Winter Boho Style & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #157

This is going to be a super short post today because this stomach bug that’s been going around has completely knocked me on my ass. It started on Wednesday morning with Ralphie (so no Radical Ralphie post this week), then it got Archie. By Saturday we were all feeling pretty good. Then we got hit by the snowstorm that swept over about one third of the country which kept us inside for the weekend. I breathed a sigh of relief thinking I had escaped the plague.
But alas, I was not so lucky. I woke up Monday morning with severe nausea, aches and pains, fever and chills, and I literally could not even lift my head off the pillow. My kids were troopers and brought me Tylenol and vitamin C drinks and water bottles, checked on me every 30 minutes, and even took my temperature for me. Archie went above and beyond and took it upon himself to do the dishes and put them all away. The little guy had to get out a stool to reach the cabinets. Such a sweet kid. It is times like these when I realize I haven’t completely failed as a parent.

And today I am late getting this post finished for the reasons stated above. Boho style is one of my favorite fashion genres but I tend to only wear it during the warmer seasons. I have been wanting to give it a shot for cold weather. This is what I came up with. I am not sure how I feel about it. It is one of those outfits that I liked in the mirror but didn’t like so much in photographs. Let me know your thoughts.
Stay healthy, my friends!

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Lorena of My Every Day Wear caught your attention with her Elevator posts where she captures her every day wear in the elevator. I love this bright coral color on her as well as her fun twist on outfit of the day photos.

My Favorite Fashion Post
Tiina of Elegance Revisited has given me heart eyes with her vibrant floral maxi dress in her post, Bohemian Chic. I absolutely adore this look.

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Debbie of Enjoy Tea with Me shared a wonderful post, Finding Happiness and Discovering Yourself. She has so much insight and many provocative ideas for shifting perspective and living our best lives.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Dress-Kohl’s / Kimono and Tights-Torrid / Turtleneck-Target / Coat-c/o Dresslily / Boots-Steve Madden / Belt-Old / Necklace-Michal Golan / Earrings-Good Life Gift Shop / Hat-Linda Gibbs Handmade

Laurie Bronze
I hope you recover quickly Shelbee! The dress is lovely. That will go a long for you this year. xx
Thanks so much, Laurie! I found this dress at Kohl’s on super clearance and I had to have it. I am feeling quite a bit better today, so I am on the upswing!
I hope you feel better!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I am feeling about 70% today so things are looking up!
Boho fashion is my favorite too! Love that you can wear this dress in so many ways. It will be so cute for summer too 🙂 Happy Tues! xo
Thanks so much, Shauna! I am picturing this dress with cowgirl boots in the summer!
I’m sorry to hear you caught the stomach bug. Hope you feel better soon!
I think the outfit looks great, all the pieces go so well together for a fun boho look. I’m loving those lace up boots!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks so much, Ellie! I am up and dressed and moving about today so that is a huge improvement from yesterday! These boots are my wedding boots. I wore these 10 years ago on January 23 when I got married. And they are still going strong!
This is such a beautiful boho look! Your boys are so sweet to take care of you! I hope you feel better soon!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! Today we are all trying to get back on a normal schedule and my boys who were quite angelic yesterday are beastly monsters today! I guess that’s the way this parenting thing goes. And it probably means they are feeling back to normal.
jess jannenga
Oh, feel better soon friend ! I know colds and flu are nooooo fun!
I love the print on your kimono, very pretty! The white, flowy dress does look great with the lace up combats, I love this dichotomy it is a favorite ! Your eye makeup looks so pretty in your close up!
Have a wonderful day and I hope you start feeling better!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! You know I love the lace up combat style boots with super girly dresses, too! And I am totally hooked on glitter eye liner lately. I feel like my eyes are all drab and dull when I don’t add the extra sparkle. I don’t even know if you can see the glitters in the photo, but they are there and they totally make my eyes get all glowy.
Oh no! Being sick is the worst 🙁 I hope you feel better soon. Also, I really love your outfit!! It’s absolutely gorgeous!! 🙂
Thanks so much, Lizzie! We are almost at 100% health wise now. And this dress reminds me a little bit of your blue dress that I love so much!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very sweet. Love it. Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for hosting and get well.
Thanks so much, Patrick! We are starting to come around. The kids went back to school today after 6 days of being locked in the sick house.
Oh no! I hate stomach viruses! I still remember the time when hubby was out of town for two week and me and the 3 kiddos got it. At the time my kids were not awesome at making it to the trash can or toilet! Hope you will be at 100% very soon! I love this dress and how you winterized it. It is always fun to see how we can change up an outfit to make it work in different seasons. I have tried to do that a little more this year.
Mireille, thanks so much! I do have fun styling summer pieces for cooler weather. It keeps my creativity on point. Oh, and I can’t even tell you all the stomach bugs I have had to suffer through while Jeff is gone. It’s a joke in the military community that as soon as your spouse leaves for an extended period of time, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Sort of like a military Murphy’s Law. I have stories that could fill dozens of blog posts!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I love white in the winter. This boho dress is angelic on you! I just adore your braids, too! I need to braid my hair or just do something different with it once in awhile. Oh no, I am so sorry you got the stomach bug, too!!! My husband is OOT for the next two weeks for work (he’ll be home on the weekends, tho!) and I’m crossing my fingers we all stay well!!
Thanks so much, Carrie! I have been wearing a lot of white this winter. It is striking especially when I have a snowy background. Isn’t it the worst when your husband is gone? I swear everything goes wrong when Jeff is gone. And it seems to snow a whole lot more when he is away, too!
Nora Minassian
Oh no I hope you feel better soon 🙁 I love that belted coat and the velvet print cardigan. Boho cool 🙂
Thanks so much, Nora! We are definitely on the upswing now. Fingers crossed that these kids don’t bring some other plague home from school!
jodie filogomo
Of course you haven’t failed as a parent. Your family has love and I think that’s the most important factor!!!
And I love this outfit!!
PS Get well….we just had that too…ugh
Jodie, thanks so much! Oh, the struggle that goes on inside my head about my parenting skills is unreal! But we are all alive and mostly happy, so I guess that is winning! I am so sorry you all had this bug, too. It was a brutal one, for sure. I hope you are back on your feet as well.
Shelbee, I hope you feel better soon. Being sick is no fun at all even if it forces a tech break! Your boys are such sweethearts and I am so happy to hear that they took very good care of you. I love this boho look! It looks so carefree and chic with your hat and boots. Not to mention I love how the dress flows with every move. Perfect! I hope your week is off to a great start and happy Tuesday!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thanks so much! The boys were really great while I was down for the count. I am feeling much better today. Thankfully, it was a short lived illness. But I think I pushed myself too hard on the first day because I am now completely exhausted and it is only 4:30 in the afternoon. So maybe I am not as well as I thought I was! Man, I need to be better about listening to my body.
Kathrine Eldridge
Love the boho vibes of this look Shelbee! I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! We are improving quickly. Thank goodness!
Catherine, Not Dressed As Lamb
Shelbee nooooooo poor you! I do hope you’re over the worst of it! 🙁
Now this outfit is definitely very Little House on the Prairie… and that can only be a good thing! You still look radiant despite being poorly!
Catherine x
Thanks so much, Catherine! I took these photos a few days before the illness struck us! And it seriously always happens as soon as my husband leaves for extended work travel. The older we get, the harder sickness hits us, it seems. But I am back on my feet today and hoping by tomorrow I will be back to 100%.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Feel well soon!
Thanks, Tamar! I am slowly getting back on my feet and back to a routine.
Laura Bambrick
I hope you all feel better soon! It’s so hard when the entire family gets hit with the flu! Love your boho look! The combat boots give it a fun edgy vibe too!
Thank you, Laura! The kids are back to normal and back to school. I am still recovering some. Another day or two of taking it easy should do it!
I don’t know how you did it, Shelbee, but you don’t look at all sick in your photos! SO cute. I think you pulled off a winter boho look beautifully! Boys can be so sweet, and yes, you are a good parent, my friend! Lol! It’s true that we all wonder about ourselves, of course…
Feel better!
xx Darlene
Thank you, Darlene! I did take these photos a few days before I was struck by the stomach bug so that’s why I don’t look ill. Maybe I should have taken pictures of myself when I was knocked on my butt! Oh that was a sight, for sure. Ha. I am blessed with wonderful loving boys.
Oh dear! Luckely you have two sweet boys to look after you! Speedy recovery love!
Thank you so much, Nancy! I was feeling better yesterday but I think I pushed myself too hard because today I feel kind of awful again. I think I will relax and try to rest some today.
Suzy Turner
I can’t believe you didn’t like the outfit so much in the photos, Shelbee. I LOVE it! You look fabulous…. totally nailing the boho chic look! I’m sorry you all got hit with the nasty tummy bug. I totally feel you, because I had it too. Right in the middle of our weekend away to Lisbon 🙁 I’m still not completely over it although I think I’m battling a cold at the same time which doesn’t help.
Huge hugs my friend
Suzy xxx
Thanks so much, Suzy! I don’t know why I didn’t like the way this outfit photographed, I think I was just really struggling with taking my own photos and getting the tripod set up at proper angles and stuff. I am so sorry that you had the stomach bug on your weekend getaway. That is a total bummer. This thing apparently is sweeping the entire world! I hope you feel better soon. I am back on my feet but my stomach still isn’t quite right.
Deborah Stinedurf
I love the dress and the entire look is fabulous, perfect boho winter chic! Don’t you hate that though? You think you have this killer outfit, but when you see the pictures you’re like “Ew.” Feel better my friend…few things are worse than a stomach cootie. xo
Thank you, Debbie! I am so glad that you can relate to this outfit frustration! But then I have those outfits that look horrible in the mirror but I take a chance and photograph them anyway and they look brilliant in the pictures. So weird. I am nearly back to normal but the cooties are hanging on a little bit longer it seems. I just have a really bad tummy ache this morning.
Hope you’re feeling better soon Shelbee. Your boy’s are lovely looking after their mum. Love your dress in the pics.
Alison xx
Thank you so much, Alison! My boys were so wonderful while I was sick. I guess I did teach them well.
Anna Muttonstyle
Boho is one of my fav looks. Thank you for joining Muttonstyle Monday
Thanks so much, Anna!
Yet another look that’s different but oh-so-you! I hope you’re better now. Kx
Thanks, Karen! I am feeling a whole lot better today but not yet at 100%. Another day or two should do it.
Cute photos!! I’m so sorry you’ve got the stomach bug. Sending lots of prayers your way to feel better soon!
Thanks so much, Ashley! I got dressed and out of the house today so things are definitely looking up!
Lisa Richardson
Hope you start feeling better quickly. You know I love a good boho vibe. #missionaccomplished Thanks for linking up with the Style Six. XOXO
Thanks so much, Lisa! I am almost back to normal just some residual tummy aches today.
Lauren Renee Sparks
So sorry you are sick. Praying for speedy relief.
Thanks so much, Lauren! I am almost fully recovered now. Just a little residual tummy issues is all.
Ugh, the stomach virus is the WORST. I’m so sorry!
And you’re showing that you can totally rock a boho look in the snow! I love it. 🙂
Le Stylo Rouge
Aw, thanks so much, Ashley! I am almost fully recovered, too, which is a huge plus!
Allie Mackin
This look is great! And so sorry you were sick. A few years ago I got some kind of intestinal bug and omg it was awful, truly. I was up for 24 hours and threw up every 20-40 minutes I think I hurled over 20 times. I lost weight. When I went back to work my coworkers were like did you lose weight? It was awful I feel your pain.
I heard about the snow there, we did not get too much so far this year.
Allie of
Allie, thanks so much. Stomach bugs are the absolute worst because you can literally do nothing else but be sick. I am still not feeling 100%, but I am slowly getting back to normal. I think I am the only person ever who comes out of a stomach having gained weight! I really did gain like 2.5 pounds while I was sick. So weird! We, unfortunately, have more snow coming this weekend. But overall, it hasn’t been a terrible winter with snowfall.
Ruth Josey
I love Boho, too, but wear it so infrequently. I think that’ll be the goal of my closet cleanout (if I ever get around to that) – pairing things together that will give a Boho feel to an outfit. I love this outfit on you but I do love it best with that gorgeous print velvety jacket you’re wearing over it. It’s a beautiful piece and just makes the look. I love the look of the choker necklace over the turtleneck, too. I’ll have to try that one. I’m so sorry everybody’s been sick and really sorry that you ended up with it. Your boys are wonderful and you’re definitely rearing them right!
Ruth, thank you so much! I agree about the velvet kimono. It definitely added a necessary element to the outfit. It’s not one of my favorite outfits ever, but I liked it enough. I guess they can’t all be out of the park amazing outfit creations! I would love to see how you style a boho look!
Rosemary Davis
Hope you are feeling better!
I love the boho look too!
Thank you, Rosemary! I am nearly to 100%…but boy, is it taking a long time!
I hope you’re doing better. And your children are so sweet. But then again, that’s what a family is supposed to do: support each other in times of need, right? They’ve certainly learned that lesson, you can be proud of them.
Thanks for featuring me, and have a great (and healthy) weekend!
Thanks so much, Tiina! Now that we are all healthy again, my boys are right back to their not wanting to help with anything. Kids. And it was pleasure to feature you! Have a wonderful weekend.
Ugh! Sounds like a really rough week at your house! But it does serve to show you’ve got great kids. So nice they were able to take care of mom. And Archie went above and beyond.
I love your dress! And you did a lovely job of styling it for winter, but I hope will get to see in the spring or summer too.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I do have pretty great kids even though I complain a lot about how hard parenting is. And I am picturing this dress in warmer weather with some cute cowgirl boots. It’s the perfect music festival dress!
this is such a cute dress on you, i can see why you liked the outfit so much! sorry to hear you’ve been so unwell though – as I said on your other post I really hope you feel better soon!
Thanks so much for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup!
Thank you, Mica! I really appreciate that lovely compliment and your well wishes. We are finally back to normal, but there are still so many sick kids around us at school and karate practice. I hope we don’t catch round 2 of something nasty!
Anna Shirley
You look beautiful in this white boho dress. I’m so sorry to hear that you didn’t feel bad. I hope that you are fine now. We are waiting here, in Singapore, what is going to be with the new coronavirus spreading from China. It is so scary. Let’s stay healthy.
Anna, thanks so much! We have all recovered from that stomach bug, but suddenly this morning something is troubling (and bubbling) my stomach again. The children are still asleep so I am just hoping that they wake up healthy. There are still so many sick kids around us at school and karate practices and stuff. We can’t seem to avoid it! I hope you are able to stay free and clear of the coronavirus. I was just reading a little bit about it and apparently there are confirmed cases in the U.S. of people who have recently traveled to China. Scary stuff. Stay healthy!
Emma Peach
I love this outfit Shelbee! The delicate dress with the lace-up boots is a great combination. I hope you’re feeling much better now. Thanks for linking up!
Thanks so much, Emma! We were all feeling better and then I woke up with some mild form of stomach ickiness again this morning. I hope it is short lived and minor!
Beautiful dress, love how you have styled it 🙂 Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays Link Up.
Thanks so much, Claire! I am looking forward to warmer weather to style this without all the layers!