10 on the 10th: April 2023-Springtime Would You Rathers
It is time again for Marsha’s 10 on the 10th series where she presents us with 10 questions about a common theme and asks us to share our answers in blog post form. This series is such a wonderful way to share more information about ourselves and to learn interesting new things about others. Anyone is invited to join and answer the questions. It is a great way to start new conversations and make meaningful connections with new people.
For April, Marsha created a list of Would You Rather questions related to springtime. So let’s get straight to it!
1. Would you rather wear clothes made of feathers or clothes made of flower petals?
While I think clothes made from flowers are much prettier than clothes made from feathers, I would rather wear clothes made from feathers because flower clothes would likely make me all itchy with allergies. Also, the flowers would get crushed and wilt after one wear while feather clothing lends itself to multiple wears.
2. Would you rather listen to birds chirping or frogs croaking?
I do like the sounds of both chirping birds and croaking frogs, but if I am forced to choose one I would rather listen to birds chirping. I think you get a bigger variety of sounds from bird songs than frog croaks.
3. Would you rather vacation on a remote yet tropical beach or near a thriving city?
I would rather vacation in the mountains but Marsha didn’t offer that has a choice! I hate the beach. Sand grosses me out and open water scares me. I am not a huge fan of bustling cities either because the odors offend me and large crowds of people scare me. But I have to answer since that’s how this game is played. So I would rather vacation near a thriving city…preferably a small one.
4. Would you rather have Peeps in your Easter/holiday basket or jellybeans?
I would rather have all the jellybeans and none of the Peeps in any candy, snack, or holiday basket that I receive. Despite Peeps being manufactured in my hometown of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, I do not have any nostalgic attachment to these dye-laden, sugar-injected, squishy, spongey, icky, marshmallowy shapes. I have never liked marshmallow Peeps. But jellybeans are totally my jam!
5. Would you rather spend a day planting seeds or a day at the beach?
See number 3. I would rather spend a day planting seeds because I hate the beach. Alhough I am not a big fan of dirt either, I would rather get dirty than sandy!
6. Would you rather grow green grass or grass of a color of your choosing?
Since green is my forever favorite color, I have never considered a world with grass of different colors. But now that Marsha has asked the question, I would rather grow grass in many vibrant colors, like tie dye grass perhaps!
7. Would you rather wear sandals with socks or sandals with hosiery?
I am a fan of both socks and hosiery with sandals. However, since my feet are always so darn cold, I would rather wear socks with sandals for the extra warmth. Stockings, tights, and other lighter hosiery do nothing for my cold toes!
8. Would you rather have flowers for fingers or flowers for toes?
I would rather have flowers for toes. Since sitting is one of my favorite hobbies, it would be easy to protect my delicate flower toes. I think it would be more difficult to complete my daily tasks with flowers for fingers so toes it is!
9. Would you rather do the chicken dance or the bunny hop?
I would rather do the bunny hop. There aren’t many things I like about chickens. I don’t really like to eat them and I find birds in general to be really quite frightening. I think our pet bunny would much rather I do the bunny hop than the chicken dance, too. Plus that chicken dance song is sooooo annoying.
10. Would you rather be a caterpillar or a tadpole?
I would rather be a caterpillar because I would rather turn into a butterfly than a frog!
Well, that was all sorts of silly fun, wasn’t it? If you enjoyed reading my answers, be sure to check out Marsha’s post and her link party for more interesting responses. And feel free to share your own answers in the comments. I would love to read them!
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

Melody Jacob
Fun questions, enjoyed reading
Thanks so much, Melody! Have a fabulous week!
The way to wear sandals are at least the way I was taught is always just bare feet. I can understand the cold toes issue but the best I could suggest is putting on a pair of nude pantyhose that would be hard to notice. Socks with sandals in my opion looks gross even though I know the socks would definately be warmer on the feet. Myself I wouldn’t wear socks with sandals out of my house. But each to their own. Nice artcle.
Thanks for sharing your socks with sandals input, Jamie! I agree that we must each wear what makes us feel comfortable and I have always loved socks with sandals so I will always wear them with confidence! Plus Birkenstocks, which are my go-to footwear recently, really are designed to be worn with cute cozy socks!
You found some amazing photos for this 10 on the 10th! Cool tie-dye grass! That’s enough to make me want to change my answer. I agree with you on peeps. Blech! When I read the beach question, I knew those would never be your choice. Fun pics and responses!
Thanks, Michelle! I think I enjoyed searching for photos as much as I enjoyed answering these silly questions!
Funny! How can you not love the beach! I wished I lived near one. And tie dye grass sounds fun. But only a small piece please.
Hahaha. Thanks, Nancy! I do love the smell and the sound of the ocean but I hate the sand and I hate going in the water. If I could sit on a blanket fully clothed on the beach or just take a leisurely walk on the beach with my shoes on, then I guess I kind of really like the beach!
Marsha Banks
Fun answers, Shelbee! I didn’t know you didn’t like the beach! Theoretically, I like the beach because I love the sound of the ocean. But, I am 100% with you on the feel of the sand. I don’t like it, and it ends up everywhere…and I do mean everywhere!
The link up is open now! I was a little late to the party today!
Thanks so much, Marsha! These were super fun questions again! I do love the sound and smell of the ocean so I wouldn’t mind a relaxing beach vacation as long as I didn’t have to take my clothes off near the sand. And I hate the way my skin feels from the salt water, too. Ugh. It’s all so gross to me! I will be over soon to link up and read more posts!
Tie dye grass sounds so “you!!” I think that would be so pretty too.
It would be pretty spectacular, I think, Joann! I wonder what my neighbors would think if we had tie dye grass! Actually, they probably wouldn’t be all that shocked by it. Ha.