10 on the 10th: May 2023-Canned Questions
It is time for Marsha’s 10 on the 10th series where she presents us with 10 questions about a common theme and asks us to share our answers in blog post form or in the comments. This series is a wonderful way to share more information about ourselves and to learn interesting new things about others. Anyone is invited to join and answer the questions. It is a great way to start new conversations and make meaningful connections with new people.
For May, Marsha has asked us 10 canned questions. Nope, not questions in a can. Not prefabricated generic questions either. Questions that inquire about our ability to do certain things…and in some of these cases some oddly silly things, too.
1. Can you whistle?
Only very, very softly. Unless I have a blade of grass. Then I can whistle really loudly through my thumbs!
2. Can you touch your toes flat to the ground?
Marsha, I really have no idea what you mean by this question. It seems rather odd…don’t all human toes touch flat to the ground when we stand? I am confused so here is a picture of my toes in my sandals which are (mostly) flat on the ground.
3. Can you remember all of your teachers from kindergarten to graduation?
Heck, no! I might be able to remember a few names but probably wouldn’t accurately remember which grade. Let me try…Mrs. Gardiner (1st grade), Mrs. Lerch (3rd grade), Mr. Benner (5th grade math), Miss Strong (5th-8th grade gym), Mr. Llewellyn (9th-12th grade gym), Mr. Kleist (10th grade creative writing)…I think those might be all my memory holds. That’s not a lot. But then again, I have smoked a lot of pot in the 30 years since I graduated from high school so it is no surprise I can’t remember much.
I may not remember all of my teachers, but I will always remember my favorite teacher, Reik Foust. Actually, he was my swim coach, which is still a teacher in my opinion, and he was a teacher by profession until he recently retired. But he still coaches swimming and now he is one of my oldest and dearest friends! I was 8 years old when Reik took his first coaching job after college. He coached me all the way through high school, supported me all the way through college, and mentored me in all sorts of life things beyond that. This year will mark our 41st year of knowing each other. And that’s worth mentioning!
4. Can you ride a motorcycle?
Oh my goodness. Can I ride a motorcycle? That depends on who you ask. The instructor of the motorcycle safety course that I dropped out of 15 years ago would argue that everyone can ride a motorcycle with proper instruction…just like riding a bike, he said. Well, I never hit the ground so hard falling off my bicycle as I did falling off that motorcycle. And I was only going about 5 mph in a parking lot. It is not the same as riding a bike and not everyone can do it even with proper instruction! I am way too flighty for all the things you need to remember for riding a motorcycle. I can, however, ride on a motorcycle. I can sit on one, too.

5. Can you groom a dog?
I have never tried to groom a dog so I am not sure if I can. I guess it would depend on the dog’s personality and how well we got along!
We did have a dogs when I was a child. Our first pup, Patches, came to us when I was 6 and she died when I was 16. I don’t recall my parents grooming her but I guess they did. We got a new dog, Snowflake, shortly after that but then I left for college and never owned a dog again so I never had the need to know how to groom a dog!

6. Can you remember the first vacation you ever went on?
I don’t know if this was my actual first vacation but it’s the first vacation I remember. When I was 5 years old, probably just before we got Patches, we went on a family trip with friends to Disney World in Orlando, Florida. My memories are very vague because it was 43 years ago, but I do remember driving around one of the parks in a golf cart. I was sitting on the back facing backwards and I fell off at a stop sign. I wasn’t hurt because those carts didn’t drive very fast, but my family kept going because they didn’t know I had fallen off. I was running as fast as my little legs would carry me trying to catch them. I guess those carts moved faster than I thought because I couldn’t catch them. And I was scared. Just as they were almost out of my eyesight, they realized I had fallen off and came back for me. And then I was treated to a very special set of Mickey Mouse jewelry which I wore all the time. I was obsessed with Mickey Mouse because my childhood nickname was Micki.

7. Can you create things from scratch (knit, paint, weld, etc.)?
I can create things. I love to create things. My creative skills are at the novice level but I still love creating. Here are some things I have created from fashion to food.
I don’t know if dying counts as creating, but my mother-in-law gave me her old white lace curtains and I dyed them to match my gypsy living room and I freaking love the result!

And one last thing that I created last week. It wasn’t made from scratch though. It was more of an upcycling project. I will be sharing the details on Monday with The Thrifty Six but here’s a sneak peek.

8. Can you wire an outlet?
Hahaha. No. After my failed attempt at riding a motorcycle, I have decided there are certain things that I should not do regardless of whether I can. Playing with electricity is one of those things. I guess we will never really know if I can wire an outlet because I am not ever going to try.
9. Can you remember your first job?
I can remember that. My dad got me a job working at Heights Market, a local convenience store near our house, when I was 14 years old. I absolutely freaking hated it. I only worked there a few times before I quit.

10. Can you upholster a chair?
I reupholstered my desk chair about a 13 years ago. This was super easy and probably not at all what Marsha meant by reupholstering a chair. I think it probably could use a new cover again. I’ll add that to my list of things to do!

If you enjoyed reading my answers, be sure to check out Marsha’s post and her link party for more fun responses. And feel free to share your own answers in the comments. I would love to read them!
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

There is always something more to know about a person! I love to read posts like this, I’m a very curious person. What a lovely photo of you with the Mickey jewelry.
Aw, thanks so much, Nancy! Have you played along yet with Marsha’s 10 on the 10th questions yet? I look forward to them as a fun opportunity to share random stuff as well as motivation for me to write more!
Marsha Banks
I am sitting here with such a big smile on my face because of your relationship with your swimming coach. I’m so glad this man came into your life and mentored you not only in swimming but in life! And, then I had to chuckle at the foot thing because my answer was similar to yours! I thought I had made it clear when I wrote the thing! Yeah…clear as mud! You are some kind of cook and baker, my friend! I often bake good things, but they rarely look that good! Thanks for playing along (and mentioning the link party)!
Aw, thanks so much, Marsha! I do get a good laugh when you pose confusing questions! It keeps me on my toes, for sure! I guess most of my “from scratch” creations are food. But now that I got myself a sewing machine, I hope to create more clothing from scratch! Thanks for hosting this fun series, my friend!
That toe touching/floor question threw me too! LOL Reading Marsha’s post today, it made a bit more sense. I had forgotten all about using a blade of grass to whistle but I was really good at that.
Marsha cracks me up! Hahaha. These were fun questions. I will be floating around reading others’ 10 on the 10th posts soon! I hope you are having a lovely week, my friend.
OMG! I love seeing all of your creative endeavors! Your shawls are amazing! I love the dyed curtains. That reupholstered chair definitely counts. And wow! I’d be even fatter if I came to eat at your house. It all looks so tasty!
Great pic with your coach! Ha! Marsha’s second question was worded a bit oddly. You have pretty toes!
Gahh, thanks so much, Michelle! I do love my shawls and wraps and things! I made that black one with my first sewing machine, probably 20 years ago. Then I had no machine for the last 10 years. I am so glad that I purchased a new one. I am having so much fun sewing stuff! I giggled about your toe compliment. Ha. I think I should appreciate my feet more. While I never considered them to be pretty feet because they are very large (size 10), they have always served me well and they are still in decent condition with almost 50 years of wear on them! We might all need to appreciate our feet more. I wonder if there is a feet appreciation holiday? If not, I’m gonna start one!
Patrick Weseman
Great answers to these questions. Love your first job, most of us hated our first job.
Thanks, Patrick! I definitely do not like customer service jobs and yet I ended up in so many of them over the years. Ugh.
I think we all interpreted this qustion differently. I took it as bending down to touch your toes. Oh that food looks yummy. I’ll take the ravioli and potato skins. YUM. I enjoyed all our answers.
Kirsten, thanks so much! I need to make my rounds to read all the other 10 on the 10th posts. But my days keep getting away from me! I hope you have a lovely weekend.