10 on the 10th: February 2023-The Love/Hate Edition & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #639
And here we are again, at the 10th of another month, which means it is time for Marsha’s 10 on the 10th series where she presents us with 10 questions about a common theme and asks us to share our answers in blog post form. This series is such a wonderful way to share more information about ourselves and to learn interesting new things about others. Anyone is invited to join and answer the questions. It is a great way to start new conversations and make meaningful connections with new people.
As a fan of dichotomies (like myself), Marsha chose a series of love/hate questions for February, to celebrate the month of love. Or hate. Depending on your perspective. The two emotions can sometimes be very closely connected, can’t they? Before I get to answering Marsha’s queries, did you know that February is also SOB month, a month for celebrating Spunky Old Broads? Monica and I invite you to join us on February 16, 2023, with Your Own Twist on a Spunky Old Broad outfit. What a super fun holiday to honor badass midlife women!
Okay. Now let’s get to my love/hate relationships with random things!
1. Tell us about a color you love to wear. Now, tell us about a color you wouldn’t wear for a million dollars!
I love green. I have always loved green. I will always love green. It is my forever favorite color for all things…except maybe cheese. As for a color that I hate to wear, I would have to say beige. However, I would wear any color at all for a million dollars, Marsha! I would probably even wear Lady Gaga’s meat dress for that amount of money. Although my skin just got all cringey imagining what a dress made of raw beef would feel like covering my body. Oh yuck.
Love to wear green/Hate to wear beige.
2. Share a food you loved when you were a kid, but now you wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole!
I took Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup in my thermos almost every day for lunch during my elementary school years. And during my teen and early adulthood years, it was my favorite sick day food until I got sick after eating it. To this day, I cannot even tolerate the smell of it. In fact, I am not a huge fan of canned soup at all anymore. And now my Ralphie likes to take it in his thermos for lunch and the smell gags me every time I pop open any brand or flavor of canned soup.
I Loved but now I Hate Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup.
3. Is there something you loved to wear once upon a time, but now you wouldn’t wear it to your worst enemy’s wedding?
First of all, Marsha, why would I be attending my worst enemy’s wedding?! Haha.
Remember those humongous platform mules that were trending heavily in the 1990s? Oh, I loved that style of footwear. The clunkier, chunkier, and taller, the better! Until a friend of mine broke her ankle clean in half when she fell off of a pair of shoes like those. So now, in my late 40s, I would not wear that style of shoe to anyone’s wedding.
I Loved but now Hate to wear platform mules.
4. Spill the tea! What is the flower you want your significant other to buy you? What flower had better never grace your doorstep?
My favorite flowers are lilies of any sort. I don’t really have any floral prejudices though. I suppose the only flowers I wouldn’t want gracing my doorstep would be flowers infested with stinging bugs! Check this website for the freshest lilies at your doorstep.
Love Lilies/Hate Flowers that Sting
5. When you were a kid, was there a food you absolutely detested, but now you just can’t get enough of it?
I hated Brussels sprouts as a kid. But what kid likes Brussels sprouts? Now I really kind of love them. They are so good roasted, grilled, or caramelized. Unfortunately, no one in my house likes Brussels sprouts so I never make them.
I Hated but now Love Brussels sprouts.
6. Share a book you love, reread, or tell others about. Now, let’s hear about a book you wish had never been written!
I am glad you asked this question, Marsha! Particularly during Black History Month. Last year, I read The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson and it gave me such a beautiful and heartbreaking perspective of the black experience in America. I honestly think it should be required reading in our higher public education system. The award winning masterwork chronicles one of the greatest untold stories in American history by sharing the stories of three people of color who took part in the decades long migration of black citizens who fled the South in search of a better life in the northern and western cities of the United States. Honestly, it is just a breathtaking and profoundly important work of literature, in my opinion.
And I kind of wish Leo Tolstoy had never written War and Peace. Nothing against the author or the novel itself. It’s just that I set this as a reading goal for myself over 30 years ago and I have never managed to get past the first few pages despite dozens of attempts over three decades. I finally gave up so it is a reminder of my defeat!
Love The Warmth of Other Suns/Hate War and Peace
7. Tell us about something your significant other does that makes you go, “Awww…” But what does he/she/they do that drives you up a wall?
My husband gives me the most amazing foot massages at least 3-4 times a week and that makes me go more than “Awww.” It makes me also go “Oooh” and “Ahhh” in the most extraordinary heavenly bliss. Honestly, he doesn’t really do much that drives me crazy. I will admit that the same is not true from his side. I definitely drive him crazy with all of my weird little idiosyncrasies. He doesn’t drive me up a wall but I certainly have a knack for driving myself up one!
Love foot massages/Hate that I might be too weird.
(Is that a thing? Too weird? Maybe I’m just spunky. And wall driving is much more interesting than street driving!)
8. Time to spill the tea again! What piece of clothing do you love and cherish? What piece of clothing will never ever be in your wardrobe again?
I absolutely love and cherish the awesome blanket scarf that my kids got for me last Mother’s Day. And I will never allow itchy, icky fabrics into my wardrobe again. I have cleaned them all out including my super cool vintage pussy bow blouse because I am no longer willing to tolerate discomfort of any sort in my clothing. Icky fabrics be gone!
Love my blanket scarf/Hate itchy, icky fabrics.
9. Share the holiday you would celebrate often, even every day if you could! Which holiday would you never celebrate again if you had the choice?
Well, if I had to pick just one holiday to celebrate often and daily if possible, it would have to be Spunky Old Broads Day, which is officially on February 1 in case you were wondering. This special holiday was created in 2002 by Dr. Gayle Carson who aims to dispel the myth that life automatically begins winding down for women 50 and older. And since I am going to be 50 in about 15 months, I am all about embracing my Old Broad spunk every day!
Honestly, if I never celebrated New Year’s Eve again that wouldn’t make me particularly sad. But I will always wish people a Happy New Year when it comes around!
Love Spunky Old Broads Day/Hate New Year’s Eve.
10. Tell us about the modern technological device you’d fight your sister for. But, which device would you toss out the window happily?
I am pretty glued to my cell phone because it is my lifeline to my loved ones when they aren’t safely in my house. So I would fight just about anyone for it, including my sister. And she’s a tough Spunky Old Broad so I don’t really like to tangle with her.
I would gladly toss out all other smart devices! Personally, they freak me out. I whispered to my Firestick the other night because it was late and I was trying to be quiet and she whispered her response. That freaked me out and then I jokingly asked the Firestick voice why she was speaking that way and the damn thing answered, “Because you were.” Creepy ass technology! No, thank you.
Love my iPhone/Hate smart technology that talks back in creepy voices.
Great questions, Marsha. That was fun!
If you enjoyed reading my answers, be sure to check out Marsha’s post and her link party for more interesting responses. And feel free to share your own answers in the comments. I would love to read them!
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Anne M Bray
OK, the whispering Firestick is totally creepy!
Did you know that I’m in a group of women artists over 55 that is named “Old Broads”?
We’ve ganged together to get group art exhibitions.
Power in numbers!
Last night, I saw a few members at The Broad (pronounced brode) Museum. Old Broads at the Broad!
Oh, I love that, Anne! And I bet the Old Broads are all as spunky as can be! By the way, I just realized that my talking Firestick is Alexa being accessed through it. But it is still creepy as hell. I am not a fan of Alexa!
A whispering Firestick would freak me out too! I sometimes get spooked by the things our smart devices seem to “know” about us.
Thanks for hosting,
Thanks, Niky! I just realized that it is Alexa being accessed through my Firestick. But Alexa is the creepiest of all, in my opinion! Why does she know so much stuff?
Erin @ Cracker Crumb Life
I love green too! And beige is yuck. That first outfit in your photo lineup is super cute!
And I also have a newfound affection for brussel sprouts! Lol.
Thanks so much, Erin! Brussels sprouts are not only delicious but they are a beautiful shade of green, too! Haha.
Lucy Bertoldi
Loved learning ore about you like this! Have a great weekend xx
Thanks so much, Lucy! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well!
Your True Self
Hi, Shelbee – I really enjoyed reading your ten loves and hates! I got sucked right in and couldn’t stop. Lol! I always like your writing because you have such a fun outlook and sense of humor…and kindness. Thanks for sharing – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Aw, Angie, thanks so much for your kind words. I really appreciate that. Every time I start questioning myself and my blog, I get a wonderful comment like this that renews my spirit and keeps me going!
Laura Bambrick
I loved reading your answers to these questions Shelbee! I had to laugh out loud at some! I don’t think there is a color I wouldn’t wear either. It all depends on what it is paired with! And for a million dollars wearing a color wouldn’t be a hard task at all! Haha! Lilies are my favorite flower, too!
Thanks so much, Laura! I was laughing while I was writing my answers to these questions! This was super fun to do. Lilies seem to be a common favorite! I have wanted a tiger lily tattoo on my calf for decades but then kids came along and the tattoo budget went out the window! LOL
I am right there with you on the canned soups… YUCK! LOL. I used to love the chicken noodle one too but now that I make my own I don’t think I can ever go back. Your firestick talks to you?? That is so creepy! Haha.
Oh, canned soup is so gross, isn’t it?! There was a time in my life when canned soup probably made up 70% of my diet. That is so barfy. Homemade soup is definitely where it’s at! Does your Firestick not talk to you??? If I use the voice command to search for something, she will respond, “Getting {insert name of show} from {insert name of streaming service}.” When I whispered my search command, she whispered back. But she doesn’t do it every time. Like she is really trying to mess with me! Creepy creepy creepy!
Fun read indeed! I missed, I think, where you are going but I will read it back. Have fun.
Thanks, Nancy! I had a lot of fun writing it! My upcoming road trip is taking me to visit friends in Virginia and North Carolina. It is about 1,800 miles (2,900 km) round trip. I am so excited to go! I leave in 6 days.
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
This was so fun! Those platform mules were something else!
Thanks, Tamar! I had fun writing it! Those platform mules were dangerous!
I have not attempted Tolstoy, but because her writing was so controversial, I did attempt The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. I couldn’t finish it. I hated every character in that book and just wished they’d all die. Another person who is not a fan of beige. Every time I admit this, I’m afraid they’ll take away my fashionista card. 🤣 Lilies we’re my choice as well.
I have never attempted Ayn Rand and after your glowing review I probably never will! Haha. I tried both War and Peace and Anna Karenina by Tolstoy and I just can’t get a good reading rhythm going because there are like a million characters who all have names that I cannot pronounce.
Psstt…I am going to let you in on a little fashionista secret…there are no fashion police! They do not exist and you have rightfully earned your fashionista card that will never be revoked for any reason even our mutual dislike of beige.
I am so excited to see you for some food and shopping soon!
Daenel T.
I’m with you on the smart devices. I always feel like someone’s listening to me, so I’m always apologizing when I say something particularly salty. LOL I know I don’t need to but *gah*!
Spunky Old Broads Day. I’m all for the celebration. I’ll be 50 next month. And I refuse to just fade away.
Oh my gosh, I totally relate, Daenel! We call them smart devices, but it sometimes feels like they are emotional devices as well! My husband witnessed the creepy Firestick responses and he is still laughing at me because it freaked me out so bad that I am all serious now when I speak to it. Haha. Isn’t Spunky Old Broads Day the best holiday ever? Wishing you an amazing 50th birthday, my friend. You definitely will not fade away!
Marsha Banks
Hahaha!!! You know I didn’t even think about the million dollars because I certainly would wear just about anything for that amount of money! Anne even mentioned there was no time constraint so there’s that! You always catch me…my worst enemy wouldn’t invite me to her wedding in the first place. And, yes, I have a worst enemy…at least from her standpoint. I don’t have the time to hate anyone! My granddaughter decided she was going to read War & Peace when she was around 9 or 10 because the librarian said no one ever checked it out. She carried that monster (size, I mean) around for a week or so before giving up! I’m going to have to read The Warmth of Other Sons. Thanks for the recommendation.
Thanks for the link party!
Oh my gosh, Marsha, you crack me up! My kid asked me a while back if I would kiss Elon Musk for a million dollars. I told him that I would probably kiss just about anyone for a million dollars. Heck, I would probably kiss anyone for a hundred dollars. In fact, a kiss is just a kiss and I have no problem giving them out for free. But if people want to pay me for kisses, then I am certainly not going to argue with taking some extra cash!
I love that your granddaughter also attempted War and Peace! I was probably about 14 when I first attempted it. I am also secretly glad that she didn’t succeed either…because if you told me she finished it in a week at 10 years old I would have felt really dumb! Yes, definitely check out The Warmth of Other Suns if you can. You will not regret it!
Thanks for hosting this fun series, my friend!
My favorite color is green and I love brussel sprouts and always have. In the 70’s I wore short dresses and thought I was cool. The thought of wearing a dress now makes me quinge how did I think that was cool? Always enjoy your writings they are my favorites.
Jamie, thanks so much for your kind words! Green is such a fabulous color and the color of equally fabulous Brussels sprouts! I know that cringey feeling that comes when we see how we dressed decades ago! Hahaha.
Patrick Weseman
So very cool. I agree with you about the Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup. I used to think that it was the best. Now, I can’t even stand to look at it. Thanks for hosting this party.
Thanks, Patrick! Campbell’s Chicken Noddle Soup seems to be giving many of us the squeamies! I feel like our generation used it as an elixir for sickness so often that many of us probably vomited it at some point and now our brains can’t stand any reminder of it…sight, smell, taste. Ick.
The book you love sounds really good. I’ll have to write it down.
Thanks, Kirstin! It really is worth reading. It is extraordinarily eye-opening and so beautifully written. I saw that is available on Audible if you prefer listening to reading.