10 on the 10th: October 2022-All About Birthdays
Oh boy, how quickly the time is passing by! Another month has come and gone and we are already a third of the way through October which means it’s time for the next 10 on the 10th with Marsha of Marsha in the Middle, Leslie of Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After, and Gail of Is This Mutton?
Each month, we are presented with 10 questions about a common theme and asked to share our answers in blog post form. This series is such a wonderful way to share more information about ourselves and to learn interesting new things about others. Anyone is invited to join and answer the questions. It is a great way to start new conversations and make meaningful connections with new people.
October is Marsha’s birth month so she chose 10 questions about birthdays for this month. I am all about celebrating birth months instead of just birthdays. But now that I think about it, why not celebrate our births and our lives every single day of the year?
Here are the questions with my answers…

1. What is your earliest birthday memory?
I don’t know if I actually remember this myself or if I just remember it based on stories and photographs but my earliest birthday memory would have to be the giant clown cake my mother made for each of us on our first birthdays. It consisted of about a dozen different round cakes placed to form the shape of a clown holding three large balloons and it was probably about three to four feet long. I do remember it covering almost the entire top of a full sized picnic table. One of the three balloon cakes was the “smash cake” that the birthday kid got to crawl through face first.
There is a photo somewhere of this cake with one year old me siting on the table next to it but I can’t find it! I called my sister to see if she had it and she knows the exact picture I am thinking of but she can’t find it either. I even searched online to find something similar and there is nothing there. My mother was a very talented cake designer and I don’t have a single picture of any of her cakes. (Insert sad face.)
2. What is your favorite birthday tradition?
My favorite birthday tradition is helping my kids choose creative birthday cakes each year. We don’t celebrate in any elaborate way, preferring to keep birthday parties simple and easy, but we do go all out on the cake.

Other than the Plants vs. Zombies cake which was made by a friend from a moms’ group I used to belong to, all of the other cakes were made by Monica of EuropeCakes.
3. How do you like to celebrate birthdays?
I like small intimate gatherings for birthdays with good food, great friends, and fun cake. As my kids are getting older, I am starting to prefer celebrating with exciting experiences like a short trip to an interesting destination or some other type of experience that the kids are interested in. When I was 35, however, I threw myself a big birthday bash at the bar where Jeff and I first met. I put an open invitation on Facebook and we had such a great turnout with old and new friends!

4. What is the best birthday gift you’ve ever received?
I cannot think of any one particularly special gift that stands out but I do love all of the beautiful gifts that my children have given to me over the years. I have never been a person who requests or expects gifts at all let alone elaborate expensive gifts and I appreciate every single gift anyone has ever given to me even if it is just a pair of socks or a plain donut!
5. What is the best birthday gift you have ever given?
I have been told that the best birthday gift I have ever given was having Archie a month early on my father-in-law’s birthday. My father-in-law predicted a May 1 birthday and I told him he was nuts because that was a full month early and, sure enough, he was right and he got his birthday grand baby!

6. If money were no object, what would be the very best way to celebrate your birthday?
If money (and time) were no object, I would love to go on a summer long cross country road trip. However, money and time are issues to consider, so we have started saving because we are planning a trip to the Netherlands to visit Nancy in 2024 to celebrate my 50th birthday. I do hope we can make this work but sometimes life gets in the way of even our most fabulous plans!
7. What is your favorite birthday treat?
Ever since I was a young child, I always requested a birthday dinner of mom’s meatloaf with instant mashed potatoes and pineapple upside cake. I have no idea why I preferred instant mashed potatoes over fresh ones, but kids are weird. Now for my birthday, I sometimes make meatloaf and mashed potatoes. And for the past few years, Jeff has been making my mom’s pineapple upside down cake for me. And it makes me cry joyful nostalgic tears every single time. In fact, he just made the cake this weekend for our traveling guests!

8. How long do you celebrate your birthday?
I am a big fan of birth month celebrations. Since Archie, Jeff, my father-in-law, my nephew, and I all have May birthdays, starting with Archie and Pap’s shared birthday on May 1 and ending with my birthday on May 30, it makes sense to celebrate all month long around here!
9. What is the best thing about your birthday?
My birthday is May 30 and I love that it is in the spring and generally very near the long Memorial Day weekend. It also always coincided with my graduation days. I remember my graduation ceremonies for high school, undergrad, and law school all happened on my birthday. For my law school graduation I wore a ribbon on my graduation gown that said “It’s My Birthday!” When I walked the stage for my diploma, the dean asked me if it was really my birthday. I couldn’t resist myself when I answered, “No, it’s not. I just thought it would be funny to wear this ribbon.” He looked at me a little confused with a raised eyebrow before he realized I was being sarcastic. Then he laughed out loud and handed me my diploma with a joyful congratulations and happy birthday!

10. What is your sign (zodiac, that is)?
I am a Gemini through and through. Twins, indeed. There are definitely two sides of me (actually there are more likely hundreds of sides of me). Jeff is also a Gemini (May 26) and Gemini-Gemini pairings can either be brilliant or disastrous. I am so happy that our Gemini union is the former. Archie is a Taurus (May 1) and Ralph is an Aries (March 21), making a very interesting and strong willed dynamic in my home!
Now it’s your turn to share! I would love to hear about your birthday celebrations and memories. If you write a post with your answers to the birthday questions, be sure to link it with Marsha, Leslie, or Gail!
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

Emma Peach
I had Isobel a whole month early too! She was so tiny. I really hope you get to see Nancy in the Netherlands, that would be awesome!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! Archie had to spend a few hours in the NICU to make sure his breathing was good and his temperature was normal and he was actually gigantic compared to all the other preemie babies! He weighed almost 7 pounds and was born at 35 1/2 weeks. If he had gone full term, he probably would have weighed over 10 pounds!
Lovely to read! Just a little bit more that I know about you now!
Heheh, thanks, Nancy!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Cakes were a huge part of our birthday traditions growing up!
Mine, too, Tamar! My mom always made our cakes and she loved having a reason to practice her cake decorating!!! She also loved to eat cake. But then again, who doesn’t?!
Patrick Weseman
Great answers and very nice. I am not a fan of my birthday (long story)
Thanks, Patrick! I am so sorry to hear that you dislike your birthday. That is a bummer, my friend.
This was so much fun to read! I love that your mom went all out on cakes and was creative enough to make her own and while you might not make them yourself you did keep the spirit of the tradition alive. We like to go all out on cake too and I have made some pretty creative ones through the years; usually to go with whatever theme the boys picked for a party.
Thanks so much, Joanne! I actually can bake pretty delicious cakes myself. But I can’t make them look deliciously pretty! Haha. So I leave that to the professional confectionary artists!
Erin @ Cracker Crumb Life
Aww those early babies just are so ready to meet us – and in your son’s case, his grandfather! My son was born 7 weeks early. 🙂
I love that your family goes all out on birthday cakes – what a fun tradition that seems to have been started by your mom. 🙂
Thanks so much, Erin! Seven weeks early! Wow! I was not unhappy about having him come early because I was just hitting the really uncomfortable part of pregnancy! My biggest struggle was when my second pregnancy passed 35 weeks and I was like, “Okay, I’m done. Can this baby come now?!” Thankfully, he came 2 weeks early! I hope you are having a lovely week!
Ooh, I hope you do get to make that trip to The Netherlands! Meeting Nancy would be so awesome!
Aw, thanks, Michelle! I hope so, too! We are in the process of saving the funds to make it happen so as long as no disasters strike, we should be good to go in 2024!
Marsha Banks
Oh, I really loved your answers, Shelbee! I think it’s fabulous you celebrate the entire month! And, what a special birthday gift for your father-in-law!!! A cross country trip would be fun as long as someone else planned it!!!
Thanks so much, Marsha! This was a really fun set of questions! I wouldn’t mind planning a cross country trip as long as someone else drives! Haha.
Great post! It’s fun to get to know you through your answers to these questions about birthdays.
Thank you for sharing this post in the Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 37.
Thanks, Carol! I love these inquisitive “questionny” posts for exactly that reason!