10 on the 10th: July 2022-10 Things I Love (or Hate) About Summer
Another month has flown by faster than I can keep track and here we are in the middle of summer time with lots of activities behind us and a few more ahead of us as well. For July’s 10 on the 10th prompt, Marsha has asked us to share 10 things that we love or hate about summer. Co-hosting this monthly series with Marsha is Leslie of Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After. And beginning in August, Gail of Is This Mutton? will be joining as a co-host as well.

So let’s get to it…the things I love and hate about summer in no particular order.
One: As a person who wakes up at ridiculous early times every morning, I absolutely love and appreciate the early sunrise hours in the summer time. My favorite time of day is between the hours of 4:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. when it is peaceful and quiet and most of the world around me remains asleep. This is my most productive time of day as well. However, I kind of hate the later sunset times because I go to sleep early to better support my early wake up time.
Two: We have the best summer weather where I live in northern New York. Temperatures rarely ever break 80˚F (27˚C) and the position of my house offers us adequate shading all around that helps to keep it even cooler indoors. We almost never need to turn on our air conditioners, generally using them only on the hottest and most humid nights. The trade off for our beautiful summers, of course, is the endlessly brutal winters.
Three: I love the easy, laid back mornings of the summer months when the kids are off from school. I enjoy sitting on the couch for hours with my coffee and my laptop doing my writing things without a deadline for starting the morning getting ready routine. There are many summer days when I don’t even venture to the shower until almost noon. I also seem to have much more time to complete little projects uninterrupted including my newest project! Remember the awesome tee shirt I found with Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon? It was way too small for me so I revived an old canvas tote bag with it.

Four: I do love summer fashions, particularly all of my colorful tie dye pieces and my lightweight flowy kimonos that are not very practical during our harsh winters. As a person who runs cold (menopause has been exacerbating that…I get cold flashes way more often than heat flashes), I do appreciate the summer months as a time when I won’t constantly be freezing. My fingers and toes still get cold often though so I rarely have bare feet regardless of the temperature.

Five: I absolutely love the summer for festival season and outdoor live music venues. Jeff and I just had a date night on Friday when we went to see Umphrey’s McGee perform at the Bud Light Amphitheater on Paper Mill Island in Baldwinsville, New York. It such a cool venue situated on a tiny island in the middle of Seneca River. We had such an amazing time! At the end of the show, this adorable young couple approached us and declared that we were “so f*cking cute” dancing atop our little hill where we like to sit when we attend concerts at this venue. I wore the outfit above to the concert on Friday night.

Jeff wore this awesome new tie dye tee shirt that Anne sent to me from Weed, California!

Here are some more photos from the concert…

Let me explain this next photo. We were sitting on the ground right next to this bench where these guys were sitting. They sat on that bench for the entire first 90 minute set holding their chairs! I could not get over the ridiculousness of this as all sorts of other people were sitting on the ground. They actually carried their chairs into the venue and then apparently got too lazy to open them and decided to take the bench and hold their chairs. While I intended to sit on the ground anyway, this completely annoyed me for some reason.

Six: As much fun as I always have at outdoor summer concerts, I freaking hate the mosquitoes! Bugs have always tormented me and they tend to ruin my outdoor enjoyment all the time. I get bit more often than most people and the bites always swell to abnormal sizes (I guess I am very sensitive to mosquito bites). We forgot to bring bug spray to the concert but it never really works effectively for me. They bite me anyway. So I stood atop my little hill with a perfect view of the stage just 20 yards from me and I swung my flowy kimono all around me like a perfectly orchestrated dance routine. I think that adorable young couple thought I was dancing when I was actually just swatting at the swarms of mosquitoes! I came home with a few dozen bites on me including a really big one on the palm of my hand. Can I tell you how miserably uncomfortable that one is?
Seven: While I enjoy the lazy summer mornings with the children home from school, it really messes with my normal daily routine. It only takes a little switching around of things to get into my summer groove, but I always struggle in the transition period. By the time I get it all figured out, it’s almost back to school time and I can settle into my regular routine again.
Eight: Summer time seems to make everyone ready for outdoor swimming…in pools, rivers, lakes, and oceans. As a former competitive swimmer, I am probably an exception to the norm, but I freaking hate swimming! If I never put a swim suit on my body again, it would not bother me in the least bit. My children love swimming and they will jump right into any body of water with enthusiasm and glee. The day my kids could swim on their own was a glorious day for me. Now I never have to get into the water again if I don’t want to.
Nine: I am not at all a fan of damaging sun rays that can wreak havoc on the health of our skin. Of course, we can get sun burn at any time of year, but the summer time is the most dangerous as we are exposing more of our skin to the elements when we step outdoors. I was never one to sunbathe or chase the perfect golden tan. I have always been perfectly happy with my pale porcelain skin and have always taken great measures to protect it. While sunscreens help, I find that just staying out of the sun entirely is even better.
Ten: As much as I love outdoor events like festivals, concerts, camping, and hiking, I do not like all the dirt that comes with it. I have tried and tried to be more of an outdoorsy person but I just am not and I am done trying to be something that I am not. I prefer the indoors to the outdoors almost always. Between the dirt, the bugs, and the allergens floating in the air, I am happiest when I am inside.
Now it’s your turn! What things do you love or hate about summer time? If you write a post on the topic, be sure to join the link party with Marsha and Leslie!
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

Via Singh
You have listed some very interesting things about summer. Living in tropical country, summer is not my favorite time. I love winters, cloudy sky and a bit of rain when I am indoors. I avoid going out in the sun and I am also very happy indoors, with my kids around. You guys had so much fun at the concert. And you both are a cute and beautiful couple my dear. 🙂
Via | https://glossnglitters.com
Via, thank you so much! I think I would be absolutely miserable in a tropical climate! I am definitely much more of a cool weather girl. I prefer our fall and spring weather but I imagine that tropical winters are pretty spectacular. I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Amy Christensen
This was a fun read and I probably have a similar list. It gets a little too hot for me in this area of northwest Ohio, so I keep telling my hubby we are going to move further north when we retire. Ha, ha. But I do love the longer days, the fact that my husband is off work (college teacher) and I am currently unemployed so we can go and do whatever and whenever we want. We love to camp, but like you as we get older, it is so much easier to just stay home or rent a hotel or B&B because then we don’t have to deal with the dirt, the work and the bugs. However, we still like to get out and camp, so hopefully we are going to take our grandson for a few nights this week. The weather is supposed to be less hot and that works so much better for all of us. When I was young I used to love to swim and lay in the sun, but not any more. I love my cool days and nights when fall comes.
Hope you have a happy rest of your summer!
Thanks, Amy! Isn’t it great to have the freedom to go do the things you want all summer long?! While you are wanting to head further north, we want to head further south to a milder climate. But I still want 4 seasons so we won’t go any further south than the Smoky Mountains. But I am so excited to relocate to that area in about 10 years! I hope you enjoy all of your summer days, my friend!
Patrick Weseman
Very nice. I kind of like being out of school during the summer and able to explore places. Love Jeff’s shirt and I have driven through Weed, Ca., a couple of times.
Thanks, Patrick! If we ever make our way out west, we definitely want to visit Weed now!
I’m surprised you don’t have to deal with humidity. I figured you’d have the same weather as me and Toronto!
Curated by Jennifer
I think it has to do with where we are located in relation to Lake Ontario. We are about 20 miles east of the lake. I am not sure how that impacts the humidity levels though!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
I am with you about the early mornings! I am still sleeping in more as I get over covid but during the school year when I am up at 5 love knowing so few others are!
I wake up super early even when I go to bed really late, too. It’s like my mind is ready to go at 4:00 a.m. regardless of how much sleep I get. I am glad you are able to get some extra sleep right now so your body can heal. I’m sure it puts a damper on your summer though. Sending you healing energy!
My bug bites almost alwys swell too! I remember one time I was just a kid and my entire eye swelled shut after getting a may fly bite. Bug spray rarely works for me either.
Ugh, it is so awful, Joanne! You should see what happens when I get stung by a bee! The sting spot will swell to about 5 times its normal size. I get super worried that I will get stung near my face or neck and that it might cause me a big problem in that area with the amount of swelling that happens to me. The most effective bug spray that I have found is my all natural organic Shaklee all purpose cleaning solution…you mix it with a little water and spritz it on yourself and it actually does keep a lot of the bugs away. My problem is remembering to bring the darn stuff with me!
Leslie Susan Clingan
Terrific reasons to love summer. So glad you shared them with us!! I have a feeling you guys looked mighty cute dancing on your little hill – and not at all like you were swatting mosquitoes.
I have done a poor job of protecting my skin from the sun most of my life. And it shows. You have the prettiest complexion and such a great white smile. I am trying to do better about wearing sunscreen and whitening my teeth but I think in both areas, those ships have sailed.
Great job revitalizing your canvas bag. I am seeing denim bags made out of old blue jeans like I used love and carry when I was a teen. Your bag is like portable art.
Hope you continue to enjoy the summer season without a single mosquito bite more.
Leslie, thanks so much for this wonderful comment! When I was a very young kid as a competitive swimmer I was much less concerned about sun damage and would often get baked out there. Fortunately, by the time I hit my teen years when my peers were slathering themselves in baby oil and taking naps in the sun, I was entering my Goth stage when pale skin was cool. Turns out the pale Goth kids who stayed out of the sun are better off now 30 years later! And I am crazy about my dental hygiene, brushing my teeth about a dozen times a day! I tried a teeth whitening system a few years ago because I do drink lots of coffee, but I couldn’t even complete it because my teeth were so sensitive to it. It was really painful! I hope you enjoy the remainder of your summer as well, my friend!
Michele Morin
I don’t love summer clothes because I am so attached to the weights and textures and layers of colder seasons. And summer is so short here that by the time I figure it out, it’s time to put on a sweater! 🤣
I prefer cold weather clothes as well, Michele. Our summers are so short that I don’t even bother to put away my winter wardrobe. It’s my summer wardrobe that goes into storage for 10 months!
OMG! I am laughing at your “mosquito dance!” That’s horrible to be so tasty though. I’ve never been bitten on my palm. Awful! And I feel you on the whole camping thing. I did so much of it as a kid, and I loved it then. Now, my kind of camping is called Ramada Inn. 🤣
Hahaha, thanks, Michelle! I seriously must have been a sight to see doing my mosquito dance! I think I should make it my trademark dance! I don’t think I have ever been bitten on my palm before either. It’s gone now but it was super uncomfortable. I can tolerate our family festival camping once a year but after that I definitely prefer a hotel!
The chair thing. Yes. That would’ve driven me nuts. One day they will have plantar fasciitis or a lower back problem, and they are going to realize. They have got to realize. lol
Thank you for getting it, April! It was of the most absurd and frustrating things ever! They left after the first set and the people who were sitting on the ground next to us moved up to the bench. But first they offered it to us which was very kind. I was fine on the ground as it was my intention to sit on a blanket in the grass anyway but I did mention to them that the previous people on the bench were holding their lawn chairs on their laps the whole time. They were just as baffled as I was and we shared a good laugh!
Your answers were so much fun!!! I love the mornings too…
Thanks so much, Kirstin! Early mornings are the best except when I have to stay up late at night for something! Haha.
jess jannenga
Bugs! I can agree there! I have a mosquito allergy so mine swell and get beyond itchy! Hubby hates that I don’t stay out on the deck at night, but he doesnt get attacked! I love that the young couple or girl may have thought you were dancing instead of swatting insects! LOL! I do love the sun and lighter days! We have really gotten to enjoy my brother’s pool since he moved here, so that has been nice to have a private pool and to be able to lay on a 7 foot long swan 🙂 Love Sangria and making it homemade. Don’t love the humidity! This year we had so many heat advisories over 100 and that was too much. Sounds like you had a great time at the festivals, and wierd about the chair situation! right?
thanks for linking!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! I am always the first one to go inside at night as well because of the bugs. It’s super annoying especially as we get deeper into summer and the mosquitoes seem to come out earlier chasing me inside with many hours of daylight left. It is getting really hot and humid here now as well with days in the 90s which is too much for up here. I don’t even know how you can tolerate 100s. I would never leave my house. Ha. I barely leave my house now! Having a private pool for lounging on a 7 foot swan sounds magnificent! Enjoy it and stay cool, my friend!
Whilst I function better in the mornings I hate the super early dawn chorus waking me. I hate the fact in the UK I have to prepare for 4 seasons in one day and I hate the late sunset and evenings because I don’t realise how late it is and don’t get enough sleep. Other than Summer is great lol. Thanks for linking with #pocolo
Ha, I hear you, Suzanne! I am usually awake before the birds start their early morning serenading so I actually really enjoy it! But I also have been asleep when they start singing and it can be very annoying. I remember in my college dorm room my freshman year, there was a very loud crow in the tree outside of our window. That thing always woke us up and one morning, my roommate got so annoyed with it, she jumped out of bed, tossed open the window, and hurled a telephone book at it! She was and still is one the most docile and patient human beings I have ever known so when she did this, it was nothing short of shocking and completely hilarious! Especially since the crow was back the next morning to wake her again.