Why Getting Dressed Up is Important to Me & Link Up On the Edge #175

There are so many times, like multiple times a day, that I wonder if this blogging thing is really just frivolous and vain, pointless and silly. That old arch-nemesis of mine, Imposter Syndrome, sneaks in when I least suspect her and brings mental turmoil and overwhelming amounts of self-doubt with her and drops them proudly at my feet like a cat with a fresh kill so very excited for the hideous gifts she presents to me. What am I to do with such presents?
First and foremost, I stand there in shock that she would bring me these things yet again. Especially since I have made it abundantly clear that these are not my favorite gifts. Yet here we are again…with self doubt heaped at my front door, I have no choice but to quickly and quietly shovel it inside the house lest anyone else should see it and unveil me for the imposter that I am.

And so began my weekend last Friday. I got dressed and dropped Jeff off at the airport and returned home to this horrendous gift waiting for me. I could not change into my pajamas quickly enough. At 11:00 in the morning. For the imposter had taken over my life of late and she needed to be silenced. So I got into my jammies and there I remained from Friday morning until Monday morning when the reality of my children having to go to school lit a flame inside me.
But let me tell you about those few days spent in my jammies, with the blinds pulled shut, the phone shut off, and the depression closing in tight across my chest. I seriously felt like I couldn’t breathe without crying. For three whole days. I kept telling myself this too shall pass. As it always does. Thank God for all of my past experiences reinforcing that knowledge. Knowing that it would eventually pass, I simply surrendered to it. What else was I to do? I faked what I had to. I gave the children free reign on their kindles. And I got through the days, the darkest days, in the only way that I know how…slowly and steadily with a certainty that it would go away soon. How soon? Well, that I never quite know. I just pray to God and the Universe that I get safely to the other side. That hasn’t failed me yet.

Then Monday came and I knew I had to get the children to school and we needed groceries. So I forced myself into some adequate clothing and did what I needed to, returning home exhausted for the very little that I did. Tuesday was a bit better. I put on cute clothes and forced myself to go take photographs. And by Wednesday, I needed to take serious action to bring this cycle of depression to a close. So I got up, I dressed up, and I showed up. I showed up in my own life for the first time in days. It wasn’t necessarily the most productive day, but I got stuff done despite the numerous obstacles that were dropped in my path all throughout the day. It was like the universe delivering little challenges to make sure that I was ready to take on the world once again. So I smiled and chuckled at how ridiculous it all was and each step became a tiny bit easier.

And because I got up, dressed up, and showed up, I was able to reignite my passion and my purpose for this silly little blog of vanity. For whatever reason, putting on a fun and sassy outfit will always and forever boost my mood. The funny thing is that not a single human being saw me in this outfit on Wednesday. Because by the time I had finished taking the pictures in frigid temperatures, I had to change into something warmer. In fact, it was so cold that my phone battery drained from 100% charge to dead in 10 minutes. Twice. I had to go out twice to capture these photos. And it was physically painful. But I am so glad that I did it. Because it helped me.
So I have no idea if this blogging pursuit of mine is frivolous and silly. It may be to some. It may have a more important meaning to others. But for me, it just gives me a purpose when I am unable to see through the darkness that always cycles back around into my life. Oh, this sweet tortured bipolar life that I live. Who would I even be without it?

One of the questions I was asked recently in an interview with The XO Factor was, “Do you dress the same when you are depressed as you do when you are very happy?” And I answered, “No, I actually tend to dress better when I am depressed. It is the perfect way to boost my mood when I feel it sinking. I will put on some of my fanciest, brightest clothes and go do an outfit photo shoot. 90% of the time, my mood is lifted. Just by virtue of looking good, I start to feel good.” You can read the full interview here.
Strangely, I answered the questions for this interview on Monday when I was still feeling pretty crappy about myself. And the act of answering the questions in a positive way, the way I would answer them when I am feeling well, was also very therapeutic. Sometimes you really just have to fake it….and eventually you get to a place where you aren’t faking anymore.

Even if you do not suffer from Bipolar Disorder, we all still fall into funks every now and then. How do you pull yourself out when you feel yourself slipping under?
And now your featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Becky of PinkCheetahVintage shared a beautiful post, Did I mention I was grateful lately? I seriously adore Becky so very much! She is one of the kindest souls I have ever encountered. If you haven’t visited her blog yet, you must. She keeps it real and genuine and so abundantly overflowing with joy and happiness, living her life out loud and with purpose. Go meet her, please!

My Favorite Fashion Post
Tea of What Mama Wears is showing off a gorgeous red dress in her post, Something Unexpected. Check out her legs, y’all! You know I am obsessed with fancy legs! And Tea is killing it in this fun outfit, so perfect for the holidays or any time of year, really. Because you can never go wrong in a sassy red dress!

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Jen of Jenerally Informed had me at eggnog and donuts in her post, Baked Eggnog Doughnuts. Um. Say what? I am literally the biggest fan of eggnog in all of this world. And of course, I enjoy donuts, too. Combine the two into one. Yes, please!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…

Outfit Details: Coat and Gloves-Target (Old) / Sweater-Kohl’s (Old) / Skirt-Thrifted / Beret-TJ Maxx (Old) / Belt-Cato (Old) / Socks-Amazon / Shoes-Payless (Old) / Necklace-c/o Happiness Boutique (Old) / Tights, Earrings, and Brooch-Old

I had to look up what imposter means. Wow, that sounds like me a lot! What a revelation. I am a bit shocked actually. And I also dress totally different when I am feeling dark.
Oh no, I’m sorry, Nancy! I keep doing that to you…throwing out words that are not translating easily. But yeah, it was a pretty dark few days. It’s good to be back!
I think we all go through cycles where we get that imposter syndrome. Dressing up and putting makeup on when I’m feeling down always gives me a mood boost! And, as you said, fake it and eventually, you’re not anymore. I’m glad you’re feeling yourself again! Have a wonderful weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thank you so much, Jill! It definitely feels so good to come back from that dark place. I am glad to be back. Things go much smoother and much more quickly! I hope your holiday season has been joyful so far!
Kathrine Eldridge
I feel you Shelbee! Surrender was and still is my word for the year. So glad you saw the silver lining in your rough weekend. Praying for peace throughout the whole season in your heart. In love this fun and sexy look and thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! It is like coming out of a black fog when I return to my normal self. It feels so good to come back from it, too. Surrender is a great word of the year! I hope your holidays have been so very blessed so far.
Oh my sweet friend, I am so with you! As a severe MDD and GAD sufferer I know that for me its a slippery slope from dressing well, to wearing sweats, to not getting dressed at all. I’m certain that for some – this blogging thing looks like vanity, but for me – it’s therapy, and the outfits are armour. Keep your chin up lovey, and take care of you!
Also, this outfit is HOT and it’s a damn shame no one saw you wear it!
Xo, Tea
P.S. Thanks for the feature!
Aw, Tea, thank you so very, very much, my sweet friend! This shit is no joke when it goes bad…it goes bad fast. But when I’m good, I am so, so good! Blogging and fashion are absolutely my therapy and the clothing is armor for sure. Thanks for getting me!
Michele Morin
Thanks for all the ways you encourage honesty and vulnerability by example, Shelbee.
Michele, thank you so much. That really means a lot to me.
Hope everything is better now. You look great!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
P.S. I think the flax oil an da combination of other things is helping.
Thank you, Jennifer. I am rising up again, for sure! And I am so glad that you are having success with the flax oil!
Shelbee, I’m sorry you had a rough few days. I know it’s hard to reach out when we’re in the thick of it (I rarely feel compelled to!), but please know you can email me, text me – whatever! and I’ll stop and pray. It would be an honor to. Not because I don’t think you’ll pull out of it, but because it sucks when you’re there; even if you know it’s going to pass eventually. As for the blogging, girl I’m with you. Goodness gracious I love the creative outlet, but sometimes I wonder if I’d be better off working on the guitar or something – make music my creative outlet. However, I love connecting with others via cyberspace, as well as building relationships with brands. It’s hard not to compare progress and growth with others. so hard. Anyway, I must also mention that you look adorable. You’re a great writer Shelbee, you’re open and you work hard. Keep it up my friend. 😉
Chrissy, my friend, thank you so very, very much for your kind words and thoughts and for always being such a huge cheerleader for me! It really is hard to reach out when I am in a dark place. I am never one to burden others with these things. It is when I come out of it and gain clarity that I feel compelled to share at that point…hoping it reaches someone else who may need to see that it is possible to pull out of the dark places. But I will definitely keep it in mind to reach out when I need to. Those negative thoughts just get really loud and persuade me to hush up! But you are right, while I may not want to speak to anyone, I might be able to send a quick email to you just saying, “Hey, can a girl get some prayers over here!” And I know that you will be more than happy to deliver! Love you, my sweet friend!
Pam Ecrement
I love finding you here and the cute outfits and how you are truly “real” in all you share here. Besides, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks really. It only matters that you felt led to start this blog and the results and the impact on others may not be known to you for years to come. That’s not the main thing.
When I first started my website and blogging in mid-2015 I looked at other sites, compared myself and wondered about the numbers of those visiting (not many), but then I sensed clearly from God that He had led me to start writing and it was not to be a concern of mine as to how many visited or responded to the site. I felt He indicated to me that sometimes a post I write might be one for just one person and my part was to write what He led me to write. That one person might be someone in another part of the world and it wasn’t mine to be concerned about.
I have tucked that away in my heart and kept writing and as a result I met you!!!♥️
Pam, I seriously cannot tell you how meaningful this response is! When I started my blog around the same time you did…mid-2015…I felt a pull stronger than anything I ever have in my life, a calling to do this thing, to share my story and my struggles to help someone. And I have had much the same outlook as you, I guess I just forgot it in the darkness of this recent episode. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for that reminder. I will keep on keeping on with a renewed energy and focus. You really have an uncanny way of giving me the exact words I need when I need them. You are definitely doing what God has called you to do.
Iris Duhamel
Love your skirt Shelbee 🙂 and Nice outfit. I used to wear socks with heels couple years ago :-). Got me thinking hum…
Thanks so much, Moumous! You should definitely try it again!
Loving this black, red and white outfit on you and great written post.
Years ago we joined a local gym where they offer a variety of fitness classes and I’ve been doing yoga and pilates ever since. Doing a yoga session always seems to helps me get back to where I need to be.
I also NEED to be dressed for the day. I can’t function if I wear sweats around the house, I learned that lesson when the kids were little. At that time I went through some sort of a phase when I went from working full time to just a few hours a week. Somehow at that time I came across a book called “The momstown guide to getting it all” in the bargain section at Barnes and Nobles. It was what I needed to read at that time in my life and I think it’s because of that book that I no longer wear sweats, not even when I garden or clean the house.
Thanks for hosting the linkup!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellibelle, thank you so much for sharing your experience! I have never been a sweatpants kind of girl and I doubt I ever will be…unless I am lounging around at home at the end of the day. I do need to look into some yoga or something though. Something else to focus on other than just writing and kids. I might go searching for that book! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Patrick Weseman
I have been a funk since October. I got transferred to a different and wading into a bad situation here and trying to make my way. It has been hard but I pray to my higher power everyday and slowly it is getting better. Some days it is one step forward and three steps back but I truly believe that yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift and that is why they call it the present.
I have realized that I need to get out and not think about my students, some people do retail therapy but I really need photo therapy. Just taking photos. On the weekends I have been shutting myself in the house, hoping time goes slowly but then I tend to think about work and stuff. Also, I don’t get dressed.
Looking so very cute and cheeky. Love the look. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Patrick, I kind of had a feeling that this post might resonate with you. And I agree with you that we must live in the present because it really is the only time we get. I hope that you get to go out and do your photography therapy as often as you need to in order to keep your mind stimulated and positive. Some days spent in jammies are great days, but that is only when I am just choosing to be lazy and have a relaxing day (not when I am frozen by depression). You know where to find me if you ever need to vent it out, my friend!
jess jannenga
First of all, Great legs! Love the skirt with the red top. and those are some sexy heels! I just bought a pair of block-heeled black pumps as I have only one pair of black flats… can u believe that, a fashion blogger? I cant do stilettos but I like how they look.
I understand what you are saying, I do this too, question the blog from time to time. When I taught music or Elementary, there wasn’t a question of purpose. At times, I ask myself, what is the purpose, but also realize I love fashion and the community of bloggers, like yourself I have made friends with. I also enjoy writing.
I am sorry you have difficult days with your illness, I know what that is like, and I need a diversion or else depression can creep in. So the blog is meaningful in that way also.
on a lighter note, have a great weekend my friend!
jess xx
Jess, I cannot express how thankful I am for you and this community and all the support you give me. The struggle can be a lot at times and I don’t like to share it when I am in it. It is only when I come out of it again when I have enough clarity and courage to share in the hopes that it will help someone else. And seriously, how dod you not have black pumps? LOL Actually, I didn’t either until last year! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
I am glad you are coming out of that hole! Your outfit is so cute and sassy and oh now I really need a beret and a red top. They are actually already on my list for next month search. Sticking to my guns and not buying any clothes this month is making me feel good! I often feel like a fraud going to the bus stop in my cute little outfits but dressing cute makes me feel good and help me not feel like a bum: sometimes being a stay at home mom with only the blog as my outlet makes me feel like I do not have much to offer to the world.
Mireille, thanks so much for your kind words! And thank you for relating to my weird thought processes! You have so much to offer the world. I am so inspired by how you do everything you do with all your boys and I am over here struggling with just 2 kids! Cute stay at home moms must stick together and not fall prey to sweatpants-land! Sending you lots of hugs, my friend!
I’m not sure when America started believing work = worth. As a newly retired person, I am having to retrain my brain on this issue, even though logically, I look at money as a necessary evil. There are far more valuable things than money, like raising healthy, happy kids. My hat is off to stay at home moms (and dads).
Michelle, I am right there with you on all of this. We do need money to live so it is a necessary evil, but I decided long ago that our value is not determined by our bank accounts and I have been so much happier since. But I just want to make sure that all the hard work I do for very little money still is contributing value to the world.
I wish our billionaires were as conscientious as you! But that’s whole ‘nother conversation!
Haha, that made me chuckle! Perhaps we will have that conversation one of these days!
Hello cuteness! You look adorable! Thanks for liking my post and picking it as your fave 🙂
Now to check out all of the other goodness here!
Have a great one!
Thanks so much, Jen! I hope you find some good stuff here! Have a great weekend!
depression is not easy, but each time you get up and force yourself to do the little things is a victory over the struggle and that’s to be praised. Sending you lots of hugs and wishing you the best holiday season this year xx
Tianna, thank you so much! Every battle won just proves that I have control of this thing. I appreciate all of the love and support from this community. I hope your holidays are filled with many blessings!
Lauren Renee Sparks
It’s funny how sometimes something so simple can elevate our mood. And you do look cheery in that red. Keep fighting the depression, friend. God’s not through with you yet! laurensparks.net
Thank you, Lauren! I will fight until the very end! I have way too much work to do here still!
xoxoxo 🙂
Oops! This comment is in the wrong place. Please delete.
Haha, I can’t tell which comment you are referring to, so I just went and answered and/or published them all!
I love getting dressed up too! I don’t get to do it nearly enough
I would probably do it more often if I had more places to go!
It’s a real bitch when one’s own mind decides to play games. Mine comes in the form of anxiety. I am fortunate in the fact that my low dose SSRI takes care of it most of the time.
As to whether anything we humans do is “ frivolous and vain, pointless and silly” my response is absolutely. All of it. We are but a speck of dust in an unimaginably large universe. But my self-defined purpose in life is to have fun. And if I manage to create a smile on someone else’s face in the process, all the better. And, you my dear, brighten my day every time I read your posts. Feisty and compassionate. It’s a beautiful combination.
Oh wow, Michelle, you just made my eyes leak a little! That definitely put things into crystal clear perspective. Thank you for that!
And I feel fortunate that I have been able to navigate and control this disorder without medication for over a decade (except for my herbal remedies). But even in the midst of the mood swings, I am able to talk myself through, smoke a little natural greenery, calm down, and get to the other side. The switch from chemical based pharmaceuticals to all natural supplements very well may have saved my life.
“Feisty” made me smile!
So many pharmaceuticals are just too harsh, and/or have some really nasty side effects. I eat the “greenery”; it is the best thing I have found for pain. Doctors often prescribe opiates for fibromyalgia pain. Ugh. I feel so fortunate to live in a state where marijuana is completely legal. I am so glad that you have found a system that works for you.
Thanks, Michelle. I cannot wait for the day when I can speak much more openly on this topic. But for now, I will keep it buried in the comments section of my blog rather than prominently featured in the actual blog post text! Because, well, military. I know so many people who have successfully transitioned to marijuana for mental health treatment. It has seriously saved my life. I am certain I would have tragically overdosed on psych meds by now if I hadn’t found a way to be rid of them completely. They just did not do what I needed them to do and so I would take more and more until the desired effect would take hold…which never happened until I was passed out cold from taking too much. What a horrendous cycle to be caught in. And I also know many people who have successfully transitioned from hard core pain management medications to marijuana and it has greatly improved their quality of life. I just wish the legality of it all would get pushed through across the board already! I am so glad that it works for you as well.
Oh! And your outfit is adorable! I love the laced socks. A lovely bit of whimsy!
Thank you much, Michelle! I never would have thought of the lacy socks over tights if not for a subtle hint from my bf. Wink wink.
xoxoxo. 🙂
jodie filogomo
Dang girl. You really know how to be so honest.
Besides the fact, that anything you do that makes you happy and feel good is not silly (well, besides drugs and such…you KNOW what I mean). EVER. Words of widsom from someone even older than you.
Aw, Jodie, thank you! I don’t really know how to be dishonest…and that can sometimes get me in trouble! I am so grateful for all of my amazing friends in this community who make me feel safe in sharing these things.
Marilee Judith Gramith
You’re a smart, strong and hopeful woman Shelbee.
You’re a woman with a practiced plan to weather the sad/badness and keep it under just enough control.
I like your hopefulness Shelbee. Maintaining hope is work that’s with it.
Happy Holidays my friend!!!
P.S. I love your pigtails and the outfit is smashing! French connection?
Jude, thank you so very much, my dear friend. I have learned that sometimes I really just have to surrender to it the sadness or else it will gain too much control if I try to resist it. And honestly, knowing that I always come back out of it really does help. I am so grateful for all of the support in this community even though I insist or weathering the times in silence, only finding enough courage to share it after the fact.
I am on a bit of French kick lately with my style!
I hope your holidays are wonderful!
Marilee Judith Gramith
WORK THAT’S “WORTH” IT ( Damn autocorrect!) 🙂
Ha, Autocorrect has a mind of its own. And sometimes a twisted one at that!
Ruth Josey
Oh Shelbee – I’m so sorry to hear about your dark weekend. I’ve known several people with bipolar disorder and it’s a terrible thing to battle. My niece recently had a baby and a few days after she got home, she had her first bipolar episode ever. She was hospitalized for a week and they found the right combination of medications and, fortunately, six months later she’s in a good place with her beautiful baby girl. It was so frightening, though. I’m so glad your little guys are self-sufficient enough to entertain themselves so you could have some quiet time to get back to where you needed to be. You’re so gorgeous in your skater skirt and red sweater and I love the red socks with the pumps. What a great and fun look, and I can see why this pumped some happy back into you. Thank you so much for the link-up!
And, no, the blog isn’t silly and frivolous. It’s helped to bring you back into the light and look how much support you’ve gotten through people you’ve met through the blog. <3
Ruth, I cannot thank you enough for this beautiful and uplifting comment! I am overwhelmed by all the wonderful support from this community! I love you all! And I am so glad that your niece was able to get a quick diagnosis and the right medication so she can enjoy her life and this new journey into parenthood. I am sending her many positive thoughts!
Treat and Trick
Gorgeous as always and thanks for hosting,,
Thank you so very much and thanks for joining the party!
Cheryl Shops
Oh Shelbee, I’m so sorry you went through a rough patch and I’m glad you’re feeling better. You should know, however, that your blog is not frivolous! You help connect hundreds (if not thousands) of women to each other and spread a lovely message of kindness. And as you just wrote about, looking good helps you feel good. You are not an impostor. You are wonderful!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Aw, Cheryl, thank you, my friend. You just made me tear up a little. The cycles inside my brain can be quite exhausting and I often wonder if everyone has these wild thought processes that cycle round and round. Thank you so much for validating what I do with my little blog space. I do so appreciate this wonderful community and how supportive and encouraging it is.
Shelbee, you have to give yourself credit for showing up and dressing up despite feeling depressed! And you have to be proud of yourself for finding strategies to overcome your illness. So many people don’t!! As I am getting older, the blog helps me to look my best and feel confident, even if I constantly feel like an imposter. I totally get that and ask myself the same question ALL THE TIME. But I chose the blogging journey to learn new things–about tech, about marketing, and especially about myself. Just like you, my friend!
I wish you a great week as we countdown to the Christmas holidays. Keep showing up, my friend.
xx Darlene
Darlene, thank you so very much! I definitely feel proud of myself when I pull through these down swings and when I feel better that is when I realize the importance of sharing my vulnerability. Hopefully, my stories reach the people who need them and based on the wonderful comments that I receive, I think that is validation that I am doing what I should be doing…for myself and others. So yes, I will keep on going despite feeling like an imposter! It does bring me comfort to know that I am not alone feeling like an imposter though. Thanks so much for all of your support and encouragement, my friend!
Karren Haller
My favorite color combination Shelbee, I have more black and red than anything, now when I go shopping I think of my husband and he used to say, don’t you want to find clothes that have more colors? So now when I go shopping I think of Don and find things with more colors, I hope that he would like my changes.
I had a son that dealt with bipolar and manic depression, it all started when he was about 13 and used drugs and that changed his chemistry and he was never the same. And now since the loss of my husband, I sometimes have waves of emotional periods that come out of nowhere, its especially hard during the holidays!
You are a testament as to how tough it can be, the battles you endure, I hope you find comfort in prayer, I will be praying for you my friend. I hope that you find joy during the Holidays and wish you a Merry Christmas!! You always amaze me in what you are wearing, I love your outfit this week!
Karren, thank you so much for your kind and supportive words and for sharing your painful experiences with me. I think it is wonderful that you are shopping for other colors with your husband in mind. And I know how hard it can be to have loved ones who suffer from mental illness. I know I am not the easiest person to be around when I go into crazy cycles. But I will prevail and survive so that I can be a testament to others that we can live fulfilling lives even with Bipolar Disorder. I hope that you are surrounded with your loving family this holiday season. I know the holidays can be especially rough after loss. I will be thinking of you and sending prayers your way as well, my friend.
You look beautiful. Hope you are feeling much better, lovely. I know how you must be feeling as I see someone close go through this too 🙁
I adore your outfit, what an amazing skirt. Thanks for linking up to #CreativeMondays and for hosting.
Claire, thank you so very much! Your kind words and support mean a lot. I am feeling much better now!
I always love being with you here on your link up parties!
You always have a wonderful post and are so very open and honest about your feelings and your journey in life.
I am so sorry to hear you had a bout with depression last weekend.
I only hope you know that we’re all supporting you and that this blog has been a wonderful way to connect with us.
I only wish you a happy Christmas now and always!
Robin, thank you so much! I appreciate all the love and support that this wonderful community brings into my life. And this kind of validation is all I need to push me along…I hope your holiday is so very blessed, my friend.
I love the red with the black and white! i’m sorry you had a tough couple of days. I do think that when I dress up I feel a bit better – that’s why I kept my blog going even in the newborn days and when I had 2 under 2! It felt good to use the clothes I had and not just stay at home in PJs all day. I don’t feel pressure to do it, I just feel better if I do, if you know what I mean.
I’ve been taking pics of what I wear each day for nearly 8 years now and I find it so relaxing, I hope you get back to that place and it doesn’t stress you out again!
Thank you, Mica! I always made sure to get up and get dressed as well when my kids were babies. I did not want to become the mom who spent her days in pajamas and sweatpants. And now that I have been photographing my outfits for over 4 years, it is definitely something I look forward to. And I know exactly what you mean…I just feel better when I am dressed better.
I always return to my healthy place, but the cycles will continue. Writing about them after they pass is one way for me to find healing and gain additional insight about myself to better handle each episode as they come.