Will the Circle Be Unbroken & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #136

Kenny Cox and me, drenched after a rain storm.
Will the circle be unbroken? When you are surrounded by the kindest, most loving, down to earth folks in the middle of the Pennsylvania mountains, the answer to that question will be a resounding yes. An unbroken circle of friendship, of music, of gratitude, good will, tenderness, and universal affections. There wasn’t a person there who lacked in benevolence and grace and it felt very much like home.

I spent this past weekend at the 17th Annual Hickory Fest held at Stony Fork Creek Campground in Wellsboro, Pennsylvania. Hickory Fest, also known as Music in the Mountains, is a nationally recognized music festival held every August in the rural area of north-central Pennsylvania, featuring the best in bluegrass and acoustic music. It is the music that brings the people there, but it is the close-knit family atmosphere filled with so much love that keeps everyone coming back year after beautiful year.

This was my first year attending this event and I was an invited guest of both Fireside Collective and Jakobs Ferry Stragglers. Thank you, my friends, for allowing me to be a part of something so monumental and so overwhelmingly poignant. And a huge debt of gratitude to Frank Serio and all of the event organizers for not only making me feel welcome, but making me feel special…like a true VIP. I am moved beyond words by the warmth of your generosity and hospitality.
I arrived to the very dark campground much later than I wanted on Friday night. Traveling alone in the dark always gets my anxiety elevated to uncomfortable heights. With my tent in tow and my car packed with way more stuff than I needed, I checked in at the festival grounds and was escorted to the VIP area of the campground to set up for the night. Since my band friends were not arriving until the following night, I was told to sleep in their cabin rather than set up my camp site in the dark. What a sense of relief that gave me.

I caught the last three sets on Friday night, Verlon Thompson and Shawn Camp, The Jakobs Ferry Stragglers, and Driftwood, then spent the late night and very early morning hours having girl talk with my friend Libby of JFS (remember I met her at the Busy Bird Bluegrass Festival).

I woke up the next morning to a beautiful day, sipped my coffee on the front porch of the cabin, enjoyed the musical creations of so many different bands throughout the day, and watched Libby capture the whole scene in her painting of the stage and venue. Her painting was then raffled off in the fundraiser for the Sue Cunningham Music Scholarships in the Wellsboro School District and the Dreyfoos School of the Arts.

The very late night on Friday led me to needing a nap on Saturday afternoon, so I headed back to the cabin to get a little rest. As I was dozing in the cool summer air, the most heavenly sound drifted across the field and tickled my ears awake. It was the haunting cry of an angel and I awoke from my slumber completely transfixed. Like Merrida followed the Will O’ the Wisps in Brave, I was so captivated by the celestial voice I was hearing on the air that I followed it in a spellbound state. It led me to Abby Owens, sitting alone on the stage, her voice weeping its way to an immortal utopia. As I sat enchanted in that mountain field, my mind was blown that one woman could carry the power of a million universes in her voice. And I was humbled that she was so willing to share it with the rest of us.

In the early evening hours of Saturday, a torrential hail storm moved in over the mountains and pelted us for nearly an hour. My fragile little tent, at least a decade old, could not withstand the power of nature’s whim and my bedding was completely drenched. This situation led me to one of those moments where I had to dictate the direction of my perspective. I could either get really upset or merely surrender to God’s will. Getting upset over nature has always proved to be a fruitless endeavor, so I laughed it off and slept on the dry and warm bench seat of the band’s van. But that wasn’t until after I got to watch Jakobs Ferry Stragglers perform their second set followed by Fireside Collective who were closing out Saturday night.

Unfortunately, I did not make it through the entire Fireside Collective set on Saturday night as my body just quit. I had come down with a severe head cold, my body was aching, my head was congested, and I became just too tired to function any longer. We must know our limitations and listen to our bodies even when we don’t necessarily like the message our bodies are sending us. So off to bed I went and slept quite soundly inside that warm and dry van.

I spent the greater part of Sunday relaxing on the porch and just as we were gearing up for Fireside Collective to close out the weekend, with Kenny Cox, Verlon Thompson, and Abby Owens bewitching the crowd from the stage, another grand storm moved over us. Without the hail, it brought substantial winds instead knocking tree branches on my car (yikes…no damage was done, thankfully) and blowing tents over. This storm shut down the sound system and the stage for the remainder of the festival. But it did not shut down the festival. The three brilliant artists who were on stage simply moved themselves, their instruments, and the remaining spectators under the pavilion for an intimate conclusion to their set. They were joined by Fireside Collective for the most beautiful rendition of Johnny Cash’s Will the Circle Be Unbroken. It was stirring and emotional as the entire crowd joined in communal song to honor the memory of Sue Cunningham.

There are about a million more details I could share about this weekend in the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon, uniting with wonderful people in a community that comes together year after year in love and charity. They flood in separately and unite as one tribe connecting with the universe and with nature through the earnest passion of their music.

If you have never attended a festival of this sort, I think you should. Next August 14-16, 2020. I will be there. Join me and experience it firsthand because my words cannot do it justice. Follow the Hickory Fest Facebook page and watch for details.

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Theresa of Vintage Style Files shared so many amazing vintage outfit photos in her post, Roaring Twenties Lawn Party Fashion-2019. I felt like I stepped into a simpler, purer time in this post. And now I need to make myself a lace canopy for sitting outdoors.

Chrissy of Granola and Grace shared seven valuable tips she learned for a professional shoot in her post, Tips for That Next Photography Shoot. The photos that resulted from her recent photo shoot are absolutely stunning!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Grace Liang
Wow, what a amazing event! Looks like you had a wonderful time! 🙂
Thanks so much, Grace! It really was quite an amazing experience! I think we need to bring a bunch of bloggers together at this event next summer!
theresa campbell
Shelbee, you should be the PR spokesperson for this music fest because your beautifully descriptive post was making me wish I had been there, storms and all! Sounds like a great group of people to surround yourself with. But sorry you got a cold. Hope you at least got a little dancing in! And, btw, thank you so much for the feature. I’m very very flattered.
Hugs, sweetie!
Theresa, thank you so very much! I am going to be the self proclaimed spokeswoman for this event! I would love to get a whole bunch of bloggers to gather together at this festival next summer! It was the most amazing experience.
Kathrine Eldridge
What a cool festival! Good for you for surrendering to God’s will and enjoying the moment for what is was. Thanks for sharing your weekend and for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Despite all that went wrong, it was the most wonderful experience!
Festivals are the best thing to attend in the summer aren’t they!
Oh most definitely, Nancy! I can’t seem to get enough of them. I need to start a festival savings fund though!
Jessica A Jannenga
Hi Shelbee
I loved reading about your adventure. I would love this kind of music fest myself, and the cabin sounded like a nice retreat. The musicians and artists sound wonderful and I love the mountains as well. I enjoyed hearing all about your experience and all that you took away from it.
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much, my friend! Oh you and Roy and the pups would love this festival! They just announced the dates for next year, August 14-16, 2020. How cool would it be if you guys could make it there!?
Patrick Weseman
Looks like such a great and amazing time. Thanks for sharing it with us. I would love to go to that. Very nice. Looks like you had a wonderful time.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week. Sending positive thought for you to get better.
Thanks so much, Patrick! If you could make the trip to Pennsylvania for this festival, that would be so amazing! They just posted the dates for next year, August 14-16, 2020.
This sounds like a fabulous event Shelbee but what I admire most is your bravery to go on your own xx
Laurie, thanks so much! You know I was a bit intimidated about going alone, but I felt all the more empowered for doing it!
This looks like so much fun! I absolutely love music – listening to it and playing it 🙂
Thanks, Lizzie! You should look into this festival and try to make a weekend trip of it next summer! How fun would it be to have a giant blogger meet up at a music festival?!
Darlene A Messinger
Shelbee, what a fun time! Musicians are a special group of people, aren’t they? Thanks for sharing your weekend.
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! Yes, they are definitely a very special breed! I enjoy their company and their passion and their artistry very much.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
This looks like something I’d have fun at and I haven’t been to a musical festival in forever. You always look like you know how to fun and you’ve got a lot of great photos to prove it!
Thanks so much, Carrie! This festival was so much fun! I seriously think we should try to have a blogger meet up there next August!
Deborah Stinedurf
How fun Shelbee! I’m so impressed by your lone traveler adventures…you my friend, are living your best life!
Thanks so much, Debbie! Okay, so this festival is about the same distance for you to drive as it is for me! Next summer, August 14-16…you must come hang out there with me!!!!
Lauren Renee Sparks
Your face looks so radiant and healthy in these pics. I don’t know if that will mean anything to you, but I just felt compelled to tell you what I saw! laurensparks.net
Aw, Lauren, thank you so much! I may have gotten too much sun! Ha. Or I was just having the best time ever.
Laura Bambrick
I love your positive and outgoing nature! You certainly are making the most of every minute!
Thanks so much, Laura! I am so much happier living this way, that’s for sure!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Such a fun time!!
It really was, Tamar! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Anne M Bray
Wow! I think maybe you had a Woodstock weekend! I finally watched the doc on Netflix. And now I want to watch the OG movie again. That movie and the album were a seminal part of my early teen years! My friend Shawn Okada and I snuck into the movie at the Stanley in Utica. Since it is R-rated, we had to memorize fake birthdays. (I was 14). We did other Woodstockian things that summer, which I won’t go into — hahahaha. I’ll just say I got my drug experimentation over with EARLY in my life!
So happy for you, finding a musical tribe. Music is so healing.
Oh, and thanks for linking!
It was totally a Woodstock weekend, Anne! I even talked about that Woodstock article you had shared on Facebook…I found it so fascinating. I love the stories of your youth! I bet you had a lot of fun. And music is absolutely healing just as musicians are a healing tribe of people to hang with. I do love my musical tribe!
Anne M Bray
Come to think of it, I discovered my musical tribe here in LA in 1995, when I turned 39! There was a vibrant Pop scene and I went to LOTS of gigs and met Severo (97) and the rest is history!
BTW, I’m in on the 2020 August musical/blogger meetup mentioned several times above. Will enter on calendar and (try to) start saving.
Just listened to Abby and WOW!
OMG! I am so excited! We will have the best time! And isn’t Abby just so freaking amazing?! I was literally transfixed and mesmerized by her.
Anne M Bray
Does Abby have music that can be purchased? All I could find was the Reverb Nation listening thing.
Yeah. August in PA!
Let me find out for you! I will let you know!
Hey Anne, I messaged Abby. She said she does not have music that is downloadable from a personal website, but her music is available for download on iTunes, Spotify, and GooglePlay. I just checked iTunes and it comes right up when you search Abby Owens.
You just have the best attitude Shelbee – surrendering to nature when your tent got wet and instead sleeping in the band’s van. It sounds like such a memorable event. I loved your description of how you followed singer Abby’s voice. Thanks for joining #WowOnWednesday.
Thanks so much, Gail! I guess I am realizing there is no point in getting upset about the ways of Mother Nature! I might as well just surrender and go with the flow, making the best of it. Plus it makes for much better stories, doesn’t it?!
This festival looks so fun and the people look really friendly. I’m sorry you came down with a cold though!! That’s a miserable way to end a fun day. It sounds like it was all worth it in the end though since you’re already making plans to attend next year!
Thanks so much, Gina! It was totally worth it despite a rained out tent and a head cold which is still hanging on, by the way. Ugh. But I will totally be attending next year. Fingers crossed for better health and a dry tent!
Cheryl Shops
Shelbee, I’m enjoying all of your summer adventures vicariously—sounds like you had a fantastic time, in spite of getting a little wet!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks so much! I really am having the time of my life this summer! I almost don’t want it to end, but then again, I do want to send these crazy kids of mine back to school. So summer must come to an end!
Shelbee, the music festival that you’ve shared reminds me of the one Dan (my husband) and I attend every year. It’s called Woodflock – brain child of indie musician, Antsy McClain. He and his band perform each night, but he also invites other indie musicians to perform throughout the long weekend. Like the event you attended, Woodflock is also a camping event. It’s held in the Sierra Nevada mountains in CA. So very nice to share time time with the musicians and other fans. I’m sorry you got sick, and hope you are on the mend.
Michelle, thanks so much for sharing your wonderful festival experience. Woodflock sounds equally amazing and moving. One day, I hope to have the budget to attend more festivals further from home. But for now, driving distance is the best for me! I’m going to start a festival bucket list, I think! I am starting to get back to normal from this cold. It was a bad one!
Marilee Judith Gramith
It’s easy to conclude that you’ve been swept up in music that touches your heart in a way you’d craved. A new passion is a fine thing!!!
How’s that cold??
Jude, thanks so much! I am always craving things that touch my heart, I think. That is what feeds our passion for our craft, isn’t it? And oh my goodness, this cold is completely kicking my butt! I haven’t really left my house or even got dressed in actual clothes all week. It’s a brutal one. And I haven’t been sick in so long since I started on my healthy Shaklee journey. I guess pushing myself past my limits of tired, in the rain, probably didn’t help. But it is progressing. I am thinking I should be back to 100% in another few days.
Mother of 3
Sounds like you had a great time at the festival despite not feeling your best!
Thanks so much, Joanne! I really did have a blast. I hope next year I am healthy because I can have even more fun!
What an experience! I have been to concerts in the past but not a music festival. It must be such a feeling and how amazing to feel united with folks there. That alone, makes going priceless. I hope you are feeling much better today and that head cold of yours has dissipated. Happy Friday Eve Shelbee! Wishing you a marvelous evening!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so much! You should look into attending a music festival one day. Most of them are totally kid friendly, too, so making it a family affair would be great fun! I think this head cold has turned into a sinus infection and I am so adamantly opposed to doctor’s visits, so here I sit suffering like a fool! Haha. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend!
Chrissy Rowden
Thank you so much for the shoutout Shelbee! This made my week for sure! And I love following you on all your adventures!
Aw, it is my pleasure, Chrissy! Thank you so much for your support, encouragement, and friendship!
Alicia OBrien
Being around such creatives must be inspiring! This looks like so much fun, except for a soaked tent! I know that feeling I have had an almost floating blow up mattress before when camping in a downpour.
Alicia, thanks so much for reading. I left that weekend more inspired than I have been in a really long time. Those are the people I want in my tribe! I found myself removed too much from other creatives and it makes me feel lonely. I have always been a creative type so I completely thrive on being in the presence of other creatives. I made a lot of great friends and connections that weekend!