoming more and more sensitive to the cold. As much as I dislike humidity, it is easier for me to tolerate than cold so let me sweat, I guess!
6. This or That: A vintage real fur coat or a new faux fur coat?
Vintage all the way! I am not a fan of real fur though. It really grosses me out. And I am opposed to the creation of new real fur garments. But what’s done is done. I cannot undo it. But I can wear an old vintage fur.
7. This or That: The car of your dreams wrapped in a logo of some kind or the car you currently you drive?
I don’t have a dream car and I am very pleased with my current car so I’ll stick with it!
8. This or That: Beautiful stilettos crafted specifically for your feet or sneakers you’ve worn and molded to your feet?
I don’t really wear stilettos or sneakers, opting mostly for Birkenstocks and cowgirl boots. My old feet would much prefer sneakers over stilettos these days.
9. This or That: The house of your dreams painted in colors you despise or a small cottage you can paint in colors you love?
A small cottage painted in bright joyful colors is the house of my dreams!
10. This or That: Your favorite food every day for a year or foods you’ve never tried every day for a year?
I do like variety and get rather bored of too much of the same thing, so I will definitely go for a new food every day for a year. I might get some gross stuff but I also might get some really amazing culinary delights!
If you enjoyed reading my post, be sure to check out Marsha’s along with her link party for more fun responses. And feel free to share some of your own likes and dislikes about school in the comments. I would love to read them!
Keeping it on the edge,

I already knew every answer to the questions. I already pretty know you well. See you in a minute!!
Oh, that is so great that you guessed them all correctly! It was a wonderful chat this morning!
Marsha Banks
I’ve been surprised at the number of people who would choose a cozy little cottage! Not me, I want a big house because I have so much stuff and hate climbing into the attic or down into the crawl space! But, I agree with almost all of your answers.
These were fun questions! I have a lot of stuff, too, but a small cottage would inspire me to get rid of it!
I was a day late with my answers too; our answers match for quite a few of these. I did opt for the cruise ship though (and I fully admit that we spent more time off the ship or in our room than with all the masses on our last trip)!
I am late with everything this week! I still haven’t written my Friday link up post. Ugh. I need to start working on that right now and I am just not feeling it! I hope you have a great weekend!
I enjoyed your answers. It’s fun seeing what everyone chose.
Thanks so much, Kirstin! These are really fun posts!